

First Look: Daniel Day-Lewis As Abraham Lincoln In Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 11:12 AM PST

Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln

Would you believe that this modern-day Abraham Lincoln is actually Daniel Day-Lewis? This photo has popped up all over the Internet in the last day or so—it’s Daniel chilling at a Richmond, VA restaurant while filming Steven Spielberg‘s epic biopic Lincoln. (A local named Michael Phillips tweeted the surreptitious photo.)

Obviously Daniel must have felt it was necessary to stay in-costume even during his off-time. And who can blame him, with the amazing job the makeup department did! He’s nearly unrecognizable as the actor, and looks like Abe himself reincarnated. It’s the shape of the face that gets us, the brow and the recognizable hair/beard.

Spielberg announced the casting exactly a year ago in November 2010, saying,

Daniel Day-Lewis would have always been counted as one of the greatest of actors, were he from the silent era, the golden age of film or even some time in cinema's distant future. I am grateful and inspired that our paths will finally cross with Lincoln.

For a while it was rumored that Liam Neeson would be playing our late, great president, but he stepped down because it took too many years and he felt he was too old. I can tell you who is in the cast, however: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Pushing Daisies‘ Lee Pace, John Hawkes (the creepy cult leader in Martha Marcy May Marlene), and Jackie Earle Haley.

And you know who wrote the script? Angels in America playwright Tony Kushner. This is gonna be a great movie.

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The Daily WTF: Please Enjoy ‘Texts From Bennett’

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 11:01 AM PST

Here’s the number one best new Tumblr of the week, Texts From Bennett. What is it? Well, best to let the guy who created it explain:

“These are text messages I exchange with my 17 year old cousin Bennett. He is a white boy that thinks he’s a Crip. Works at Amoco, has a girlfriend named Mercedes, and is one of the most unintentionally funny and brilliant souls on the planet. He has no idea I do this blog. Yes, this is 100% real.”

The just continue to get more and more amazing and I hope they never stop. Bennett is a national treasure! The one question I have is: how the hell does this dude have 149 unread text messages? Clearly he is up to no good, just like his cousin.

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The Press Release For ‘Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2011′ Reads Like A Joke

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:40 AM PST


Nine of the ten selections for Barbara Walters‘ “Most Fascinating People of 2011″ special were revealed via press release last night, and I had to double check to make sure I wasn’t reading The Onion. Among the list are Katy Perry, who is famous for making formulaic pop and having nice boobs, and Pippa Middleton, who is famous for being related to someone who married a dude who came out of a royal vagina and having a nice ass. But the biggest slap in the face by far to the meaning of the word “fascinating” is the inclusion of the Kardashian family, a group of meat bags that manages to make Paris Hilton look like Marie fucking Curie.

Here’s the rest of the list:

Derek Jeter

Donald Trump

Simon Cowell

Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family

Katy Perry

Pippa Middleton

The Kardashians (specifically: Kim, Kourtney and Khloe)

At least Katy Perry is famous for doing something. (Granted, it’s something I find atrocious, but a lot of people seem to like it.) The Kardashians are famous because one of them had an amateur sex tape leak, and they’ve spent the years since then doing everything in their power to get attention and money for simply existing. It wasn’t even a particularly good sex tape. At least Snooki “just exists” in a way that’s somewhat charming, and one gets the idea that she’s not really smart enough to do anything else. The Kardashians’ ignorance, meanwhile, seems more willful. If they applied an ounce of the effort they put into fame-whoring into any legitimate enterprise, I have no doubt they’d be moderately successful.

Babs is going to reveal the “most fascinating” person when the show airs, and I have a feeling it’s either going to be Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga, because the world is a terrible place. You know you’re in trouble when Simon Cowell seems like one of the better choices.

Who would you rather see on this list?

(Via ABC)

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Kim Kardashian’s Ex-Publicist Jonathan Jaxson Posts Video Interviews To Prove They Know Each Other

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:43 AM PST

Since we first reported on Jonathan Jaxson calling out Kim Kardashian for being an attention-seeking fake, their little feud has really escalated. Jonathan’s made several TV appearances — which you can bet helped him in also promoting his new book about Hollywood — and Kim hired a lawyer to slap him with $200,000 worth of damages.

Kim also claims that despite working with Jonathan only once, she did have him sign a confidentiality agreement that extends to any talk about her wedding. (Jonathan’s been telling anyone who’ll listen that Kim orchestrates all her romances, but especially her October nuptials to Kris Humphries, according to how they’ll help her image.) Miffed when TMZ only published a portion of his statement, Jonathan of course posted the whole thing to his blog. Regarding his relationship to Kim, he said,

When I have been contacted by the press to give comments on the wedding, my opinions have been from my personal point of view based on the statement she posted on her blog and conversations with mutual friends.

I have not worked with Kim in a professional capacity in a couple of years and have absolutely no ill feelings towards her what so ever. The work we did together, I did as an acting publicist/friend on the side “behind-the-scenes” for her from 2007-2009. The pictures online, along with a video blog, and audio together speak for themselves.

Then Jonathan posted cryptic, possibly suicidal messages on his Twitter, only to later apologize for being so dramatic and apparently delete his account (since @JonathanJaxson no longer brings up a profile). However, the part about not engaging Kim in any more public drag-outs doesn’t seem to be sticking. One of his apologetic messages on his Twitter was I am blocking all media from my home and life for a bit to focus on the positive things, like living a stress free life!… but just this past weekend he posted on his site a video interview with Kim from 2008 to prove that they did know each other.

The interview runs about 35 minutes and doesn’t seem to have any real dirt; it’s mostly the two of them chatting about whether Kim will get married to Reggie Bush and the mundanities of her life, like laser hair removal. But I will say that she doesn’t seem stiff or uncomfortable; the two obviously know each other in some capacity. That, or she’s a damn good actress.

There’s a lot of she-said-he-said going on here. When TMZ first reported that Kim was suing Jonathan, her reps said that she barely remembered who he was. Yet in these interviews they seem really chummy. On the other side of things, Jonathan told RadarOnline in early November that his new book Don’t You Know Who I Am Yet has plenty of gossip about the Kardashians; then he denies it to E! Online.

“My book isn’t a book about the Kardashians,” he said a few weeks ago. “It chronicles one’s 15-minutes of fame, and I am very candid about my work in Hollywood and those I worked with and those I met along the way as a former Hollywood publicist.”

But they sure helped your career along, didn’t they, Jonathan?

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Poll Results: More Than Half Of You Know Someone With HIV/AIDS

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:21 AM PST

Today is World AIDS Day 2011, an opportunity for people around the world to unite against the spread of HIV/AIDS. Earlier this week, we polled you to find out the degree to which you’re personally affected by HIV/AIDS. We asked wanted to know if there’s someone in your life who’s HIV-positive, and if so, if this person is someone you’re close to or just an acquaintance.

According to our results, just slightly over half of you know someone with HIV/AIDS, and 24% of you say that person is someone you’re close with. 41% of you say you do not know anyone afflicted with the disease, while 6.9% of you simply aren’t sure.

What does this say about HIV/AIDS? It means that although spread of the disease has gone down in recent years, it’s still a pervasive threat, and something we need to continue to fight. One way to do that is to visit, and American HIV awareness advocacy group. And remember to get tested often — if many of us know someone with the disease, it means we should all maintain an awareness that it’s still out there and it’s still a threat.

Post from: Crushable

America’s Next Top Model All Stars Recap: Thumb Sucker

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:02 AM PST

In Wednesday night's thrilling penultimate episode of America's Next Top Model All Stars, we learned what vengeful goddess Tyra's endgame really was—why she assembled these familiar faces and spirited them away to the enchanted island of Crete. If you'd guessed it had something to do with filming a glorified commercial for her bestselling novel Modelland, you'd be Tiresias, the blind soothsayer. But let's backtrack a bit.

The episode began with another addition of Shit Reality Competition Contestants Say. "It's like a huge deal," Laura reflected on her best photo. "It doesn't happen to people where I come from." And cue the tears.

But things got more interesting when the ladies received a visit from Vogue Italia editor Franca Sozzani, a woman whose sharp Italian bone structure was destined to cut these "models" down to size. Each of the contestants was tasked with writing a blog post about Crete from her personal perspective. Pick an outfit, pick a location, take photos, write a few hundred words, and bam—win a seven-night trip to Crete. Are you kidding? This was basically my dream challenge, except I'll take a seven-night trip to somewhere closer than Crete, because I hate flying and hot weather.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to read what the models wrote, which I'm sure would have been a thrilling exercise in inanity. (Actually, Allison's blog post was chastised for being too weird and over-the-top. Maybe she could recap America's Next Top Model for Crushable?) Angelea won, because she found some graffiti and talked about living in the ghetto. A hard-knock story trumps all else, especially when Lisa's second-best blog post was about her fast-paced Hollywood lifestyle. You ever been shot at, Lisa? Then no one cares.

The photo challenge this week was a two-day video shoot designed to bring Tyra's novel Modelland to life in a motion editorial. Anyone who has ever doubted Tyra's acting abilities need only watch the scene in which she shows humility after Jay mentions Modelland's New York Times bestseller status. I believed it. Also rent Halloween Resurrection, because it's kind of fun.

Tyra explained the plot of Modelland, but I zoned out somewhere around Tookie looking for a button in the garbage and becoming a cat. The shoot was fun, if only because it reflected Tyra's batshit sensibilities. Lisa was given a baby doll and told to act deranged. Laura was forced to squeeze whipped cream all over her face. (Side note: they were setting this girl up for failure, right? "Now, don't be too sexy, but here's a dessert topping to slowmo jizz into your mouth.") And poor naïve Laura, who actually said, "I feel like this is a really good time for me to really prove to her that I can be America's Next Top Model." Oh, Tookie.

As Angelea put it, "We're doing mad different scenes. It was crazy." And yeah, when Tyra told Allison to booty tooch as a cat and then rub blood oranges on her face, I realized we were witnessing something truly special. It did get briefly boring when Angelea decided it was her turn to cry. Yeah, we get it, Angelea, you're tragically unpleasant. But Tyra put it all into perspective: "This is what the really good actresses do." It's true. She learned that one from Lindsay Lohan while filming 2000's Life-Size.

And look—it's hunky male model-actor Tyson Beckford! All snark aside, Tyson is comically sexy. When Angelea asked if she could hug him, he said she could but that he was a little sweaty. Like, please. But Tyra actually brought him for herself, so she could reenact a truly absurd scene in which Tookie tries to fellate some dude's thumb. Seriously. Cut to a cave where Tyson is rubbing his digits all over Tyra's face, and she fucking goes for the thumb. Will Tookie ever learn the real way to love a man? Pick up your copy of Modelland to find out!

At judges' table, we saw part one of the Modelland shoot. (That's right—there's more next week.) I give this motion editorial credit for managing to be equal parts weird and dull. I'm reasonably certain we were meant to take it seriously (Tyra said she almost cried when viewing it), but I'm still stuck on the whipped cream going in and out of Laura's mouth. Like, we really needed to rewind that footage? As Andre Leon Talley so coldly noted, "She's worn out with the whole hee-haw elegance."

Judges' deliberation was the longest. Ever. In. Top. Model. History. We even got a shot of producer Ken Mok walking onto the stage and demanding a decision. It was about as believable as Tyra writing a novel, but no matter. It all culminated in the most gutwrenching final two we've seen so far: Laura and Allison. Throw in public nudity and this was literally my worst nightmare realized. In the end, Laura went home and broke my heart in the process. I miss her already, but I'm trying to hold my head high. We'll always have Wanda Sue's country frocks and whipped cream.

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Warner Bros. Is Opening A Wizarding World Of Harry Potter At Universal Studios Hollywood

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 09:45 AM PST

When I was down at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter a few weeks ago, there were questions buzzing around of when Warner Bros. and Universal Studios would expand the Florida park; would there be new rides, new buildings replicated? Instead, the big news is that the Wizarding World is expandingto set up a whole new park at Universal Studios in Los Angeles!

The timing makes some sense, since competitor Disneyland is planning to open “Cars Land” around summer of 2012. However, Universal Studios Hollywood is decidedly smaller than Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure in Florida; Variety points out that several older rides would probably have to be cleared out in order to house the recreations of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and King’s Cross station. And it’s not as if this is the only project Universal is considering; they plan to replace the Backdraft ride (a movie that most Potter fans don’t even know) with a 3-D Transformers-themed adventure.

However, it sounds like the studios are up for a challenge; Variety reports that they’re eyeing a 2015 opening, which will be five years after the Florida park opened. Considering that it boosted tourism to Islands of Adventure 41% after a year, it’s a wise investment.

In the meantime, check out Crushable’s adventures at the park!

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5 Facts About Demi Moore’s New Maybe-Boyfriend Scott-Vincent Borba

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 09:17 AM PST

Barely two weeks after Demi Moore announced that she was filing for divorce from her husband of six years Ashton Kutcher, the press has her “dating” a new man. RadarOnline broke the story — if there is a story to break — about Demi and celebrity beauty guru Scott-Vincent Borba.

Of course instead of giving RadarOnline a straight answer, Scott-Vincent said, “I do not comment on my personal life,” only fueling the rumors. Personally, we’d like poor Demi to be able to take some alone time without people obsessing over her relationship status. But if it’s the real thing, then we might as well know all we can about the guy, right?

1. He and Demi are “old friends,” the typical explanation you get for surprise relationships popping up out of nowhere. “They have known each other a long time,” a source tells Radar, “and he's really been there for her by her side through the whole Ashton thing.”

2. Like her ex Ashton, Scott-Vincent is a cub/cougar hunter/whatever you kids call a younger man with an older woman. In fact, he and Ashton are basically the same age; the Two and a Half Men star is 33, and the beauty mogul is described only as “mid-30s.”

3. Scott-Vincent is no stranger to Hollywood; Borba, the skincare/makeup line he founded, has graced the faces of Ashley Greene, AnnaLynne McCord, Mila Kunis, and Stacey Keibler. His niche within the Hollywood community, the Radar source explains, is why it’s easy for him to have a relationship with a high-profile actress without garnering too much attention. Yes, because he and Demi would totally go to the same parties as Kim Kardashian and Audrina Patridge (both of whom he’s seen posing with on his MySpace page).

However, he also thinks about the common woman and launched Eyes Lips Face back in 2004, which sells lipsticks, eyeliners, and more for $1-$5.

4. I feel like this fact comes up about several of the men we profile: Scott-Vincent used to be a Ford runway model for Calvin Klein and Versace.

5. He has a dance single! We could not have hoped for a cheesier fifth fact. And it’s called “Skin Deep”! ONTD tracked down the video, which exhorts his viewers to shrug off brand names and be true to your inner beauty:

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Video: Kid With Two Moms Gives Amazing Speech About Marriage Equality

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 08:45 AM PST

What happens when you go against God’s law and allow two women to hold hands and raise babies together? Apparently, you get an accomplished, well-spoken young man with superior logical capabilities. Superior to the people who tried, and succeeded, at codifying discrimination into the state’s constitution, and certainly superior to the breathless religious wingnut who spoke after him.

In this video, University of Iowa engineering student Zach Walls speaks powerfully about all the things that make a family a family. Not on the list: the sexual orientation of the parents. Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to keep House Joint Resolution 6, which sought to codify discrimination into the state’s constitution from passing. However, as long as democrats control the state senate, it will never come up for a vote there, ensuring marriage equality in Iowa in the immediate future.

Zach Walls just participated in an interesting Ask Me Anything thread on Reddit, in which he discussed his family life in a little more detail. He also revealed that the person who spoke after him was this crazy:

<object width=”560″ height=”315″><param name=”movie” value=”;hl=en_US”></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”;hl=en_US” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”560″ height=”315″ allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true”></embed></object>

Since when is it okay to use purely biblical arguments in a government debate? And I don’t want to be all “methinks he doth protest too much,” but I would like to at least float the possibility that we could be watching a beneficiary of a “pray the gay away” program.



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Jennifer Lopez And Casper Smart Spent Thanksgiving In Hawaii

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 08:32 AM PST

Things seem to be heating up between Jennifer Lopez and her 24-year-old beau Casper Smart. Jennifer brought Casper along on her Thanksgiving vacation to Hawaii, along with her kids and other family members including her mother, Lupe. Casper has proved to be a natural with J-Lo’s kids; in the photo above, he twirls three-year-old Emme.

Despite Jennifer’s insistence that her marriage to Marc Anthony is over, the 42-year-old pop star has still been wearing her wedding ring. At the same time, she’s clearly not shy about flaunting her new romance with the heavily-tattooed Casper. The photo above was taken outside an LA studio, on a break from rehearsal with Jennifer’s back-up dancers (a group that includes Casper). Cool it with the mixed messages, lady!

(via US Weekly)

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