Cele|bitchy |
- Linnocent got a new tattoo of a Billy Joel lyric: tacky or Long Island 4 Eva?
- Taylor Lautner woos Twihards with “intense, intense steamy scene” in ‘Abduction’
- Venus Williams has a disease called Sjogren’s Syndrome, is out of the US Open
- Helen Mirren thinks people only praise her body out of “sympathy”
- Marc Anthony speaks out on his divorce, it wasn’t “sensationalistic”
- Kim Kardashian in beige-peach Victoria Beckham: lovely or tragic?
- Cher defends Chaz against “stupid bigots”
- Kate Winslet’s face in Venice: jacked, tweaked and made of lies?
- Vincent Cassel is in Venice too: gorgeous, dapper or meh?
- Evan Rachel Wood’s glorified shirtdess in Venice: stunning or tacky?
Linnocent got a new tattoo of a Billy Joel lyric: tacky or Long Island 4 Eva? Posted: 01 Sep 2011 08:38 AM PDT Linnocent got a new tattoo. Unfortunately, Linnocent has a more finely tuned sense of famewhoring than LeAnn Rimes, and Linnocent didn't immediately get on Twitter to show us lots of photos of her new, dumb tattoo. No, Linnocent sold the photos of her tattoo to TMZ, so we can't use the pics - you can go here to see them. The photo above is from Linnocent's Twitter, though - she captioned it "Work work work". Because this is "work" to Linnocent - getting her nails done and looking crackie for the camera. Anyway, about the tattoo - it's a Billy Joel lyric from his song "I Go to Extremes". The lyric is "Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife, I feel like I’m in the prime of my life." It's on just below her ribs, on her right side - doesn't Miley have a tattoo there too? As for the wisdom of getting a Billy Joel lyric as a tattoo - you're not from Long Island, are you? To Long Islanders, Billy Joel is their patron saint, and all of his lyrics are treated as the gospel. Sure, the tattoo is cheesy and budget. That goes without saying. But I'm not going to mock a Long Island girl for loving Billy Joel. I will mock her for being a crackhead, forever and always, though. Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN. |
Taylor Lautner woos Twihards with “intense, intense steamy scene” in ‘Abduction’ Posted: 01 Sep 2011 08:30 AM PDT I find myself in the precarious position of wishing that Taylor Lautner’s new movie, Abduction, would just come out already. It feels like we’ve been hearing about it for years, right? Let’s just get it over with so that the box-office sort out his fate as a so-called “action star.” Yes, Lautner seems like a really sweet kid, but I am pretty tired of Hollywood telling us that he’s the next big thing without any backup numbers, so let’s get this show on (or off) the road already. Fortunately, the time has almost arrived for Team Jacob members to throw down (or not) for their man — Abduction releases on September 23 against Brad Pitt’s Moneyball and Killer Elite starring Jason Statham, Clive Owen, and Robert DeNiro. How will Lautner’s action thriller pic fare against the competition? I am predicting a $15 million opening weekend at the very most, so we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, Lautner sat down with VMan magazine to promote his flick:
Here’s the tricky thing though: Lautner is currently in the midst of a romantic relationship with his Abduction co-star, Lily Collins, who just happens to be playing Snow White (to Julia Roberts’ Evil Queen) in the upcoming Snow White battle of the bitches. And of course, his Twilight co-star, Kristen Stewart, has the lead role in Snow White and The Huntsman. For his part, Lautner told US Magazine that “Kristen’s going to be cool and edgy and dark,” but “Lily’s gonna be great too. And a completely different feel.” Uh-oh. I see a very uncomfortable situation on the horizon for poor Lautner when these two Snow White movies finally hit theaters. Once again, here’s a few production stills (and a poster) for Abduction … just in case you wanted to refresh your memory of what Lautner looks like when he’s humping a kitchen cabinet: Photos courtesy of VMan and AllMoviePhoto |
Venus Williams has a disease called Sjogren’s Syndrome, is out of the US Open Posted: 01 Sep 2011 08:11 AM PDT
Venus was formerly ranked No. 1 in women’s tennis in the world and she’s now at 32 in singles and 20 in doubles, so she’s force to be reckoned with. Her health has led her to be sidelined, though. Venus just pulled out of the US Open and made an announcement that she was diagnosed with a disease called Sjogren’s Syndrome. In an interview on Good Morning America today Venus said that she felt for years that her stamina was low no matter how much she trained. She explained that about four years ago she felt like she could never get enough air in her lungs. She was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma at the time. This year she experienced joint swelling, dry eyes and dry mouth as well as fatigue and peripheral nueropathy, which are all symptoms of Sjorgen’s. She explained that it normally takes six and a half years to get diagnosed with Sjorgen’s.
[From ABCNews.com] I’ve had health problems in my life. I’m doing great and am hopefully fully recovered now, but years ago there were months when I could barely get around the house and needed a wheelchair outside. So when I hear about health problems I think I get it. I don’t fully remember how bad it was to be that sick, but I was there. It can be awful when your body betrays you. For an athlete, it must be especially devastating. I hope that Venus is able to get the treatment that she needs. I found her story very well told and she sounded like she’s come to terms with it. She will surely bring more awareness to this disease. You can learn more about Sjogren’s on the website for the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation. Here’s Venus playing tennis on 8/29 and out with her dog on 8/10. Credit: WENN.com |
Helen Mirren thinks people only praise her body out of “sympathy” Posted: 01 Sep 2011 08:05 AM PDT People are always giving Helen Mirren awards for her body. I remember… I think it was last year, when Esquire was doing polling on the hottest Hollywood women, the editors were shocked at how many men, of all ages, loved Helen Mirren and thought she was a hot piece. Helen recently "won" the "best body" title by LA Fitness, beating out Jennifer Lopez and Kelly Brook, amongst others. Helen has finally gotten the chance to respond:
[From The Mail] You know I like Jennifer's body too, and my problem is just with Jennifer's funky styling. That being said, I think I would prefer to have Kelly Brook's epic hourglass figure rather than J.Lo's or Helen's. Although… Helen's body looked like Kelly's when Helen was younger. By the way, I'm totally going to see The Debt this weekend. I can't wait! It looks so good, and even though Roger Ebert said it had some issues. Should I do a review of it after I see it? Here's the trailer again… Marton Csokas reminds me of Clive Owen (sigh, biscuit tingle). |
Marc Anthony speaks out on his divorce, it wasn’t “sensationalistic” Posted: 01 Sep 2011 07:34 AM PDT
Anthony denies having affairs, particularly with that flight attendant that was mentioned in Lopez’s US Weekly cover story, but he does it in a roundabout way that makes me scrunch up my face and go “hmmm.” He does say “no, absolutely not” about infidelity but he also spends a lot of time going on about how there were a ton of other fake rumors about him and then he complains about the gossip industry.
Then the interview goes on to promote Marc Anthony’s new album of Spanish love songs, his clothing line with Kohl’s and his talent reality competition with J.Lo. If celebrity watching and speculation is a sport*, then Anthony’s estranged wife is one of the most enthusiastic and hard working players. She puts this stuff out there for consumption, and she’s pushing her side of the story. Marc was kind of unconvincing with his side. He seemed so lackluster in that interview. US Weekly has a big article in the print edition about the “alleged” cheating between Marc and Jada Pinkett Smith on set. They suggest that there was at least an inappropriately close friendship between them along with some suspicious behavior. What’s more is that Jada supposedly tried to help broker Jennifer and Marc’s split! It doesn’t make sense that she would have done that if she was sleeping with Marc as it would have involved some massive chutzpah. Here’s more from US:
[From US Weekly, print edition, September 12, 2011] It sounds like Jada and Marc at least had an emotional affair. That’s funny how Marc sort-of denied having an affair with a stewardess but never mentioned anything on this huge story of an affair with Jada. At least he didn’t talk about it in the preview of the interview that was aired this morning. *On the “celebrity watching as a sport” angle - whenever a guy tries to tell me that celebrity gossip is frivolous I just ask them if they watch Sportscenter. Usually a look of realization dawns on their face. These photos are from 5/23. You can tell that J.Lo is pissed off. Credit: WENN.com |
Kim Kardashian in beige-peach Victoria Beckham: lovely or tragic? Posted: 01 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT CB already covered some Kardashian new earlier this morning - Kim and Kris Humphries on the cover of this week's Us Weekly. This post is about Kim and Kris's appearance last night at a "lavish welcoming party" in NYC. It was sort of like Kim and Kris's second wedding reception, I think, and various C-list celebrities came out to celebrate Kim and her unholy union to Lurch. Kim wore Victoria Beckham! Can you believe Beckham designed something that isn't cinched in every possible way? Anyway, I kind of don't hate the dress. It looks okay on Kim. As for Lurch, he looks meh. I still think he's probably super-dumb. We'll see. As CB/Us Weekly said earlier, 'sources' close to Kim claim she's going to try to get knocked up right away. Life & Style says that it might have already happened - witnesses spotted Kim buying pregnancy tests on her honeymoon. Ugh.
[From Life & Style] It's like that scene from Bridget Jones 2. If your mini-moon is only five days long, why not wait until you come back to good old 'Merica? And aren't you only supposed to take pregnancy tests after you've missed your period? So, by that logic, Kim scheduled her wedding while she was due to have her period. This makes no sense. Basically, Kim just bought pregnancy tests so everybody would talk about her womb. |
Cher defends Chaz against “stupid bigots” Posted: 01 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT
Anyway Chaz’s mom Cher wrote on Twitter that Chaz is going to win people over on DWTS and that she feels the need to defend her child against “stupid bigots.” She really went after Chaz’s detractors and called for people to support him online. Here are her tweets in reverse order from oldest to newest so that they make more sense:
[From Cher's Twitter] That’s really great of her to come to his defense. Cher has been supportive of Chaz from the start, but she’s admitted that it was hard for her to come to terms with his change. Cher wrote in a statement two years ago that “I respect the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding. The one thing that will never change is my abiding love for my child.” Now Cher is going to bat for Chaz. It will be fun to see her in the audience when he’s competing on Dancing With The Stars. She’s such a character. Chaz’s dance partner, fashion-challenged Lacey Schwimmer, has also spoken out on his behalf. Schwimmer told The Insider that she chooses not to focus on the negative comments and that she’s in Chaz’s corner.
[From The Insider] That’s nice! Lacey also says that Chaz has trouble keeping up due to his size but that “we've been putting him through drills that will make him stronger in the competition. It's all about him being able to breath [sic] and get through a full dance.” He's lost five pounds in six days.” It looks like we’re about to see another weight loss success story on DWTS. Here’s a photo of Lacey and Chaz that Chaz posted on Twitter. Photo of Cher and Chaz is from November, 2010. Credit: WENN.com |
Kate Winslet’s face in Venice: jacked, tweaked and made of lies? Posted: 01 Sep 2011 07:01 AM PDT These are some new photos of Kate Winslet at the Venice Film Festival, at the photo call for her new movie, Carnage. I'll talk about the movie in a moment, but for now, can we talk about Kate's face? This is The (Tweaked, 'Toxed) Face of The British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League, you know. She looks like a Kardashian dipped in bleach. She looks like she has Megan Fox's surgeon, the one who makes Caucasian women look pan-Asian. A year ago, Kate looked super-puffy and waxy, and we just thought she was doing Botox and fillers. But now we have to talk about the tweaking, right? Because this is not Kate Winslet's natural face. She's been plucked, sucked, tweaked, 'Toxed, filled, injected, pulled, and chopped. That is a face made of lies. As for Kate's new film…I kept hearing about it when it was a play called God of Carnage and James Gandolfini was starring in it. Everyone loved the play, but I'm not sure if the film adaptation looks any good. It stars Kate, Jodie Foster (who is MIA at Venice), John C. Reilly and Christoph Waltz. Oh, and it's directed by Roman Polanski. So… yeah. It looks TERRIBLE. Out of all of them, doesn't Kate look like the one who doesn't fit somehow? I always think she has problems when she's doing an American accent, though. |
Vincent Cassel is in Venice too: gorgeous, dapper or meh? Posted: 01 Sep 2011 06:58 AM PDT VINCENT!! Here's my French lover Vincent Cassel in Venice today. I don't really have much to say about him other than…he looks hot. He looks like a dirty bastard, in a completely great way. And his wife says that we can bang him too. Vincent is in Venice to promote A Dangerous Method, which stars… (oooh, biscuit tinge) Michael Fassbender and Viggo Mortensen. The big photo call and premiere for the film is tomorrow, so you know I'm going to be at DefCon 1 waiting for Fassbender photos. There was a newly released trailer for the film yesterday, but it's very similar to the old trailer. The only real difference I can see is that they took out the violent spanking. BOOOOOO. However, A Dangerous Method is up for competition at Venice, and odds-makers say that it's probably going to win best picture (the Golden Lion). Going back to Vincent, he's got another new film coming out soon - a French film called Our Day Will Come. It's about two misfit Frenchmen who go to Ireland and do crazy things, I think. Here's the trailer for that: |
Evan Rachel Wood’s glorified shirtdess in Venice: stunning or tacky? Posted: 01 Sep 2011 06:28 AM PDT As we talked about yesterday, George Clooney and his gang opened up the Venice Film Festival with The Ides of March. We already covered the photo call and the fact that Clooney is flying solo in Venice, with no crazy girlfriends, no chicks with Adam's apples, no desperate C-listers. Last night was the big red carpet premiere, and these are some of the photos. First: Evan Rachel Wood in Alessandra Rich… which I actually thought was Carolina Herrera. The dress is a glorified shirtdress, and yet… it looks good/interesting. Only a specific kind of girl could pull this off. Kristen Stewart - with her mouth-breathing, lip-biting and slumped shoulders - could not pull this off. ERW can and does. Shoulders back, that great David Bowie hair, simple makeup, gorgeous jewelry, and she's working the hell out of this dress. It's an odd choice for someone so young too, but that's part of the charm as well. I like that Clooney is doing the red carpet solo. Maybe he realizes that his dating patterns have become kind of obvious and sad. Time for some alone-time. Or maybe he's just Evan in his sights. Marisa Tomei in mustard Marios Schwab, with some kind of funky faux pearl (?) detailing. Why does she look so awful in Venice? Is it the air? Is it the lighting? Is she sick? She looks kind of bloated and sickly, so that may be it. Although… conspiracy theory, Marisa spent a week partying with Clooney, ERW and Clooney's friends at Lake Como before coming to Venice. So maybe she's just super-hungover. But yeah, I hate this dress. It needs to burnt in a healing fire. Cindy Crawford looking less tweaked than she looked several months ago. Maybe she's taking it easier on the 'Tox. Cindy and her husband Rande Gerber were there to support their BFF Clooney. I still don't know how that works - does Rande ever get creeped out by Clooney leering at his wife? Does Cindy ever feel weird when Clooney chooses girlfriends based on their resemblance to her? Anyway, Cindy is in Roberto Cavalli. She looks great in red, but the whole look is a little game-show hostess. Diane Kruger isn't in the movie, but she was at the Venice premiere. She wore Elie Saab, and if you look closely, you can almost make out her biscuits. Diane loves showing off those biscuits. I do like the gown, and I'm not even going to complain about it washing her out. Diane looks like she's putting on a little weight, right? My first thought when I saw these photos of her was "pregnant." But I doubt she is…? And lastly, let me end it on my boyfriend/husband/lover Philip Seymour Hoffman. He's so hot. I want to have a beer with him and then spend a weekend in bed with him… watching old movies. |
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