Cele|bitchy |
- Jude Law is finally owning his receding hairline/baldness: sexy or busted?
- Paula Deen, food pusher, promises to donate “a certain percent” of endorsement deal
- Duchess Kate goes on vacation without William: tone-deaf and lazy?
- Henry Cavill publicly mistaken for Matt Bomer: who would you rather?
- Kate Gosselin is getting desperate, does Extra in a shiny short striped dress
- Jason Momoa is casual in Venice Beach: would you still hit it?
- Jennifer Lopez got her boytoy a vague job at Idol & she supposedly wants his babies
- Jennifer Aniston is finally ready to adopt… a new puppy, from Utah
- Kate Beckinsale in gold-beige Jenny Packham in LA: boringly beautiful?
- Johnny Depp & Vanessa Paradis have probably been over for more than a year?
Jude Law is finally owning his receding hairline/baldness: sexy or busted? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:29 AM PST I've been following and covering Jude Law's mysterious hairline for several years now. I feel bad for the guy, because when he was in his 20s, he was so impossibly beautiful, and I think his hair situation bothers him. His hairline really started to go wonky… oh, maybe five or six years ago? And that's when some speculate that Jude began trying out hairplugs, with some mixed results that we detailed over the years. Maybe the plugs didn't take in the long run, or maybe Jude was just tired of living with his hair sham, because these are new photos of a newly balding Jude in Paris yesterday, where he was promoting Sherlock Holmes with Guy Richie. I'm completely in favor of dudes shaving their heads when they start to go bald, so I approve of this look for Jude. It makes him look older, sure. But I'd rather see a (formerly pretty) dude own his hairline.
[From The Mail] Yeah, I would still hit it. I can feel Jude impregnating me with his eyes as we speak. Sure, he was beautiful when he was 25 – WHO WASN'T?!?! I'd much rather knock boots with a dude who is in a place in his life where he just accepts that he's not longer "the pretty boy." |
Paula Deen, food pusher, promises to donate “a certain percent” of endorsement deal Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:11 AM PST
Ever since this woman came out with the news that she’s had type 2 diabetes for years I’ve seen her in “a different light.” She’s conniving and very much in control of her image and empire. After her diagnosis three years ago Deen continued promoting incredibly unhealthy food through her various media outlets, and then she waited until she had a huge drug endorsement deal lined up before she made the announcement that she has diabetes. As many of you have pointed out, the best treatment for diabetes is a revamped diet, and although Deen has paid lip service to the fact that her diet contributed to her disorder she’s downplayed it. Deen’s recipes will get some reworking to be more healthy, but it’s too little too late and instead of promoting a healthy lifestyle she’s hawking an expensive drug treatment. In an appearance on the talkshow “The Chew” earlier this week, Deen promised to donate “a certain percentage” to the American Diabetes Association out of the millions she’s making by promoting a pharmaceutical product.
[From OK! Magazine] Of course Deen won’t say what “percentage” she’s donating, because if her donation is made public we’ll do the math and figure out just how rich she got by knee-capping people and then selling them crutches. (I agree that people have will and self control and can choose not to eat her food. She’s a food pusher though, pure and simple, and she has no shame.) Deen can give a relative pittance and make it seem like she didn’t really get rich by frying stuff in butter and wrapping it in sugar and then selling people a pill to treat their adult onset diabetes. Also, I’m really reporting this because I wanted to give a shout out to Bodhi who noted that Deen is just like the Fairy Godmother in Shrek. “All sweet & nice on the outside, but cunning & manipulative on the inside” They look a lot alike too. |
Duchess Kate goes on vacation without William: tone-deaf and lazy? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 08:55 AM PST A few days ago, Us Weekly ran a story about Prince William's stoic bravery in the face of being sent the Falkland Islands. The gist was that tensions are currently rising between the UK and Argentina, even after they fought a war with each other over these crazy, rocky little islands. Basically, the whole thing was positioned in a way where you're supposed to think that as soon as Prince William arrives at the Falklands, Brazil is going to declare war on William personally and poor Duchess Kate will never see her husband again! In truth, Prince William is only going to be gone for six weeks, and he's just going through the same kind of training that other military pilots go through. I can't believe politicians are still upset about the Falklands! Anyway, with William being positioned as The Savior of Rocky, Desolate Islands That No One Should Fight Over, Duchess Kate is being positioned as the brave, selfless military wife who will pine away for her new husband every single day of his absence, all while endlessly re-applying her eyeliner. So it's a wonder that the Palace is so tone-deaf with this – Kate has just flown off to vacation in Mustique with her family – and without William!
[From People] Sure, married couples often take separate vacations, and if William is busy and Kate wants to spend time with her family, why not? Except that we shouldn't have to hear about Kate's heartbreak and how brave she is to WAIT for William to come back – she can't even be bothered to spend time with him before he leaves for the Falklands! Plus, the palace should stop with the "Kate will spend this time building up her charitable portfolio" crap. She's on vacation – AGAIN. Like always. So much for her charitable work! By the way, have you heard that Pippa Middleton has lawyers, and those lawyers have taken out an injunction against the "harassing" paparazzi? Go here to read all about it – my problem with this is that Pippa loves the spotlight and she actively engages it. I know she gets pap'd way more than her sister, but Pippa has definitely encouraged it. Guess she doesn't want to be "the star" anymore? Or maybe she just wants to control her image. Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News. |
Henry Cavill publicly mistaken for Matt Bomer: who would you rather? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 08:20 AM PST These are some new photos of Henry Cavill, our newest Superman, at LAX. Unfortunately for Henry's career, Fame/Flynet Pictures labeled these pics "Matt Bomer". OUCH. Now, I don't have a reason to dislike Henry Cavill – I know there's some minor sketchiness in his personal life, but all in all, he seems like a handsome, talented, albeit boring beefcake. Is that the problem? The Boring Factor? Photo agencies don't remember his name because, really, who does? Is he too vanilla? Does he need to shake it up? And so, by comparison, I'm including photos of Matt Bomer. I tend to find Matt more attractive and more talented, but that may because I'm a fan of White Collar (the winter premiere this week sucked, though). Matt and Henry do look similar, I guess. They could be vaguely related – Matt is the Pretty Brother, Henry is the Beefcake Brother. Except that Matt has a really great body too, he's just not as beefcakey and look-at-my-pecs as Henry. Matt also has a less "vanilla" image – it's an open secret that he's gay, and that he and his partner have a family. He's got street cred! Or whatever. So… I'm just writing this because it's really slow today, but you guys seem to enjoy posts about hot dudes, so I hope you won't complain. If given a choice – and this is just in your fantasies, where Bomer is straight – who would you rather? For me, it's Bomer. I just feel like Henry is oddly asexual. Not unlike Jake Gyllenhaal, who I simply can't imagine in any kind of sexual situation, ever. |
Kate Gosselin is getting desperate, does Extra in a shiny short striped dress Posted: 20 Jan 2012 07:41 AM PST
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, January 30, 2012] Good luck with that. Obviously the bodyguard she’s sleeping with is still around so her money must not have dried up yet. I guess we’ll know if she’s serious about landing a new man if she shows up to the cruise without him. Also whatever she did to her face seems to have settled enough for her bitchface to come out again, not that it ever really went away. |
Jason Momoa is casual in Venice Beach: would you still hit it? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 07:16 AM PST Here are some new photos of Jason Momoa in Venice Beach yesterday, having a drink and a bite to eat with friends. We rarely get candid shots of Jason, so this is a special occasion! I guess photographers don't think he's important enough to follow – they may be right. 2011 was the year when Jason Momoa got his big shot at stardom, when he rose to pop culture prominence, and then just as quickly, he was snuffed out. Jason seemed like the newest, hottest badass and "It Boy" with the dual gigs of Game of Thrones and Conan the Barbarian last year – so what happened? The first season of Game of Thrones ended (out of sight, out of mind), and Jason's Conan remake flunked out at the box office. He's got one film coming out this year – Bullet to the Head, with… Sylvester Stallone. Damn, that's a steep drop off, isn't it? 2011's It Boy to 2012's Second-Fiddle to Sylvester Stallone? Yikes. Anyway, here's hoping that Jason's career gets back on track, just because I like seeing photos of him in general. He seems like a nice enough dude, and he's lovely to look at. |
Jennifer Lopez got her boytoy a vague job at Idol & she supposedly wants his babies Posted: 20 Jan 2012 07:01 AM PST
[From In Touch, print edition, January 30, 2012] Meanwhile Star is claiming that Lopez is so enamored with her “man” that she wants to have a baby with him. I’m really hoping this is in no way true, but here goes:
[From Star Magazine, print edition, January 30, 2012] Again, I’m hoping it’s a made up story and that J.Lo isn’t about to have kids again, but I wouldn’t be surprised. This woman moves on lightning fast and she’s been married four times. She’s probably thinks that babies are just the way to seal the deal with baby doucheface. Plus she doesn’t have a lot of time left if she wants more. Did you see the deep thoughts that Casper tweeted, which J.Lo retweeted? True love, I’m telling you. He wrote in three tweets: “Age, status, n opinions of others are irrelevant. Our hearts are endless and our souls infinite.. Our ages are mere reminders of the hours logged on this earth and the precious time remaining. We should all honor our time here by indulging our passion and dreams. So, close your ears and open your hearts; Love and be happy!” Then later he tweeted “Good friend sent it for me and thought it was beautiful and perfect!!!” Does that mean that J.Lo dictated those tweets to him? I bet she dresses him too. Caper outside of Idol studios in Pasadena. 12-15-12. Credit: Miguel Aguilar/Juan Sharma. Other photos are from 12-18-11. Credit: Fame. The last photo of her below is from September, I just like it because her makeup is so bad. Credit: WENN.com |
Jennifer Aniston is finally ready to adopt… a new puppy, from Utah Posted: 20 Jan 2012 06:23 AM PST Back in May of last year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie walked the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival for the premiere of Brad's film, Tree of Life. It was a big moment, with the international entertainment press lapping up all of the Brangelina they could get. A curious thing happened on the day of Brangelina's big night in Cannes, however. Jennifer Aniston curiously released the information that her dog Norman had passed away… several weeks earlier. It was odd timing, to say the least. Not that I didn't doubt that Jennifer loved and adored her fur baby and I didn't doubt that she was likely devastated by the loss. My point then – and now – is that Aniston should have been less obvious with the timing of the announcement. Anyway, Norman has gone to doggy heaven, and Aniston still has her German shepherd fur baby Dolly to keep her company. But according to this report, Aniston is itching for a new puppy!
[From Star Magazine, print edition] Oh, I had forgotten about the dog tattoo too. As for the idea that this is a "needy dog" – really? Isn't LA full of animal shelters? Did she want a specific breed or mix? Why go all the way to Utah? It's weird, but whatever. God bless. Aniston loves her puppies, and whoever she adopts will be living the A-list puppy life. Archive photos of Aniston, Norman and a stunt dog, courtesy of Elle, Vogue and EW. |
Kate Beckinsale in gold-beige Jenny Packham in LA: boringly beautiful? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 05:41 AM PST These are photos of Kate Beckinsale and her director husband Len Wiseman at last night's LA premiere of Underworld: Awakening. Something is bugging me about Kate in these photos, and I can't really put my finger on what. I think she looks lovely, as she almost always does. I like the cut of her Jenny Packham dress, and while the color doesn't do much for Kate, it's not bad or offensive in any way. Kate's makeup is usually the same too – flawless. And considering Kate is wearing one of Duchess Kate's new favorite designers (it's amazing how Jenny Packham's profile has grown in Hollywood since Duchess Kate started wearing her last year), I think Beckinsale is even trying to style herself after the Duchess of Cambridge. Look at Beckinsale's waves – it's like she rolled her hair (Waity-style) and then brushed it out. And Beckinsale's hair look more red-carpet ready than Waity's, honestly. Duchess Kate's curly 'do always look so "sorority girl on her first job interview." So maybe my problem is that Beckinsale has styled herself in the Waity style, and that Beckinsale might have even exceeded Waity's "look"? I don't think that's it. I think my problem is that Kate doesn't look "special" for her own premiere. Seeing Kate in a beautiful gown is normal – she throws on a gown for ANYTHING. It just seems like another day for her, so she doesn't look "special" for one of the few events she has where she is The Star. Also – I'd love to see this dress in red. Wouldn't it be gorgeous in red? I would wear it. |
Johnny Depp & Vanessa Paradis have probably been over for more than a year? Posted: 20 Jan 2012 05:24 AM PST Warner Bros. just released a new still from the latest Tim Burton-Johnny Depp collaboration, Dark Shadows. This is a passion project for Depp and Burton – they've been trying to make this film for a decade, I believe. Depp plays Barnabas Collins, a rich and powerful playboy-turned-vampire. After Collins breaks the heart of witch Angelique Bouchard (played by Eva Green), she turns him into a vampire and buries him alive for two centuries. The film also stars Michelle Pfeiffer, Jonny Lee Miller, Helena Bonham Carter and Chloe Moretz. If you'd like to read more about the film, go here and here. Dark Shadows is also notable because it seems like the film where Johnny met Eva Green. Though the film wrapped a few months ago, the tabloids have just now started to report about an alleged affair between Eva and Johnny. I believe there could be something there, just because Eva seems like Johnny's type – beautiful, French, and with a similar face to the Kate Moss/Vanessa Paradis/Winona Ryder type that Johnny seems to enjoy. I'm hoping that the Eva Green rumors get more traction now that everyone is speculating about Depp's maybe-split with Vanessa. Speaking of the split, alleged or no, there's some additional information – I'll do bullet points: *People Mag has a new photo of Vanessa, alone in Paris. She doesn't look weepy or anything, she just looks like she's cold and tired. Sources say she was shopping at a music and book store near the Arc de Triomphe, and she purchased a DVD box set which included The Seven Year Itch. People Mag says that Vanessa is due to make a red carpet appearance on Monday, so it should be interesting – if she's got something to promote, I wonder if she'll talk about the split rumors in interviews? *According to The Sun, Johnny Depp has spent the past year making lavish real estate acquisitions, seemingly setting up his international bachelor pads – there's a "13-bedroom mansion he bought in the Norfolk village of Burnham Market in the UK." Depp has long wanted an English country estate, and now he's got one. He also bought a "$1.5 million loft conversion in Los Angeles last March, despite the family having an $8 million mansion just a couple of miles away in West Hollywood." An insider told Now Magazine, “He got the builders in and made it clear he intended to live there, which seemed odd as they have an 8-bedroom house nearby." *More details from People Magazine's cover story this week – an insider tells the mag, "My sense is that this is a couple which hasn't existed for two years." In November, both Vanessa and Johnny were in Paris while he promoted The Rum Diary. Vanessa made sure to make separate plans, though – a source says, "While Johnnny went to his premiere, she went instead to a concert that night. It was weird and pretty clear: You're in town and don't go to the premiere of [Johnny's] film? One which he starred in, produced?" *Vanesssa didn't go with Johny to the Cannes Film Festival in May 2011 – a source says, "We couldn't believe they wouldn't come together." Then, over the summer of 2011, Vanessa and Johnny went on vacation on their yacht Vajoliroja, "but it was an awkward trip." A witness says, "They didn't arrive to pick up the boat together. When it was over, they were off in separate directions." *Some say that Vanessa put her career on hold a lot over the past decade while Johnny became a huge movie star, and some say that Vanessa kind of resents him for it. She thought they'd be raising their kids in France, in a quieter environment, not spending months and months on location while Johnny worked. Photos courtesy of WENN, Warner Bros. |
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