

Women Under 30 Cannot Be Cougars. The End.

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:27 AM PDT

Courteney Cox: Also not a cougar.

Since when did 20-something year old women become eligible for the title of cougar? Apparently, as long as a woman is more than four years older than the dude she’s sexing/dating, she gets classified as a cougar now.

Earlier this week, The Hairpin ran a piece about hooking up with younger dudes, written by a woman in her mid or late twenties. The comments quickly filled up with other women in their mid or late twenties sharing their "crazy" stories about hooking up with, like, 23 year old dudes. This is disturbing. For starters, 27 year old dudes don’t even question hooking up with younger women, and when they do they certainly aren’t embarrassed. A woman who isn’t even thirty shouldn’t feel like she has to apologize for or make a joke out of being attracted or attractive to a man a few years younger than she is. The fact that relationships where the female partner is significantly (or not so significantly) older than the male partner are scrutinized at all has a lot to do with a lot of the indoctrination we receive as women about our sexual value.

Full disclosure: I’m 33. I date younger dudes. It’s not a big deal, but I felt like it was when I was in my late twenties. I thought a lot of stuff was a big deal in my late twenties, and then I just kind of…stopped caring if I was being a woman "correctly.”

For a long time one of my biggest fears was sexual obsolescence. I had this joke about becoming the sexual equivalent of laser disc. I pictured myself in bed with some younger person who was like "What….is this thing? I’ve never…." and I’m all, "No, no, no! Roger Ebert said this was the superior format! This shit was the height of technology! People would spend significant amounts of money on this!" And they go, "I think I heard about some weird guy in Ohio who collects these things. Maybe call him."

Most of my female friends are in their 20s and early 30s, and the majority of them are stressing about their age already. These aren’t our golden years, ladies. We’re not cougars, or pumas, or a whatever-obnoxious-term-the-heteronormative-bullshit-patriarchal-power-hierarchy-wants-to-label-us-to-let-us-know-we’re-doing-it-wrong. I propose we stop buying it. Let’s define our own worth instead of letting a system that needs us to feel less-than so we’ll keep industries afloat and power-structures as they are tell us what our value is.

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Cameron Stewart… Revealed!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:18 AM PDT

Here’s a case where we’re OK with Hollywood nepotism: Kristen Stewart has dropped out of mom Jules Stewart‘s directorial debut K-11, but that announcement has introduced us to Kristen’s older brother Cameron Stewart, who is still appearing in the prison drama. It’s the same pout and bored eyes that ensnared Edward Cullen, but in male form!

1. He’s been acting for longer than Kristen has: Her first big role was alongside Jodie Foster in 2002′s Panic Room, whereas Cameron has had consistent work since 1988. He’s had bit parts on The Inbetweeners, Farscape, and a slew of unfamiliar TV shows.

2. Fame didn’t come easily: Cameron’s worked his way up through Hollywood. A 2010 Elle profile on Kristen mentioned that Cameron was a film grip, so he’s obviously keen to gain experience in different parts of the industry.

3. He’s not a famous comic-book artist and writer. Despite Cameron’s extensive IMDb resume, the Cameron Stewart who shows up more often online is an illustrator who’s worked with writers like Joss Whedon, Mark Millar, and Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller. Too bad — it would’ve been cool if the brother of the girl most loved/hated by preteens were actually a huge geek.

4. This isn’t his first time working within the family: He and Kristen did a Vogue Italia shoot in 2007.

5. The mohawk isn’t his usual hairstyle. The look is probably for his character, since K-11 is the designation for inmates who are too rowdy/dangerous to be out in the open. The name of Cameron’s character? Sledgehammer.

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Dostoevsky’s Russian Dolls: Ruski Business

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 10:02 AM PDT

As I turned the channel to Lifetime's Russian Dolls Thursday at 11:30 PM, the ghost of Dostoyevsky entered my body. As his designated spiritual medium, I transcribed his impressions of the show. These are his words.

Last night's episodic entitled "Ruski Business" dealt not only with simple transactions of currency, but transactions of trust. Are decency and honor relics of simpler times gone or were they only ever constructions to begin with? The loss of God in the modern world has certainly stripped man of his moral compass. One must question whether humans are capable of integrity or whether some are just better than others at feigning it. I fear men and women are all just painted shells filled with phantom dolls. When you twist them open, all you find are ghosts.

"A thief believes everyone steals" – A Russian Proverb

When these words appeared on the screen as a kind of lazy prologue to the episode, I knew the next thirty minutes would pass a silent rage inside of me. Naturally, evil begets evil and evil only sees evil. But what is true evil? Does one not steal bread when one is hungry? I digress; what drew a rage fever inside my blood is the failed attribution of this quote to its rightful creator. I know the guy who said this – Boris Alexei Yasrlyniv. The cruel twist here is the television might be the biggest thief of all. Be on guard, friends, the TV thinks everyone is stealing cable.

"I'm definitely not full of myself."

Kiev-born Sveta continues to reveal how self-aware she truly is. This idea of not being full of oneself is a level of self-enlightenment few men and women care to recognize or admit. Open her up and you will not find layer and layer of increasingly smaller dolls. I would wager she has only three dolls inside of her – maximum. Then again, I ought not wager. In my lifetime, gambling only brought me sorrow. I too was not full of myself; in fact, my pockets were quite empty.

"Rasputin is a world-famous brand."

A greater truth was never spoken about the mystic who helped topple the Romanov dynasty. Unfortunately, the wealthy Marina was referring to her restaurant, a place of business she also claimed was the "most famous Russian restaurant in the world." I have long left this earth so I really cannot play fair judge to the fame of a restaurant, but I wonder if this makes the blood of Russians boil to know their most popular native eatery is in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn? That said, I could really go for some Borscht right now.

"The barter is always a possibility."

For example, one could barter a pound of one's flesh. One could barter one's daughter to the night for a little extra money and warm food on the table. Yes, a barter is always a possibility as our empty Sveta points out. She and her husband own a jewelry store and they want to put on a show of their earthly goods in Marina's restaurant. But who decides the worth of a barter? Only God is the true judge, and sometimes it seems there is no God in Brighton Beach. Suffice it to say, this does not go well.

"You haven't had tequila poppers before?"

No, Eddie, and I do not plan to. Poor Eddie, the faithful friend. He has made a pact with Anastasia to wed if neither is betrothed by age 30, but it seems she is doing everything in her power to avoid this last resort. In my day, one was more consumed by actual consumption at age 30 than finding a mate.

"Right now we don't have a title, but I know it's going to lead to it."

Ah yes, the eternal struggle of man. Who am I without a label? I am a government worker, I am a doctor, I am a lawyer, I am a husband, I am a wife. It is not enough to say I am me, I am a person, I am a woman. You are saying I am nobody, and the world will turn its back on you. Yes, it is the world we live in that makes Anastasia wait for her ex-boyfriend Vlad to legitimize her again. But I ask you, how do you put a ring on a Russian Doll when she has no hands?

"I don't want to be abused by this pig."

Directly, Marina is referring to Sveta who has expressed nothing but dissatisfaction about the jewelry show at Rasputin. But Russian women know better than anyone that Russian women are never satisfied, so I can only assume Marina is referring to societal expectations forcing themselves upon her. Society is the police officer of the human spirit and she will not be arrested by this "pig." But I ask you, how do you handcuff a Russian Doll when she has no hands?

"Finish the cup."

Says Vlad while sitting in a hot tub wearing a fuzzy hat. Yes, finish the cup Anastasia. Life is one big cup, the faster you finish it, the faster you can end it all.
But I ask you, how is a Russian Doll to drink when she has no hands? Seriously, can someone please answer this for me?

Post from: Crushable

Degrassi: Now or Never Didn’t Kill Adam, Has No Balls

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 09:39 AM PDT

In place of my usual Degrassi recap, I’m going to post my reactions to the season finale for Degrassi: Now or Never. Because let’s be honest — we didn’t care about anything but who would die. Except that no one bit the dust! It sounds a bit heartless, but I think I can speak for the fans when I say we were looking forward to a really dramatic ending. If Adam had died like everyone thought, we would’ve mourned him, but the finale would’ve had substance.

Maybe I had my signals crossed, but from the previews I was sure that the writers intended to, in addition to graduating major characters, kill someone off this season. Especially when you consider the dramatic narration: It’s their last chance to find new love, to make a choice, to forget the past. How far will they go when every moment counts? Especially — when it could be — their last.

There’s a difference between airing a preview days before the finale insinuating that someone might die (which prompted the Adam conspiracy theory) and slipping that “clue” in six weeks ahead of time. It’s a red herring, and it’s just too manipulative.

So, let’s look at “Dead and Gone, Part 2″ itself. The scene where Drew met Vince (the gang guy who’s been tormenting Drew and his friends all season) for lunch was so tense and really well done: Honestly, I was perched on the edge of my couch and gasped every few moments. The look on Vince’s face when Drew picked up his phone and said, “Yeah, we’re still on for prom, B”? Fantastic.

I’m not saying this episode wasn’t well done. In fact, the writers smartly cut straight to prom, and even gave us a tender Adam/Bianca moment that made up for her mocking him during ballroom dancing classes early in the season. It was so sweet that we were even more convinced that Adam was going to take a bullet.

And he did… but in the shoulder. There wasn’t even the fear that he might not pull through. It was laughably insignificant.

Then Bianca grabbed the gun, and we were sure that when she said, “I have to end this” she was going to take her own life. Because as many issues as Drew and Vince have, it really comes down to Bianca, in sort of a West Side Story way. What a great twist!

But that didn’t happen, either. We got a weepy scene between her and Drew which has us convinced that next season will have them reuniting, but ultimately the police got rid of Vince. If that were so easy to do, why didn’t Bianca and Drew try that around episode 6?

Degrassi is the kind of show that needs a big shake-up; graduating the current seniors just won’t cut it. We needed to see someone leave permanently. They’ve done it twice before: School shooter Rick got shot when Sean struggled to pull the gun out of his hand, and J.T. got stabbed by a rival gang. Those episodes aired in 2004 and 2007. So what is it about 2011 that makes the writers so unwilling to get some blood on their hands?

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Illustrated Inquiry: What the Hell Is Labor Day?

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 09:26 AM PDT

Labor Day’s coming up this weekend! How exciting! However: does anyone know what Labor Day actually is? No, I mean, does anyone know what Labor Day actually is? Anyone at all? I asked around and the history of the holiday was lost on everyone. Here are some of the responses I got.

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Video: Paz de la Huerta Forgets Her Clothes for Agent Provocateur

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 08:23 AM PDT

Lingerie brand Agent Provocateur has given Paz de la Huerta the role of a lifetime in this new ad: they’ve allowed to to “accidentally” slip out of her clothing over and over again. Which is, of course, what the Boardwalk Empire star is best at.

At first we saw this ad and laughed at Paz’s clothing follies, but the more I thought about it, the more I acknowledged that sometimes it is really hard to stay inside your clothing. I can’t tell you how many times I bent over to pick up a pen and found myself suddenly topless right there in that Bank of America.

Though it is kind of weird that they left out, “A lady always remembers to fling her snot across the room.”

Post from: Crushable

What’s With the Weird Girly Pink Font on Ryan Gosling’s Drive Posters?

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 07:47 AM PDT

For weeks I’ve seen the posters for Ryan Gosling‘s The Fast and the Furious indie ripoff Drive — and I have to ask, whose idea was it to slap on some girly font for an intense car-chase thriller? Best-case scenario, this looks like something we at Crushable would make; worst-case, it resembles a preteen’s folder with “Mrs. Ryan Gosling” scrawled on it in gel pen.

The only possible explanation is that it’s meant to be campy; EW’s PopWatch blog compares this, the first teaser poster, to the iconic poster for Heathers. But while Drive seems like it’ll turn out to be a guilty-pleasure flick with cheesy lines (“My hands are a little dirty.” “So are mine.”) and outlandish action sequences, the movie still seems to take itself very seriously.

Like I said, this was the first teaser poster. At least eight others have been released in the U.S. and other countries, and only a few posters don’t feature the hot-pink font.

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Cutegreggator: Hipster Babies

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:21 AM PDT

Hipsters aren’t so mad when they’re in baby form, are they? All you need to make one of your own is an infant with a tiny head and a pair of big glasses. It’s the ultimate DIY project!

Post from: Crushable

Video: Pretend You’re In a Sci-Fi Movie As You Watch the Planets Revolve Around Earth

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 06:25 AM PDT

When I was little, I totally wanted to go into space. Not that I was that kid who wanted to be an astronaut, but I love crazy stories about the stars and planets. Like this video, which imagines what it would be like if every other planet revolved around Earth. At first it’s just amusing to see Mars or a second Earth in our night sky (like in the indie movie, Another Earth), but once Jupiter fills the space, things get seriously trippy.


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Crush Links: Glee Season 3 Promo Has Arrived

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 06:05 AM PDT

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