Within the modern spectacle of Hollywood, we’ve grown so used to seeing women going to great lengths to stay youthful, so it’s almost — for lack of a better word — refreshing to watch a man struggling to do the same. In this case, that man is Tom Cruise, who is shown here (Katie-less on the red carpet) with Anil Kapoor, Brad Bird, Paula Patton and Simon Pegg at the world premiere of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol at the Dubai International Film Festival. (No Jeremy Renner? Boo.) Presumably, the film is being unleashed in Dubai because the phallic Burj Khalifa is featured quite prominiently within the film, and Tom has either heavily tanned or been made up to fit right in with the desert atmosphere of the city.
Honestly, it’s not that I necessarily set out to make a huge point of Tom’s appearance, but it’s just an unavoidable tactic when Tom he tries so hard to cling to the sexy. Although I’ll give him credit for undertaking a very subtle set of refreshments during his quest, for he’s certainly hasn’t yet arrived in the cat-facedterritory of Shane Warne. In fact, Tom still looks pretty natural when he tilts his face and gets all angular with the camera:
Yet when you look at him straight on when his face is level, it’s fairly obvious that this man is developing a serious case of Madonna-esque Pillow Face:
Here’s some more photos of Tom at the premiere, including one with some paid fans. Just kidding. Maybe.
It's not like I want to see Reese Witherspoon's vadge. I don't. At all. And I certainly don't want to see the outline of her vadge so many times that I could draw it from memory. But for some reason, that's what's happening. This is the second time in three weeks that Reese has stepped outside taken her cameltoe for a walk and gotten joyfully pap'd – go here to see the earlier photos. I think these are the same leggings too – so maybe that's the issue? One pair of unflattering, too-tight-in-the-crotch leggings that Reese simply refuses to admit aren't all that great or comfortable. I'm pretty sure she's going commando in these leggings too – which disturbs me. It makes me think that Reese wants us to look at her cameltoe.
Maybe she's promoting something with her cameltoe? Could be. Her new film, This Means War, is coming out in February which is probably not a good sign. I was thinking that "Oh, I bet they'll release it for Valentine's Day" - nope. It comes out days after Valentine's Day, on the 17th. And just last week, Reese and Tom Hardy were doing reshoots too, which is also a bad sign, especially this close to the release date. Is Reese going to have another bomb on her hands? Could it be that all of this friendly cameltoe is part of a campaign to make Reese more relevant?
Here's the new, just-released international trailer for This Means War. There's not much difference between this one and the American trailer, only this one has less Chelsea Handler. Obviously, because no one gives a crap about Chelsea Handler outside of America, and it doesn't seem like Chelsea is a particularly good "actress".
So last week there was a multi-state manhunt on for country star Mindy McCready and her five year-old son, Zander. Mindy took Zander from his court-appointed guardian, Mindy’s mother, in Florida. She went all the way to Arkansas, where US Marshalls and police officers found her hiding in a closet of a summer home with the boy. The home was owned by Mindy’s boyfriend. This woman has multiple DUI, drug and assault charges, and she’s claimed that she couldn’t have kidnapped the son she doesn’t have legal custody of because “it would be impossible for me to kidnap what already belongs to me.” In a recent court hearing in Arkansas, Zander was allowed to stay in Arkansas, for now, with a temporary foster family. The court details were sealed so it’s unclear what the judge’s reasoning was or how long the ruling was for. Mindy considers it a victory of sorts.
Well now Mindy is on 20/20 defending herself. Good Morning America had a preview today and she was just as defensive and haughty about her actions as you would expect. She also claimed that poor Zander was screaming and pleading with the police with drawn guns who found them. Mindy claims Zander said “Please don’t touch me, please don’t touch me, please don’t touch my mommy …. I want to be with my mommy!” She’s complaining about how her son was traumatized by a situation that she created. The kid is five years old. Of course he wants to be with his mom, but a judge ruled that she was an unfit parent. Her reasoning for seizing Zander was the same we’ve heard from her before: she gave birth to him, so she pretty much owns him.
"What I did was to protect my child," she said, "and there’s not a person in the world who will tell me I am wrong.”
The country singer, 36, said when authorities found she and her son at her boyfriend David Wilson’s Arkansas lake house Friday, the boy began screaming and crying for his mother.
“Please don’t touch me, please don’t touch me, please don’t touch my mommy …. I want to be with my mommy!” McCready said Zander, 5, was screaming.
McCready’s mother, Gayle Inge, has had custody of her son since 2007, but the country singer says she feels taking him was not illegal.
“I do not, and will not ever think, that the child who I carried for nine months, who I gave birth to in the hospital by myself … that that would ever be breaking the law," she said…
Zander has been in foster care in Arkansas since Friday night; after her most recent court appearance Monday, McCready said things in the sealed case were moving in the right direction.
The details of why McCready took her son were not revealed in this teaser clip, but the interviewer said McCready “reveals some of her family’s deepest, darkest secrets and they were shocking.” Given how she justifies taking him by claiming that she gave birth to him, I would bet that she doesn’t need much of an excuse. We’ve heard that she’s accused her mother of abusing Zander, but no specifics have yet been given and she’s spent a lot of time defending herself and claiming that the boy is hers anyway. If he were being abused, you would think that she would lead with those details instead of continuing to insist that he’s her property. If she has specific details and evidence that Zander was abused though, I’ll gladly eat my words. If she did have that, why would she have stolen the child in the first place?
Also, the reporter said that McCready is six months’ pregnant with twins. Last week McCready told the AP she was seven months pregnant, and her rep told People she was five months pregnant.
Angelina Week is going full-force! And now we even have some tabloid reports to go along with all of our new photos and interviews. Us Weekly has a bizarre (or on-target?) report about Angelina's thinness, which… I'm kind of tired of people discussing Jolie's thinness. She doesn't really look any heavier or thinner since last year or the year before. She lost a lot of weight after her mom died, and then slowly come back to the figure she has now, which I think it probably close to her natural state. Would I love for Angelina to put on 20 pounds? Of course. I think she would look great with some additional weight on her bones. But to me, she doesn't look scary-skinny like too many of the girls who bulimia their way to slender figures.
Unlike some of her peers, Angelina Jolie’s pin thin frame has nothing to do with vanity.
The U.N. goodwill ambassador, 36, who travels the globe meeting the poor, “puts herself on fasts to make statements for the children she visits,” a Jolie source tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands Friday).
“She says, ‘If they can’t eat, I can’t eat,’” the source adds. The busy mother of six “does different cleanses from around the world. It’s very dramatic, but that’s how she gets.”
If she does eat a burger and fries, says the source, "she feels guilty about it."
The actress — currently promoting her directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey — has partner Brad Pitt, 47, worrying about her health, says a second insider.
“He’s worried about her and has made her see a zillion doctors, but they keep telling her she’s fine.”
Yeah, I don't believe this. I think Jolie – or anyone who works in famine-ravaged areas of the world – has moments of guilt at being from a country of plenty, but she's been doing UNHCR work for more than a decade. I just don't buy that this is her thought process.
Meanwhile, Page Six had this story about Angelina this morning:
Angelina Jolie is asking politicians for their opinions on her movie, "In the Land of Blood and Honey," set during the Bosnian war. At a Hearst Tower screening Tuesday night, director Jolie told Marie Claire editor Joanna Coles that she's discussed the film with Bill Clinton, who "has [it], but has not watched it."
She also said she was "nervous" for the reaction of former NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark, a consultant on the film. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright also has a copy. As for the current administration, Jolie said, "We'd hope to send it to anyone who is willing to sit down and watch it."
Well, considering that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's elbow is Team Aniston, I'm guessing Angie won't be sending it to Hills. But I'm sure Bubba enjoys Angelina, although she's too skinny for his tastes. Maybe Robert Gates wants to see it? I'm surprised Jolie didn't send it to Colin Powell – you know that she's tight with him, right?
As far as Toddlers and Tiaras moms go, this one isn’t as bad as most. She has a son with a two foot rattail, but at least she’s not bleaching her children’s teeth, dressing them up like hookers or giving them Botox and bikini waxes. (That we know of.) Pageant mom Katie tells the camera that she had her two kids, a boy and a girl, specifically so she could put them in pageants. Her son Bob, 6, and daughter Riley, 5, are both little stars and they draw their inspiration from drag queens like RuPaul, according to their mom. They’ve even been to a few drag shows to learn how to be fierce. Well, they’re giving credit where it’s due really. E! has a good recap of last night’s season opener along with a longer clip (honestly I didn’t watch the whole show.):
It’s the holiday season and Toddlers & Tiaras is the gift that keeps on giving.
In the season opener, we meet pageant mom Katie, who tells us: “I had the children so we could do the pageants.”
And where do she and hubby Robert find inspiration for their kids’ talent routines? Why, drag queens, of course!
“We have taken our children to several drag shows,” Katie tells us. “We take a lot of our inspiration from RuPaul. He’s our favorite queen.”
But of course. And kids Bob, 6, and Riley, 5, seem pretty happy with learning how to be fierce. Bob even lets mom glue fake eyelashes on him for fun.
Alas, Katie agreed to her hubby’s nixing of RuPaul as the music selection for Riley’s talent routine, so she is quite upset when another child contestant puts some bass in her walk with Ru’s “Cover Girl.”
Then again, there’s always Lady Gaga, right, Katie? “I’ve had her perform ‘Poker Face’ on the bar at Applebee’s,” she says of daughter Riley, causing the offscreen interviewer to do a double take.
“It’s not like people threw dollars at her or anything,” the mom rationalizes. “She’s not a stripper.”
I’ve been to a few drag shows and they may or may not be appropriate for kids. It just depends on if they’re raunchy, campy or both. I like this mom’s attitude, though. She’s like “whatever, the drag queens are fierce, I deliberately had kids to turn them into little mini queens.” I wonder if this is all she does for a living. She probably made her daughter dance on the bar at Applebees so that she could distract everyone while she raided the bartender’s tip jar and stuck a bottle of Smirnoff under her coat.
Radar Online has an exclusive that 17 year-old precocious bride Courtney Stodden and her 51 year-old husband, Doug Hutchison, have turned down a spot on a VH1 show called “Relationship Rehab.” It’s a similar d-list famewhore version of “Celebrity Rehab,” probably because they realized they needed a spin off for all the people Dr. Drew was diagnosing as “love addicts.” A source tells Radar that they considered it, but it “wasn’t a perfect fit for the kind of show they wanted to do.” Read: it wasn’t enough money, and the show wasn’t focused solely on them and whatever warped story they wanted to tell involving lucite glitter stripper heels, uncomfortably explicit alliterative sexual innuendos, and statutory rape.
Courtney, 17, and her 51-year-old husband Doug Hutchison were offered a spot on Relationship Rehab, a show being produced by Celebrity Rehab’s John Irwin. It will follow couples living together in a Los Angeles home who would get counseling by world renowned therapists and participate in therapeutic activities and planned events.
“Though Doug and Courtney considered the offer, in the end they felt that this wasn’t a perfect fit for the kind of show they wanted to do,” a source told RadarOnline.com.
“There has been a lot of speculation about their marriage and a lot of people are just waiting for the inevitable ‘train wreck’ to happen, but Doug and Courtney have an incredibly strong relationship and seem very happy together,” the source said.
“So doing a show about going into ‘rehab’ just doesn’t make sense for them.”
RadarOnline.com has learned that Courtney and Doug were offered between $150,000 and $200,000 to appear on the eight-episode series that would have been filmed over three weeks. “By turning down Relationship Rehab Doug and Courtney walked away from a nice chuck of change,” the insider said.
Courtney’s mom-ager Krista Stodden told RadarOnline.com why the famed couple made the decision to turn down the show. “Doug and Courtney are faced with an array of career opportunities and offers each and every day. I’m impressed by their ability to stay true to their convictions and stand behind any decision to respectfully pass on projects that they may feel are not completely right for them.”
These two and Courtney’s creepy ass momager have their eyes on the prize. They probably think they can have a reality career like the Kardashians along with a whole media empire. In their minds, $150k is chump change and will damage the “classy,” “beautiful,” “old Hollywood” brand they’re trying to project. It takes some real delusional famehos to get here, but they’re not going to take it to the next level. They’re Salahis, not Kardashians. Courtney is going to fall on her fat-lipped face. Probably literally, given how small her stripper heels are for her feet.
Day 4 of Angelina Week. I am starting to grow tired of the media blitz. With Brangelina, it really is feast or famine. You can go months without any real news or genuine quotes from either of them, and then when either of them starts promoting something, I can't even keep up with all of the press they do. Let's see what we've got so far… Angelina will appear on the cover of the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter, which is interesting. They haven't released the interview yet, though. Yesterday, all of the Jolie-Pitts enjoyed an outing to FAO Schwartz – you can see the photos here. All of the kids were making faces, but Angelina looked happy. Speaking of the kids, I go a chance to read Angelina's full Marie Claire interview (which I previewed yesterday), and it's really good. She talks about the kids a lot, and she says nice things about her "love" Brad Pitt. Oh, and the quote about her lack of girlfriends… yeah, that one will make headlines. Here are some highlights:
The Bosnian War: “I think it is still hard to understand what happened, and how it could happen 40 minutes away from Italy in the ’90s, at the time ‘Schindler’s List’ came out,” Angelina says. “You can’t make sense of something that innately doesn’t make sense: to rape and kill your neighbor with whom you have lived forever,” she added.
Jolie wrote the film as “an excuse to get out some of my frustrations [with] the international community and justice issues. I just assumed nobody would ever see or read it.”
How did she write? “Some of the very darkest sections were probably conceived in Shiloh’s art class; I was in the back corner, waiting for the kids to finish. And then somehow it slowly ended up being read by Brad, and then friends. There was a discussion of making it, and I just was terrified to hand it over to anybody. It wasn’t that I said, ‘I’m going to write something, and I want to direct it.’”
On girlfriends: “It was nice for me to play with other girls; I don't really have girlfriends in movies, if you've noticed," she says, suggesting that the same is true off-camera as well. She quickly corrects herself: "Well, I have a few girlfriends. I just…I stay home a lot. I’m just not very social. I don’t do a lot with them, and I’m very homebound.”
Eventually quitting acting: “That doesn’t mean I’m stopping tomorrow. But I woke up one day realizing, God, I’m an actor. I don’t think I intended to be an actor. I think my mother wanted it for me. I loved telling stories, and I enjoyed the profession, but it is too late to be something else?,” the actress says.
On Brad Pitt: “He has expanded my life in ways I never imagined. We built a family. He is not just the love of my life, he is my family. I hold that very dear. I suppose what I’ve learned from Brad is to be able to have the kind of family whose happiness and well-being comes before your own. I’m very, very grateful to have such a loving family, and I wouldn’t have that without him,” Angelina explains.
Giving her kids security: “If they see Mommy and Daddy in need of some private time ’cause they’re going to kiss and whatever, the kids get all giggly and happy. Because it gives them some security,” Jolie says.
Another baby? “Nothing planned at the moment, but we just don’t know. I could end up pregnant,” Angelina says.
On Knox: "Knox is very much a dude. Very physical, tough. He loves dinosaurs and swords."
On Vivienne: "She is so elegant and delicate. Vivi will pick flowers from the garden and put them in her hair. She likes to get her nails done and collects stuffed animals. It's funny for me to have to buy all things pink and watch princess movies!"
On Zahara: She's begun horseback riding – "she has found her thing."
On Shiloh: She's been riding the four-wheel vehicles known as quads – "It's very funny to watch Brad try to teach Shiloh because she doesn't want to listen. She doesn't want Dad to sit on the back. She doesn't want to learn about the brakes. She just wants to go!… it's the combination of the two of us."
On Pax: "He is extremely wild, but he has a very, very good heart. You know, like those punk rockers – when you really get to know them and they are just pussycats. But at the same time, he is going to get in some kind of trouble."
On Maddox: "I'll be doing something and I'll be frustrated, and he'll hold my hand and say, 'Are you feeling tired? Is that why you're upset?' Yeah, he really does take care of me."
Maddox, the little caretaker. Do you think Maddox ever wishes he and his mom could go back to when it was just the two of them? I'm sure he's a lovely older brother, but I do think Madd and Angelina have a special bond – the bond of the first child and a single mom. And Empress Z rides horses! She really is royalty, isn't she? She and Queen Elizabeth II should meet. But seriously, how lovely is the quote about Brad? "He is not just the love of my life, he is my family." GAH! My Brangelina obsession just went into overdrive.
A lot of people assumed that Alec Baldwin was probably in the wrong when he got kicked off an American Airlines flight for playing Words With Friends on his phone. The guy has some well known anger management issues and it’s not a stretch to assume that he acted like an entitled ass. Still, flying can be a demeaning experience and it’s similarly easy to imagine Alec getting singled out and taunted by a flight attendant. According to Alec, that’s exactly what happened. After he live tweeted his experience on the flight, Alec deleted his Twitter account. He later penned an essay for the Huffington Post detailing what happened. The way he explains it, the cabin door was closed, the plane was at the gat and everyone was sitting there, playing with their phones. In his version, one mean flight attendant kept telling him to put his device away, but everyone else was doing it and she was ignoring them. Here’s his story:
First off, I would like to apologize to the other passengers onboard the American Airlines flight that I was thrown off of yesterday. It was never my intention to inconvenience anyone with my “issue” with a certain flight attendant.
I suppose a part of my frustration lay with the fact that I had flown American for over 20 years and was brand loyal, in the extreme. The ticketing agents and Admiral’s Club staff have always been nothing but abundantly helpful to me, as I have flown hundreds of thousands of miles with the one carrier.
My confusion began when the flight, already a half hour behind schedule, boarded, the door closed, and we proceeded to sit at the gate for another fifteen minutes. I then did what I have nearly always done and that was to pull out my phone to complete any other messaging I had to do before take off. In nearly all other instances, the flight attendants seemed to be unbothered by and said nothing about such activity, by me or anyone else, until we actually were pulling away from the gate.
In this case, while other people were still manipulating their own phones, this one employee singled me out to put my phone away. Afterward, we still sat at the gate. I pulled out my phone again, while others did the same. Again, I was singled out by this woman in the most unpleasant of tones. I guess the fact that this woman, who had decided to make some example of me, while everyone else was left undisturbed, did get the better of me.
However, I have learned a valuable lesson. Airlines in the US are struggling with fuel costs, labor costs, bankruptcies, you name it. It’s no secret that the level of service on US carriers has deteriorated to a point that would make Howard Hughes red-faced. Filthy planes, barely edible meals, cuts in jet service to less-traveled locations. One of the big changes, in my time, is in the increase of the post-9/11, paramilitary bearing of much of the air travel business. September 11th was a horrific day in the airline industry, yet in the wake of that event, I believe carriers and airports have used that as an excuse to make the air travel experience as inelegant as possible.
Most of the flight attendants I have ever encountered still have some remnant of the old idea of service. Add to that the notion that in this day and age, many people have a lot of important work to do, by phone, and would like to do so till the last possible minute. But there are many now who walk the aisles of an airplane with a whistle around their neck and a clipboard in their hands and they have made flying a Greyhound bus experience.
The lesson I’ve learned is to keep my phone off when the 1950′s gym teacher is on duty. That was my fault there, even though this trip was quite a bit different from so many others. But it is sad, I think, that you’ve got to fly overseas today in order to bring back what has been thrown overboard by US carriers in terms of common sense, style, and service.
His story kind of resonated with me, to be honest. I’m not saying he was in the right by any means or that he shouldn’t have just given in. He should have, he knows the rules and everyone has to follow them. I fly a lot, though, and the flight attendants have the power to make or break your flight. So I don’t blame Alec for putting American Airlines on blast, especially if they treated him like that. Again, I’m not saying he should have stood his ground at all. He just should have put the phone away and tried to read a magazine or something. Everyone is supposed to put their devices away, even if they weren’t doing it at the time.
American Airlines has issued their own response to this story. They make the claim that Alec was abrasive, that he swore at the flight attendant, and that went to the bathroom and slammed the door while the seatbelt light was still on. Supposedly the cabin crew heard the door slam and got worried.
Since an extremely vocal customer has publicly identified himself as being removed from an American Airlines flight on Tuesday, Dec. 6, we have elected to provide the actual facts of the matter as well as the FAA regulations which American, and all airlines, must enforce. Cell phones and electronic devices are allowed to be used while the aircraft is at the gate and the door is open for boarding. When the door is closed for departure and the seat belt light is turned on, all cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off for taxi-out and take-off. This passenger declined to turn off his cell phone when asked to do so at the appropriate time. The passenger ultimately stood up (with the seat belt light still on for departure) and took his phone into the plane’s lavatory. He slammed the lavatory door so hard, the cockpit crew heard it and became alarmed, even with the cockpit door closed and locked. They immediately contacted the cabin crew to check on the situation. The passenger was extremely rude to the crew, calling them inappropriate names and using offensive language. Given the facts above, the passenger was removed from the flight and denied boarding.
If both versions are correct – if Alec really was singled out by a nasty flight attendant and then he did respond like this – I get both sides. I would have acquiesced the first time, I would have turned my phone off and put it away and sat there seething wondering why everyone else got to use their phones while I didn’t. In my mind though, I would have stood my ground and told them all off, making a huge scene. Hell I’ve wanted to do that on plenty of flights in the past. As it is, both parties were in the wrong and a whole plane full of people with busy lives got inconvenienced. I hate flying.
After I wrote all that, I noticed that a flight attendant’s organization issued a response to Alec. It’s frankly pretty bitchy, but I guess he deserves it. The rudeness goes both ways on flights, as this story shows. If you think about how much it sucks to fly, it must suck even more to be a flight attendant.
hile I personally enjoy Words with Friends as much as anybody, passengers can continue to search for that double letter triple word score after takeoff. I'm sure people are used to Alec Baldwin and his expressions," Julie Frederick from the Association of Professional Flight Attendants told RadarOnline.com.
"There is a difference between being funny and being mean," she continued. "Flight attendants have not been the only recipients of Alec Baldwin's ill temper.
In 2007, a voice recording was released where Baldwin called his little daughter Ireland a "rude, thoughtless little pig" for which he ultimately apologized.
Frederick expressed support for flight attendants and the difficult and sometimes lifesaving job they do. "If Alec Baldwin needed emergency help on a flight then the 'retired Catholic school gym teachers' would save his life for another day of expressing himself," she said.
These are some photos of George Clooney and Stacy Keibler from two nights ago. They went out to dinner and the paparazzi swarmed on them as they left the restaurant. According to People Magazine, Clooney & Cray-Cray were doing a double-date with Clooney's producing partner and an unknown female, and everybody was drinking cocktails except for Clooney, who was only drinking wine. People also notes that Clooney and Keibler were "packing on the PDA" – he was rubbing Stacy's leg and at one point, Stacy ran her fingers through his wiglet hair and a source claimed: "He just laughed and put his head on the table.”
Meanwhile, Clooney is not only campaigning for the Best Actor Oscar, he's also campaigning for Man of the People. In a recent interview, Clooney took actors to task for complaining about how hard their job is. This is Clooney at his best, honestly:
“I cut tobacco for a living in Kentucky. That was hard work,” Clooney told the Hollywood Reporter. “I sold insurance door-to-door. That’s hard work. Acting is not hard work. If you’re lucky enough to be sitting at a table like this, you’ve been very lucky in your life. You caught the brass ring somewhere along the way. I’ve known a tremendous number of talented actors who didn’t get opportunities. Is it hard work? It’s long hours, but nobody wants to hear you complain. I remember I was selling women’s shoes at a department store, which is a lousy job.”
Clooney said no actors should complain about their profession.
“I remember I would hear of famous stars complaining in Hollywood about how hard their life was – I didn’t want to hear that,” he said. “So I don’t find it difficult. I find it challenging, and sometimes I’m very bad at it, but I don’t find it hard.”
This is Clooney's subtle way of reminding Academy members of how long he toiled, unrecognized and unappreciated. He's a man of the people, he remembers what it was like to be a struggling actor (and a struggling anything), and he doesn't take it for granted. I like this side of Clooney, always and forever. I hate the side of him that hires bimbos to be his "girlfriends" for Oscar campaigns, though. How can I reconcile those two Clooneys?
Shakira posted this photo on her Twitter page a few days ago – she got a haircut! A real one too, this isn't just some wig she threw on and claimed was her new hair. Shakira has always worn her hair long, right? For as long as I can remember, she's worn it past her shoulders, usually half-way down her back. So what does this new haircut mean? I think it makes her look older – it's kind of a choppy mom-style haircut. I don't hate it, and I'm glad she didn't give herself big, thick bangs, although there is some layering in the front that could pass for bangs. I did something similar to my hair more than a decade ago – I've almost always worn it long, but for some reason, I was in a "short hair phase" and I did it choppy and above the shoulders. It was fun for a week, but then I missed my long hair.
I had another thought about Shakira and her dramatic hair change (that apparently took six hours in the hair salon, according to reports): that girls chop off their hair after a breakup. So I wondered if Shakira was still solid with her boy, Gerard Pique. It turns out that Shakira went straight to Gerard's Barcelona house right after the hair cut. So… no breakup. Maybe Gerard was the one who wanted a girlfriend with shorter hair?
Also – Fox News had a really interesting story about Shakira's accent. Ever since she got with Gerard (a Spaniard), Shakira's Columbian accent has been fading and she's acquired a Spanish accent. Is this the Spanish equivalent of Madonna speaking with an English accent?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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