Cele|bitchy |
- Us Weekly: Robert Pattinson has been calling & texting Katy Perry every day
- Goldie Hawn gets her drink on with Kate Hudson to launch The Hawn Foundation
- Emma Stone: “I haven’t worked out for a month and I’m proud of it!”
- Denise Richards denies longstanding rumors that she was a hooker for Heidi Fleiss
- Shiloh, Maddox & Zahara Jolie-Pitt take bulldog Jacques for a walk in NOLA
- Jamie Oliver calls a reporter a “bitch” for asking about his weight gain
- Duchess Kate wears teal for another appearance with the Queen: lovely or cheap?
- Elisabeth Moss “doesn’t want to waste her time” on her ex, Fred Armisen
- Angelina Jolie rejects the script for ‘Salt 2′, is scheduled to appear at Women’s Summit
- Jessica Simpson is really worried that her 10-lb baby girl will be an athlete
Us Weekly: Robert Pattinson has been calling & texting Katy Perry every day Posted: 08 Mar 2012 09:45 AM PST Katy Perry is still doing the rounds at Paris Fashion Week, which seems to be dragging on for ages. Red Carpet Fashion Awards has unofficially named Katy the Fall 2012 Queen of the Front Row because of her apparent omnipresence aided by an assortment of wacky, booty-flashing outfits. For a few days, I was convinced that Katy’s wardrobe was part of a push for her alleged hardcore, edgy new image for her upcoming album, but she’s gone back to her previous pastel game plan over the past couple of days. So I guess Katy is probably just attending fashion week because they’re paying her to sit in the front rows, and it’s also free publicity to show up in zany outfits and gain media coverage. Sadly enough, it works as a PR strategy because no one would talk much about Katy if it weren’t for the fact that she squeezes her massive rack into a series of bizarre outfits. Anyway, Katy attended the Miu Miu presentation while wearing this pink Prada dress that features a flame print across the pleated skirt, which she has paired with Prada flame sandals and a Prada studded bag. Her blue hair is even worse than usual, since she’s pulled it back into a high ponytail that is actually an extension. Seriously, I was just beginning to surrender to the blue hair, and then Katy added the ponytail in a different shade of blue, which clashes with what’s actually on her head. It’s not a good look at all. Meanwhile, Robert Pattinson has also been present for at least a portion of Paris Fashion Week. He was spotted during a loved-up weekend with girlfriend Kristen Stewart, who is in town for part of her Balenciaga promotional duties. This week’s issue of Us Weekly has a story that claims that Katy’s been secretly texting with Robert Pattinson, who has been “reaching out to the newly single singer.” It seems a bit far-fetched of a prospect:
[From Us Weekly, print edition, March 19, 2012] Well, okay. I can buy that Robert is just looking out for Katy in the wake of her divorce, but it’s a bit excessive to call and text her every single day, right? I wonder what Kristen thinks about all of this — she probably doesn’t care though and really seems like an easygoing girlfriend. Honestly, Robert doesn’t seem at all like Katy’s type in the first place, but I wouldn’t doubt that she’d enjoy his male attention (in any shape or form) while she’s attempting to move away from her recent past. While on a break from the fashion front rows, Katy also made a beeline to the Collette store in Paris. In the process, Katy showed off her underwear for the second time (that we know of) while hanging out in the City of Light. Still, I do like her outfit here, and at least she wasn’t wearing the dreadful, non-matching ponytail. Photos courtesy of WENN |
Goldie Hawn gets her drink on with Kate Hudson to launch The Hawn Foundation Posted: 08 Mar 2012 09:38 AM PST
[From Mirror.co.uk] Kurt Russell wasn’t there, so it was nice that Kate and Matt came out to help support Goldie. Goldie sure knows how to let her hair down. It looks like Kate had a few too, but she was maintainin’, as Kaiser says. Check out Kate’s “I’m not that drunk” face. I do that too! Look at that gorgeous coat. You can see Kate and Goldie inside the party in photos on The Mirror’s site. And here’s Goldie earlier in the day signing copies of her book: Photo credit: Spiller/WENN.com and FameFlynet Pictures |
Emma Stone: “I haven’t worked out for a month and I’m proud of it!” Posted: 08 Mar 2012 08:50 AM PST I think that by the end of the awards season, many of us were kind of bored with Emma Stone. It wasn't even that she was or is a boring person – it was more about how many events Emma had to do in support of The Help. It felt like we had new red carpet photos of her every other day. And while her style isn't flat-our hideous (at all), she's still figuring things out sartorially, and as such, her style was hit-or-miss yet never extremely bad or extremely awesome. She left us on a high note, though. I ended up loving her appearance at the Oscars, mostly because she was one of the rare Oscar presenters who genuinely cracked me up. She's beautiful, funny and talented – and I hope she takes some time off from the red carpet for a while. Anyway, Emma has a new interview in which she discusses body image, workouts, diets and all of that. Much like Jennifer Lawrence's cover interview with Seventeen, Emma is trying to be a positive body-image role model for young women. Does it work?
[From Us Weekly] I feel the opposite about weight training – it helps me release my rage and it clears my mind. But that's just me. I do like that Emma is talking about eating and how she's trying to send the message of "Your self-worth shouldn't be tied to how much you weigh." But do I believe her? CB and I were debating it – I mean, Emma is only 23 years old. The only weight she really has to worry about is maybe some residual puppy fat from her teenage years. That being said, when I saw Crazy Stupid Love, I was impressed with how her body seemed realistic – she's coltish and petite, but she definitely looks like she eats. |
Denise Richards denies longstanding rumors that she was a hooker for Heidi Fleiss Posted: 08 Mar 2012 08:39 AM PST
[From Entertainment Tonight] Well Denise has to talk about something to get our interest, and this worked. It’s got to be hard to deal with seeing your ex husband give multiple nonsensical interviews with the two 20 year-old porn stars he moved into his house, but she handled it all with more grace than I could ever show in that situation. Charlie and Denise were seen attending their daughter soccer game together on Monday and they looked very peaceful and happy. (Apart from the fact that Charlie forgot to put his teeth in.) Denise is pushing her adopted baby daughter, Eloise, in a stroller. People have floated the theory that Eloise is actually Charlie Sheen’s daughter from another woman, and was given up to Denise to raise. The baby does look like him, so I wouldn’t be surprised. Header image is from October. Credit: WENN.com. Other images credit: Fame Flynet |
Shiloh, Maddox & Zahara Jolie-Pitt take bulldog Jacques for a walk in NOLA Posted: 08 Mar 2012 08:16 AM PST The family Jolie-Pitt has gone from LA to New Orleans. The paparazzi caught Brad Pitt tooling around town on a motorcycle yesterday, but we don't have those photos. We have even better pics – Maddox, Shiloh and Empress Zahara were spotted out with two adults and the family bulldog, Jacques. Jacques was last seen in Budapest, I believe, when Angelina did the 60 Minutes interview and Jacques was all "Adjust my light, please." As for the adults – maybe the African-American man is a bodyguard? Or just an assistant-type? The Asian woman seems to be with the group too – a nanny? I don't know. I'm really just looking at the kids and the dog. Things I learned from looking through these photos: *Zahara is elegant. The way she carries herself, her beautiful little face… she's going to be a beautiful, composed woman (empress). *Maddox has a cell phone! Who is he calling? *Jacques respects Z's firm hand – he doesn't get out of control when she's got the leash. *Jacques and Shiloh are playmates. When she has the leash, Jacques is all "PARTY TIME!" *Shiloh is an awesome mess of a girl. She carries herself like Angelina used to, back when Angelina was scary and goth and "different". Shiloh's got her mom's old-school swagger. And I swear, Shi's short hair is adorable. She has the same haircut Brad had in Moneyball. *What's up with Maddox's hair? It's a 1970s Florence Henderson shag. Is he aiming for Mick Jagger circa 1973? *Shiloh digs The Ramones!! *Z and Shiloh are super-tight sisters. Z seems to want to guide Shiloh, her little sister. And Shiloh isn't paying any attention. *Jacques often has an expression of "FML." He must be so patient with six kids in the house. I bet the twins try to ride him like a horse. *I desperately want Z’s sandals in my size. And that's about it. Shall we even discuss the conspiracy theories as to why we're seeing so much of the kids over the past week and a half? Is it all about THE LEG?!?!? Maybe. Probably. Angelina just wants to remind everyone that The Leg is a mother. Good PR? Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Jamie Oliver calls a reporter a “bitch” for asking about his weight gain Posted: 08 Mar 2012 06:57 AM PST When you gain a few pounds, the last thing you want is for someone to mention it. Even when it's someone you love… my first reaction is that surge of "fight or flight" adrenalin kicking in, and if it's someone I know well, I would probably respond with, "STFU, a–hole." So it's good that I'm not a celebrity, with the public and media cataloguing each pound lost and gained and asking about my weight constantly. But when it's celebrity chef and "healthy eating" champion Jamie Oliver, you'd think he might be a bit more inured to people expecting him to practice what he preaches. So when he made an appearance at a Q&A in Australia this week, people noticed that he seemed a bit jowly and like he had put on a few pounds – nothing drastic, maybe ten pounds or so, but it went to his face. You can see some pics here. So when he was asked about it, Jamie responded a lot like I would – he called the reporter a "bitch." Damn.
[From The Mail] Yeah, so it sounds like booze weight/bloat. He'd been partying his arse off in Australia during a business trip, and when someone asked about it, he attacked. But I have to say… I've seen Englishmen really read someone the riot act, and calling a reporter a "bitch" is relatively tame. Englishmen love words like "tw-t" and "c–t". I'm just saying… it totally could have been worse. As for Jamie and his alleged booze bloat… while I admire his healthy eating campaign, he should know that if he's going to be the public face of a "get healthier" movement, people are going to call him out when he personally falls short. Photos of Oliver in January and February, courtesy of WENN and Pacific Coast News. |
Duchess Kate wears teal for another appearance with the Queen: lovely or cheap? Posted: 08 Mar 2012 06:28 AM PST Maybe Queen Elizabeth thinks that if she forces Duchess Kate to make public appearances with her, Kate will magically become less lazy and a more hard-working royal? Maybe. But I'm not sure about the optics of this latest joint public appearance for Kate and the Queen. Kate manages to make the Queen look super-engaged with everyone – all while Kate seems to hang back and pose for photos, barely speaking to anyone. These are photos from the "kick-off" of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee tour in the UK – they took the train to Leicester and did some events. Kate's suit is LK Bennett – it's okay. It's not my favorite thing she's worn, but at least she's not drenched in gratuitous buttons. She did slather on some extra eye makeup though. Here's more about the trip:
[From The Mail] You can read more about the trip here. Even though Kate seemed more uncomfortable here than she did during last week's royal visit to a luxury department store (obviously), I do think this photo op helps her. Now Kate's media team gets to plant even more stories about how close she is with the Queen, and how the Queen is guiding every step of her royal journey. Meanwhile, I'm still going to think that the Queen is all, "Seriously, you need to get off your arse, young lady." |
Elisabeth Moss “doesn’t want to waste her time” on her ex, Fred Armisen Posted: 08 Mar 2012 05:30 AM PST Back in 2009, Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss and Saturday Night Live's Fred Armisen had a whirlwind romance, followed by a quick engagement and elopement. Then, ten months later, the marriage was over. Within weeks of the divorce announcement, the tabloids revealed that Armisen was boning his SNL costar Abby Elliot (which is over now). There were also reports that Armisen didn't care for Elisabeth's years-long membership in the Church of Scientology. Yeah… I know. I love Moss, and I try not to think about the whole Xenu thing with her. Anyway, Moss has a new interview with The New York Post Magazine, and she finally discusses Armisen a little bit. She also sounds like a really cool girl in general – I like her even more after this piece. Here are some highlights:
[From The New York Post] I don't think I realized how girlish she was/is. She's 29 years old, and she definitely has the perpetual girl-woman thing happening. It's okay in your 20s, but it starts to grate after a while. I loved the part about The Hamm coming to visit her in London – that's amazing. It says a lot about their friendship, personally and professionally. Lizzie and Jon have one of the most fascinating relationships, on and off camera. As for the Armisen stuff – well, she's a few years removed from it, and it doesn't seem like she's out to get him or anything. She just sounds like she barely even knew the man she married, and he pissed her off. |
Angelina Jolie rejects the script for ‘Salt 2′, is scheduled to appear at Women’s Summit Posted: 08 Mar 2012 05:10 AM PST There are several Angelina Jolie stories today, some of barely any importance, but some are interesting. First off, the script for the Salt sequel was completed and sent to Angelina – and she rejected it. She's already signed on to make the sequel to her 2010 hit film, but it seems that Jolie has script approval, and since she didn't care for this draft, everyone is going back to the drawing board to please The Leg. Angelina is currently in NYC to attend the International Women's Day "Women in the World" Summit. The theme for this year's summit is "Empower Rural Women – End Poverty and Hunger." Incidentally Angelina's SUV was spotted pulling up to a hot dog vendor in New York and she seemed to grab some hot dogs to go. Allegedly, all of the kids were in the SUV too. There are also widely varied reports about Angelina's Leg of Doom – some people say she's still really upset, some people say she thinks it's all a hoot. Whatever. And Radar/Star Magazine just released this "exclusive" interview with one of Billy Bob Thornton's ex-wives, who seems to want to dish some dirt on BBT's most famous ex-wife, Angelina:
[From Radar] Eh. I mean, why are we still analyzing the BBT-Jolie split? Maybe it was about Maddox's adoption, but I think it's unfair to say that Billy Bob had no interest in kids – he had two sons who were young boys at the time of his marriage to Angelina, and he and Angelina had joint custody of them. I think becoming a step-mother to BBT's kids made her want to be a mom even more. Just my opinion. And here are a few photos of Shiloh and Vivienne from this past weekend: Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame. |
Jessica Simpson is really worried that her 10-lb baby girl will be an athlete Posted: 08 Mar 2012 04:25 AM PST Yesterday, I covered the earliest quotes from Jessica Simpson's Elle Magazine cover interview, and I ended up updating the post with the nude Elle cover. I'm kind of glad that I've ended splitting this stuff into two posts, because there's so much to cover. First, I LOVE the header photo!!!! I know it's cheesy, I know her dude is a total K-Fed. But I still it's a beautiful, sweet image. It makes me like Eric a little bit. If you'd like to see the Elle slideshow of Jessica's photo shoot, go here – Jessica has an alternate, full-clothed cover too, which I'm assuming will be the newsstand version. While everybody loves pregnant celebrities, I'm not sure everybody wants to see Jessica's shadowy, pregnant biscuit while they're getting in line at the grocery store checkout ("Oh, I just remembered – I need Funions and beer."). Here are even more excerpts from Jessica's interview:
[From Elle] I get the feeling that Jessica is playing a little fast and loose with the "I quit drinking when I simply felt I might be pregnant" story. Because, obviously, Jessica loves to drink. I'm guessing she was still guzzling Scotch for the first month, before she realized she was pregnant. As for her moaning about perhaps having an athletic girl… dear God. She better hope THAT is her biggest worry. I mean… this little girl is going to be half-Farty, half-Nouveau-K-Fed. That's going to be a MESS. You know the girl is going to be blonde, gassy, dumb as a box of hair, sweet-natured, and she's definitely going to have the big-boob gene. *crosses self* |
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