Cele|bitchy |
- Rihanna finally goes back to brunette: much improved or still trashy?
- LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian at the ACM Awards: hilarious and amazing?
- Lindsay Lohan wants us to know that she’s “sworn off dating” right now
- Kris Humphries wants Kim Kardashian to admit that everything was staged
- Bruce Willis & Emma Heming welcome a baby girl, Mabel Ray Willis
- Adele goes vegetarian, plans to lose a lot of weight with her boyfriend
- Paris Hilton freaks out over questions about her waning fame
- Adam Levine & model Anne V have split up after two years together
- Salma Hayek: “I had acne so bad it sent me into a severe depression”
- Octomom: “I’m not on welfare, I’m getting $2,000 a month in food stamps”
Rihanna finally goes back to brunette: much improved or still trashy? Posted: 02 Apr 2012 08:44 AM PDT Rihanna has been in Tokyo over the past few days to promote her debut acting role in Battleship, and she’s finally decided to ditch her busted blonde stripper weave. Thank goodness. Now RiRi is back to brunette and has tweeted these photos with the caption, “Cuz I’m black bitch.” The Mail also has some photos of Rihanna rocking her new locks at a photocall. Doesn’t she look so much better now? In other RiRi news, the singer is now dropping hints in the press that she’d love to play Whitney Houston in a rumored biopic. A bit presumptuous, perhaps?
[From Belfast Telegraph] I can totally believe that Rihanna adores Seth Rogen movies (especially Pineapple Express) because she loves the pot. I’m not sure what to think about the idea of Rihanna as an actress, so we’ll have to wait and see how she fares once Battleship hits stateside theaters on May 18. It does seem rather opportunistic (not to mention insensitive) to start talking up how much she’d love to play Whitney Houston so soon after such an untimely death, but I guess that’s just the nature of Hollywood. In the meantime, here are some photos of Rihanna giving one last hurrah to that dreadful bottle-blonde ‘do. She’s wearing a really ugly Stella McCartney (whom she loves to wear) jacket as a dress in London and favoring a more relaxed look while arriving in the Tokyo airport. I’m so glad she got rid of that color. Photos courtesy of WENN and Twitter |
LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian at the ACM Awards: hilarious and amazing? Posted: 02 Apr 2012 08:38 AM PDT I wish I could accurately describe how much pleasure these LeAnn Rimes photos gave me. It's not just because LeAnn is wearing this hideous Stella McCartney dress, which at this point, the dress is so over-worn by celebrities, it needs to be dragged out into the street and put out of its misery. I'm also getting so much pleasure from LeAnn's posing. She posed solo on the red carpet for a time, and then she snapped her fingers and whistled for her man-servant (I'm guessing) and Eddie came running. Then the real posing started. And it was glorious. LeAnn opens her mouth so wide and then she laughs into Eddie's face and then she stomps her hoof and it's all just so amazing. I love when she presses herself against him, even forcing her knee in-between his legs. She's so possessive! We get it, LeAnn! You got the "prize." As for LeAnn's dress – as I said, it's Stella McCartney. Jennifer Lawrence, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brooklyn Decker and many, many more celebrities have worn this dress or a version of this dress for public appearances over the past few months. Which is weird – why would LeAnn choose a dress which has been so over-worn? Did she not realize? Or did she just think she could do it better? Hahahaha. The Mail even points out that Nicole Kidman wore a long-sleeved version of this dress to a country music show last year – a show where LeAnn performed. OMG, is LeAnn Single-White-Female-ing Nicole Kidman now? To give LeAnn some minor credit – her body is looking much better lately. She gained some weight back, and it looks really good on her. LeAnn was there to present Single of the Year. She tweeted this photo from backstage. I LOVE HER. Who tweets photos of themselves like this? Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
Lindsay Lohan wants us to know that she’s “sworn off dating” right now Posted: 02 Apr 2012 08:37 AM PDT Ugh, I don't even know with this crackhead. I was actually going to do some research for this post, just because I couldn't remember – off the top of my head – who Lindsay Lohan last dated in an official way. I'm not talking about "dated" – as in, some random hotel dude who paid Lohan for her services in access and blow. Who was the last dude (or lady) that Lohan dated? There was a rumor about the Cracken and Dennis Hopper's 21-year-old son, but LL threatened to sue over those stories. And of course, there was the Terry Richardson stuff. What does it say about you if your last "boyfriend" was Terry Richardson? Dear God. Anyway, now that the Cracken is tasting the sweet, powdery goodness of freedom, she's thinking about her career comeback, of course. And this role as Elizabeth Taylor is just too, too important to LL for her to screw it up by "dating" anyone.
Well, you know Samantha Ronson just broke up with her girlfriend. Methinks this is the Cracken's opening salvo to SamRo, hoping to reel in her ex-girlfriend for one more go-around. That makes me feel sorry for Samantha, honestly. LL has crack-stalked her for years, and while the crack-stalking is really funny (because LL thinks she's being clever), it's also really scary. If Lindsay and Samantha weren't both women, Lindsay's stalker behavior would be seen as a lot scarier and more threatening. Hopefully, LL is over it. Hopefully, LL is leaving Samantha alone. Hopefully, this report is just about Lohan's romantic life, and not her career as a cracked-out call girl. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN. |
Kris Humphries wants Kim Kardashian to admit that everything was staged Posted: 02 Apr 2012 08:00 AM PDT I'll have you know that I looked around for a good ten minutes before I simply gave in and decided to write about The Sad Ballad of Basketball Humphries. I need to come up with a better name for this junk. Fake-Marriage-gate? Too much of a mouthful. "Kris & Kim: The Neverending Divorce". Eh. I'm not at my best today. Anyway, Page Six – who are acting like Kris's spokespeople at this point – claims that Kim Kardashian took my advice and simply offered Kris Humphries $7 million to just walk away and leave everybody alone. Page Six says that Kris "refused" the settlement offer because he wants Kim to admit that everything was faked. Ugh.
[From Page Six] Well, Kim has been playing the victim in the press, but I don't really think she's gone out of her way to "attack" Kris. Kris does a good enough job at making himself look like an a–hole, Kim barely has to lift a finger. In fact, whenever Kim speaks, I'm reminded of how much I dislike her too. Anyway, I'm not sure what to make of this. I kind of think that if Kim had actually offered Kris $7 million to STFU and go away, he would taken it, and he should have taken it. If he's drawing this whole thing out just to get Kim to "admit" certain things, he really is an immature, whiny little jerk. Plus, we already know this whole thing was a giant, fake catastrophe. Photos courtesy of WENN and Kim's Twitter. |
Bruce Willis & Emma Heming welcome a baby girl, Mabel Ray Willis Posted: 02 Apr 2012 05:07 AM PDT Emma Heming's pregnancy seemed to go by very quickly. Maybe that was because we barely saw her, and because Bruce Willis's ex-wife was the one getting all of the attention for the past six months. Last October, Emma and Bruce announced that they were expecting their first child together, and now Emma has given birth… to a girl! Bruce and his girls… that man will never get a son, will he? Newborn daughter Mabel Ray Willis was welcomed into this world yesterday in LA. Everybody sounds happy and healthy:
Bruce just turned 57. Emma is 33 years old. Bruce's oldest child is Rumer, at 23 years old (Scout is 21, Tallulah is 18). My guess is that Emma and Bruce are just going to have the one kid together, but I always forget how young Emma is. She might get pregnant again, you never know. Bruce might have another chance for a son. What I kind of love about Bruce, though, is that he seems happy to be a father of all girls. By all accounts, he's a doting and stable father. Anyway, congrats to Emma, Bruce and baby Mabel Ray. In case you're wondering, Chad Lowe and Dermot Mulroney also have daughters named Mabel. So it's something of a trend in Hollywood. It's such an old-fashioned name! What's next? "Ethel"? Maple Bacon? |
Adele goes vegetarian, plans to lose a lot of weight with her boyfriend Posted: 02 Apr 2012 04:34 AM PDT It feels like we've been talking about Adele's weight for as long as we've been talking about her talent. Which is a shame, because Adele is crazy-talented, and she should be applauded for having a career based on, you know, MUSIC, rather than some tarted-up, sexpot image. Beyond that, I think Adele really is a physically beautiful young woman. But people continue to bitch and moan about her weight, like the fact that she's more than a size 6 is just so personally offensive to them. Most recently, Jennifer Hudson allegedly tried to push Weight Watchers on Adele, and Karl Lagerfeld made an off-hand remark about Adele being "fat" too. What's particularly grating is that it seems like Adele has actually dropped a significant amount of weight over the past year. She got sick, she had vocal chord surgery, she had to cancel her tour, and she got a new boyfriend – all of which may have contributed to her weight loss. Now The Mail's Katie Nicholl claims that Adele is actively trying to lose weight:
[From The Mail] Some of you claimed this would happen – that whenever Adele stood up for herself and her "fuller" body type, she was just lying about how happy she was and she would go on a crash diet at any moment. I don't know… it doesn't sound like Adele is now saying "I want to be a skinny mini with my t-ts out," you know? She's not "selling out". She's just gone vegetarian. She's fallen in love. She's trying to be healthier. I'll trust her… for now. I don't think she'll ever be the kind of artist who suddenly loses a lot of weight and then decides to promote a sexpot, pop-star image. Photos courtesy of WENN, Vogue. |
Paris Hilton freaks out over questions about her waning fame Posted: 02 Apr 2012 04:26 AM PDT Here are photos of Paris Hilton in Sydney, Australia (no doubt giving a new meaning to “down under”) while appearing at the launch of a new nightclub where her DJ boyfriend, Afrojack, was due to earn far too much money by spinning a few tunes. Stuff like this is basically the extent of Paris’ appearances these days, and her career isn’t looking to make a comeback at any point. After all, she’s already made another laughworthy go at launching a musical career (with her “Drunk Text” video) after an attempt to relaunch her reality televsion career has ended in disaster (“The World According to Paris” was cancelled after one season). Last summer, Paris threw a hissy fit and stalked out of a “GMA” interview after the interviewer asked her about her waning fame and being eclipsed by Kim Kardashian and family. Now an Aussie news station is officially “on notice” from Paris’ camp as well after they dared to ask her about life after fame:
[From Radar] You’d think Paris would be happy that people are still paying enough attention to her to even bother interviewing her on network television. I think she’s still in denial about how much her “star” has fallen, and she’s also probably hoping to reclaim her celebutante greatness after the inevitable coming demise of the Kardashian Klan. Make no mistake, the vast majority of humanity looks forward to the day when no Kardasian-oriented television shows are left on the airwaves, but no one is looking forward to this moment more than Paris Hilton. Of course, she thinks their exit will mean her return to glory, but she couldn’t be more mistaken. Photos courtesy of WENN |
Adam Levine & model Anne V have split up after two years together Posted: 02 Apr 2012 04:25 AM PDT Back around the beginning of February, a few tabloids reported that Adam Levine and his model girlfriend Anne V were on the verge of splitting up after two years together, or that they had already split up. Adam denied it, and he and Anne V showed up at the Grammys together. But gossip is a marathon, not a sprint, and Anne V has just announced that she and Adam are done. Poor babies.
[From People] Adam has always put himself out there as, like, an "intellectual" rock star, a guy who isn't just interested in a pretty face, but a woman’s mind and education and spirit. And then he just dates a succession of Victoria's Secret models. What I'm saying is that Adam is pretty much like he seems – a vapid rock star, interested in similarly vapid models. Oh, and about a month and a half ago, Adam claimed his birth control method was "pulling out". That's just an FYI for any girl who wants to jump on the Levine dong, post-Anne V. Just skip it. |
Salma Hayek: “I had acne so bad it sent me into a severe depression” Posted: 02 Apr 2012 04:25 AM PDT Salma Hayek covers the new issue of Lucky Magazine… I think it's the May issue. The cover shoot is meh – you can see some shots here, as well as the full cover interview. Am I the only one around here who used to love Salma back in the day, but as the years go on, I find her more and more insufferable? I get the feeling that many of you have always disliked her. But for me… it's rough because I used to consider her one of my favorite women. Not so much anymore. Anyway, Salma is trying to relate to all of us in the cheap seats, I'm assuming. Being married to a billionaire makes you forget how to relate to people, I think. Here are some highlights:
I'm still not sure what she was promoting. Maybe her skincare line, Nuance? Probably. She's also got a part in Oliver Stone's Savages, which comes out later this year. Or maybe she was just promoting SALMA! Honestly, she doesn't come across as insufferable in this piece, and she kind of reminded me of Sofia Vergara a little bit, with the homespun wisdom of Latin grandmothers and all. As for Salma's theory about African-American and Latinos' aging and whether there's a correlation with eating fatty foods… er… what? Is that really a theory? That the more fatty foods you eat, the better you'll age? Photos courtesy of Lucky, WENN. |
Octomom: “I’m not on welfare, I’m getting $2,000 a month in food stamps” Posted: 02 Apr 2012 04:22 AM PDT
TMZ also has an interview with Octo, which you can see here, in which she defends herself. I want to hear Suze Ormon say “I told you so, you stupid cow.” Here’s some of what she said, and of course it’s our fault for calling her on it after she made a spectacle of herself:
Here’s a link to a story with examples of some of the stuff Suleman spends her money on, including acrylic nails and mani-pedis, multiple plastic surgery procedures and Botox, private schooling for her children, MAC cosmetics and video games. Of course people who need food stamps should get on it for their families, many people could not afford to eat without it, but this woman is a textbook example of someone gaming the system. Update: As many of you have pointed out, her kids should not have to suffer any more than they already have. At least with food stamps she’ll be forced to spend the money on food alone. Some photos credit: Fame and Pacific Coast News |
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