Cele|bitchy |
- Brandi Glanville accused of boning her best friend’s ex-husband for publicity
- Reese Witherspoon attempts a “beachy sexpot ditz” image change: who is she kidding?
- Nick Cannon hospitalized for “mild” kidney failure, Mariah makes it all about her
- Michael Fassbender on sex: “I’m aware of my weaknesses & the beast within”
- Demi Moore worries that “I’m really not lovable, I’m not worthy of being loved”
- Sinead O’Connor is having sex with her estranged husband, tweeting details
- Us Weekly: Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake are engaged, officially
- Rachel McAdams: It’s “great” that Ryan Gosling is a “feminist icon”
- Daniel Craig on his love life: “It’s been a very complicated couple of years”
- Jean Dujardin at the Berlin premiere of ‘The Artist’: would you hit it?
Brandi Glanville accused of boning her best friend’s ex-husband for publicity Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:51 AM PST You know what? I generally come down on Brandi Glanville's side in the whole "white-trash uncool Bermuda Triangle" situation, but this week's Brandi-centric storyline is exhausting. First, Brandi "got married" in Las Vegas to her self-described BFF of 20 years, Darin Harvey. Her Twitter page was full of photos from her wedding night, and it really seemed like she and her girls had gotten hammered and Brandi thought it would be "fun" to marry Darin and then hang out with strippers. A day later, Brandi and Darin were both claiming that the "weddding" wasn't really official and that it was just a ceremony with no paperwork. Okay… sure. But some of us still have questions. Questions like, "What was the purpose of this nonsense?" And "Drunken publicity stunt much?" And now there are new questions. Like, "Was Brandi screwing her best friend's ex-husband?"
[From Radar] OK, Michelle is mad because she was friends with Brandi and then Brandi slept with her EX-husband? Correct? Michelle isn't claiming that Brandi homewrecked her marriage or anything, just that Brandi was boning Darin when he was officially single. I mean, sure, there are rules about boning your friend's ex. But I don't see the big deal in general. Anyway, Brandi is denying the part about the "affair". She tweeted, "I didn’t legally get married and I won’t ever again in my life. Our wedding was our first kiss! We are just friends.” Regarding the criticism she received, Brandi tweeted, “Marriage mocks itself. I believe anyone and everyone should be able to get married! Why not me? In my head I was just having fun with my best friend who I adore and has been there for me during all my tough times. I didn’t mean to offend anyone! I believe everyone should be able to get married and maybe even embarrass themselves in Vegas.” I was looking through Brandi's most recent tweets, and she seems to be on the defensive a bit more. She says that she's "never hooked up with D" and that Michelle "is not my friend & hasn't been in over a year. Very sad woman." Blah. Whatever. Photos courtesy of Brandi's Twitter & WENN. |
Reese Witherspoon attempts a “beachy sexpot ditz” image change: who is she kidding? Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:48 AM PST Reese Witherspoon covers the February issue of Elle Magazine, probably to promote that horrible-looking This Means War, in which Chris Pine and Tom Hardy play super-spies vying for Reese's affection. I mean… really? Reese has a lot riding on this, I guess. She wants to be the queen of romantic-comedies. She wants to be America's Favorite Sweetheart. She also wants to be seen as super-sexy, I think. Thus, the photo shoot doesn't make her look like an ice-princess, which is how she's usually styled. Nor is she "vamped" up, like she was in some photo shoots last year. This Reese is beachy and fun and casual-sexy. The whole shoot is very Jennifer Aniston-esque. I wonder if this about-face will work? Reese is selling her sex appeal hard in her interview too:
[From Page Six, Elle print edition] You know what ended up bothering me? It wasn't all of the "sexy" stuff, which YES, totally feels forced and unnatural when it's about Reese. Like, Reese is pretty. Reese is cute. Reese is a good girl. Reese is talented. But I'll never buy that she's some sexpot, or a vamp, or some easy-breezy, sexy beach girl. She's an anal-retentive hardass. Own it, Reese. Anyway, what really bothered me was the fake "OMG, I don't understand how much MONEY I make" part, especially when it was paired with the conversation about her production company. Reese understands money. She likes making an eight-figure paycheck, and she will fight tooth and nail to stay in the highest-earning bracket in Hollywood. By all accounts, she's an efficient and organized producer. So why the fake humility about money? Is it because "sexy" girls aren't supposed to care about how much money they make? Bulls–t. Elle Magazine photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot. |
Nick Cannon hospitalized for “mild” kidney failure, Mariah makes it all about her Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:47 AM PST Nick Cannon is in the hospital! Mariah Carey is making it all about her! Of course. Anyway, Nick is apparently in an Aspen hospital with "mild" kidney failure, a diagnostic term I am unfamiliar with. Isn't it just kidney failure or NOT kidney failure? Is there a "mild" form of it? Mariah tweeted the above photo of Nick in his hospital bed. Of course Mariah is draped on him. Because when your kidneys are failing, you really want you wife to make it all about HER. I mean, I love Mariah and everything, but please, Mimi, let Nick have it. Let him have a day where it's all about him. Here's what Mariah had to say:
[From Mariah's website] I don't get the whole "stranded in Aspen" thing. It's not really "stranded" if Mariah is simply staying with her husband who apparently needed emergency medical care, right? Aspen does have qualified doctors and surgeons, yes? Whatever. Prayers for Nick. He's going to need them. Kidney failure is no joke, however "mild." Header photo courtesy of Mariah's Twitter. Additional pics by Fame. |
Michael Fassbender on sex: “I’m aware of my weaknesses & the beast within” Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:35 AM PST OMG. *dies* *slowly picks self off of floor, only to look at Fassy once again and whimper plaintively* So, My Beloved Michael Fassbender covers the February issue of GQ UK, likely to promote the UK release of Shame, as well as… Haywire, I suppose. It comes out this month in America, no idea when it comes out in the UK. Look, I'm already primed to whimper whenever I see a photo of Fassy. It's Pavlovian. I see Fassy-ginge, no matter how rough, and I'm already crossing my legs and cooing. But the early excerpts from Fassy's GQ interview are… MAGICAL. He uses words like "buffet" and "beast" and "control" and "seduced". I swear, if he used the word "thrust" I would be buying a one-way ticket to Fassyland right now, and I wouldn't even care if I was arrested, pantsless and screaming, when I arrived. Here are some highlights. Just go ahead and take off your panties. I won't tell anyone.
I can't. Even. Start. "I'm aware of my weaknesses and THE BEAST WITHIN." OMG. It's like he's the Mr. Hyde of boning. Srsly. And then with the "buffet of choice" stuff – we get it Fassy, YOU LOVE GOING DOWNTOWN. Jesus. And then, this beautiful statement: "That thing of being seduced, and you've just got to be careful. But that's no guarantee that I'm not going to go crazy and destroy the sweetshop." Oh. MY. F–king God. This man could WRECK my sweetshop. I need no guarantees that he won't. I just need the Fassy BEAST, treating me like a buffet, and going balls-out cray-cray on mah sweetshop. Photos courtesy of GQ UK, and GQ US. Additional pics by WENN. |
Demi Moore worries that “I’m really not lovable, I’m not worthy of being loved” Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:28 AM PST Demi Moore covers the February issue of Harper’s Bazaar with a covershoot that is obviously photoshopped to the max. No news there, but the accompanying interview is slightly more interesting, since Demi is promoting her new producing gig with “The Conversation,” a show that will premiere on Lifetime. The interview is really more of a conversation between Demi and her producing partner, Amanda de Cadenet, who reveal that their show will “featur[e] strikingly frank discussions with A-listers,” i.e. prominent women that will discuss “the universal themes in women’s lives” such relationships, body image, sex, career. It’s a great concept, but the guests are guaranteed to be sanctimonious as hell. Sure enough, Demi and Amanda have revealed that Gwyneth Paltrow — in all her infinite wisdom — has been interviewed for the show. Of course, there are other “strong” women like Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, and Jane Fonda who will appear as well, but Demi and Amanda have singled out Goop as being able to spout the best “listen to your inner guide” sort of mantra. Spare me. With Goop, the inner guide pretty much says, “Marry a super rich guy, exercise two hours per day, and cleanse the colon regularly.” Oh, and “Discuss one’s exquisite friendships with the Dalai Lama and Beyonce at every given opportunity.” Inner guide, my ass. Anyway, Demi herself comes across pretty well (despite the title of this post) during this particular conversation, which was conducted “post-Thanksgiving” and, therefore, in the wake of Demi filing for divorce from her douche husband. Mercifully, Ashton is mentioned nowhere during this discussion. Instead, this interview is something of a graceful dance between two girlfriends, which is kind of where I like to think of Demi these days; that is, not doing a sexy dance for men or pretending to be Gloria Steinem. Instead, she’s merely hanging with a girlfriend, and they’re supporting each other. Here are a few excerpts:
[From Harper's Bazaar] I’m relieved that Demi seems to acknowledge that she’s grown far too thin during the past year or so because she really looks incredibly frail these days. Her other statements ring very true as well, and I understand that baring her soul during the course of this conversation was both (1) Very planned; (2) In the interest of promoting her Lifetime show. Yet Demi still comes off remarkably lucid, particularly in light of her recent painful split. Oddly enough, Demi also confesses to her guilty pleasure, which is watching “Jersey Shore.” I do hope she’s not scoping out DJ Pauly D as her next sexual conquest. Don’t go there, Demi! Sadly though, all of the guys on that show combined are less revolting than her soon-to-be ex-husband. And that’s saying something. Photos courtesy of Harper’s Bazaar |
Sinead O’Connor is having sex with her estranged husband, tweeting details Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:23 AM PST
Well those crazy kids Sinead and Barry are trying to make it work, at least for now, and Sinead is tweeting about the fact that they’re having sex. At least she’s not getting into too many details, as she’s been known to do in the past. Here are some of her tweets and HuffPo has a more coherent explanation if you’d rather read that. Sinead, step away from the computer/iPad. I don’t care who you fight with or f#*k, and in general that’s mildly interesting, but I don’t want to hear the play by play. |
Us Weekly: Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake are engaged, officially Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:01 AM PST Well, it happened. There were reports just before Christmas that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake might have gotten engaged while they were spending their holiday together in Wyoming. There were rumors on Twitter, and all of that good stuff. Now Us Weekly confirms that Biel and Timberlake are definitely official. Sidenote: I wonder what kind of deal Biel's publicist has with Us Weekly?
[From Us Weekly] I don't even know. I mean, congratulations to the happy couple. I would really, really love to know what the proposal was like. Did Biel demand a certain kind of proposal? Or did it just come out of a "Where are we now, what is the next step in our relationship" conversation? Did Justin have a ring ready? I'd also like to know how all of this works – Justin has cheated on Jessica before, and their relationship has always been on-again, off-again. Are they both settling? Why do they feel the need to make this disaster official? I still don't understand. Meh. |
Rachel McAdams: It’s “great” that Ryan Gosling is a “feminist icon” Posted: 04 Jan 2012 04:40 AM PST Rachel McAdams covers the February issue of Glamour Magazine. I can't really say that I'm a huge fan of the cover shoot. It's trying too hard to be "cheeky" and "cute-sexy" I think. Rachel has a natural "cuteness" and a girl-next-door sex appeal, so I don't know why they had to take her pants off and get her to flash some ass cheek. It's unseemly! Tut tut. Anyway, Rachel is promoting that sappy-looking The Vow, where she and Channing Tatum are love interests, sort of. Some may think that playing Channing Tatum's love interest in a sappy girl movie is a career downturn for Rachel. They may be right, but I not on the Channing-bashing bandwagon. He's a nice, funny, down-to-earth guy who never bad-mouths his early career choices, even when those career choices were "being a stripper in Tampa." Plus, "Southern accent" doesn't equal "moron". Rachel could certainly do worse for a romantic costar. Anyway, you can read her full Glamour Q&A here, and here are some highlights:
[Via Glamour] I would love to know if Rachel and Ryan Gosling still talk. I would love to know what she really thinks about his Disneyland hookups and his "thing" with Eva Mendes. But hopefully, he's not even on her radar anymore. I believe that she and Michael Sheen are happy together. And I really do think that there's a good chance they'll get married. I know some of you are Sheen-haters, but that man is delicious. I would take him over Gosling any day of the week. Here’s the trailer for The Vow: PS… I'd really love for Rachel to give up the blonde. I don't think it does her any favors. She should do a really soft auburn. Glamour shots courtesy of The Mail. |
Daniel Craig on his love life: “It’s been a very complicated couple of years” Posted: 04 Jan 2012 04:34 AM PST You know what would have really made all of the red carpets for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo more exciting? If Daniel Craig had walked them all hand-in-hand with his new wife, Rachel Weisz. Before you yell and say that Daniel is not Brad Pitt and he doesn't need to "sell" his relationship alongside the "sale" of his film, whatever. Daniel used to walk all of his red carpets with Satsuki Mitchell. Of course, Satsuki allegedly went all Blu Cantrell when Daniel dumped her for Rachel, so maybe Daniel is letting his marriage simmer for a while before he and Rachel bring the burning heat to multiple red carpets. Anyway, these are photos from Paris. Daniel and Rachel arrived together, happily smiling and holding hands upon their arrival, knowing full well that they were being photographed. So why didn't Rachel come to the Paris premiere of GWTDT? Dunno. I will say this – Daniel looks less gnomish in Paris. I find him attractive normally, but I've come to the realization that he rarely photographs that well in still photos. Oh, and remember those excerpts from Daniel's GQ UK interview where he was bitching about the Kardashians? Well, the full GQ interview was released, and he has more bitching and moaning to do. Actually, this GQ piece is very interesting – if you read the whole thing, Daniel does sound grumpy and surly, of course, but there's another layer too – he's a neurotic bastard. He's intensely self-aware and you get a sense of a man who is overly concerned with how he's perceived. You can read the whole GQ piece here, and here are some more highlights:
[From GQ UK] I don't understand the "racist" remark, unless he's referring to some insults that might have been slung at Satsuki? Because she's Japanese or mixed-Japanese, right? Because what "racist" comment could be made about Daniel or Rachel? Anyway… Daniel Craig, a neurotic legend in his own mind. I just wish… I don't know, I wish he wouldn't take everything so f–king seriously. Not everything is, like, a war crime. Sometimes people just like to gossip. Sometimes people just like to imagine two hot celebrities doing it. Sometimes people just appreciate when someone just owns their status as a movie star without having to listen to that movie star's grumpy, surly, neurotic soliloquies. |
Jean Dujardin at the Berlin premiere of ‘The Artist’: would you hit it? Posted: 04 Jan 2012 04:29 AM PST I'm about to say something that once said, you will never be able to unsee. It's something that has been bugging me for months, ever since Jean Dujardin started getting crazy-awesome reviews for The Artist, and since Jean has been considered a shoo-in for a Best Actor Oscar nomination. Here is what cannot be unseen: Jean Dujardin has the same face as Chris Evans. He and Chris Evans could be brothers. Seriously. Think about it. Anyway, these are photos of Jean Dujardin (and Archie the Dog) from the Berlin premiere of The Artist. I'm sort of doing this post to gauge the interest in Jean and this film, which I haven't seen yet, but I intend to. It's a silent film, set during the era of silent films, and as I said, Jean Dujardin is pretty much guaranteed a Best Actor Oscar nomination, which will be his first. Jean is French, obviously. He's 39 years old and a married father of two. He's famous in France, but The Artist is his big breakthrough in Hollywood, and he's going to be all over the place this awards season. So, are you interested in him? Do you want to know more about him? Would you like it if we continued to cover Jean and The Artist? And, most importantly, would you hit it? I would hit it (in theory). But then again, I'm a (theoretical) slut. I do like his face, though. I find Chris Evans attractive too, which helps. I like how animated Jean is, and he seems very open and accessible. Plus, when he wears a suit, he's got that old-school Hollywood glamour. Very nice. Here's the trailer for The Artist: |
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