Cele|bitchy |
- In Touch: LeAnn Rimes won’t get pregnant because Eddie loves “petite girls”
- Kim Kardashian tried to set up a date with Tim Tebow, but he said no way
- Catherine Zeta-Jones, “42″, might be pregnant with a “miracle baby”
- Gabriel Aubry interviewed by CFS, “feels that he is living in a police state”
- Nicole Kidman’s teased-up casual look: adorable or too frilly?
- Kris Jenner’s former kept lover: she ruined her kids with her superficiality
- Heidi Bivens was “super-impressed” by Angelina Jolie at the Globes
- ‘Mirror, Mirror’ has a hairy new trailer: why was Lily Collins cast as Snow White?
- Demi Moore is “jacked up on Adderall and energy drinks, refuses to eat any food”
- Jessica Biel refused Justin’s first engagement ring because it was too small
In Touch: LeAnn Rimes won’t get pregnant because Eddie loves “petite girls” Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:26 AM PST In that LeAnn Rimes story I wrote a few days ago, I mentioned that some random psychic had predicted that 2012 was the year that LeAnn Rimes would get pregnant. I said I kind of hoped it would happen, just because it would give LeAnn something to DO, you know? Something to obsess over, something to discuss endlessly. Yes, I'm being selfish – it would be great gossip news, and it would end up being a big story. But! In Touch Weekly has an interesting story this week about LeAnn's mixed emotions at the prospect of getting preggo. According to their sources, she'd really like a baby, but she doesn't want to give up her tiny little body. It gets even sadder – LeAnn believes that Eddie would stop having sex with her if she was knocked up, because he would be so turned off by her pregnancy "bloat":
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition] Ah, such mixed emotions. Whatever will she choose? Have a baby with her husband and finally graduate from "overly attentive, hyper-narcissistic bonus mom" to "actual mom" OR will she choose to keep her husband's wandering eye firmly placed on her bones? How sad is it that one of the "reasons" LeAnn doesn't want to get pregnant is because she thinks/knows Eddie will cheat on her? Congrats, In Touch. You just made me pity LeAnn Rimes. |
Kim Kardashian tried to set up a date with Tim Tebow, but he said no way Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:25 AM PST Call it a necessary price of fame for rising sports stars, but poor Tim Tebow has been unwittingly fixed up by the tabloids with increasing frequency. Last we heard, the poor guy was dealing with a special invite from Katy Perry’s parents to speak at their church and also start dating their wayward daughter, who could really use a nice Christian boy after that dodgy Russell Brand. Most of you found the idea pretty hilarious and pretty unlikely in terms of a match, but it sure was an entertaining prospect, right? But wait. It gets even better. Now, Kim Kardashian has reportedly set her sights on poor Tim and reportedly has a major crush on the guy. Never mind that Tim is a devout Christian and a virgin who is saving himself for marriage, and Kim is a devout narcissist who only believes in the almighty dollar and has starred in her very own sex tape. None of that matters at all to her because Kim is shopping for a new boyfriend (translation: “co-star“), and she thinks that Tim is the ideal hottie to fill the opening (translation: “He’d be great for ratings.“). Fortunately, Tim has laughed off the possibility of dating a Kardashian. With that, he’ll probably capture several new fans:
[From Enquirer, print edition, February 6. 2012] Since when has Kim ever been interested in “really strong values“? The really funny thing about this though is that Kim is such an entitled princess that she thinks any sports star would be jumping to date her. Unfortunately for her, Tebow has standards that she could never hope to meet. Of course, his standards are a bit unconventional and pretty outdated in today’s world, but if they mean that he rejects Kim Kardashian’s famewhorey ways, then I can’t argue with that at all. Just as a refresher, here’s a clip of that press conference where a journalist asks Tim about “saving himself.” It makes me giggle every time I watch it. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN |
Catherine Zeta-Jones, “42″, might be pregnant with a “miracle baby” Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:23 AM PST These are photos of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas entering a birthday party in NYC on January 17th. I saw these photos last week, but I guess I didn't really look through them, because my only reaction was "meh." However, the tabloids got out their magnifying glasses and decided that they spied a "bump" hidden within Catherine's little black Herve Leger, and this week, there are several stories revolving around Catherine's "miracle pregnancy" at… (cough cough) "42". Yes, she's holding at 42! That’s the real story, but here's one version of the pregnant thing:
[From Star, print edition] Et cetera. There's more stuff about how Michael is totally "ready" for another baby, and if something bad happens with this bump of mystery (or if she isn't really preggo), they'll totally consider adopting. As for these photos – the alleged photo evidence of Catherine's "bump" – I can see where her stomach is not quite flat in these photos, but I don't think that means "preggo!!!" If anything, I think she looks thinner than she usually looks. Although… the Enquirer used a different photo from this set, and Zeta's bump definitely looked more pronounced. Still, I think it's just a food-and-wine gut, not a baby bump. In any case, I don't think "42" year old Catherine is interested in having another baby, and sources tell Gossip Cop the stories aren't true anyway. Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN. |
Gabriel Aubry interviewed by CFS, “feels that he is living in a police state” Posted: 27 Jan 2012 08:27 AM PST
Aubry is currently being investigated for misdemeanor battery and child endangerment in conjunction with an altercation with the nanny on January 18. As part of that investigation, child and family services has interviewed both Berry and Aubry separately, as is reportedly standard in cases like this. Radar has the details of the interview with Aubry, and after getting the semi-official excuse from Aubry camp’s that “the nanny tripped” and wasn’t pushed, they’re also getting his very deep thoughts on having to speak to authorities. Poor pretty Gabe feels like “he is living in a police state.”
[From Radar] As many of you mentioned in our last story, saying that a person “tripped” or fell is a classic abuser tactic. I’m not saying that Gabe is a nasty monster, or even that all these allegations ring true to me, but he’s not helping his case at all by leaking these ridiculous explanations and defensive quotes to the tabloids. It really does seem that he’s a devoted dad and that he loves Nahla, but if he has anger management issues he needs to have supervised visitation. It’s still hard to know which side to believe given Halle’s obvious tactics in the past to both smear Gabriel and to make sure she pushes him out of their daughter’s life. The truth is probably somewhere in between. |
Nicole Kidman’s teased-up casual look: adorable or too frilly? Posted: 27 Jan 2012 07:27 AM PST Simply take this as evidence of how slow it is this morning. In a few minutes, I'm going to be writing about Peaches Geldof too, so there's that to look forward to. These are new photos of Nicole Kidman, out to lunch. She's not in costume. Her big, teased up hairstyle is not part of some stereotypical "Southern" character. I'm not even sure if she's currently working on any film, is she? Her IMDB says no – she's got three films in post and nothing coming up. I say all of that because these days, THIS is how Nicole dresses casually, when she's out to lunch. This is her style. Do you hate it? My immediate reaction was going to be to hate on it, but as I really looked at the pieces of this look, I think it's appropriate for her. It’s lady-like, somewhat dainty and fussy, but well-put-together. I like the idea of the trousers, but the tailoring seems off in the hips. The blouse is too frilly for my tastes, but I understand that Nicole loves these lacy, frilly things, and the stuff on the bust makes her chest look bigger. As for the hair – how much would you love it if this was Nicole's new hair style from here on out? I would love it. She lives in Nashville now (sort of), and it's good to see some of "the bigger the hair, the closer to God" philosophy rubbing off on her. I can't see much of Nicole's usually jacked face, so I'm declaring this outing a style "win." I'm not even being assaulted by her lips (except for in that one profile photo). YAY for Nicole! Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News. |
Kris Jenner’s former kept lover: she ruined her kids with her superficiality Posted: 27 Jan 2012 07:22 AM PST
Also, it gets better. It’s hard to tell, but it sounds like Kris and this guy stopped seeing each other around the time she got divorced. The exact timeline is vague, but he makes it sound like the divorce kind of split them up because she was looking for another man with money. In the 1991 divorce papers, Robert Kardashian describes Kris cheating on him with another guy, whom he names as her eventual second husband Bruce Jenner. So it sounds to me, based on these details, that Kris was cheating on her husband with both this young guy she was paying for AND with Bruce Jenner. Genius! Of course she married the one with money even though he liked to wear her clothes. It was a small price to pay for maintaining the cushy lifestyle she knew she was entitled to. Here’s more:
[From In Touch, print edition, February 6, 2012] I guess we know where Kim got it from, only she’s made her own money and she’s not going to bother staying married if she has the slightest issue with a partner. As for the subtitle on the cover “pushed to have sex at 14,” that’s not what the article claims. They just write that “Kris gave Kim the green light to have sex in her teens.” The article goes on to say that Kendall and Kylie Jenner, 16 and 14, are “Kris’ next project.” We just heard from Bruce that those two probably aren’t going to college. They can make money slapping their name on clothing lines and showing up at events, why would they bother getting an education? Kris is the ultimate stage mom and she probably had kids just for this purpose. I feel for the youngest ones. The oldest ones are too messed up and they’re responsible enough to make fun of. We don’t all have to be carbon copies of our parents. Kim is shown on 1-23-12. She’s also shown with her mom on 12-31-12. credit: WENN.com |
Heidi Bivens was “super-impressed” by Angelina Jolie at the Globes Posted: 27 Jan 2012 05:42 AM PST The last we heard from Heidi Bivens, it was being alleged in British and American tabloids that she and Jennifer Aniston had finally had a sit-down meeting. The details of the meeting were particularly hilarious – "sources" claimed that Jennifer wept as she played the pity party card once again, explaining how Angelina Jolie homewrecked her marriage and that was why she (Jennifer) could never break up another relationship. Except that it's pretty well established that Jennifer's affair with Justin Theroux began when he was still very much living with Heidi Bivens. Anyway, I don't know if the meeting really took place (Heidi's mom made is seem like it might have), but I do know that Heidi has been pretty classy about the way she's conducted herself, post-Theroux. She's only made a handful of comments, and when there's any tabloid reporting on her, it's of the "Heidi just wishes she didn't have to see her ex and his girlfriend all over the place" variety. So it's definitely news when an outlet actually gets a real quote from Heidi. And it's even better news when Heidi takes a moment to praise… ANGELINA!! Hahaha. Justin Theroux's ex is Team Jolie. Of course.
[From Us Weekly] It sounds like Heidi is a pretty low-key person, but I'm happy to see that she feels free enough to chat about styling and dresses with Us Weekly. Heidi is a stylist and costume designer – wouldn't it be interesting to see her style Angelina Jolie? Jolie needs to fire her stylist anyway. Dear Heidi: please put her in something other than a sack dress. By the way, Wanderlust comes out in less than a month, which means lots of attention for Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux and their relationship. Will Heidi choose that moment to really talk about what happened in her 14-year-relationship with Justin? Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News. |
‘Mirror, Mirror’ has a hairy new trailer: why was Lily Collins cast as Snow White? Posted: 27 Jan 2012 05:08 AM PST Back in November of last year, we got our first look at the OTHER Snow White movie, the one NOT starring Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron. This one is called Mirror, Mirror, and Julia Roberts is the Evil Queen and Lily Collins (daughter of Phil) is Snow White. The first trailer was just awful – Julia is cackling away, seeming to aim for… camp, I think. Armie Hammer as the prince was the only highlight, just because he already looks like a cartoon prince. But the film falls on the unsteady shoulders of Lily Collins, and dear God, I feel bad for this girl. She might be a fine actress – sure. But she was utterly miscast as Snow White. She's an attractive girl, but Snow White is supposed to be beautiful, and considering how many references there are to Snow White versus the Queen's comparative beauties, you'd think they would have gone with someone less… hairy? There's just a grooming problem. And she looks so young, it's kind of gross to see her with Armie Hammer. Anyway, there's a new international trailer, and if possible, it's even worse than the first one. The first (domestic) trailer was more Julia Roberts-centric, and in this one, we're seeing more of Snow White and the dwarves. It's just… awful. Why was this poor girl cast as Snow White?!?!? 'Mirror, Mirror' stills, courtesy of various sources. |
Demi Moore is “jacked up on Adderall and energy drinks, refuses to eat any food” Posted: 27 Jan 2012 04:23 AM PST
[From Radar] Prescription drugs can really screw a person up and change their personality. So which came first, Demi’s issues with prescription drug abuse or the demise of her marriage? Ashton’s camp is busy painting Demi as a total mess whom Ashton took care of for the past year. X17 has details from the print edition of People, in which a “source” states that Ashton tried to help Demi with her issues. “‘It was over the last year her friends saw a change. She wasn’t sleeping as well, didn’t seem to be eating and looked really gaunt.’ Sources close to the ex-pair also tell People that Moore’s prescription drug use was a huge turn-off to the Two and a Half Men star. ‘It was a sticking point for Ashton. He wanted her to take care of herself and get a hold of things, and she wouldn’t.‘” The first time Ashton was busted cheating on Demi was in early September, 2010. I’m not saying that it’s Ashton’s fault that Demi was drowning her sorrows in Red Bull and Adderall, but it’s not like things were going great in their relationship until Demi got hopped up on pills. In other Demi news, we might never know if the “whip-its” overdose story is bogus or not, because when the 911 call is released to the public all references to drugs Demi was on at the time will be redacted. I guess this is standard practice due to HIPAA privacy laws, and it definitely works in Demi’s favor. It’s possible that the whip-its were the last straw that caused her to have a seizure, or that it was just a cover up story for what was really going on. Demi has been released from the hospital, just as Ashton has returned from Brazil, where he was shooting a commercial and hooking up with randoms. Ashton hasn’t yet publicly commented on Demi’s issues, but he has deigned to let a source say a few nice words about her to People. The source said “Ashton is deeply concerned for Demi. He still cares about her and wants the best for her. But their marriage is ending and they are both moving on with their lives.” So is Ashton also the “source” behind the story that he tried to help Demi but couldn’t, so he just had to stick his dick in a bunch of party girls? In other Demi news, a new video has surfaced of her from 1982, when she was just 19, kissing a 15 year-old boy at a cast party for General Hospital, where she worked at the time. You can watch the video here and while I don’t see Demi “making out” with the kid, she keeps going in to kiss him aggressively and you can tell he’s uncomfortable with it. She’s obviously drunk and is seen swilling wine in the video. The drinking age across the US was raised to 21 in 1984, although in California the drinking age was 21 prior to that. As for Demi’s concerns that her career is on the wane, like Lindsay Lohan she’s only making it so much worse by abusing drugs. After her hospitalization it was announced that Demi had “dropped out” of the role of Gloria Steinem in the Linda Lovelace biopic and would be replaced by Chloe Sevigny. |
Jessica Biel refused Justin’s first engagement ring because it was too small Posted: 27 Jan 2012 04:22 AM PST Back during Golden Globes weekend, Jessica Biel kept showing up at various events, looking either gorgeous or tragic, and always flying solo and without an engagement ring. The rumors/reports/confirmations were flying heavily in the weeks preceding the Globes that Justin Timberlake had proposed to Jessica while they were vacationing in Wyoming. We could endless speculate as to WHY he proposed (to get her to STFU?) or why Jessica said yes (because that's all she's got going?), but that's neither here nor there. I truly believe Jessica and Justin are engaged – his grandma said so, and I believe in Us Weekly's reporting because they have a history of dealings with Biel's publicist. So why wasn't Jessica wearing an engagement ring? Was it because she doesn't have a lot going on, and she just wants to draw out the speculation for as long as she can? Or is it because Justin cheaped out on a tiny diamond? Survey says…
[From The Enquirer, print edition] Is it wrong that I see Justin's frame of mind with the whole "minimal" thing? That is how Jessica puts herself out there, like she's too busy hiking to care about jewelry. That being said, Jesus, Justin. You have millions of dollars! Buy her a nice, big ring if you really want her to STFU. |
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