

Lady Gaga is getting another Vanity Fair cover, this time with hot dogs

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:57 AM PDT


The name of this photo set is "Lady Gaga poses with hot dog". I really can't do any better than that, you know? IT'S ART, BITCHES. I eagerly await "Lady Gaga poses with chili" and "Lady Gaga poses with chicken salad."

So, these are photos of Lady Gaga doing a photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz in NYC yesterday. There were lots of costume changes, all of them pretty odd and whatever. As you can see, after spending a few weeks dressing relatively normally, Gaga is now back to costumes and looking like a drag queen. In fact, I actually had to double check some of these photos just to make sure it wasn't really a Gaga drag act.

I wonder why Annie is shooting Gaga? I mean, for what magazine? Gaga was the cover girl for Vogue in March, and she was just on the cover of Vanity Fair last summer. Annie generally only shoots for Vogue and VF these days, so if I was taking bets, I'd say it was probably for VF. Ah, CONFIRMED! So, what month will Gaga be? Maybe the… December issue? No, the November issue, I bet. I think VF still uses November for their "Music Issue". Why not put Adele on the cover of Vanity Fair? Because Gaga just isn't over-exposed enough?

Gaga has a new interview too:

Lady Gaga sat down with French fashion pioneer Jean-Paul Gaultier for a special that aired Monday night on the CW. The singer opened up to the fashion designer about her beginnings and what she calls her “self-indulgent” youth.

“I just was partying and being very self-indulgent and trying to find myself. In hindsight, it’s so dangerous, and I don’t encourage anyone to follow that path,” she told the designer. “I remember my dad … I was actually doing drugs in my parents’ house one day and they didn’t know I was in the bathroom. I came out, and my father could tell, and I just remember feeling so embarrassed and I quit instantly.”

Despite her hard-partying ways, Gaga always maintained her pop star ambitions. She talked about quitting college, performing in small New York clubs and making the decision to take off her clothes during her performances to get everyone’s attention.

“I knew that there was something I loved about the shock-art potential of what I could create,” she said. “I like to liberate myself with my ability to change.”

She later likened that philosophy to her look: “I still love trash glamour; it’s so much of my favorite thing about getting dressed. I love the mixture of things that are really elegant with things that are really trashy.”

That combination has made her a superstar. She explained, “My cultural contribution and social contribution was really an honor and still so humbled by it. I hope I can continue to use my voice to make an impact on my generation.”

[From MTV]

Jesus Christ. All this bitch ever talks about is how she used to be a cokehead for two seconds a few years ago. That's her "origin story" and I guess she thinks that if she just repeats it enough, it will become real. The reality is that she's still a cokehead mess, IMO. And she's just so… boring.

She almost flashed her cooter too. "Lady Gaga poses with hot dog, flashes cooter." I won't even start.






Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame.

Penn Badgley’s first photo as Jeff Buckley, plus he’s still with Zoe Kravtiz?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:26 AM PDT


This is the first, exclusive photo of Penn Badgley in character as Jeff Buckley. I know, I know: UGH. As first, the rumor mill had everything mixed up, and people were claiming that Penn was going to play Jeff Buckley in the long-gestating bio-pic, but Penn was actually cast as Buckley in an entirely different film. This film, called Greetings from Tim Buckley, is about the concert Jeff did in 1991. Whatever. You know what is so, SO much more interesting? Life & Style sent us this article in which "witnesses" claim that Zoe Kravitz and Penn were all loved up during NYFW. Oh, Zoe.

Penn Badgley doesn’t just act — he’s proving he can sing, too! Sources on set of the upcoming biopic, Greetings From Tim Buckley, tell Life & Style exclusively that the Gossip Girl star’s performance is stunning.

“We were watching him while he was doing a shockingly spot-on and gorgeous vocal performance as Jeff Buckley,” an on-set source tells Life & Style. “And that’s no small feat!”

In June, it was announced that the 24-year-old had landed the much-gunned-for role, which everyone from Twilight’s Robert Pattinson to James Franco and Jared Leto were trying to nab.

“People will not believe it’s Penn singing,” the source tells Life & Style. “Everyone has been pleasantly surprised — he actually has the chops! His fans will love him even more after this movie.”

The film follows the true story of the days following an unknown Jeff’s famous 1991 performance at his deceased musician father Tim’s tribute concert at Brooklyn’s St. Ann’s Church. Jeff’s debut stunned the audience and launched his music career, which the film follows. Jeff passed away in 1997 at the age of 30 after an accidental drowning in Wolf River Harbor in Memphis, Tenn. The movie began filming in Brooklyn over the summer.

“To play a man who was singularly gifted as an artist, greatly misunderstood and mythologized as a human being…it’s something very special and sacred,” Penn said in a statement. “I’m going to give all I can to this project.”

And acting isn’t the only thing that’s been keeping Penn busy. The actor has also been spending a lot of time with Lenny Kravitz’s daughter, Zoe Kravitz. On Sept. 10, the two were spotted all over each other at the Alexander Wang fashion party in NYC.

“They were dancing very close all night,” an eyewitness tells Life & Style. “They definitely seemed like a couple and were so comfortable and cozy with each other.”

[From Life & Style]

O RLY?!?!? I'll totally believe that Penn and Zoe were all coupled up, because they were seeing a lot of each other all summer, while Michael Fassbender was in the UK. And her ploy worked and now Zoe is back to getting the Fassdong, and when Michael leaves again, she'll go back to Penn? *fingers crossed* I will say this: Zoe’s got game. She’s reminding me of Blake Lively, Penn’s ex. Poor Penn! He always gets with the girls looking for an upgrade.




Photos courtesy of Life & Style, WENN.

‘Top Gun’ will hilariously return to theaters in 3-D, will you buy tickets?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:22 AM PDT


It’s an almost universally accepted opinion that Tom Cruise has lost much of his movie star luster over the past decade. His very recent antics, including but not limited to rocking out on a hotel balcony and revealing himself as deperate to impress the kiddies on the Rock of Ages set, haven’t helped matters either. Cruise’s oblivious posturing makes it even harder to accept the Xenu fog that proliferates the Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol film and almost impossible to take him seriously as an action star. However, it wasn’t always that way. Back in the 1980s, Tom Cruise was king of the box office and had captured many of our young hearts with films like 1986’s Top Gun, which marked its 25th anniversary with a special AMC weekend return to theaters in April of this year. Now, one lingering question over this film still exists — will audiences open their wallets once again to relive the glory (and homoerotic vibes) of Cruise’s Maverick and Val Kilmer’s Iceman in “eye popping” 3-D?



Paramount certainly hopes that the nostalgia factor for this movie is a bankable one, for the conversion process is in full swing and will arrive at a muliplex near you in 2012:

Tom Cruise hit is being converted by Legend3D.

Tony Scott’s 1986 classic Top Gun starring Tom Cruise is being converted to 3D for a theatrical release.

A four-minute “world premiere” preview of the converted film — featuring the “Danger Zone” aerial flight sequence — was screened Monday at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) in Amsterdam.

The 2D to 3D conversion is being accomplished at Legend3D, whose CEO Rob Hummel introduced the clip as well as its unique business model during an IBC panel.

“We think there is great potential for catalog titles in 3D, but studios have had trouble justifying the expense,” Hummel said, explaining that Legend 3D is funding and doing the conversion for Paramount.

“As I understand it, they are planning to release it in 3D in early 2012, though I known they want to get Tony Scott’s approval before they go forward,” he said, explaining that Legend 3D effectively has a revenue sharing deal with Paramount.

“I think Top Gun lends itself to 3D due to the aerial flight,” he said of the project. “You can have fun with 3D by bringing things off the screen if they are not attached to the edge of the screen.”

[From Hollywood Reporter]

Believe it or not, I am looking forward to this, unlike this weekend’s 3-D release of The Lion King. Instead, Top Gun might actually be worth the inflated ticket price, and it’s not just the aerial flight sequences that will lend themselves to 3-D. Seriously, what about the beach volleyball scene? I would wholeheartedly pay to watch that in 3-D. Paramount needs to market this conversion properly and target all of the demographics! If those nips aren’t properly tweaked out in 3-D, the ladies and the gays aren’t buying. Now, let’s revisit the original theatrical trailer:

Bloody hell, Val Kilmer used to be so hot. Arrogant hot, but hot nonetheless. Now, he looks like this. That’s so depressing. Also and because I cannot resist, those of you who don’t mind a little bit of R-rated language should revisit this video of Quentin Tarantino on Top Gun, which brings an added dimension of its own to the movie itself.



Movie stills courtesy of TomCruiseFan.com

Alex Skarsgard on losing his virginity, “That was 2008… Best 8 seconds of my life”

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:14 AM PDT

Alexander Skarsgard was on Jimmy Fallon last night, and he was awesome. The last time I saw him interviewed was on Regis & Kelly and he seemed kind of shy and reserved. Alex spoke in his Swedish accent for a little while instead of the practiced tones he uses as Eric on True Blood. It was really sexy. He told an awesome story about how his family will take his 82 year-old wheelchair-bound grandmother out for lunch and drinks every day at 1:00. You can see that above.

Alex is promoting Straw Dogs, and he’s also on the cover of Men’s Journal looking tortured and sporting some really terrible mushroom hair. Who thought it was a good idea to style his hair like that? He still looks hot though. In the interview, the 35 year-old jokes that he lost his virginity in 2008, and also says that he thinks every day about his five year winning streak as the sexiest man in Sweden. He’s funny and self deprecating, and I can’t help but love him more in every interview. Here’s more:

It’s hard be the star of a sexed-up series like True Blood and not be asked about your own sex life.

And yet, when Men’s Journal quizzes Alexander Skarsgard about when he lost his virginity, the October cover boy deadpans: “That was 2008, I think. Best eight seconds of my life.”

Though he’s been named Sweden’s Sexiest Man five times running, the 35-year-old doesn’t take the title too seriously. “Every single day, I wake up and look in the mirror and think, ‘Five times, mother–ker. Five times.’”

All kidding aside, the Straw Dogs star says he hopes to one day be recognized for his talents — and not just his model good looks.

“You tend to get a lot of offers that are, like, the hot guy,” Skarsgard tells Men’s Journal. “And those parts aren’t very fun. I hope there’s something more to me than my pecs.”

[From US Magazine]

So if Straw Dogs is out this weekend, why haven’t we seen premiere photos yet? A lot of us are looking forward to the awkward embrace that’s probably going to happen on the red carpet between Alex and his co-star and ex girlfriend, Kate Bosworth. (He seems like the hugging type.) She’s moved on by now, of course, but that seems like a ploy to make Alex jealous. Is she going to bring her new piece to the premiere? That would be a transparent move.



Here’s Alex getting out of a car at the Toronto Film Festival on 9/10/11.


Men’s Journal photos via ONTD. Other photo credit: WENN

Robert Downey Jr. does the cowboy thing for GQ UK: sexy or meh?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:02 AM PDT


Robert Downey Jr. covers the new issue of GQ UK Style, and the shoot was by Inez & Vinoodh. I like him as a cowboy, honestly. You'd think that he's too… modern, I guess, too much of a fancy man, a dandy, to pull off the cowboy thing. But he makes it work, and now I really, really want to see him in cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. I bet he would be sexy as hell. Oh… yeah. Unlike those Gerard Butler-Ralph Fiennes photos from earlier, these photos are doing it for me.


Since we don't have excerpts from the interview or anything, I'm guessing that RDJ is just beginning his promotional rounds for Sherlock Holmes 2: Game of Shadows. When I went to see The Debt, the were already showing the trailer for the film. I can't wait! You know that Noomi Rapace is in it, right? She was the original Lisbeth Salander, and probably the best. I'm not going to get all judgy about Rooney Mara yet, but I just saw some photos of Mara, and… ugh. Team Noomi.

Also: remember, RDJ and Susan are expecting their first child together! I'm so happy for them. I bet she got pregnant as soon as RDJ came home in this cowboy outfit.


Photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

Taylor Armstrong releases photos of her abuse to ET (warning)

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:33 AM PDT

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Taylor Armstrong has released (sold) photos of the abuse she suffered, allegedly at the hands of her late husband, Russell Armstrong. Entertainment Tonight aired about three photos of her bruised and battered face while she was being treated in the hospital. Taylor had to get plastic surgery to repair her eye. An “expert” gave the opinion that Taylor was either punched out to cause that black eye or pushed into something. It does look like typical abuse, and it bolsters the stories that Russell was abusive to Taylor, which are supported by similar stories and restraining orders taken out on him by two of his exes.

I don’t get why Taylor is releasing these now, when her abuser and the father of her child is dead. It’s not about smearing his memory to me or anything, like I understand why she would want to get her side of the story out there, but why now? It just seems like a bid for publicity, public sympathy and cash, which is frankly what we’ve seen from Taylor prior to her husband’s death. Maybe she wants to set the record straight that it wasn’t Russell who was the victim here, as his family has been portraying him as.

I’m going to be honest, I didn’t tape Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week. I saw enough last week to never want to watch that show again.

It’s worth noting that the latest news on Real Housewife Adrienne Maloof and her husband, plastic surgeon Paul Nassif, is that they’re cutting back because they’re having financial trouble. Adrienne’s family owns the Palms Casino. On last week’s show, Adrienne and Paul served their guests the most expensive champagne in the world, Angel, at over $2,200 a bottle. That show is so over for me. I’m sorry for Taylor, but that doesn’t mean I have to like her or any of the other Housewives at all.



Christina Hendrick, booby in pink Vivienne Westwood: stunning or meh?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT


These photos are just to remind everyone that Sarah Jessica Parker is really, really boring on the red carpet these days. We try to relive the glory days, when SJP could command a red carpet, but those days are past. So here's the real star of last night's premiere of I Don't Know How She Does It: Christina Hendricks. Or, more specifically, the star(s) of the red carpet were Christina's boobs. This rose Vivienne Westwood is spectacular, and I love it on Hendricks. I'm so glad she's got a modeling contract with Westwood, because now she'll be wearing more of Westwood's famously corseted and boob-tastic gowns. LOOK AT HER. She looks so awesome. Okay, her makeup is a little bit off, but why are you even looking at her makeup? LOOK AT HER RACK.



I think Matthew Broderick's face says it all. It says: "BOOBS. I'm afraid!"


I didn't hate SJP's dress, though. Look at her itsy-bitsy waist. She's so tiny. The dress is really nice too.


The worst dressed on the carpet? Olivia Munn. I think she was trying to do old-school SJP with this Oscar de la Renta-looking cocktail dress, but… it's a fail. Not an epic fail, but the dress doesn't suit her, and it sucks for her to wear pink when there's such a better example of pink on the same carpet.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Kim Kardashian wears two hideous outfits in one day: WTF, Kat-face?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:26 AM PDT


My first thought was that Kim Kardashian is dressing specifically so that we'll talk about how she's probably pregnant. She still looks very heavy to me - that's not a crack on her weight or her figure, I'm just merely pointing out that A) that money she spent on training with Tracy Anderson was wasted and B) Size 4 my ass. Anyway, these are new photos of Kim in NYC yesterday. She had two costume changes, the long-sleeved yellow-beige during the day for some business meetings, and then this horrible white, ruffled blouse and dark skirt for the evening, where she sat in the front row for Avril Lavigne's Abbey Dawn runway show. Kim's little sister Kylie Jenner walked the runway for Avril.

I guess we should applaud Kim for not outshining her little sister's catwalk debut. But I'm still baffled by what looks Kim puts together, and how she can honestly think she looks cute. Also: she's back to jacking her catface to the extreme. Immediately after her wedding, I don't think Kim had time to go in for all of her injections and fillers and such, so she was looking… well, her face was moving slightly, and I'm sure that bothered her. So she went away for several days and got some fresh injections, and now her catface is back to "normal". Meaning, SHE LOOKS AWFUL. Look at her catface. She's actually looking more and more like Kourtney, right?






Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

Kate Gosselin: “I think that people think that I’m like mommy dearest”

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:06 AM PDT

Last night was the big finale for Kate Plus 8. There was plenty of footage of the kids growing up, of Kate and Jon, of all the family trips they went on, and of Kate and Jon’s acrimonious relationship. It seemed like TLC, and Kate, were working hard to try and justify the fact that they’d filmed this family for the past six years and downplay that the act of filming them had irreparably changed them, particularly the children. It was all about how the kids had benefited from all the trips and experiences, and how they now had the best home videos that they got to share with the world. There weren’t any huge meltdowns like Kate had in the previous episode on the RV. Some of the most telling stuff came from Kate herself, who has consistently tried to portray herself as this normal working mother despite the fact that she’s either turned into a self-obsessed touchy narcissist, or doing the show just helped bring out that aspect of her personality. Here’s my favorite quote from Kate in this finale episode.

I couldn’t even stand myself in season two. I think that people think that I’m like mommy dearest, like this horrendous person. Am I rosy and peachy and splendid all the time? I think everyone in this room could say ‘no.’ Sometimes, over two days of shooting for one episode and I have three crabby mommy moments. Well, guaranteed you’re going to see them all in a twenty two minute show. So of course that makes me look like I’m crabby mommy all the time.

We’ve seen her screaming at her children over minor issues, we’ve seen her spend hours whining and refusing to join in activities because she feels uncomfortable, and we’ve seen her berate other people, and her ex Jon, for similarly minor issues. She is a control freak and a mean person. This isn’t an issue of film editing.

Oh and I have to mention this comment that her friend made about Kate now and how she used to be different when she first became a mother. “I see her [now], and it’s more TV. ‘What am I wearing, how skinny can I get?’ I always say to her ‘you’re not Angelina Jolie.‘”

Kate has a new interview with E! News, and she told them that she probably would have split up with Jon even if they never did the reality show. She said “Jon and I… would probably still not be together… it would be lack of finances and struggles to make ends meet that would have ripped us apart.” It’s all about the money for her.

In the finale she discussed her relationship with Jon at length. She said “I can think back to the past with no malice, no hate, because that person [Jon] doesn’t exist anymore.” She claimed that she wouldn’t change her past with Jon, because that would mean she wouldn’t have her kids, which was nice.

As for what’s next for Kate, she said “I refuse to pull [my kids] out of their house, I refuse to pull them out of their [private] school, so I better figure something out to keep them there, and it’s scary. Probably the future holds TV for me… Is this the last time you’ll see my kids on TV? Probably not. I know that there’s a lot of people out there who genuinely really care how each of my kids turns out.” More than she does.

At the end of the show they showed a preview of the upcoming season of Extreme Couponing. Make room for the new!



Rihanna’s blonde-wiglet Armani ads: unfortunate or sexy?

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:00 AM PDT


Back in July, Armani announced that Megan Fox was no longer their official spokescrotch. Megan's print and commercial ads for Armani - for Armani underwear, jeans and makeup - had been going from bad to worse, and her latest set of Asian-looking makeup ads seemed like the last straw. So, Armani replaced Megan with Rihanna. I've been trying to figure out if Megan is completely fired, or if she's just representing Armani's makeup line now. I don't know - but I do know that Rihanna has Megan's old underwear and jeans contracts.



So, these are the new ads. The full set of underwear and jeans ads were just released this week, and… they're not good. Ugh. Let's do the positive first: Rihanna is nowhere near as tweaked and jacked as Megan Fox. I tend to think Rihanna's face is all-natural, but I'm sure someone will correct me. I also like that Rihanna's boobs are real, and that Armani selected a "model" with a healthy, slender figure (instead of Megan's weird, unhealthy-looking body). Rihanna doesn't have fake boobs, which I like as well.

Now for the negative: the blond wiglet. The makeup. The poses. Rihanna looks like hell in these ads. And she's one of those girls who can look incredibly sexy in just candid photos where she's walking around: why does she look so UNsexy when she's posed and blonde and made up? Ugh.




Armani ad campaigns courtesy of Design Scene.

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