

Meryl Streep’s Vogue interview: passionate, intelligent, vital & fascinating

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:47 AM PST

As I previewed yesterday, Meryl Streep covers the new January issue of Vogue Magazine. I thought she was just doing a Vogue cover – HER FIRST EVER – to promote The Iron Lady. Turns out that even The Amazing Meryl has more up her sleeve than a simple film promotion. One of the photos from the Annie Leibovitz shoot – the one where Meryl is walking in a garden – was specially organized because Meryl is a long-time supporter of "safe, organic, and ecologically sustainable food" and she's a "shareholder in the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) organization." Thus, she posed in an organic farm. She also took Annie down to Washington so that she could pose with some of the Washington power players who are campaigning for a National Women's History Museum. Meryl is also the NWHM National Spokesperson. Because Meryl really is that f–king cool. Anyway, you can read the whole (awesome) Vogue article here, and I suggest you do. I've read too many interviews with vapid, coked up morons who think their every burp is high art – Meryl is so refreshing. Bitch has a lot to say about everything.

Meryl's thoughts on Thatcher: Streep knew "the outlines" of the rage that people had about Thatcher. "In this country, it was blended with anti-Reaganism," she says, "but there was a special venom reserved for her, I felt, because she was a woman." Streep very much felt a defensive instinct about her. "With any character I play, where she is me is where I meet her. It's very easy to set people at arm's length and judge them. Yes, you can judge the policies and the actions and the shortcomings—but to live inside that body is another thing entirely. And it's humbling on a certain level and infuriating, just like it is to live in your own body. Because you recognize your own failings, and I have no doubt that she recognized hers."

Did Thatcher ever recognize her own faults? Streep tilts her head and says evenly that Margaret Thatcher was remarkably nonjudgmental. "If you think of a conservative in the United States, we think of a sort of moral Puritan or something. She didn't have any of those things." She shrugs. "I don't know about not promoting women. Here's what really surprised me: From the moment the day started until it was three, four in the morning, she just never, ever stopped, and she worked so hard and relentlessly to be able to be in that position where what she said was the course the nation took. It was really extraordinary, her tirelessness, sheer stamina. When I say that, I really mean it, because I work hard, I know what working hard is and I know what staying up late is, and you can do it for a certain time. But to do it for eleven years? And out of power, to keep on with it, into the sunset? Superhuman."

A story about women and power: "Women and power and diminishment of power and loss of power," she says. "And reconciliation with your life when you come to a point when you've lived most of it and it's behind you. I have always liked and been intrigued by older people, and the idea that behind them lives every human trauma, drama, glory, jokes, love." She was close to her grandmother, and remembers her saying that her husband, Streep's grandfather, would be out playing golf when the school-board elections would come up. "My grandmother didn't give a damn about politics, but she really cared who was going to be on the school board, and she would go out, interrupt him on the eighth hole, and give him a piece of paper with the names of the candidates on it and tell him who to vote for—but she was not allowed to vote. She was not allowed to vote for dogcatcher in her town, never mind president. Never mind imagine being president."

Meryl on her 35-year-long career: She never was an ingenue; when her first film came out, in 1977 (Julia, with Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave), she was 28. In the eighties, the era of Reaganomics and Thatcherism, she made huge movies in a Babel of accents and dialects: The French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice, Silkwood, Out of Africa, A Cry in the Dark. In 1989, she turned 40. "I remember turning to my husband and saying, 'Well, what should we do? Because it's over.' " The following year, she received three offers to play witches in different movies. She saw the subtext pretty clearly: "Once women passed childbearing age they could only be seen as grotesque on some level." But with The Bridges of Madison County (1995) she captured "the audience that were my girls, that I knew they'd get it if we could get the movie made," hence Dancing at Lughnasa and One True Thing, which were also about "women whose usefulness had passed." And her last five years saw hit follow hit: The Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia!, Julie & Julia, It's Complicated. That last film, she says, "in the period of Silkwood, could never have been made, with a 60-year-old actress deciding between her ex-husband and another man. With a 40-year-old actress it would never have been made."

[From Vogue]

God, I feel like applauding after reading that article. Compare Meryl to so many of her male contemporaries – for example, take Meryl's friend Robert DeNiro. He is very active in the revitalization of downtown New York, but he would never sit down for an interview and passionately discuss his decades-long involvements with multiple issues, charities and interests. DeNiro phones it in for the most part these days, with his career and his interests. And look at how vital and how passionate Meryl still is – she's amazing.

Photos courtesy of Leibovitz/Vogue, slideshow here.
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‘Men in Black III’ trailer: Dear Emma Thompson, are you poor?

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:04 AM PST

Dear Emma Thompson,

WTF? Are you poor?

Love, K

So, this is the new trailer for the completely unnecessary third installment for Men In Black. To my recollection, MIB II wasn't even a hit… let me check that out… it did decent business, better than I thought, but it was by no means a super-successful sequel. So why do yet another MIB film? Because Hollywood has run out of ideas? Sidenote: I'm not a big fan of saying "Hollywood has run out of ideas" because I don't think they have – I think there are a lot of extremely talented storytellers who work in Hollywood, people who would make wonderful, interesting, creative films if only the studios would fund those projects. But studios won't fund those projects because the studios worry that no one will go see those kinds of films. The studio thinks you're stupid. And sometimes, you prove them right.

So, anyway. MIB III. Will Smith seems like he's carrying this bitch, and even then, he might be phoning some of it in. I feel for Tommy Lee Jones, that old bastard. He must have wanted a nice paycheck too. As for Emma Thompson and Josh Brolin… I don't even know. Emma's not poor, and neither is Josh. Josh seems like the kind of actor more likely to just sign on to something because it looks fun, which maybe this did…? But Emma… I expected more from her.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Matt Lauer kisses Scarlett Johansson’s butt: “A lot of actresses aren’t as gracious.”

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:58 AM PST

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Matt starts praising Scarlett at 2:24

Scarlett Johansson was on The Today Show this morning to promote We Bought a Zoo, which is out in the US on December 23. Scarlett was wearing a royal blue sleeveless dress with black tights and black pumps. Her hair was styled in matronly shoulder length curls that looked dated to me. Anyway Matt Lauer pretty much kissed Scarlett’s ass the entire interview. You could tell that she was flattered by him, but it was a little cloying the way he kept heaping praises on her. It was all about how Scarlett handled her divorce and her nude photo scandal so well, and how she’s such a professional on set and not a diva. I wouldn’t call dating Sean Penn dealing well with a divorce, but it’s true that she hasn’t talked smack about her ex and has been gracious about Reynolds on the record. She knows what to say in interviews.

Matt: Many of the directors who’ve worked with you go out of their way to say how eager and willing you are to take direction. There are a lot of actresses at your payscale who aren’t as gracious.. why are you like that?

Scarlett: I think that making films is about collaborating. That’s why I love about it. It’s never about going in there and being rigid about what your ideas are… it’s open to interpretation and I always appreciate that kind of collaborative process.

Matt: This has been an interesting year for you… Obviously you got divorced, there was a photo hacking scandal. What have you learned about yourself in this year? And what have you learned about the business you’ve been in?

Scarlett: I’ve been really fortunate. I’ve found that I have had, even in times of crisis, a lot of love around. People have come out of all different dark corners to support [me]. I think I’ve been much more tolerant and much more patient.

Matt read this quote from Interview: “Johansson is coming off one of those years that young actresses seem to have frequently these days, but which she had, until now, miraculously managed to avoid. . But Johansson's response to all of the added—and unwanted—attention she has received for her personal life has also been atypical. Instead of cloistering herself away or lashing out at the paparazzi, she pressed ahead with her business with a kind of unflappable grace.”

Scarlett: I just like the word unflappable. I find that there is a community on film sets and in this industry… it would seem kind of cutthroat, but to me I’ve been in the industry for 20 years and it has that kind of familial feel… When I’m at work I can’t pay attention to anything else but the job at hand.

I guess Today just doesn’t use sperm-brow Ann Curry to conduct fawning celebrity interviews in that dim style of hers. Somehow I feel cheated when it’s Matt Lauer kissing celebrity butt – he’s supposed to be the hard-assed one. Scarlett sounds smarter than most, though, I’ll give her that. Plus it’s probably true that she handled all those scandals very well, at least in her public responses to them. I wouldn’t go so far to praise her as Interview or Lauer did. We heard rumors that she was dating several questionable guys post divorce (and most recently Joseph Gordon Levitt although he’s awesome). Even if all those were casual or just rumors, she was definitely with Sean Penn for a while. But of course Matt Lauer barely mentioned her personal life, because Scarlett is so professional and hardworking. They should have just had Ann Curry interview her and act all faux concerned about how she was coping with the hacking scandal and being single.

Exclusive: Brandi Glanville’s side of the Christmas custody fight, Eddie threatened her 1st

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:32 AM PST

Brandi Glanville e-mailed us over the weekend to let us know her side of the “holiday custody battle” story. We heard a few days ago that Brandi threatened to have her ex, Eddie Cibrian, jailed if he took their two boys out of state for Christmas. Sources told Radar that Brandi is unreasonable, that Eddie has the right to take the boys out of state, and that he’s planning to go to Aspen with the boys and his new wife, LeAnn Rimes. Under the terms of their custody agreement, Brandi gets the boys on Christmas eve and Eddie gets them on Christmas Day. Brandi is frustrated because she was hoping to take her sons to visit her family, but has had to stay in Los Angeles for the past two years to hand the boys off to Eddie on Christmas Day.

Instead of e-mailing or speaking directly with her, Eddie still forces Brandi to go through his assistant to communicate with him. Brandi forwarded us some messages from late November between herself and the assistant. When Brandi brought up the issue of potentially bringing the boys to visit her family on Christmas, the assistant sent her a threatening message directly from Eddie saying that she would be held in contempt of court if she didn’t comply with the custody arrangement. The message was pretty harsh and said that there was no way that the judge would rule in her favor, and that Eddie wasn’t budging on the issue, essentially. At that point, Brandi fired off a text message directly to Eddie saying that he couldn’t take the kids out of state and that she would do the same thing to him – take him in front of a judge – if that happened. So Brandi was just responding to a threat that Eddie originally sent her, through his assistant. Only that one message from Brandi somehow got sent to the news outlets and then Brandi was being unreasonable and threatening Eddie with jail. It was more of a direct response to a threat that he first sent her.

Meanwhile LeAnn and Eddie were pawing all over each other over the weekend at a soccer game for Eddie’s son Mason, 8. You can see the pics here, and they’re ridiculous. Brandi was there too, and she was trying hard to just mind her own business while LeAnn was all “look at me” as usual. Brandi tweeted a response to someone asking a question about the game. She wrote “They are my children, I wouldn’t miss the last soccer game if I could help it.” And LeAnn made sure that the paps didn’t miss it while she played demonstrative “bonus mom” either.

Brandi is shown on 8/13 and 5/21. Credit: WENN and Fame

Lamar Odom traded to Dallas Mavericks, is Khloe Kardashian upset?

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:31 AM PST

Lamar Odom is one of the bigger stars of the LA Lakers, correct? I don't really know because I don't follow any kind of sports activities, but I seem to remember that Lamar won an MVP at some point? Anyway, a few days ago, the Lakers' management seemed to be trying to trade Lamar to any team that would take him. The rumor at first was that Lamar was going to the New Orleans Hornets, then that trade fell by the wayside, and then the Houston Rockets, but that fell away too, and now it's looking like Lamar was traded to the Dallas Mavericks. Khloe and Lamar Take Dallas? Is it krazy that I think Khloe – and the whole Kardashian Klan – would do very well in Texas?

Khloe and Lamar are ready to mess with Texas. After a dramatic several days, basketball star Lamar Odom has been traded from the Los Angeles Lakers to the Dallas Mavericks, the LA Times’ Lakers Blog confirmed late Saturday.

Odom, 32, was initially set to be traded to the New Orleans Hornets as part of a nixed exchange of players between the Lakers, Hornets and the Houston Rockets.

Right now, it’s unclear exactly why Odom was ousted from the Lakers — sports blogs speculate that managers may have wanted to “dump” his costly $17 million salary and/or create opportunities to recruit other star players to the team.

Odom — who had skipped Lakers practice before the Dallas deal was announced — has remained quiet about the news, but his wife Khloe Kardashian took to Twitter late to grapple with their impending move to Texas.

“‘For I know the plans I have for u,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper u and not to harm u, plans to give u hope and a future.’ Jeremiah,” she wrote philosophically.

But the reality star, 27, also fought back against theories that her own celebrity somehow inspired the trade. “I am curious as to how I am the cause for any trade? LOL Some people just say anything behind their computer screens.”

“We are all sad,” she admitted to a follower, “but positive energy gets you farther then negative.”

She stayed optimistic about her move to the Lone Star state. “I am sure I will love it but I am a tad thrown off…I know for a fact blessings are everywhere!!! Everything happens for a reason. God is great.”

[From Us Weekly]

From what I know about Texas cities, I think Lamar and Khloe probably would have enjoyed Houston more? Austin would have been the preferred city, then Houston, and then maybe Dallas. Dallas – from my limited knowledge – is very old-money and oil-baron friendly? Or is that just the stereotype I have? You know who lives in Dallas now? George W. Bush. That's where he and Laura have retired. Khloe and Lamar Take Bush Country? Still, I think Khloe would probably enjoy it if she gave the city a chance.

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Woody Allen’s son disgusted by his dad marrying his sister & won’t talk to him

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:05 AM PST

You may know about this story already but it’s news to me. Woody Allen and Mia Farrow’s biological son Ronan Farrow, 23, is a former child prodigy and now works as a Special Adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Ronan is so gifted that he graduated Bard college at 16 and then went on to Yale law school, which he graduated at 21. Apparently Ronan threw himself into his studies and later his career, and hates his dad and doesn’t even talk to him. Who can blame him when his father married his own sister? Soon Yi is 41 now but she was just 21 when she allegedly first started seeing Woody in 1991, who was 55 at the time. As background which you probably already know, Soon-Yi was adopted by Farrow and her then-husband, Andre Previn, in 1978 when she was about eight years old. Farrow and Previn split up and she got together with Allen in 1980, when Soon-Yi was about 10. Once Soon-Yi was legal (or maybe before), Woody was all over that. It’s interesting to hear how his son feels about it. Again, these quotes are older but they’re new to me.

‘He’s my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and his brother-in-law. That is such a moral transgression,’ Ronan has said.

‘I cannot see him. I cannot have a relationship with my father and be morally consistent… I lived with all these adopted children, so they are my family. To say Soon-Yi was not my sister is an insult to all adopted children,’ – Via The Daily Mail. Quotes are from several years ago.

“Ronan grew to hate his father,” continued the source. “He was disgusted by Woody and his relationship with Soon Yi.”

“Ronan couldn’t care less if Woody’s proud of him or not,” added the source. “The only person who matters to him is his mother.”

[From The Daily Mail and The National Enquirer, print edition, December 19, 2011]

I guess this story of Ronan’s estrangement from his dad came out again after the news late last month that Ronan had been awarded a prestigious Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford for a year. There also was a PBS special on Woody called American Masters that aired recently, and Woody “never mentions Ronan in the entire three-and-a-half hour series,” according to The Daily Mail. For her part Mia Farrow has acknowledged no longer speaking with her daughter Soon-Yi, who is still married to Woody Allen. Mia said of Soon-Yi in 2006It's been a long time now. And I really don't think of her as my daughter any more. I can't. She isn't. She's estranged – and strange.”

Woody and Mia had son Ronan and they also adopted two children together. Mia had three biological children and three adopted children from her relationship with Andre Previn prior to Woody. After Mia and Woody split up, she went on to adopt six more children to bring her total number of kids up to 15. That must have been a pretty crazy household.

Woody and Soon-Yi Previn are shown in Rome on July 21, 2011. Woody is holding the hand of his adopted daughter, Manzie. They are also shown at Cannes on May 11, 2011. Ronan and Mia Farrow are both shown in 2009. Credit: WENN and Fame

Lindsay Lohan’s latest crack drama: her purse was “stolen” & then returned

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:04 AM PST

For the love of all that is holy… Lindsay Lohan has more crack drama. But the bitch is so stupid, she's just repeating old crack dramas at this point. A few days ago, LL decided she needed a vacation – probably because she's been working SO HARD at the morgue. So LL, Ali and Pootie flew to Hawaii – see photos here. Apparently, her probation officer said it was okay, and you know that LL has a court date this week too, so she traveled to Hawaii with the understanding that she would be back for her court date. Unfortunately, LL is a crackhead who creates her crack drama wherever she goes – she left her Chanel purse unattended and wouldn't you know, it got stolen. OH NOES. How ever will she be able to make it back to California? How 2010 Cannes Film Festival of her.

Lindsay Lohan’s Hawaii vacation just got a whole lot more stressful — TMZ has learned, she got her purse stolen last night … containing everything from her passport to tons of cash.

Sources close to Lindsay tell TMZ, Linds had been at a house party in Laie, Hawaii for about two hours — NOT drinking — and accidentally left her $5,000 Chanel purse in the car. When she came out, the purse was gone.

According to sources, the purse contained her passport (and other ID), her probation paperwork — giving her permission to take the trip — and lots of cold hard cash … good idea.

But it gets crazier — Lindsay is due back in California court on Wednesday for a hearing about her probation. It’s extremely unlikely, but if she misses her court date, the judge could find her in contempt and revoke her probation, landing her in the pokey.

If it all sounds familiar — it’s because the same exact thing happened to Lindsay last year while she was in Cannes … ‘Memba that?

Kahuku Police are currently investigating the situation.

[From TMZ]

Wait until the bench warrant is issued, then suddenly her purse and her passport will no longer be "missing" and she'll be able to fly home right away. Some of you were wondering why she's carrying her passport – I was assuming it's because of all of the drama with her driver's license, right? She needs a photo ID to fly, so she's probably just using her passport? Or she's just carrying her passport because she's a dumb crackie and why not? Whatever.

UPDATE: Yeah… the purse has been returned, minus $10,000 cash.

Lindsay Lohan’s purse has made it back to its rightful owner safe and sound — passport and everything — but sources tell TMZ, the thief kept one massive jackpot … $10,000 in cash.

TMZ broke the story … Lindsay’s $5,000 Chanel purse was stolen last night from a Hawaii house party — and inside the bag … her passport, important probation docs, and a boatload of cash.

Sources tell us, Lindsay stayed long after police left — driving the entire party into a frenzy for hours looking for the purse — and up until this morning, she had come up empty.

But that’s when one of her friend’s eyed a suspicious-looking local, and asked if he knew where the bag was. We’re told the local denied everything, but showed up with the bag minutes later … claiming he found it on the street somewhere.

We’re told Lindsay was so ecstatic to have the bag back, she didn’t bother asking questions — despite the missing $10,000.

Traveler’s checks, people.

[From TMZ]

Dumb crackie. You know that $10,000 was her drug budget. She’s such a stupid drama queen.

Would you like more excerpts from LL's Playboy interview? They're pretty bad:

“Sex and sexuality are a part of nature, and I go along with nature,” the Mean Girls star says of her in-the-buff photos, which are an homage to the late Monroe’s own iconic Playboy spread. “Knowing yourself and your body is so important because it gives you confidence, and in life, women need confidence.”

In the leaked pics, Lohan wears just a pair of a pumps, with her blonde locks in retro-style waves and with her lips a bright shade of vampy red.

“It’s a very male-dominated world to begin with, so knowing yourself and being comfortable with your body is an important thing for me as a woman. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this is mine.”

The former Disney cutiepie, of course, hasn’t had the most confidence-building several years, as her movie roles dried up and she ran into frequent troubles with the law over her partying, her drug and alcohol abuse, a related DUI, subsequent probation violations, even the theft of an expensive necklace.

But, looking forward, she says she’s learned from those transgressions. “Ultimately we are each responsible for ourselves and for our actions,” says the star, who has dodged long-term jail sentences more than once. “Looking back, I probably would have listened to and taken more advice from the people whom I admire and would have followed through with it more.”

How did the real trouble begin? Muses Lohan: “My stubbornness at 18 and 19 years old got in the way. During the past five years, I’ve learned that time flies faster than you think, and because you only live once you have to learn from your mistakes, live your dreams and be accountable.”

[From Us Weekly]

"…because you only live once you have to learn from your mistakes, live your dreams and be accountable…" ??? Is she living her dream as an international call girl? Is anything about her cracked-out legal dramas about accountability? Does she ever learn from her "mistakes"?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Kate Winslet’s ex-boyfriend Louis Dowler says “I don’t think Kate behaved well”

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:04 AM PST

Back in September, Kate Winslet seemed to become instantly enamored with Richard Branson's nephew, Ned RocknRoll. Ned was married at the time, but likely estranged from his (rich) wife. Kate was actually "with" Louis Dowler at the time too – Kate and Louis had been on and off for more than a year, but were seemingly loved up just a few weeks before Kate and Ned made their debut as a couple. It seems more and more like Kate and Ned had that "thunderbolt" moment and they both dumped their partners very quickly. Now Louis Dowler is speaking out about how brutally Kate treated him, although he doesn't really go into details or a specific timeline. It's interesting though:

Nearly three months after he was unceremoniously dumped by Kate Winslet when she took up with Richard Branson's party-loving nephew, her former love is still coming to terms with the break-up — and the way he was so brutally discarded.

Speaking publicly for the first time since he was abandoned by the Oscar-winning actress, male model Louis Dowler, 35, says: 'I don't think Kate behaved well and it is still very raw for me.'

Famous for her own emotional performances at award ceremonies, Kate, 35, left Dowler close to tears after they went on what should have been a romantic trip to Branson's Caribbean hideaway on Necker Island this summer. Instead, it was a disaster. While Kate was hailed a hero for rescuing Sir Richard's mother, Eve, from the fire which engulfed the luxurious retreat, Louis was devastated when the trip ended with the actress flying to New York with Ned Abel Smith.

'I was in love with her and you can't switch that off overnight,' Dowler tells me. 'I'm not sure Kate treated me well.'

For his part Abel Smith, who eccentrically changed his name by deed poll some years ago to Ned RocknRoll, subsequently informed his wife, Eliza Pearson, 23, the sweet-natured daughter of multi-millionaire Viscount Cowdray, that he had fallen for the Titantic star.

While Eliza took it on the chin, Louis is still struggling with what happened.

'Kate came home with me to Cornwall and we just hung out together. She met my parents and family,' he says. 'I thought we were inseparable. I certainly haven't found anyone else since.'

The Burberry model says that at first he was blissfully happy with Kate when they met after her split from film director husband Sam Mendes, spending time at her £2.5 million New York apartment.

Louis, who was at a party for the Omega boutique at the new Westfield shopping centre in East London, adds: 'I don't want to go into details but it wasn't a straightforward break-up. I'm a laid-back guy, so I am not walking around with a long face — but I do still hold a torch for her.'

[From The Mail]

Apparently Louis didn't know what I knew just from looking at photos – that Kate just wanted to be with some pretty and uncomplicated, a “just-for-now dong” and when someone "better" came along, she was going to dump Louis. Poor Louis, though. I thought he was a dolt (and he really might be), but he's a dolt with a broken heart. Winslet is such a heartbreaker!

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian pose for “candid” photos with Mason & Jake

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:52 AM PST

These are photos of LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian and Eddie's sons Jake and Mason yesterday. They all went to a "Cookies 4 Kids" events which benefited a cancer charity, and then they went to the Malibu Country Mart or something. Throughout the whole outing, LeAnn, Eddie and the kids got pap'd. It's been happening more and more when LeAnn is around the kids, but I suspect this photo shoot was a set-up specifically because Brandi Glanville and Eddie are in the midst of custody disagreement regarding the kids' Christmas plans. Brandi contacted CB yesterday to tell us her side of the story – you can read CB's exclusive here. It's pretty clear that Eddie (and LeAnn) are leaking certain pieces of information about Brandi and their ongoing custody drama.

So what's the point of this photo op? Happy, happy family! Look, "Bonus Mom" LeAnn is so comfortable with the kids! Look, Mason and Jake seem to adore her! Look, Eddie is a great father! Et cetera. Blah. The photos would be more interesting if LeAnn wasn't so obviously squinting and posing for the cameras.

Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.
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Angelina Jolie “got lost” on Amazon.com, likes to shop with catalogs

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:24 AM PST

It's so sad, Angelina Week is over. Boo! Now we just have to content ourselves all of the photos from last week, plus tons of interviews which are still being released. On Friday, Angelina's longish USA Today interview came out, and I didn't get a chance to read it until the weekend. You can read the full thing here – she talks a lot about In the Land of Blood and Honey, of course, but she also throws in some personal details. Remember how In Touch Weekly's sources claimed that Angelina was seriously addicted… to online shopping? Well, Angelina claims that she can't even figure out Amazon. AMAZON! One of the easiest sites to navigate, honestly.

Angelina Jolie isn’t the wild child she once was — and she’s OK with that. Describing her younger self as “experimental, bold and a bit nutty,” the now 36-year-old actress tells USA Today she was “absolutely self-destructive” early in her career.

“I think a lot of young people in this business lose their way. You don’t know what is of value. You don’t know where you are. And you know something’s wrong, because it isn’t life as it actually is,” Jolie explains. “It’s like living in some warped reality.”

The actress — who shares six children with partner of six years Brad Pitt, 47 — finally settled down “once I started to learn about the world and I became grateful for everything that I certainly have. Since going through my first war zone, never have I woken up and not been simply grateful.”

Once she adopted son Maddox in 2002, the In the Land of Blood and Honey director realized there was no going back. “I knew once I committed to Maddox, I would never be self-destructive again,” Jolie says. “Now I have five more [kids], so I have to behave.”

Given her multiple responsibilities as a mother, lover, actress, director and U.N. ambassador, Jolie has learned how to multitask over the years. “I always Christmas shop early in case we have to travel somewhere,” she says.

“Brad and I were on Amazon.com for the first time a week ago. But we got lost. After an hour, we just shut it off,” she tells USA Today. “My brain is too scattered and the wires go in different directions. I’ll stick to catalogs.”

[From Us Weekly]

"But we got lost. After an hour, we just shut it off…" Because Angelina Jolie is now your mom who asks you "What's up with all of this Facebooking?" Except that even my mother can navigate Amazon! So… Angelina and Brad just aren't good at technical stuff? Angelina has claimed that before, so I guess I'll believe her, but I thought more of Brad's skills. Turns out he sucks at technical stuff too.

Oh, and what catalogs are they ordering from? I want to know! I used to work the phones at a catalog company, and I would be floored if Angelina was actually calling up and giving item numbers and checking on availability. What if you were the one who had to tell Angelina that you no longer had the Empress's hoodie in pink?

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