

PostSecret’s iPhone App Gets Pulled For ‘Threatening’ And ‘Pornographic’ Content

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

This is why we can’t have nice things! Less than six months after the PostSecret iPhone app went live, founder Frank Warren has announced that he’s pulling it because of persistent, asshole (our word, not his) users who posted secrets that were “not just pornographic but also gruesome and at times threatening.”

When we spoke with Frank back in September, he explained that the appeal of the app was to communicate secrets that were more digital, as well as to tag where each secret came from so the posters would feel more connected to each other even though they were still anonymous.

Unfortunately, it was the anonymity that built the original PostSecret into the movement it is, which led to the current trouble. “99% of the secrets created were in the spirit of PostSecret,” Frank reassured readers in his announcement on the official site, but even that 1% was material that threatened and harassed other users. This created an intensely negative environment full of bullies—horribly ironic for a project meant to bring people together.

Though he wouldn’t go into too much detail, here’s what he did divulge:

Bad content caused users to complain to me, Apple and the FBI. I was contacted by law enforcement about bad content on the App. Threats were made against users, moderators and my family. (Two specific threats were made that I am unable to talk about). As much as we tried, we were unable to maintain a bully-free environment. Weeks ago I had to remove the App from my daughter’s phone.

Like many of you, I feel a great sense of loss from this decision but please know that we fought hard behind the scenes to find a permanent solution. We even tried prescreening 30,000 secrets a day. Deciding to remove the App from the App Store last week and holding back the release of the Android version cost us money but we feel it was the right thing to do.

To the vast majority of people who shared their earnest secrets and compassionate replies on the App, you inspired us with your honesty, humor and humanity. Even though this good faith experiment has come to an end what you shared lives on.

MSNBC points out that the $2 app did suggest that users under 17 not download it because some of the content submitted would feature “frequent/intense” sexual content, realistic violence, and matter-of-fact drug use. But so did the site, so the entries that broke the camel’s back must have been targeted at specific users or needlessly cruel.

To add insult to injury, Frank included with his blog post an e-mail exchange about how the app helped make someone’s Christmas morning. Long story short, a woman ordered a ballerina music box for her daughter, but it got delivered to the wrong address and those people kept it. Another reader, having seen the secret via the app, was able to get in touch with the poor mother and send her a brand-new music box.

Without the app, that Christmas miracle could not have happened in time for Christmas morning. So, it was never all bad.

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The Five Craziest Girls From This Season of The Bachelor

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 10:57 AM PST

Another season of The Bachelor has started, and poor rejected Ben Flajnik is back, still a little wounded but ready to try again. Last night’s episode introduced as to a lot of beautiful women, with just a sprinkling of crazy. Ben proved he likes a girl who shows a little emotion, and he likes a girl on a horse even more. Here are five girls who made last night interesting with their particular brands of insanity.

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Hot Shot: Ewan McGregor Flashes His Baby Blues In GQ

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 10:21 AM PST

Remember how handsome Ewan McGregor was in the nineties? If anything, the 40-year-old actor has gotten even comelier since then, and he’s got a new spread in GQ to remind us. Also: one of those “Jimmy Darmody” (I refuse to call it a “Hitler youth”) haircuts everyone seems to be rocking these days. Click through for four more photos’ worth of handsomeness and some fun facts from the interview.

Fun fact #1: Ewan McGregor has four daughters and loves being a dad.

Fun fact #2: Ewan McGregor has a starring role in Haywire, a new action film directed by Steven Soderbergh.

Fun fact #3: Ewan McGregor has been in 38 films in the past 16 years, not counting Trainspotting.

Fun fact #4: Ewan McGregor likes the idea of being a sculptor:

“I like the idea of being a sculptor. Just me alone, making something—that solitary existence.” At last, the buried wish for a respite from life’s mayhem! But no: “And then you come out,” he adds, “and you’re back into the house with all the kids. That would be perfect.”

(Via GQ)

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Hunger Games Lead Hairstylist Says ‘Old Hollywood’ Inspired The Capitol Citizens’ Crazy Hair

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:51 AM PST

A few months ago, head hairstylist for The Hunger Games Linda Flowers gave some insight into recreating Katniss Everdeen’s signature side-braid for the movie, as well as the staggering number of wigs and bleached eyebrows that transformed extras into Capitol citizens. In a new interview, Linda talks more about using Suzanne Collins‘ books as inspiration, as well as the glitz and glamour of old Hollywood.

Further cementing our theory that the Capitol is a metaphor for Hollywood, Linda said that she modeled the citizens’ hair after “the classics and old Hollywood, mixed it with contemporary textures and colors to create contemporary classics.” This was especially true for Jennifer Lawrence‘s look (spoiler) after Katniss returns from the Games and has to explain herself to her fans and new enemies. “She wore a pink dress that looked like it was from the 50s, so I used the TopStyler and did figure 8′s and 1 finger curls with the c-shells to get a contemporary finger wave style like a 50s old Hollywood look,” Linda explained. “I believe it portrayed how much she had grown up from the games and came into her own as a young women because it was classic and soft.”

However, you can’t have The Hunger Games without Effie Trinket’s (Elizabeth Banks) bright hair and makeup. Linda said that styling Elizabeth “was really fun, she was sophisticated yet whimsical. How often do you get to put pink and green hair on someone?”

What we really want to know is what it was like to style Stanley Tucci as the Games’ lead interviewer Caesar Flickerman! That’s him with Jennifer as Katniss in the pre-Games interviews, above.

Regardless, we’ll get to see all of these fashions and hairstyles — many of which will be imitated next Halloween, if not earlier — on March 23, 2012.


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Chris Crocker Befriends Courtney Stodden Via Twitter

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:46 AM PST

Youtube star Chris Crocker has a thing for mildly un-hinged blondes with hater problems, so it comes as no surprise that he would want to make friends with Courtney Stodden, seen here engaged in “floor flashing,” a sluttier version of planking.

Last night, Chris summoned all the courage his little heart could muster and tweeted thusly at her:

To which she replied:

Emboldened, he tried out a diminutive term of endearment on her:

…With sexy results:

What succulently sensual things will these two come up with when they join forces? Will they merge into the blonde, two-headed famebeast they were always meant to be? Will Chris merely repeat the crocodile tears he shed for Britney, or does he have something new and exciting planned? One thing’s for certain: haters are about to get told.

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5 Facts About The New Bachelor‘s Best Contestant: Blogger Jenna Burke

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:02 AM PST

Last night on the premiere of the new season of The Bachelor, the world got to meet a whole new cast of women out to win bachelor Ben Flajnik‘s affections. Most of them were the predictably forgettable tanned dental hygienists and account managers of seasons gone by. But producers outdid themselves by casting the show’s first Blogger contestant.

Jenna Burke describes herself as a freelance writer, but ABC simply lists her occupation as “Blogger.” We suspect that means she is “unemployed,” but she is certainly a reality TV force to be reckoned with. Here’s what we learned about Jenna last night.

1. Carrie Bradshaw is her spirit animal.

When Jenna first comes on screen, the producers show her typing on a laptop at a cafe with a wine glass. (Because bloggers can never be filmed at rest without a laptop. Duh.)

Clearly, Jenna doesn’t mind the cliche, as this is the first thing we see her typing:

What does LOVE really mean?

What comes next? This gem:

Do I believe in soul mates? No.

Do I believe in true love?

Cue Louboutin shopping.

2. She cannot hold her liquor.

Producers on reality shows love to give contestants access to liquor and turn them loose in front of the cameras. This was a losing battle for Jenna, who was clearly drunk/blacked out for most of the first episode.

And her drunkeness caused the following bon mots:

“The girl who attacked me. Emotionally!”

“I preach ‘No looking back’ ALL THE TIME.”—

“We’re a girl. Maybe we can share a tampon sometime.”

“I don’t wanna be like this, I don’t wanna be like this. People here are awful, they’re mean people … I gave everything. This is not … supposed to feel! I’m a mess. I’m the girl that was like serious about this, not the girl that is like wanting fame out of this. I’m the girl that got hurt out of this!”

“…I think I messed up”

3. She may not be a real blogger

Is there such a thing as a real blogger? I’m not sure. But Jenna’s writing is stretched pretty thin. She calls herself “The Over-Analyst” and has a blog to prove it, but a quick glance at the site proves she’s much better on TV than on the internet.

Her favorite blog catchphrases include “your default text,” because she hasn’t finished designing the homepage of her site.  Apparently ABC put the kibosh on her blogging habit, because there aren’t any new post after September, when the show started filming. And before that, the site is full of short filler posts on all manner of random fashion ephemera.

The best part of the whole site is how she describes herself:

I enjoy analyzing. It's one of the things people may consider a problem, yet it's one of the things I really like to do. I think it makes us more interesting and leads us to new discoveries. Overanalyzing happens because you really have a deep interest in learning about life, the good and the bad. I embrace my desires, I feel inspired and I witness the beauty. – JENNA BURKE -

4. Have you ever met a tan blogger?

I never have. But Jenna likes tanning almost as much as she loves ombre hair.

5. Things are only going to get worse for Jenna/better for us.

Here’s this tip from Chris Harrison’s blog on how things are going to go for Jenna on next week’s show:

I would love to tell you this story has a happy ending and Jenna redeems herself with a strong showing next week but… that's just not what happens.



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Crushable Quotable: Ke$ha Says Writing Songs For Britney Is Better Than Drugs

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Through all the brattiness and beard fetishizing, you have to remember that Ke$ha started out as a fairly successful songwriter for others, and for that, she deserves at least a modicum of respect. Not surprisingly, Ke$ha thinks so, too.

In a recent interview with MTV, the goddess of glittery garbage talked about how she wants to resurrect rock (via pop songs, oy) and maybe show a more vulnerable side of herself on her new album. She also discussed how it makes her feel each time she hears Britney Spears sing “Til The World Ends,” which she co-wrote with Dr. Luke, Max Martin, and Alexander Krolund:

That song just came on the radio and I have to say, I love hearing Britney Spears sing my lyrics, every single day. It never gets old. I get so excited. It’s better than any drug when you hear Britney Spears sing a song you wrote.

Better than brushing your teeth with a bottle of Jack? Better than “your love”?? Personally, I think the Eruo-housey “Til The World Ends” is the most annoying Britney song to come along in quite some time, but if it keeps Ke$ha off the harder stuff, I’m willing to support it.

(Via MTV News)

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Elton John Wants Justin Timberlake To Play Him In His Biopic

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 08:47 AM PST

You gotta love Elton John—the music legend is working on a biopic about his own life, though he already warns, “It's going to be a surreal look at my life, and not just a factual look at my life, more in the manner of a Moulin Rouge! I just don't want it to be a normal biopic because my life hasn't been like that.” Plus, he’s hit it on the head with casting: He wants Justin Timberlake to play him!

Elton told the LA Times, “No. 1 on my wish list is Justin Timberlake, because he played me before in a David LaChapelle video of ‘Rocket Man’ and was superb.” He’s not kidding: There’s Justin on the left, rocking Elton’s rose-colored glasses and outrageous outfit. In the intervening time since that video, Justin’s portrayed another bigwig related to the music industry, though on a drastically different plane: Sean Parker, the creator of Napster, in The Social Network last year.

Elton explained that the biopic, written by Billy Elliot screenwriter Lee Hall, will end with his 1990 stint in rehab, or rather, that will be the main focus. “It starts with me going into rehab and ends when I come out,” he clarified. Not to play the Sean Parker card again, but what made Justin’s portrayal so compelling was not the “You know what’s cool? A billion dollars” line from the trailer, but when Sean starts slipping into more frequent partying and cocaine use, and becomes an increasingly unreliable business partner. Considering that Elton has also battled cocaine addiction, it seems a keen choice to have JT play the more slippery side of fame.

So now that we’re waiting on Justin to see if he’ll take the role, let’s think about other casting. Namely, the godmother of Elton’s child, Lady Gaga; our list of potential actresses for the performer’s Lifetime biopic comes in pretty handy right about now.


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Demi Moore Will Play Gloria Steinem in Lovelace

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 08:52 AM PST

There are currently two Linda Lovelace biopics in the works, making the casting announcements all the more confusing. Plus, I still immediately think of the Robin Williams penguin in Happy Feet whenever I hear Lovelace (why did they name a character in a kids movie after a porn star?). For clarification Lovelace is the movie starring Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace, James Franco as Hugh Hefner, and now Demi Moore as Gloria Steinem.

Gloria’s role in Linda’s life, and thus the movie was exposing the abuse Linda suffered within the porn industry. I feel bad for those involved in the other Lovelace biopic coming out in 2013, Inferno. It’s going to be really hard to beat this cast.

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Crush Links: Will Demi Moore Be Meeting Ashton’s Mistress?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 06:38 AM PST

Rachel McAdams does a sexy photoshoot. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)

Demi Moore plans to meet Ashton’s mistress? (Have U Heard)

The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik discusses the dramatic season. (Celebuzz)

Kim Kardashian’s New Year’s resolution is dangerous. (The Stir)

Justin Bieber the king of Twitter. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)

• Did Robert Pattinson cheat? (Have U Heard)

• Celebs that won at life this year. (Divine Caroline)

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