

Princess Charlene & Prince Albert have a “show of unity” in England

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT


Prince Albert and Princess Charlene were in England this weekend. They attended the Variety Club's golden jubilee event, and these are some photos from the event. I should note that the British press seems to like Charlene, although they tend to make her a "second class" royal compared to their own royalty - I can even remember reading a British tabloid piece about how Charlene's name is tacky, compared to Kate Middleton's. Still, the British press loves nothing better than to sweep up after a royal scandal, so these photos are being interpreted as "a show of unity" from Charlene and Albert. Seriously! Look at Charlene's face in these photos - she looks like she's about to cry in nearly every frame. I didn't choose the most depressed-looking ones, either. This is how she looks for every event she does with Albert. I think it's also telling that the palace hasn't let Charlene do any events on her own yet - they're afraid to let her go out with a handler, lest she break down in tears and beg some commoner for help.


Anyway, about the fashion - I can't find a designer ID on this dress. It's a gold silk brocade, and I think it flatters Charlene very well, although I hate brocade gowns. It looks like you're wearing drapes! Still, Charlene looks good, fashion-wise. I think she must be like Princess Diana - she pours herself into fashion when her marriage is going badly.

Leeds isn’t the first place you would expect to see Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco. But the Royal couple took advantage of their trip to Yorkshire to put on a show of unity - despite the turbulent start to their marriage.

Onlookers at Harewood House were hard-pressed to find any evidence of trouble while the pair were pictured arm in arm at the Variety Club's golden jubilee event.

Charlene, 33, who apparently tried to flee the country two days before her wedding in July after learning Albert had a love child, yesterday appeared to only have eyes for her husband. The former South African Olympic swimmer showed off her toned arms in an elegant cream and gold gown, scraping her hair back to reveal a stunning pair of yellow diamond earrings.

The couple seemed the picture of happiness, even after it was recently claimed in Paris Match that Charlene has banned Albert from seeing Nicole Coste, the air hostess from Togo who in 2003 gave birth to son Alexandre.

He also has another daughter Jazmin, 19, born after a brief affair with American estate agent Tamara Rotola. In both cases, DNA tests were needed before Albert admitted he was the father, and agreed to pay for their upbringings.

But it seems Charlene has put Albert’s past behind her as the pair jetted to Leeds to attend the ball, part of a series of celebrations of mark the half-century of the Yorkshire Committee of the Variety Club Children's Charity.

The event raised £250,000 and was attended by more than 300 people including singer Lulu and comedian Bobby Davro. The Monegasque Royal Family have a tradition of celebrating charities in Yorkshire. Prince Albert's parents, Rainer III and actress Grace Kelly, attended a similar event nearly 40 years ago at the Queens Hotel.

[From The Mail]

See? Ass-kissy. Will Charlene ever make a break for it? Surely someone could have helped her in England. Maybe Albert and Charlene will come to America for some event - someone will help her here.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Adele covers Vogue UK, says her weight “has just never been an issue”

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 06:52 AM PDT


Adele is the cover girl for the October issue of Vogue UK. Aren't these shots pretty? She is just so beautiful, but I'm getting slightly tired of the way magazines treat Adele's pictorials. They're always covering her up in the photo shoots, and then they just put a head shot on the cover. I mean, her face is gorgeous and she's very photogenic, but I feel like magazine editors don't want to show Adele's figure on the cover because she isn't a size zero.

The editor of Vogue UK, Alexandra Shulman, says in her editor’s letter: "Our cover girl, Adele, has won over the world with her heartbreaking voice and her ability to seem as if she very much herself… One of the interesting facts of celebrity is that we, the admirers, usually find some particular aspect of our favourite stars to focus on and that generally become ‘the point of them’. We like them to be a certain way, and often take a long time to accept any change. So Adele’s very normality, her down-to-earth determination not to compromise herself, has become as much a part of her USP as, for example, Madonna’s constant, deliberate reinvention.” The Mail has some excerpts from Adele's interview:

While many young singers are obsessed with staying slim there is one star that makes no apology for her fuller figure. And in a revealing interview singing sensation Adele says she is happy just the way she is and her voluptuous shape has never been an issue.

Speaking to Vogue the 23-year-old who also posed for a series of stunning portraits said: 'I enjoy being me; I always have done. I've seen people where it rules their lives, you know, who want to be thinner or have bigger boobs, and how it wears them down. And I just don't want that in my life.'

And it seems the people she surrounds herself with ensure she maintains a positive self-image.

She explained: 'It's just never been an issue – at least, I've never hung out with the sort of horrible people who make it an issue. I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me.’

Adele, who was forced to cancel the first two dates of her U.K. tour yesterday because of a severe cold and chest infection, has also revealed why you won't see her as the face of a brand anytime soon, no matter how high the offer is.

She told the magazine: 'I don't want to see me plastered everywhere,' before adding, 'If they offered me £10million, I'd be like f*** off. Besides if I was going to be the face of anything it should be the face of full-fat coke.'

Adele's star just keeps on rising her second album 21 has sold over 3.5million copies and broke the solo female artist record for staying at number one for eleven weeks. But while she is currently in higher demand than ever the singer has been forced to cancel the first two dates of her U.K. tour because of ill health.

In a blog post to her website she explained: 'im as useless as a slug right now, ive had a rotten cold,' before adding: 'id rather not do a show, then not do a good one for you. (sic)'

Adele is scheduled to perform in Cardiff on Wednesday.

[From The Mail]

See, I never know with English people - is Adele being typically English and self-effacing, or is she just bringing up her weight because it's better to be the first person to make a joke about it, because she's so used to being criticized? I want to believe her, I want to think that she surrounds herself with cool people who think she's beautiful (she is), but I worry about her. I don't get her answer to the question about modeling and endorsing brands - unless she's worried that she'll bring a lot of criticism on herself about her body.




Photos courtesy of Vogue UK.

Brad Pitt comes back to his family, he & Angelina take the kids to ‘The Smurfs’

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 06:30 AM PDT


Brad Pitt flew back to England during a little break in filming in Scotland, probably so he could spend some time with Angelina and the kids (after boning his attractive assistant?). Or maybe the film production has moved back to London…? I have no idea. This is the longest Brad has worked on a movie in a while - usually his filming schedule is only a few months, with weekends off, but I feel like he's been working on this World War Z for more than three months already. Anyway, the Family Jolie-Pitt is all together in London now, and this weekend had another big family outing - this time to check out The Smurfs!

Was it ladies day out for the Jolie-Pitts?

Shiloh, Zahara and Vivienne were glued to Angelina Jolie as they exited a showing of the Smurfs movie in London.

Jolie held onto youngest daughter Vivienne, 3, and squeezed 6-year-old Zahara’s hand, while Shiloh, 5, led the way – blanket in hand, thumb in mouth!

They did have some male escorts though: Papa Pitt and Maddox, 10, weren’t far behind.

[From People]

I didn't see any photos of Maddox, but I did see Pax. Maddox might be too big for The Smurfs? He's probably getting into boy movies now, not Smurfs. Anyway, I like Zahara's little purple outfit - she likes to coordinate and look "pulled together". Shiloh is kind of a mess with her silkie, and little Vivienne doesn't look tearful, which is unusual. My favorite in these photos is little Knox, though - um, did Brad dress him? He's giving me Little Lord Fauntleroy vibes with his knickerbockers and coordinated smoking jacket.


Before the Sunday outing for The Smurfs, though, Angelina had to entertain the kids while dad was away "working" (on his assistant). Us Weekly reports that Angelina did what many mothers do - spend the day exhausting the hell out of her kids so they'll go to bed early.

Party ’til you pass out! As Brad Pitt continued shooting World War Z at Longcross Studios outside London, his love Angelina Jolie found just the thing to keep their six kids happy, entertained…and tuckered out!

On Saturday, Jolie, 36, dazzled her brood — Maddox, 10, Pax, 7, Zahara, 6, Shiloh, 5, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 3 — with something special in the garden of their rented home in London’s Richmond neighborhood.

“All of the kids were in the garden to play and she surprised them with a local group of children’s entertainers,” a source tells Us Weekly of the sunny day. “Think juggling, game organizing, races, that type of thing.”

Jolie’s treat was just the trick for Shiloh and the gang, the source adds. “The kids laughed and screamed all day. They were exhausted by the time the troupe left!”

Sounds like Jolie has made peace with her man Pitt’s epic shoot in the UK for the zombie flick — which had her contemplating making a break for it to the U.S. last month.

“She’s not pleased being at home while he’s on set,” another source told Us earlier this summer. “These are the longest hours he’s spent on a set in a while, so it’s just her and the kids with not much to do.”

[From Us Weekly]

Yep. Sounds nice. Mommy probably downed a fistful of Advil and made it through the day, just so she could have a peaceful evening.

There's also a rumor going around that Angelina plans on enrolling the kids in a school in London, just because Brad's film shoot is going on forever. A source told The Sun, "The children are home tutored in the United States, but wherever possible Brad and Angelina like to have them attend local schools to introduce them to the culture of each country." Meh. I doubt it will happen.






Photos courtesy of Fame.

Help author sued for jacking the life story of her brother’s maid

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 05:43 AM PDT

Full disclosure: I read half of The Help and it bugged me so I put it down. It just seemed hackneyed to me, with the maids all speaking in slang dialect and the white women speaking in a perfectly normal way that didn’t even have a southern twang. Plus the plot bothered me. I’m white, which makes me feel unqualified to judge whether it was racist (which I suspected), but it started to drag in the middle and I put it down.

So I haven’t finished the book, and I’ve never seen the movie, but I felt a little twinge of smugness when I read that the author, Kathryn Stockett, is getting sued. Apparently the lead character in The Help, Aibileen, shares an incredible amount of commonalities with a maid and nanny who worked for the author’s brother for over 12 years, Abilene Cooper. I’m going to include some details from this article in The Daily Mail about the lawsuit, because it lays out the details well. The Mail gets it wrong, though, by claiming the suit is ongoing. This lawsuit for just $75,000 in damages was dismissed in mid August for being filed after the “statute of limitations for misappropriation claims.” It sounds like Cooper had a decent claim against Stockett, though. Here’s more:


When Abilene Cooper picked up her copy, however, her reaction was rather different. Instead of sympathy for the characters of The Help, there was anger and devastation.

As she turned the pages she came to believe that the story at the heart of the book – an unlikely friendship between a white girl and a black maid – was her own. Her life, she believes, has been stolen, without acknowledgment or payment.
Certainly the name is hers, although in the book the heroine is spelt Aibileen. The city, Jackson, Mississippi, is correct, and like the characters in The Help, she has spent much of her life working in white households.

Intriguingly, these include the household of Kathryn Stockett's brother and sister-in-law, where she has been a maid and nanny for 12 years.

Abilene says: 'When I started to read the book, I said, ''This is the closest thing to my life I ever seen. It's gotta be me.''
'Kathryn spelt my name wrong, but they pronounce it exactly the same way in the book and the film. I introduced myself to Kathryn when I first met her at her brother's house that way: ''Aib-e-leen".

Kathryn has Aibileen teaching the white folks' baby girl to call her ''Aib-ee". That's what I taught Kathryn's niece and nephew to call me because they couldn't manage Abilene.

'I just cried and cried after I read the first few pages. In the book, Aibileen has taken her job five months after her son is killed in an accident. My son, Willie, had leukaemia and died when he was 18, in July 1998, three months before I went to work for the Stocketts.

'I felt the emotions in my heart all over again. Kathryn copied parts of my life and used them without even asking me.'
In the book, Aibileen is a deeply religious woman who sports a gold tooth and a gold cross, as does the real-life Abilene.
Both women cope with the stifling heat of the Mississippi summer by wearing wigs when their own hair goes limp in the humid air.

Both devote a lifetime to bringing up the babies of 'white folks': the fictional Aibileen has raised 17 children while Abilene estimates her total to be 18 or 19.

The novel is set in the early Sixties and Aibileen hears that black civil rights leader Medgar Evers has been assassinated by the Ku Klux Klan in her home town, Jackson. The heroine is dizzy with fear and the passage has an eerie similarity to Abilene's own memories of the murder.

She, too, remembers how Evers's death brought the city to the brink of civil war. When Abilene, then 12, heard the news from her grandmother that day in 1963, she was terrified: 'My grandmomma September 4, 2011 From Sharon Churcher in Jackson, Mississippi told us all we had to protect us was God and prayer,' she says. 'There weren't no coloured policemen.'
The killing was one of the most significant moments in the long, hard battle for civil rights in the Deep South.

A careworn, heavyset woman who has been working as a maid for white families in Jackson since she was 13, Abilene says: 'My brothers were involved in the civil rights protests and my daddy feared for our lives and my momma walked around praying.

The Help compares Aibileen's skin colour to a cockroach: 'He black,' Abilene says of the insect, 'blacker than me. How can Kathryn live with herself after writing that? How can a person be that cruel?

‘I think she is just a racist. She claims she respects black people but she just ran all over me.'

[From The Daily Mail]

Again, this lawsuit isn’t going anywhere. Stockett sent Cooper a note in 2009 telling her the character in the book wasn’t based on her despite the obvious name similarities. Cooper didn’t get around to reading the book until over a year later, and since the suit wasn’t filed until 2011, after the one year statute of limitations, it was thrown out. I follow celebrity news closely (well only the most superficial and trashy of it, but still) and I didn’t hear anything about this lawsuit when it was dismissed nearly a month ago.

The Help continues to dominate the box office. It was number 1 over this holiday weekend for the third weekend in a row, bringing its domestic box office total to $118.6 million. E! Online asks if it’s the Avatar of chick flicks. (Here’s an article that discusses how it got made. Apparently Stockett was childhood friends with the guy who ended up directing it, actor/director Tate Taylor.)

As for this lawsuit, I’m surprised that Stockett didn’t offer some kind of settlement. She may have based Aibileen on another maid she knew who passed away, (as she claims) but the biographical similarities to the real Abilene are striking. To me, it just goes to show what a derivative book it is, but I know a lot of people enjoyed it and obviously the movie as well.

Kathryn Stockett is shown at the premiere of The Help on 8/9/11 and at The Deauville Film Festival with The Help director Tate Taylor on 9/3/11. Credit: WENN.com


Stockett and her daughter from a previous relationship.

This last picture is priceless.



Kate Bosworth in Valentino, at the Deauville Film Festival: surprisingly lovely?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 05:28 AM PDT


I can't believe I'm about to say this, but Kate Bosworth looks really good here. These are photos of Kate at the opening ceremony for the Deauville Film Festival. She's in Valentino and… it suits her? On another girl, I would think this dress would be super-boring. But the clean style and the simply bow belt, it flatters Kate's too-thin figure. It adds a few inches to her skinny body. Kate brought her lover, Michael Polish, as her date. He walked the red carpet with her… which means that The Bos doesn't really hate doing the red carpet thing with her lovers, which means that it was Alexander Skarsgard who didn't want to be photographed with her.


Kate is at the Deauville Film Festival to promote her film Another Happy Day, which finds her at the centerpiece of an ensemble family drama. Something about a wedding at the family estate, basically rich, neurotic white people with problems, I think. Demi Moore is in it, as is Ellen Barkin. Sounds like a must-miss film!

The Bos also has Straw Dogs coming out soon, which should be an interesting promotional tour now that she and Skarsgard are over. Do you think they'll pose together on the red carpet? Do you think The Bos will bring her new lover to the premiere in an attempt to make Alex jealous? Hahahaha. If you remember, Kate's version of how that all went down was that she cheated on Alex with Polish, and then SHE dumped Alex. Rii-ight. Anyway, Kate talks about Straw Dogs in her Blackbook Mag interview, which you can read here.

UPDATE: I’ve added some photos of The Bos in white Chanel at the Deauville premiere. I don’t like this one.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Emma Stone in mustardy Roland Mouret: pretty or fug?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 05:27 AM PDT


Emma Stone and the cast of The Help are attending the Deauville Film Festival, and these are some photos from the opening night ceremony, and from the photo call for The Help. I guess The Help hasn't been released internationally yet? Sure. Emma wore Roland Mouret for the opening ceremony - that's the mustardy-brownish gown. She wore the short black & white Dolce & Gabbana for the photo call. First, thoughts on the Mouret? I think Mouret is just trying to change things up because he's tired of Victoria Beckham copying everything he does. But I do like the style of the dress - it reminds me of what Ungaro was doing a decade ago, and I really liked Ungaro back then. My only complaint is the color. In the South, we refer to that color as "baby sh-t". Why not red or blue or green or white? Eh. The D&G is cute though. At this point, I consider it a "win" when Emma isn't wearing some weird biscuit dust ruffle.

Speaking of Emma, did you read The Daily Beast piece on Emma's rise in popularity? The guy who wrote it says that Emma is so popular these days because she reminds us of Linnocent, and Emma basically has the career that Linnocent should have, if Linnocent hadn't snorted her opportunities years ago. I don't agree with the piece at all, but it's an interesting theory. Go here to read the piece. The Hollywood Reporter also has a decent interview with the cast of The Help in Deauville here.





Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

Michael Fassbender brings sexual deviancy to Venice, of course

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 09:17 AM PDT


Michael Fassbender is blowing me a kiss. Motherf^(*&$!!!!! God, I love him. He must love me too. He just blew me a kiss. As if you couldn't tell already, Fassie is still in Venice promoting his projects. These photos are from today's photo call of Shame, plus a photo from Saturday and then Friday's premiere of A Dangerous Method (I already covered the sexy flip-flop photo call photos here). I kind of forgot that Michael was also going to be promoting Shame at Venice too - that the film where he plays a (prepare yourselves) sex addict. The film has lots of flirting and Fassbender sex and I believe it has some dong shots too. I know it has ass shots. Basically, it's my new favorite film.

You know what I love about My Fassbender? I think he must be a really nice guy who has a healthy relationship with women and sex, but he always plays sexual deviants. There's just something about him that gets typecast as "the jailbait seducer" or "the spanker" or "the guy who can't stop bangin' every chick he sees". He'll probably round out his career by playing a toe-sucker and a fanatical ass man.

As for the men's fashion part - for the Dangerous Method premiere, Michael wore a nice black suit and a gold tie, but… I don't know. He doesn't look RIGHT dressed up in formal clothes. He looks sexier in jeans, I guess. Well, he looks sexier naked. Or soaked in sweat. God, look at his beautiful hands. Look at his crooked smile! Look at his eye crinkles. Sigh… today is a good day. And we shall have many more good days, because Michael will be promoting his films all over the place for months. Prepare yourselves, Fass-loonies. It's going to be an erotic Autumn.

PS… I also included a few new stills from Shame. They're not as hot as these candids, but they'll do.



Post, post-script: That's Fassie's father behind him in this photo. Fassie Senior is an attractive man too.








Photos courtesy of WENN.

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