

Nicki Minaj Joins The ‘Pop Stars Who’ve Kissed Madonna’ Club

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 10:49 AM PST

In keeping with her longstanding tradition of sucking the youth out of anointing up-and-coming pop stars with a faux-lesbian kiss, Madonna has now seen fit to place her 53-year-old lips on a newly 29-year-old Nicki Minaj. It’s not yet known where this momentous act occurred, but Madge has been working on a track with Ms. Minaj and M.I.A., so I’m guessing it had something to do with that (and the promotion of thereof).

“OH MY f’ingggg Gahhhh!!!!!” tweeted Nicki early this morning. “MADONNA jus kissed me!!!!! On the lips!!!!!!! It felt sooooo good. Soooo soft!!!! *passes out*"

The rest of her tweets served to clarify the experience a bit for her fans:

*kisses each one of my barbz so they too can taste queen madonna* I love u guys sooo much!!!! This video is of epic proportion! Love uuuu!!!

“Yes! It was recorded!!! *hopes & prays this footage appears somewhere* lmaoooooooooooo”

“No barbz…like…seriously…it felt soooooooooo good!!!!!!! Sooooo soft! Like what?!?!?! bwahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!”

“I was shocked but kissed back!!!ahhh!”

And, in response to a tweet asking how it compared to Madonna’s kiss with Britney:

It was more romantic. Bwaha!

For Nicki’s sake, let’s hope it was also less soul-sucking. Never forget:


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The Daily WTF: First Class Panda

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 10:30 AM PST

A is window seat, B is middle seat, C is aisle seat, and P is seat me next to that panda, please. The photo comes with what’s being billed as an official statement from China Airlines:

“China Airlines is a proud corporate sponsor of the panda snactuary at Cheng Du and was happy to help out recently with the transfer of a young panda cub to a zoo in the United States of America. After extensive consultation with the Sanctury’s veterinary staff it was concluded that the importance of the panda cub precluded it from traveling in the hold of the aircraft, where attending to its needs would be difficult. Thus China Airlines agreed to donate seats in its Business Traveler First cabin for the panda cub named Squee Squee and his carer, Fu Jiang Lang, seen here sitting in the window seat. In the interests of hygiene Squee Squee wore a plastic nappy to take care of pandapoop during the flight. We are happy to report that Squee Squee arrived rested and relaxed after his 14-hour flight, and is settling into his new home well. During the flight we can report that he didn’t watch any of the flight movies as we couldn’t find a headset big enough for him. He did order the bamboo from catering menu, with a side of bamboo, and bamboo mousse for desert.”

What? Is this fake? I mean, that can’t even be a real panda, can it? I’m going to pretend that this is all just standard fare and book a ticked on China Airways immediately.

(via Jalopnik)

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Lindsay Lohan’s Secret Diary Reveals She Was ‘In Love’ With Heath Ledger

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 10:15 AM PST

Lindsay Lohan mourns Heath Ledger's deathStar magazine and RadarOnline are reporting that they’ve gotten their mitts on Lindsay Lohan‘s private diary and that it reveals that Linds was madly in love with dearly departed star Heath Ledger. Whether they were actually physically involved is unclear, but the January 22, 2008 entry from a 21-year-old Lindsay reads (in pink pen, natch):

Today Heath died. I'm in love with him…. He was the love of my life. He taught me so much, and he was everything I've ever wanted and more.

I want to hear him laugh and hold me. I crave his touch and care.

When a person dies the world stops. I'm numb.

Now, “obtained” could mean anything from a resourceful paparazzo sneaking into Lindsay’s home, to Dina Lohan turning over her daughter’s pink-penned ramblings for the press to feast on. But let’s assume it’s real.

Star goes on to say that Lindsay and Heath were so close that she had plans to visit him in New York City just a few days after his death. Indeed, the world did notice Lindsay grieving (see the photo) but didn’t think much of it in light of the grief of Heath’s ex-girlfriend (and mother of his child) Michelle Williams. Ironically, there was some surprise about who he had been seeing at the time of his death, but that was Mary-Kate Olsen.

That said, the rumors definitely existed. Back in 2007, an Australian magazine claimed that Lindsay and Heath had a “purely physical” friends-with-benefits deal going on. However, sites like Technorati pointed out that the only “relationship” the two might have had was the notoriously hard-partying Lindsay supplying Heath with drugs.

Astonishingly, the person this most lends credence to is Michael Lohan. Back in 2008, he was shopping around recorded phone conversations with Dina, which alleged a romantic and dangerous mentor-mentee relationship between Heath and their daughter. RadarOnline (no surprise) published a transcript of one call in which Dina lays out her fears:

Because when she’s drunk or takes an Adderall with it she will do something like Heath Ledger did in a second without thinking. And she was dating Heath when he died. I don’t know if you know that, but I know cause I would drop her off and they were friends very, very close, ok? So that fucked her up.

Perez Hilton makes an observation that fills in another puzzle piece: Why LiLo was so angry when Michelle Williams nabbed the role of Marilyn Monroe in My Week with Marilyn. Not only did Michelle get to be the love of Heath’s life, but she also played Lindsay’s idol. Them’s the breaks, kid.

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Video: Will Ferrell Gifts Old Milwaukee With Amusing Beer Commercials

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Will Ferrell Old Milwaukee

Will Ferrell has filmed several amusing spots for Old Milwaukee, which is just one of the many flavors of swill produced by the famed Pabst Brewing Company. However, while most celebrities are first approached by a company and offered money to shill their product, Ferrell appears to have done this purely out of the goodness of his heart.

According to Kegworks, Ferrell approached the company and offered to film them some commercials in Davenport, Iowa free of charge, and rather than question his motives, the company of course said yes. Why did Will Ferrell do it? Did he have some great ideas for beer commercials he felt the need to carry out immediately, or does he just really like Old Milwaukee? Or does he for some reason feel it would be in his best interests for Old Milwaukee to owe him a favor? Sinister.

In any case, here are the ads. I’m sure the Andre of beers is very grateful for them.

(Via Kegworks)

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Video: Emma Roberts And Joe Manganiello Star In The Girl With The Tramp Stamp

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 09:50 AM PST

Move over, Rooney MaraEmma Roberts IS The Girl with the Tramp Stamp. The actress stars alongside Joe Manganiello and Ray Wise in this Dragon Tattoo spoof from Funny or Die.

Instead of a hacked phone, she’s got a bedazzled Blackberry; her hair isn’t short, it’s long and teased-out; she drinks Jaeger, not coffee; and her tattoo is a lower back design that says “Breath.” This is a pretty pitch-perfect spoof, and I would totally watch it if it were feature-length.

(via Funny or Die)

Post from: Crushable

Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy Cover Leaks, References Iconic Photo Of Prostitute Christine Keeler

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 09:12 AM PST

Christmas came early this year for anyone out there who happens to be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Lindsay Lohan edition of Playboy (read: Christmas came early for Lindsay Lohan). A poor-quality cell phone snap of her cover has leaked, given us a buxom blonde Lindsay straddling a backwards Playboy bunny chair like a porno spoof of Dangerous Minds. We can’t help but wonder if Lindsay’s photo is a tribute to the series of iconic chair-straddling picture taken of famous 1960s prostitute Christine Keeler. Christine was a London call girl who famously had an affair with married British War Secretary John Profumo. Although the scandal ruined the Secretary’s career and forced his resignation, it propelled Christine to fame. The nude photos were taken by photographer Lewis Morley to promote a film called The Keeler Affair, and the chair only came into play because Catherine was shy about appearing totally naked.

So what does this reference say about our pal Lindsay? Is Playboy cheekily saying she’s some kind of whore? Keeler became pretty notorious after her affair came out and her nude photos made her even more famous. Is the mag asserting Lindsay’s place in the pop politics of of our time? Or was there just a cool-looking Playboy chair lying around that Hef’s been wanting to use for a cover? Lindsay will reveal her entire Playboy spread- on the December 15th episode of Ellen — which strikes us as a little weird, but hey, to each her own when it comes to public nakedness. (via The Insider)

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Amber Portwood Says She Has Bipolar And Dissociative Disorders

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 09:54 AM PST

I’m surprised that this is news, since we’ve been with Amber Portwood for the last three years, through her teen pregnancy and abusive relationship with her daughter Leah‘s father Gary Shirley. But she has just revealed to E! Online that probably right before her stint on 16 and Pregnant, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. And when she went to rehab following a suicide attempt in June, she got another diagnosis. As she explains,

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder three years ago. I struggle with it. I hate it. I grieve over it. When I went to rehab for two months, they diagnosed me with disassociative disorder too, which makes me black out. People don’t understand what it’s like.

Amber says “disassociative,” but we assume that she means one of the issues that falls under dissociative disorder. It’s actually an incredibly fitting diagnosis; according to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms include “a sense of being detached from yourself (depersonaliation)” and “a blurred sense of identity.” If anyone were to suffer from this, it’d be a reality star who sees her actions warped and a marketable identity pushed forward by the network. (I’m not absolving Amber from blame; though I haven’t seen Teen Mom, it sounds like she’s a pretty shitty mother. Obviously she wasn’t entirely innocent before the editors played around with the footage.)

It sounds like Amber’s come forward with this candid information about her mental health in order to explain the violence that MTV has captured on-camera. She also claims that the only interaction she has with viewers are people who want to see if they can crack her:

I’m sick and tired of people bashing me every time I leave my house. When I go out, I mind my own business, but people try to fight me and get me going because I guess they think I’m most famous for fighting Gary… Yes, I did hit Gary, and what people saw was an angry Amber who reacted to the father of her child telling her he had cheated on her.

People pick on me just to see if I’ll fight them. They think I’m this hard person, but I’m not! I’m a good person.

Amber deleted her Twitter account (as we suggested) after her suicide attempt, so any news we’ll hear through interviews or the next season of Teen Mom. Her mantra in this article was “I just want people to know that people change”—season 4 should be starting up on January 5, so we’ll see if Amber’s pushing the same message on-camera.


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Ashton Kutcher Offered Endorsement Deal By

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 08:38 AM PST

Hot on the heels of his divorce from Demi Moore, a dating site called Cougarlife.comhas offered Ashton Kutcher an endorsement deal worth quite a bit of money. Under the terms of the deal, the site would pay half of Kutcher’s alimony to Moore (wait, she gets alimony?!), which I’m guessing is valued in the millions. In return, all he’d have to do is only date women at least ten years older than him, post “mutually approved tweets” about “cougar relationships” at least fifteen times a month, and be the face of an international marketing campaign for a company that describes itself as "a dating website for women looking to catch younger men.” Oh wait, that’s a terrible deal.

Not surprisingly, Kutcher has yet to respond to the offer or even acknowledge he’s received it, maybe because he knows the concept of “cougars” is a cheesy, outdated, and a little bit sexist. As someone who was married to Demi Moore for some years, I’m guessing he saw her less as a cartoonish, hypersexual cat-person hybrid and more as a complete human being (who just happens to be aging backwards). But I guess he always has this to fall back on if neither Two And A Half Men nor owning the internet works out.

(Via NYDN)

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America’s Next Top Model All Stars Recap: A Winner Is Crowned, Sorta

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 08:15 AM PST

Here's the thing about reality competitions: as much fun as they are most of the way through, they always kind of bore me by the end. Sometimes I don't even watch Top Model season finales. (I know. But I feel like this is a safe space.) Anyway, the finale of Top Model's first All Stars cycle was reasonably entertaining, although the biggest twist happened off-screen. I mean, Tyra had Angelea killed, right? Just want to make sure we're all on the same page. But more on that in a bit.

The episode began with Angelea's proclamation: "We are the three baddest bitches in the world." And sure, that's one word for it. It was kind of nice to see the three remaining contenders hug it out, especially knowing that they'd have to mud wrestle to the death. (Note: this didn't happen, but how fun would that be!) Instead, the models talked about the shitty circumstances they've come from, because every reality competition is a Cinderella story about a Cinderella who's not here to make friends. Anyway, obstacles: overcome. Congratulations, models—you're all the belles of the ball.

Except Top Models are Highlanders: there can be only one, and also something about immortality and decapitation. So we started with Covergirl beauty shots, photographed by the Greekest of Greek photogs Nikos Papadopoulos. (That's seriously his name!) Covergirl Director of Communications Paige Cali was on hand to offer useless musings. (Lisa has a "vivacious personality." Who fucking knew?) Allison ran into problems because her eyes are still super sensitive to the sun. "I feel frustrated with myself," she lamented, even though it's not her fault that she's a Kewpie doll.

Next up were the commercials. Angelea knocked it out of the park, and she did it looking like a drag queen, so good for her! Lisa was fine but not as over-the-top as we've come to expect. And Allison still has trouble shilling for Covergirl, which, honestly, who cares? Of the three, she's the most likely to have an actual career. Maybe Allison's too good for Covergirl. Maybe Allison's too good for all of us.

The runway show was pretty elaborate: the models had to swim to the runway, then transform into goddesses, then fly in the air, then ski down a chasm, then do a 10-minute comedy set, then do the runway walk to the "pot ledom" songs they wrote a few weeks back. (I think I might have missed some steps there. Sorry!) It was cool to see the dresses Michael Cinco created based on the contestants' specifications. Allison's and Lisa's were actually pretty great, and Angelea's looked like the kind of thing Angelea would design.

Everyone did reasonably well. I'm not a great judge of runway walks, but I will say that all three could probably work on their swimming form. In fact, the only really interesting moment came when Lisa's hair got caught in her mask and she ended up swimming into a wall. Angelea was worried about drowning, but then she didn't even drown a little, so that was kind of a bust.

OK, here's where things got weird. When we returned from the commercial break, Tyra explained that the producers learned information about Angelea that disqualified her from the competition, and that they would only be judging Allison and Lisa. So we're just going to let that go? According to my intense internet research (I Googled), Angelea actually won Top Model All Stars and then leaked that information via Facebook, which is a big no-no. And also why I'm certain Tyra had her put down. You don't do Top Model like that, Angelea. Regardless, it sort of killed any momentum the finale might have had otherwise. I was too busy thinking about Angelea's whereabouts to care when Lisa won.

Oh, Lisa won. Crap, did I make that anticlimactic? Well, now you know how I feel watching Top Model. Finale aside, All Stars was an entertaining season, and I will never tire of Tyra finding new and exciting ways to parody herself. On the other hand, I'm glad it's over, and I look forward to a new crop of girls eager to demean themselves for 15 minutes of reality show fame. Let's all practice our booty tooches before then.

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Scout Willis Makes Experimental Video, Wears Assless Chaps

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 07:06 AM PST

Scout from StyleLikeU on Vimeo.

I was there once: I was a youngster who read a lot of Kerouac and wore black and hung out at coffee shops. And I probably write some poetry inspired by the beat generation that I would never be a part of. But fortunately, I do not have famous parents, and my efforts remain buried in a drawer next to some old report cards. No such luck for Scout Willis, though.

The 20-year-old daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore offers a two-minute moving fashion spread/ode to taking off and leaving it all behind. “It all” being, of course, those terrible trappings of being wealthy in Los Angeles. I feel like you have to watch this to understand what I’m talking about, and it’s probably worth the effort if just to giggle at Scout’s butt.

Oh, to be young and own assless chaps!

(via Jezebel)

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