Cele|bitchy |
- Beyonce claims she had a natural birth, Jay-Z reveals Bey’s previous miscarriage
- Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie
- LeAnn Rimes’s Hawaiian bikini extravaganza was soaked in booze & paparazzi
- Angelina Jolie in leather Ferragamo at the NYFCC Awards with Brad: lovely?
- Justin Bieber wants to be the greatest: “I’ll get more into making love when I’m older.”
- Katie Holmes’ H. Stern jewelry ads: truly sexy or just a topless zombie?
- Kate Winslet’s latest St. John’s ad campaign: less bitchfaced, more Botoxy?
- Stellan Skarsgard, 60, to have his eighth child with a woman his son’s age
- Rooney Mara in red lace Valentino in Rome: very pretty or too frilly?
- Katherine Heigl: working outside the home “makes me a better mother”
Beyonce claims she had a natural birth, Jay-Z reveals Bey’s previous miscarriage Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:30 AM PST There are about 20 million stories regarding Beyonce, Jay-Z and little Blue Ivy, who was born on Saturday at Lenox Hill Hospital. Allegedly. For convenience, I'm just going to do all of the new stories in bullet points. *A new (peasant!) father was trying to get into the neonatal intensive care unit to see his newborn, premature twins, but he was shut down by Bey and Jay's bodyguards – they shut down the entire NICU, allegedly, by shelling out $1.3 million to Lenox Hill. The father is pissed, and some of the parents who were manhandled by Bey and Jay’s bodyguards are considering a lawsuit. *However, the hospital denies both the "closing off the NICU" story and the "$1.3 million" story. A spokesperson for the hospital told TMZ: “The suggestion that the couple paid $1.3 million to rent an entire maternity floor is simply not true. The family is housed in an executive suite at the hospital and is being billed the standard rate for those accommodations. The family does have its own security detail on site. However, the hospital has been and continues to be in control of managing all security at the facility. We have made every effort to ensure minimal disruption to other families experiencing the births of their own children over the past three days.” *Jay-Z already has a song about his new daughter. It's called "Glory (feat. Blue Ivy Carter)". Apparently, it features a clip of Blue Ivy crying just moments out of the womb (whose womb?). Jay also makes a reference to a previous miscarriage that Beyonce suffered – that no one knew about before now. Sad. Here's the song, with the lyrics appearing in the video: *Lastly, Bey and Jay issued a statement about the birth. According to the official story that Jay and Bey are now putting it out, there was NO C-section involved. Bey wants everyone to know that she was NOT too posh to push. I'm sure she'll be singing about the "pain" too, right? Here's the statement:
[Via Us Weekly] Do you believe her? Do you believe any of this? Do you believe that Beyonce was really and truly pregnant all of this time, that her magical bump kept going up and down in size on its own, and that she carried to full-term (while flying all over North America) and she went into labor and that she delivered naturally and vaginally? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!!? Granted, I feel bad now that I know Bey and Jay had gone through a miscarriage before… but I honestly think that piece of information can be used for the surrogacy case. Maybe Bey really did have problems conceiving and/or carrying to term, thus, they used a surrogate. I don't know. But I find the initial reports of a "scheduled C-section" versus "Oh, no, I had a natural birth!" contradiction to be just another in a long line of suspicious activities. Maybe Bey just decided "In for a penny, in for a pound." She's lied about so much, why not make up a fake natural birth? Beyonce when she was seven months pregnant: |
Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:28 AM PST In between photo shoots where she demanded to be styled like Marilyn Monroe, Lindsay Lohan stopped for a moment and decided that she would like to be styled like Elizabeth Taylor, circa Butterfield 8, for one photo shoot. The shoot was back in 2006, I believe, and it was for Interview Magazine - I've included a couple of the shots in this post. This was obviously back when LL had some semblance of a career, and back when her crack-face still looked relatively normal, and she hadn't begun jacking her lips with everything she could find. Still, over the years, the Cracken definitely forced the Marilyn Monroe comparisons much harder, which makes this news even more ridiculous. Lindsay is in talks to play one of the most famous brunettes in the history of Hollywood – she in discussions to PLAY Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie based on Taylor and Richard Burton's love story. BITCH PLEASE. And who will play Richard Burton? Wilmer Valderrama?
[From Deadline] The key difference is that Elizabeth Taylor was never a mangy crackhead. Sure, Liz could drink like a fish and she had a problem with pills later in her life, right? But when Elizabeth was LL's age, she was already the biggest movie star in the world, she was already a mother, she already had been married and divorced a few times, and she was just about to get with her first great love, Mike Todd. Meanwhile, LL… just posed for Playboy? Ugh. Please don't do this, Lifetime. Please don't destroy my soul. Please don't piss on the memory of Dame Elizabeth Taylor. Photos courtesy of WENN, Interview Mag. |
LeAnn Rimes’s Hawaiian bikini extravaganza was soaked in booze & paparazzi Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:27 AM PST Over the weekend, there were about a million new photos of LeAnn Rimes in various bikinis, doing various activities in Hawaii, all while her ass was hanging out. This woman must have only packed bikinis for her trip, because I've yet to see her in anything else, and she was photographed constantly last week too – go here and here for a recap. She doesn't even have any cover-ups. She didn't even pack a t-shirt, I don't think. In the photos where she's holding a baby… I don't know whose baby that is. Fame/Flynet noted, "The country singer stopped to hold a 4 month old baby boy while walking around in a two piece bikini. Rimes was overheard saying 'My husband already has two and I figured that was it but after holding this baby I think I changed my mind.'" I don't even know – whatever. I'll believe that she's pregnant when she tweets about it. As for the other photos, where LeAnn is carrying beer and acting like an idiot, Fame notes that LeAnn and Eddie were "enjoying a morning game of Bochee Ball complete with a beer while in Hawaii. LeAnn, the only one showing off her bikini bod appeared to be hosting the game as she could be seen fetching beers, collecting balls and jumping for joy. She also couldn’t help touching people, including her husbands butt. Later he was seen reciprocating the gesture on January 7, 2012." I don't know why that write-up amused me so much. Like, even the photographers were talking amongst themselves about LeAnn's incessant bikini-wearing and her obvious try-hard antics. I would almost feel bad for her – if she wasn't so willfully crazy. |
Angelina Jolie in leather Ferragamo at the NYFCC Awards with Brad: lovely? Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:26 AM PST It's always a special occasion for me when I see new photos of Angelina Jolie, seen here with Brad Pitt at last night's New York Film Critics Circle Awards. But I feel like it's my birthday and Christmas rolled into one when Angelina rocks some old-school leather. Angelina and leather go together like Michael Fassbender and sweetshops, like chocolate and peanut butter, like chocolate and Fassbender. They are perfectly matched, is what I'm saying. Old-school Angelina used to wear biker gear and too-pale makeup and a druggy demeanor. These days, the druggy demeanor is gone, her makeup has improved, and the leather has gone from "biker girl" to "high-fashion". I like this ensemble so much – it's Ferragamo! She looks gorgeous. I love being able to see her waist, and she has the figure for pencil skirts. Love the pop of color with the emerald necklace too. DOWN WITH SACKS!!! Anyway, as I said, Brad and Angelina were at the NYFCC Awards. Brad took home Best Actor for Moneyball and Tree of Life. Congrats to him – I do think he'll end up with an Oscar nomination this year. But will he end up taking home the award? His competition will likely be George Clooney, Jean Dujardin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gary Oldman and Michael Fassbender? Who would you pick? Meanwhile, some new interviews with Angelina are still coming out – these are from Palm Springs, where she and Brad did press over the weekend.
[From People] Us Weekly reports that Angelina spend Sunday morning shopping for little girl's clothes in Sherman Oaks too – a source says Jolie “bought really cute girly stuff in bright colors… Little peasant tops, sweaters and tights… she picked out a bunch of stuff and left very quickly. Once people noticed her, everyone was staring and running to see her, so she left with a bodyguard. She had several bags of birthday gifts for her daughter.” Aw… I love Z's style. It sounds like her mom knows what to buy the Empress too – Z will like her peasant tops and girly stuff. Meanwhile, Shiloh still dresses like an extra from The Sopranos. And Brad and Angelina accept it! |
Justin Bieber wants to be the greatest: “I’ll get more into making love when I’m older.” Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:16 AM PST
[From V Magazine] So no one else is on Michael Jackson’s level, but Bieber is going to be. At least he’s trying to keep it clean, if only so he can sell more bubblegum pop. Bieber recently got a big tattoo of Jesus on his leg around the calf area. Since he’s under 18, his moms presumably had to sign off on it. He talked about his spirituality to V, saying that he prays and talks to JC but isn’t religious and doesn’t go to church. He also claimed that people hate him because he’s successful and that they need to give his music a chance: “It's all about making good music, and people hate me before they even listen to my music. I know a lot of people say they hate Justin Bieber who haven't even listened to any of my music. They just hate me because they hate the idea of me. I'm young, I'm handsome—I don't mean to sound conceited—but they think that I just got here because [of that], because I'm good-looking and girls like me.” Maybe this kid will take it farther, it remains to be seen. He’s definitely got the motivation and he’s been wildly successful up to this point. He’s really lacking humility though, and isn’t that what JC is supposed to be all about? Bieber is shown on 12-28 at a Raptors Pacers game in Toronto. Credit: WENN.com |
Katie Holmes’ H. Stern jewelry ads: truly sexy or just a topless zombie? Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:08 AM PST These days, I think most of us have realized that Katie Holmes is much more of a model than an actress. That is, we’re all aware of Katie’s artistic shortcomings unless we just happen to be Tom Cruise, who believes that Katie is “amazing” in all capacities and probably was the midget behind Variety’s decision to name Katie the “Face of the Future in Film” last year. After all, her latest theatrical outings have included such gems as Jack and Jill and Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, both of which underperformed at the box office and featured the same exact robotic actressin’ style familiar to anyone who dared to watch The Kennedys miniseries. In modelling, however, robotic isn’t always a terrible thing. Katie’s already brought her zombie face to an Ann Taylor campaign, and now she’s doing a variation called “topless zombie” for a new H. Stern jewelry ad campaign:
[From Daily Mail] Okay, so she goes sort of topless and her eye makeup looks good here, but I’m still seeing the same trancelike Katie who gets regularly featured in publicity blitzes for Tom’s movies. Quite frankly, these new ads aren’t any sexier than the slutty pumpkin, and that’s saying something. It’s all in the eyes, and Katie’s eyes are quite like those of the undead. Admittedly, this is the one selection from the campaign that doesn’t look half bad and is sort of lifelike. In the rest of these ads though, Katie just looks like the Bride of Xenu. Photos courtesy of H. Stern and HuffPo |
Kate Winslet’s latest St. John’s ad campaign: less bitchfaced, more Botoxy? Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:12 AM PST Kate Winslet was named as the new "(Botox)face" of St. John's last year. Her first batch of ads were memorable, in my mind, because Kate looked seriously pissed off in every shot, and St. John's ad people must have found it difficult to Photoshop-out the "bitchface." Anyway, these are some new ads from the St. John's Spring 2012 campaign. We have two print ads and a video (which I've included below). The ad campaign was shot by Craig McDean, who does a lot of work for W Magazine, often creating airy, light-soaked images. I like the idea of this ad campaign – a woman in her 30s who isn't a size zero, wearing comfortable, accessible, pretty business-wear. But somehow, the execution is "off" somehow. Maybe it's because of whatever is happening to Kate's face? Should we talk about Kate's face? Um. You know my thoughts on it. Bitch is jacked to high heaven. Feel free to disagree. In the video, Kate says: “This collection does feel very light and very fresh. What I love too is the lines are a lot more relaxed, and yet at the same time they still give shape, so you get those lovely feminine curves, which to me are very, very important. You don’t have to be a size 2 or even a size 4 to be able to wear these garments because they fall so well, they’re cut for women with a shape, and of course I love that. That’s me all over.” |
Stellan Skarsgard, 60, to have his eighth child with a woman his son’s age Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:32 AM PST
I know Stellan from Good Will Hunting and he’s worked very steadily since. He appears in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, in which he plays a supporting role. I was looking through his interviews promoting Dragon Tattoo and he doesn’t give a lot of personal information and sticks to talking about his role and the film. He did share this story that I found touching and wanted to repeat. It doesn’t have a lot to do with his wife being pregnant, but I thought I may as well include it:
[From Movie Fanatic] That was a moving story. Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg came out in 1990 so more people who lived through the Halocaust would have been alive at that time. Well I don’t know much about Stellan apart from slavishly following his very hot son, but he seems to keep his personal life on lockdown. Alex talked about that in a GQ interview last year, saying that we’re “never going to see a television show The Skarsgards." He also joked that his dad was “over the hill.” He’s not too old to have more kids though apparently. So Alex will have a half brother that’s 35 years younger than he is. I’m sure that happens in a lot of families, but it still strikes me as strange. Update: gratuitous Alex Skarsgard photos. Thanks to Bee for the tip! Photo of Stellan and Megan are from 12-12 and 12-14-11. Credit: WENN.com. Alex photos are from 2011 credit: WENN and Pacific Coast news |
Rooney Mara in red lace Valentino in Rome: very pretty or too frilly? Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:21 AM PST These are some new photos of Rooney Mara and her God and Creator, director David Fincher, in Rome. I guess Daniel Craig wasn't contractually obligated to make appearances for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo any further than Berlin. Or maybe Rooney and Fincher just wanted to have some private time in Rome. Is that gross? I can't decide if it's really gross or just sort of uncomfortable. Obviously, there's the age difference, and the difference in status. It's all so Pygmalion – Prof. Higgins and his Eliza Doolittle. And look at the way they look at each other. They're doing it. Gross? Eh. As for Rooney and her shot of color – my immediate assumption was correct, this dress is Valentino. It reminds me of the lace dress Keira Knightley wore at the 2011 Venice Film Festival premiere of A Dangerous Method, although I liked Keira's a lot better, and Keira wore her dress with more elegance. Still, it's interesting to see Rooney in color. Red works on her, and I appreciate that her makeup is improving. I still think she needs a new stylist, though. I'm also including photos from the photo call earlier in the day yesterday. I wish we had better photos of Rooney's dress at the Rome photo call. She wore this odd Dion Lee leather dress – you can see it here. It's… weird. I don't think Rooney has the kind of figure that she thinks she has. |
Katherine Heigl: working outside the home “makes me a better mother” Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:19 AM PST Katherine Heigl wisely took a bit of time off after she and husband Josh Kelley adopted their daughter, Naleigh. Of course, I’m not judging the timing of said time off other than to say that it was convenient for Katherine to become a first-time mother at a point when she was quickly reaching a saturation point in Hollywood romcom territory. She needed a break anyway, and her daughter certainly must have appreciated the extra bonding time with mommy. Then a few months ago, Heigl surfaced to promote New Year’s Eve and commenced chipping away at her “ice queen” image with a couple of rather candid interviews and a Funny or Die video that poked fun at her image. Now Heigl is promoting One for the Money, and she seeks to humanize herself further with an iVillage guest blog about balancing life as a working mother. Why yes, she has a nanny, but she does make a valid point or two regardless:
[From iVillage] Katherine signs off with a nice little dose of humor, which makes her previous paragraphs seem less — how do you say — judgmental than they might otherwise be construed. After all, very few topics are quite as potentially inflammatory as a celebrity telling readers (many of whom are mothers) the best way to raise a child. Here, Heigl is saying what works best for her instead of getting all preachy in manner of Goop. As a side note … can you imagine Goop writing this sort of essay? You know it would be a total nightmare and end with a requisite prescription for a $450 colon cleanse. Getting back to Heigl’s words, I completely understand what she’s saying about feeling more complete while spending some of her time on a film set while cutting back the scale of her work. Obviously, the question of working outside the home is a personal choice for every mother to make on her own. Sometimes and in my own mind, I think we do the opposite of what we grew up with as children. Since I grew up as a latchkey kid, I was determined to not have my daughter go through that experience, so I now work from home. Financially, it can be a struggle at times, but it’s worth it … for me. And Katherine has found what works best for her as a mother even if, as an actress, she’s really not the “artist” that she seems to believe herself to be. At least, most of the movie and television work that she’s accepted hasn’t required any great stretching in that regard. Still, I do love this photo of Katherine and Naleigh together. It should be on a greeting card. Photos courtesy of Fame |
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