

George Clooney finally gets photographed with Stacy Keibler

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 08:27 AM PDT


George Clooney finally allowed himself to be photographed in the same vicinity as Stacy Keibler. After not inviting Stacy to his pre-premiere party for The Ides of March, and after making her walk the red carpet solo before he arrived, Clooney finally decided it was time to be in the same frame as his girlfriend. These are photos from an after party for The Descendants, the other film Clooney is promoting in Toronto. That's Stacy in black behind Clooney. I guess because Clooney is The King (of Hollywood), he makes his girls walk two paces behind him?

I need to stop being so negative about George Clooney and Stacy "Cray-Cray" Keibler. There are lots of good things about Clooney's latest "romance". For one, he's back to American girls. Patriotism! Secondly, Cray-Cray looks like she's going to be more talkative and gossipy, and she has lots of busted friends who will sell her out to the tabloids, so we'll continue to get lots of stories about how Stacy thinks she can change George and how they'll get married any minute. It's always nice to laugh! Thirdly, I'm enjoying how Clooney is trying to mix it up with this relationship. For his last two "relationships" - Sarah Larson and Elisabetta Canalis - Clooney followed the same basic plotline: get introduced, immediately move into a "relationship" in which the girl moves in with him; girl gets a Pretty Woman-style makeover, with clothes and makeup and hair stylists; girl makes a red carpet debut as his "girlfriend" - all of this within a matter of two months or so. I wonder why he seems to be holding back with Stacy? Is it because this one if going to get jettisoned in a hurry if she steps out of line?

Stacy got the memo too - discretion!

Stacy Keibler could sum up what she likes about George Clooney in one word.

“Everything!” she told PEOPLE on Friday night at the premiere of Clooney’s film The Ides of March at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Clooney, 50, and Keibler, 31, are taking their budding romance semi-public at the event – they didn’t walk the red carpet together but they did party with pals afterwards at Deq lounge at the Ritz-Carlton, the second night they were spotted together there.

After fighting through a throng of fans, they made their way to the VIP area after midnight and throughout the night they laughed and chatted both with each other and friends.

“They have good chemistry, and she can hold her own with the boys,” says an onlooker. “They both can equally be the life of the party.”

They left holding hands early Saturday morning.

[From People]

Just wait for it, though. Wait for Stacy to start giving interviews about how much Clooney loves her and how he loves her so much because she's so tough and beautiful and smart. You know what I think? I think that Clooney might actually be a pretty good boyfriend. I know that might be a controversial opinion, and yes, he does pick dumb girls for a reason (because dumb girls soothe his ego). But I think that once he's selected his dumb girl, he really treats her well and he's a really nice "boyfriend". I'm just looking for a reason why these girls subjugate themselves so thoroughly for him. *shrugs*

I love this photo, by the way.






Photos courtesy of WENN.

LeAnn Rimes drags Eddie Cibrian to NY Fashion Week: cute or tragic?

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 08:18 AM PDT


Oh, goodness. I was looking at new photos of LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian, and I decided to check out LeAnn's Twitter feed, just to see what delusions she had been spewing recently. That's when I found this photo, above. Eddie's over it, isn't he? Here's a question: if you suspect your husband is over it, why drag him to NY Fashion Week? Unless you don't mind that he spends that time gawking at scantily-clad models…? Maybe LeAnn just does whatever she has to do to keep him.

Oh, and I also found this absolutely PERFECT photo on LeAnn's Twitter feed. Perfect photo is perfect.


Anyway, LeAnn has been dragging Eddie all over New York City for various fashion events. Last night was the Monique Lhuillier show, and she wore this unflattering outfit. I guess we should be grateful that she's not wearing some bone-tight little dress, but this outfit is just… bad. The booties are Tom Ford, by the way. And even though I dislike the outfit, I kind of don't hate the way she's styled her hair and makeup. From the neck up, she should consider this look more often.

The Fug Girls (writing for New York Magazine) said that LeAnn and Eddie's arrival at the Lhuillier show caused one of the biggest ruckuses (ruckusi?) at Fashion Week:

The reason for all that shoving? The arrival of… LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. No, really. He is basically famous for allegedly cheating on his old wife with his current one on the set of a Lifetime movie, and the two of them practically caused a Bieber-size ruckus. It says something that the two biggest press crushes we’ve seen so far this Fashion Week have revolved around them and Lindsay Lohan, and that something is, “Maybe we’re all reading too much Us Weekly.” Cibrian was doing his Playboy Club poor-man’s-Don-Draper look, and she seemed to be thinking about what she wanted to tweet next. We hope it was, “Dear Rose McGowan, sorry we almost got you killed. Love your dress.”

[From New York Magazine]

Meanwhile, LeAnn's actual Twitter feed is full of talk of all of the "eating" she's been doing in Manhattan. Some sample tweets: "5 baklava’s later….. I’m not kidding! Wow, Milo’s Greek in NYC…..incredible!" And: "LOVE being able to get a southern breakfast in NYC! Bubby’s rocks,’ she wrote, adding, ‘I had and eggs with spinach and jalapenos…..paying for that though LOL." And: "Best afternoon with my hubby @eddiecibrian talking boxing and having a glass of tequila at the BEST tequila bar in the west Village, Agave!" Sigh… still not convinced.





Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & Pacific Coast News.

Linnocent causes a crack riot with her jacked face during NY Fashion Week

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 07:45 AM PDT



Look at it. OMG. Yes, I saw the photos of Linnocent's crazy-jacked crack face at Kim Kardashian's wedding, but in photos after that event, Linnocent's face went back to looking normal-crackie. As in, I recognized her and I could tell that it was still Linnocent. Of course she had her lips done, but whatever else she had "done" for the wedding was temporary. Whatever is happening in these photos - well, it looks surgical. Like Linnocent and Ali Lohan went into the back-alley plastic surgeon and got the "two for one" deal. Yikes.

Anyway, these are photos of Linnocent in New York, where she's been causing problems at Fashion Week. The Fug Girls described the scene at the Cynthia Rowley show, where Linnocent seemed to hijack the event with her cracked-out appearance:

We were still toasting in the glow of Nigel Barker’s hotness when, right before the lights went down, a platinum-and-orange waif in tiny trousers, massive shades, and hypnotically puffy lips burst forth from backstage, hustling to a front-row seat with ruthless efficiency (and several security guards). For one glorious, confusing moment, we — and, we later learned, everyone in the rows around us — thought this walking creamsicle had to be Donatella Versace. Then, the entire room full of journalists sat ramrod straight and let out excited, disbelieving, four-letter expletives as we all realized this was actually Lindsay Freaking Lohan.

We then simultaneously commenced trying to figure out if she was wearing pants. (They were shorts. Small ones. Very, very small ones.) The take-home here for Lindsay should be that we all initially mistook her for somebody much crispier who is thirty years her senior, but we suspect instead she will mentally gloss over that part and focus only on how fast the crowd of blasé, already-burned-out fashionistas whipped out their smartphones and overloaded AT&T service. One photographer even went so far as to walk down onto the runway — which we’d been expressly forbidden to do, given that it was mirrored — and get in her face to take a photo, prompting event organizers to confiscate both his camera (which looked more expensive than her extensions) and his credentials, which they ripped from his neck with soap-operatic verve.

The room applauded, led by Lindsay herself, as she settled into her seat between a shell-shocked-seeming Leigh Lezark — we feel you, Leigh — and Lindsay’s companion, who is either a Johnny Depp superfan or an actual pirate. Seriously, he had the long hair and the scruff and the vest flapping over a mostly-open shirt… all he was missing was a parrot and an eye-patch, although we’d bet Lindsay has a couple of those floating around her hotel room somewhere.

[From New York Magazine]

Sounds about right. I've got to wonder if Linnocent was even invited to any of the shows, or if she just shows up, causes a riot, sits in the front row, and even the security guards are afraid to remove her so she just gets to stay. I feel bad for the designers who have to be associated with Linnocent even though they probably didn't invite her to their shows.

Dear God, HER FACE.






Photos courtesy of Fame.

Michael Fassbender wins Best Actor at Venice for Fassdongy role

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 07:17 AM PDT


Instead of showing up in Toronto to promote A Dangerous Method with her costars, My Michael Fassbender went back to Venice to collect his Best Actor prize for Shame. These are the photos from his victory posing - look at that smile! He looks like a magnificent shark. I think that's why I love him so much - he's traditionally handsome, but when he smiles, he looks so predatory and HOT. As for Fassbender's work in Shame, he won for the role where he's in various stages of Fassdongy undress - the same movie that might be too erotic and dongy for American audiences, but I think it has just been purchased (for distribution) by Fox Searchlight. SIGH. I really need to see this movie. Right now. Hopefully it will get an R-rating and some kind of release. Anyway, it seems like Michael was the only winner at the Venice Film Festival who collected an award for an English-language film.

Besides naming the Russian film “Faust” as the winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival on Saturday, the jury headed by director Darren Aronofsky (”Black Swan”) handed out numerous other prizes. The Coppa Volpi for best actor went to Michael Fassbender, who plays a man obsessed with impersonal gratification in the film “Shame” by Steve McQueen of Britain.

Asia put in a strong showing. The Coppa Volpi for best actress was awarded to Deanie Yip in the film “Tao Jie” (”A Simple Life”) by Hong Kong’s Ann Hui. China’s Cai Shangjun won the Silver Lion for best director for his film “Ren Shan Ren Hai” (People Mountain People Sea), which was a surprise late addition to the festival lineup. And the Marcello Mastroianni Award for best new young actor or actress went to Shota Sometani and Fumi Nikaido in the film “Himizu” by Japan’s Sion Sono.

A special jury prize was give to “Terraferma” by Emanuele Crialese of Italy, while the Osella for the best cinematography went to Robbie Ryan for the film “Wuthering Heights” by Andrea Arnold and the Osella for best screenplay went to Greece’s Yorgos Lanthimos and Efthimis Filippou for the film “Alpis” (Alps).

The handful of American films in competition, including George Clooney’s “The Ides of March,” “Dark Horse,” “Texas Killing Fields” and “Killer Joe” were shut out.

[From The LA Times]

Fassbender is supposed to make it to Toronto to do even more promotional work for Shame, having missed both the press conference and festival premiere of A Dangerous Method. I've been reading some of blogs and articles from Toronto, and it seems like Michael really is this year's critical-darling actor. Also, there's this piece in Macleans in which a blogger recounts a conversation she had with two female critics in Toronto about the actual Fassdong. One lady said, "I've been quoted in print as saying Ewan McGregor has the most beautiful penis I've ever seen. Well, the title now goes to Michael Fassbender." THANK YOU.

By the way, I got some Fassbender for my birthday - the DVD of X-Men: First Class. He really is wonderful in that film, as he is in nearly every film he's ever done. He's so beautiful.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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