

Video: 8-Year-Old Marriage Equality Activist Pwns Michele Bachmann

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 11:05 AM PST

A video has been making the Internet rounds today that’s simultaneously amusing and disturbing. Amusing because of the look on Michele Bachmann‘s face, and disturbing because the kid is so clearly terrified of her.

What happened was this: an activist mom was in Myrtle Beach with her son Elijah for an Occupy Myrtle Beach event, when they saw that the lyin’ ass politician was in town doing a book signing. Mother and son took a detour over there, approached the table, and the shy little activist mumbled something to Bachmann. “I think my ears were too far away, do you wanna come a little closer?” the pinwheel-eyed demagogue coaxed. He did not! But she pulled him in anyway. “My mom’s gay but she doesn’t need any fixing,” the tyke managed, and her face changed from “aw” to “ugh! Get this unholy offspring of a Sodomite non-family away from me!” She wasted no time in shutting him down with a “bye bye,” and then he was off.

I’m sort of divided on this video. On the one hand, I think it’s important for Bachmann to be confronted with the adorable children her politics are hurting. On the other, the kid looked pretty uncomfortable. However, I’m pretty sure he believed what he was saying, i.e. that his family is just as good as any other family. You don’t get too many eight-year-olds going “Michele Bachmann is totally right, my family is bad because I have two mommies.” He might not understand everything about the fight for marriage equality yet, but I’m pretty sure eight-year-olds understand the concept of fairness. As their constant cries of “that’s unfair!” would attest.


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Bradley Cooper Admits That Ryan Gosling Is The Sexier Man

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 10:22 AM PST

Might there finally be a decisive victory in the battle for People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive? I know Bradley Cooper won the prize, but Ryan Gosling‘s contingent has been up in arms, insisting that their man is the bigger sex symbol. And now it looks like Bradley himself is getting behind Ryan. (You’re welcome for that image, double-entendre enthusiasts.)

On an episode of The Graham Norton Show, Bradley addressed the controversy and explained that Ryan is actually a friend of his:

“It’s so awful that I’m admitting this, but the hell with it: There was such a backlash when they announced it [from people who favor] Ryan Gosling, who I love, and I just made a movie with him and he’s the greatest.”

He then went on to tell how a friend sent him a pair of paparazzi shots: one of Ryan and one of himself. And he found Ryan’s to be the sexier photo:

“It’s [paparazzi shots of Gosling] walking around, and he literally looks like he’s in a photo shoot, like he just came off the runway. The peacoat is like this, with the scarf! And then there’s ones of me, and I literally look like the neighbor who never comes out of his house.”

Well, well, well. Has Bradley relinquished his crown to our bigtime crush Ryan? (It’s a crown of abs and it’s very handsome.) Time for a People retraction.

(via Vulture)

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Katherine Heigl Will Star In The Forensic Thriller Kill Switch, Written By Law & Order: SVU Producers

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Katherine Heigl‘s newest film project Kill Switch seems to be an amalgamation of some of her more high-profile roles: She’ll play a forensic psychiatrist — so you’ve got the medical aspect, though not the sexiness, of Grey’s Anatomy – but it’s the first in a series of thrillers, much like the upcoming One for the Money.

Film rights have already been snatched up for the novel, which hits bookstores on December 13. Written by Neal Baer and Jonathan Greene, it’s the first in a series of thrillers starring psychiatrist Dr. Claire Waters. Here’s the official synopsis:

With her unnervingly personal insights into the criminal mind, Claire is drawn to the rare “untreatable” patients who seem to have no conscience or fear. She believes that by understanding what motivates violent criminals, she can help prevent them from committing further crimes.  But one shocking case could make or break her career—and it's waiting for her in the psychiatric wing of New York City's Rikers Island.

Kill Switch doesn’t sound like it’ll give Katherine the chance to keep exercising her comedic muscles, which she’s been working out in rom-com flops like The Ugly Truth and hopefully with more success in One for the Money.

That said, the writers are former executive producers of Law & Order: SVU. We’re curious to see if the crimes that Claire has to solve are as outlandish as on the guilty-pleasure TV show.

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The First Paparazzi Photos Of Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Smooching Are Here

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 10:14 AM PST

Hey look! Right up there! What’s that you see? A couple of attractive and famous people kissing, is what. Taken, as all the best paparazzi photos are, from the POV of a serial killer. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

Here are some more photos of the newish couple engaging in PDA, if kissing on the porch of a small B&B in Utah counts as PDA:

The observant observer will note that in addition to being photographed by Son Of Sam, they are simultaneously taking self-portraits of themselves canoodling, making for a truly postmodern moment. What’s next, a picture of a smooching celeb taking a picture of a smooching celeb….who is himself, in turn, taking a picture of another smooching celeb? And the hall of mirrors collapses in upon itself.

Meanwhile, somewhere dark and quiet, Scarlett Johansson lets out a small cry of mortal ennui as she reproduces iPhone n00dz with ever more Velazquez-ian interplays of memory and perspective. What is reality?

(Via ONTD)

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Glee Recruits Star Wars Favorite Chewbacca For Its Christmas Episode

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 09:07 AM PST

Don’t say that Glee never thinks of the geeks! In a nod to the cheesy Star Wars Holiday Special in 1978, the Fox musical dramedy invited the iconic Wookie Chewbacca to guest star on its Christmas episode. “Extraordinary Merry Christmas” will feature Chewie in a dream sequence, though with which character we don’t know.

A few weeks ago, Chris Colfer tweeted this photo of him and everyone’s favorite Wookie, with the caption I officially have my Christmas card!!!

Matthew Morrison was the one to officially break the news, since he’s directing this episode. It sounds like the Glee producers reached out to Lucasfilm Ltd. to see if they’d be willing to offer up a character for the holiday episode, and they hit the jackpot:

We called up George Lucas and he gave us Chewbacca. There is only one guy who can officially be Chewbaccca, and he lives in Northern California and they flew him in. We had Chewbacca for the day, and it was just great, and we were all taking pictures with him. This is a guy who has been doing it for 12 years.

I believe you mean Peter Mayhew, Matthew… and more like 35 years, since the first Star Wars movie in 1977. (Amateur.)

“Extraordinary Merry Christmas” airs Tuesday, December 13, and is the midseason finale. (After the holidays, the show will return on January 17.)

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Video: Venus And Serena Williams Sing Karaoke, Are Adorable

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 09:04 AM PST

Very few people can really, truly pull off karaoke. Usually, it’s your friend Jeff singing something ironic like Katy Perry, or Jeff’s girlfriend Hannah, who wants to be famous and takes her song choice way too seriously. Neither of those are fun to watch. But Venus and Serena Williams belting out Madonna‘s “Like a Prayer” brings joy to my cold, bitter heart.

Venus and Serena were in Milan when they visited the karaoke bar, and they sang and danced to their hearts’ content. Apparently, Venus actually entered a karaoke contest on a cruise once — so she’s clearly a seasoned vet.

Take that, Jeff and Hannah!

(via Hello Beautiful)

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Video: Alec Baldwin Busts Out His Tracy Morgan Impression, Other Impressions

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 08:56 AM PST

Last night on Late Night With Conan O’Brien, Alec Baldwin discussed moving to Greenwich Village, tweeting from the bathroom, and his run for mayor of NYC (or non-run, as he insists on insisting). Along with each charming anecdote, he did at least one impression of someone else. Sometimes multiple impressions!

Over the course of the interview, he portrayed a South Asian cabbie, a New Yawk cabbie, Jimmy Stewart, a horse, a shady moving guy, and a miserly Mayor Bloomberg. But his impression of 30 Rock cast mate Tracy Morgan was by far the best, if only because Tracy Morgan is the best. When asked by Conan what it’s like to work with him, he told a charming story about how Tracy likes to recuperate from his hangovers by watching Michael Jackson specials from the 70s, and did an impression that was equal parts accuracy and affection. Oh, to be a 30 Rock cast member and get gently mocked by Alec Baldwin.

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The 30-Year-Old Man’s Guide To Gossip Girl: Riding in Town Cars with Boys

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 08:35 AM PST

Five consecutive party episodes. Five. Let's revisit them in reverse chronological order: [deep breath] Charlie's debutant ball, CeCe's 70's party, Blair's bridal shower, Chuck's At the Table of Macbeth benefit, and The Spectator's launch party [exhale]. I get that these guys are the 1%, but they must do something other than party, right? The only thing bigger than Lilly's decorating budget is Chuck's scotch bill.

At party number 5, Chuck and Blair end months of equivocating and realize what everyone else in the world already knows: they love each other and to fight that is pointless. But of course in teen drama land these characters must be flogged repeatedly, so not ten minutes after reuniting, their car is forced into a retaining wall by a pack of motorcycle- bound paparazzi and our new lovers end up in the emergency room, their futures very much in doubt. It's funny how Chuck spent the first few episodes indulging his suicidal death wish in his grief over losing Blair, and as soon as he gets her, he winds up comatose (I'm assuming).

We should have all seen this coming, of course. As Chuck and Blair enter their town car on their way to meet their fate, we hear Gossip Girl quote Albert Camus, saying, "Life is the sum of all your choices." When people start quoting Camus, bad things have just happened, bad things are currently happening, or bad things are about to happen. That's just the way the world works. I know I'm hard on this show sometimes, but how many teen dramas name check French existentialists? Impressive stuff.

Speaking of Gossip Girl, there's been a lot of reference this season to Gossip Girl as an actual human being rather than some inanimate website, and this is a shift as far as I can tell. Serena goes so far as to blame Gossip Girl for the accident and enlists Nate's help in taking her down. She's transformed from petty annoyance to outright enemy. f they continue in the course, the show will be attacking itself in a way. rom the start, the website was the show's key conceit. ossip Girl served as narrator, and at times, a Greek chorus. Think of all the episodes that hinged on her cryptic text message blasts. If Serena is successful in her fight against Gossip Girl the person, and the site disappears, how does the show continue? ho will drop pithy rejoinders as the show exits to commercial? ho will quote Camus? aybe they bring Vanessa back for that.

Here's another question to think about: what do the show's writers think about gossip. Is it harmless or is it destructive? For five years, gossip has been the currency that fuels this show's economy. Hero characters (Blair) use gossip as a tool the same way villain characters (Jenny) do, and the results are a mixed bag. Jenny was driven out of the city. Blair's engaged to a prince. Gossip is celebrated here, reveled in, almost. Maybe the coming assault on Gossip Girl will be the writer's definitive statement on gossip as a vice. If Gossip Girl is represented as an evil, her primary weapon must in turn be evil.

If I hear the show's been picked up for a sixth and (I would guess) final season. There would be symmetry and closure if Gossip Girl were vanquished as the show concludes, but if that's the plan, they're getting an early start. have no idea where things are headed and we'll have to wait until mid-January to find out. These mid-season finales are annoying, and I'm not convinced they're a smart play. Six weeks is a lot of time for your audience of thirteen-year-olds to get distracted by the Internet. In the meantime, I'll have to figure out something else to do with my Monday nights. Maybe I'll start reading Kierkegaard.

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The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Barbie Recap: Beach Party From Hell

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 08:24 AM PST

Last week's episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was so boring. (How boring was it?) It was so boring I couldn't think of a way to make it interesting with Barbie dolls. Also, I felt a little guilty talking about Adrienne's new shoe collection when all of my Barbies have lost their footwear. Anyway, Monday night's episode was a big improvement, with yet another social event gone terribly wrong. Here's a look at "Malibu Beach Party From Hell" dramatically reenacted by Barbies.

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Taylor Armstrong Explains Why She Felt Betrayed By Camille Grammer: She Was Scared For Her And Her Daughter’s Safety

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 08:44 AM PST

As you knowTaylor Armstrong has officially signed a book deal with Simon & Schuster to reveal details about the abuse she suffered at the hands of husband Russell Armstrong, who committed suicide in August. According to RadarOnline, she’ll also discuss another abusive relationship she had in the past. Suffice to say, it will be dramatic and juicy.

But Taylor’s appearance on last night’s Watch What Happens Live, after an episode where she drunkenly exploded at Camille Grammer about “betraying” her, wasn’t about the book but rather her slow deterioration on this season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. One might accuse Taylor of milking Russell’s suicide, but it’s really the producers who have; it’s clear that they’ve mapped out this narrative arc where the other Housewives slowly find out about the abuse.

I will say that last night’s double-Taylor appearances shed a lot of light on her situation and where she was at six months ago while they were filming. A few episodes prior, Camille had confronted Taylor at Lisa Vanderpump‘s tea party, yelling in frustration that “we have all protected you, what you have told us about your marriage. Because we don't say he hit you! Because we don't say that he broke your jaw or that he beat you up! We don't say that, but now we've said it.”

From there on, Taylor seemed to deny that there were any problems with her marriage; we saw her and Russell be affectionate en route to Adrienne Maloof‘s party and later team up for daughter Kennedy‘s birthday. But at Brandi Glanville‘s party — which, surprise, ended badly — Taylor started to explain that she felt that Camille had put her in greater danger.

On Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Taylor freely admitted that she was drunk at the party and that “my biggest fears were unraveling. I was living in a dangerous situation, and having that exposed to the viewers and the nation were unraveling for me.” She had told Camille about the abuse in private back in January when there were no cameras rolling, so even though Camille was trying to help by forcing the confession out of Taylor in front of the other Housewives, Taylor was instead terrified that Russell would somehow find out and hurt her or Kennedy.

“The cycle of domestic violence is so hard to understand,” Taylor explained of why she decided to write the book. “I wanted people to see me for who I really am. To understand that this started at a very young age for me and I ended up in this situation because of my own flaws and insecurities and not because someone did this to me… I’m hoping that for someone this breaks the cycle. If I keep this behind-the-scenes, how can I expect to talk about it?”

However, her fans seem to be supportive of Taylor’s book; one wrote in to the show saying, “Voices like yours help us all to heal and move forward.”

Taylor said that she’s been trying to help Kennedy understand what happens, but all her daughter says is, “Did Daddy do something stupid?” Well, once the book’s out, Kennedy will have a lot clearer idea of what went on between her parents.

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