Cele|bitchy |
- Russell Brand & Katy Perry are officially divorced: any takers?
- Breaking Bad season premiere: “yo, what about a magnet?”
- Uma Thurman & Arpad Busson welcomed a baby girl on Sunday
- Did Blake Lively piss off Karl Lagerfeld when she signed on to Gucci?
- Kate Upton responds to unhinged, pro-ana criticisms that she’s “fat” and “lardy”
- Katie Holmes is being publicly urged to adopt a rescue dog from a shelter
- Michael Lohan probably impregnated his domestic violence victim Kate Major
- Hugh Jackman shirtless on the beach: wet, beefy and bearded: would you hit it?
- Lindsay Lohan crack-lied about her Porsche’s brakes failing, shock
- Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender are ‘favorite’ choices for lead in ’50 Shades’
Russell Brand & Katy Perry are officially divorced: any takers? Posted: 16 Jul 2012 08:41 AM PDT Out of all the telling photos of Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s relationship, I have to admit that this one, taken in November 2011, is one of my favorites. This was the romantic bike ride that wasn’t, and now Russell has moved on to enjoying subsequent bike rides with the butts of random brunettes. Not that Russell is alone for moving on so soon, for Katy is allegedly already shacking up with Robert Ackroyd of Florence + the Machine. Good news though! Now Katy and Russell are officially divorced. Anyone want to get in line for a quick shag?
[From E! Online] The couple was married for just fourteen months, and the divorce took six months to finalize, which perhaps reinforces the fact that both of them leapt into a presumably serious relationship without thinking. Oh well — they wouldn’t be the first ones to do so, and they won’t be the last. Meanwhile, Russell is preparing to perform at the Olympic closing ceremony in London. He’ll be singing Beatles and Sex Pistols tunes with comedy duo French and Saunders, and then afterward, Russell will probably go shag a few hundred athletes in the Olympic village. Those who perform are supposed to represent the “Best of London,” but we’ll see about that. As for Katy, her stylist (Johnny Wujek) has given a recent interview about how she loves to walk around nude backstage and doesn’t care who sees it. At the same time, Katy’s insurers have put the kibosh on her trademark spinning peppermint bra because her So what’s the over/under on whether Katy or Russell will remarry first? Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet |
Breaking Bad season premiere: “yo, what about a magnet?” Posted: 16 Jul 2012 08:40 AM PDT
Here’s a recap from CBS, which is good overview of what happened but it doesn’t really capture how excellent this episode was. I doubt words can. There were a lot of brilliant lines and darkly humorous moments. My favorite was when Mike and Walt were arguing about blowing up the evidence room by planting an incendiary device and Jesse was in the background trying to convince them to use a magnet to erase the laptop’s hard drive remotely, which they ultimately did.
[From CBS] Walt is in control now, and we saw him assert that in the car with Mike, when he said that Mike would have to trust him that nothing in the magnet truck would be traceable. We also saw it come out big time when he got all up in Saul’s face and told him that their relationship wasn’t over until he said it was over. In that scene, Walt had one of my favorite lines. “You took it upon yourself to give away $622,000 of my money to a man who had been sleeping with my wife.” Later, Walt goes up to his wife Skyler and tells her he forgives her, presumably for having an affair. We all know that she’s not the one who needs forgiving. So what was future Walt running from at the beginning of the episode? And will the money ultimately lead back to Walt and Jesse? Is Walt’s cancer going to get him before the feds do? I’m so excited, but I know it’s going to go fast. This season is airing in two parts, with eight episodes this year and eight episodes next year. We’ll have to savor it. Photo credit: AMC TV |
Uma Thurman & Arpad Busson welcomed a baby girl on Sunday Posted: 16 Jul 2012 08:26 AM PDT Uma Thurman has given birth! Uma and her baby-daddy/boyfriend Arpad Busson welcomed a baby girl yesterday in New York (I think it was NYC). They haven't released a name yet. The little girl joins her half-siblings Maya (13) and Levon (10), the two children Uma had with Ethan Hawke. I'm predicting a relatively normal name for this little girl… something kind of boho, but not crazy. Like Summer Arabella Busson or something.
Congrats to the happy family! Hopefully they're happy about it, because I really do think this pregnancy was a complete surprise. Uma announced her pregnancy earlier this year, after there were some suspicious blind items that may or may not have been about Uma's early pregnancy-partying. Uma was also photographed with a wine glass full of some light liquid back in March, when she was on vacation in St. Bart's with Arpad and her kids. Hopefully, the baby girl is perfectly healthy and we'll find out the name soon enough. Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
Did Blake Lively piss off Karl Lagerfeld when she signed on to Gucci? Posted: 16 Jul 2012 07:59 AM PDT Last year, Blake Lively became the face of Chanel's handbag line. It was said that Blake was hand-chosen by Karl Lagerfeld, acting on advice from Anna Wintour – Wintour is a big fan of Blake's Mall Girl aesthetic, and Blake has already scored two Vogue Magazine covers. Karl Lagerfeld photographed the ads himself, and the end result was… not all that exciting. The images weren't bad or anything, they were just kind of boring. Blake said in a magazine interview that getting the Chanel contract was a dream come true, and that she had turned down other modeling offers because she was holding out for Chanel. When she finally did get the contract and everyone saw the boring ads, SOME critics were like, "Eh, why did Karl Lagerfeld choose a Mall Girl to represent Chanel? DOWNMARKET." Still, the ads ran and most people just kind of ignored them. Blake was "the face" of Chanel's handbags for a year, and I haven't seen any new Chanel ads with Blake this year…? I kind of suspected that Blake's contract had run out and she was simply not asked back, which freed her up to become the face of Gucci's new perfume, Premiere. I coverd her Gucci ad earlier this month – it was pretty boring too. Blake is simply a boring model, in my opinion – she's pretty, she's got a wholesome, slightly budget Mall Girl vibe, and I'm simply not buying her as "the face" of a major brand. But here's the thing – rumors are flying that Blake has pissed off Karl and the House of Chanel! But why?
I would love it if Karl and Blake (and Anna Wintour!) were all part of some massive, Chanel-clad bitchfight. But I think this is what really happened: Blake got her Chanel contract, Karl shot some unimpressive ads, Blake's promotion of the brand didn't do much, and it didn't add anything to the image of Chanel, plus Karl was roundly criticized by his staff for hiring Blake. Some time passed, Blake's contract ran out and she got the hint and signed on to Gucci. It wasn't some massive bitchfight, it was just Karl and Blake both taking the hint, you know? Photos courtesy of Chanel, Gucci, WENN. |
Kate Upton responds to unhinged, pro-ana criticisms that she’s “fat” and “lardy” Posted: 16 Jul 2012 07:20 AM PDT There was a controversy last week that we didn't cover. I can't speak for why CB and Bedhead didn't discuss it (we didn't talk amongst ourselves on this one, oddly enough), but I chose not to cover it because A) I didn't want to give pro-anorexia ("pro-ana") sites the added publicity and B) I honestly thought it was such a dumb controversy and I couldn't work up the energy to discuss it. Kate Upton, 19, is having a great year – she scored the cover of Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Edition, she just got the cover of GQ, she's getting lots and lots of modeling gigs, and she's getting a lot of criticism from prissy high-fashion types. You know you're getting somewhere when the prissy fashion people are mad. But I don't think Kate Upton was expecting to become the victim of one of the nastiest, craziest online diatribes I've ever seen. The site Skinny Gossip wrote a post about Kate and how she is "fat". Some of the criticisms? Upton has “huge thighs, NO waist and big fat floppy boobs.” Also, “She looks like a squishy brick. Is this what American women are ‘striving’ for now? The lazy, lardy look. Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for? Sorry, but: eww!" Skinny Gossip's author, the anonymous "Skinny Girl", ended up responding to the backlash she caused by writing, "As a thin person, I was annoyed by our double-standards around weight. For example, people think nothing of telling a thin woman — to their face, in front of an entire group of people — how skinny they are and even to suggest what they should eat." And that's really all we need to hear from that crazy woman, okay? So, I wouldn't have blamed Kate either way if she ignored this or if she called a press conference to call blast this critic an unhinged wingnut. Instead, Kate responded in a low-key way, having her spokesman say, "It's absurd. Kate is gorgeous and very healthy." Then Kate issued a simple statement to the press: "I'm not going to starve just to be thin. I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable." Okay. Good. Kate looks fine. Enough. Photos courtesy of GQ. |
Katie Holmes is being publicly urged to adopt a rescue dog from a shelter Posted: 16 Jul 2012 06:46 AM PDT In yesterday's Katie Holmes post, I mentioned that Katie, Suri and some "friends" (!!) had made a visit to a pet shop in Manhattan over the weekend. Katie and Suri left empty-handed (and with Suri in tears because her mom wouldn't get her a puppy!), but I do think that a pet is probably coming. Katie seems to be sending the message to the world: she's putting down roots in New York City, Suri will be a New York girl, and everybody better get used to that. I said that I hoped that Katie and Suri would end up with a kitten – to me, an indoor cat just makes more sense when you're living in the city. I kind of ignored the "controversy" over the fact that Katie and Suri were looking at puppies in a pet store rather than a shelter – which… is this a thing? Yep.
Ugh. I've always gotten my animals from the pound or from friends who have "rescued" an animal but can't commit to a pet long-term (that's how I got my current puppy, who was 5 pounds when I got him and is now a 100-pound monster). I believe strongly in adopting from shelters and adopting "rescues". I also believe this shelter has a right to get some publicity and educate the public by using Katie and Suri's visit to a pet store. But I don't think Katie and Suri should be tagged as "bad people" or "bad pet owners" if they don't end up with a rescue. Different people want different things, and Katie has a lot on her plate right now. If she does get Suri a puppy, she might be looking for a specific breed that will be good with children, good with city life, good with apartment living. I’m not saying that Katie couldn’t find a puppy like that in a shelter – only that she shouldn’t be harshly judged if she does end up with a pet store puppy. Or she could just get a cat! Incidentally, my mom just got a kitten and then she promptly left town, so I've been looking in on him – this kitten is absolutely CRAY. And he's a rescue too. I should donate him to Katie and Suri. Suri will be able to keep with him (my mom named him Opossum). Meanwhile, Radar has another story about Tom Cruise and Suri video-chatting with each other. It feels like we've already heard that story…? A source tells Radar, "It’s all part of the divorce settlement that Tom be allowed to video chat with Suri. Likewise, when Suri is with Tom, Katie can video chat with her… Tom and Katie were advised that this could be a very useful tool to help Suri with the adjustment of her parents getting divorced. Tom and Suri have been video chatting and Tom just lights up when her face appears on the computer screen. Tom and Suri also communicate on the telephone and there is no limit on the contact for either parent. If Suri wants to talk to Tom she will call him, with help of course." I wonder if Suri tearfully told her dad that EVIL MOMMY wouldn't let her get the puppy she wanted? Hopefully, Tom backed up Katie on that one. But that might be too much to hope for right now. Tom probably screamed, "PUPPIES FOR EVERYONE!" PS… I am SO OVER Katie's booties. But I grow increasingly enamored with her lovely purse. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Michael Lohan probably impregnated his domestic violence victim Kate Major Posted: 16 Jul 2012 06:12 AM PDT For the most part, I'm happy to ignore Michael Lohan. I wish he didn't exist, and he's completely worthless (at best) and (at worst) a violent, abusive, vagina-kicker. But Michael Lohan does exist, out there in the world, when he's not in jail for DUIs or kickin' vadges. For more than a year, Michael had an on-and-off relationship (that's seriously the best way I can say it) with former Star Magazine reporter Kate Major. Major also had a brief affair with Jon Gosselin, and after Gosselin dumped her, Major started up with Michael Lohan. It's not like Major and Lohan have some great love affair or anything – she's called the cops on him, he's called the cops on her, she's given interviews about his physical abuse, and CB is sure that Kate has a drinking problem to boot. Michael has substance abuse problems as well, just FYI. The last time CB wrote about Major was January of this year, when Major was arrested in Florida (where else?) for beating the crap out of her neighbors and being a violent, racist, crazy bitch. So you know where this is headed. This delicate flower and her immortal beloved have made a baby together.
So… yeah. This is probably happening. Only Michael Lohan would get a woman pregnant WHILE SHE HAD A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST HIM. So trashy. So typical. I'm going to light a candle for this poor baby. Kate Major has a Twitter too – she hasn't confirmed the news yet, but she has been tweeting about going to church and being on a "health kick". So…I don't even know. |
Hugh Jackman shirtless on the beach: wet, beefy and bearded: would you hit it? Posted: 16 Jul 2012 05:57 AM PDT
This is Hugh’s rough and ready Wolverine body. He’s due to start filming the Wolverine sequel at the end of this month. If you compare how he looks now in these fantasy-ready candids on the beach in Australia yesterday, with how he looked less than a month ago, he’s even more defined. This is a man who is supremely committed to his craft and my God does it show. This has got to be my favorite photo, where his shirt is half off. He’s getting ready to come over to rub sunscreen on my back, with slow strong hands. Anyway here’s what the Daily Mail says about these photos, and about the filming schedule, which takes place in Hugh’s native Australia. Unfortunately Jessica Biel is going to be in it. Why?!
[From The Daily Mail] The film is scheduled for release next summer. For now we have these lovely photos of Hugh looking like an advertisement for just about anything that anyone would buy. You’ll excuse me while I have trouble gathering my thoughts. This is such a nice way to begin a Monday. Photo credit: FameFlynet, Inc: Bigoz |
Lindsay Lohan crack-lied about her Porsche’s brakes failing, shock Posted: 16 Jul 2012 04:35 AM PDT Back in June, just a week into the filming of Liz & Dick, Lindsay Lohan crashed her Porsche into the back of an 18-wheeler on the Pacific Coast Highway. IT WASN'T HER FAULT. It's never her fault. Why would you think it's a crackhead's fault? You're prejudiced against crackies. You should be IN JAIL. That was basically what it came down to – in the days following the crash, Team Lohan (Lindsay + Dina + a gallon of tequila) tried various excuses in the press – the truck cut off Lindsay! Lindsay wasn't driving! Lindsay didn't try to escape via another car and pay off the driver she hit! Lindsay was headed to work and she was already in character as Elizabeth Taylor! And of course, Lindsay claimed the Porsche's brakes failed. That was one of the many explanations for why there were no skid marks at the accident site – nevermind the less complicated reason of "Lindsay was too cracked-out to brake." Anyway, the Porsche dealership (or whatever, the company maybe?) tested the "failed" brakes on Lindsay's totaled Porsche and guess what? Crack liars tell crack lies.
So, Lindsay lied about the brakes failing, she lied to the cops about who was driving the car (she told them her assistant was driving), she (likely) hid drugs and alcohol she was carrying in the car, and on and on and on. And still… nothing. Originally I said that the cops would likely penalize Lindsay with "a friendly slap on the firecrotch" but they won't even DO THAT. The cops are all "Meh, why go through the trouble of even making it look like Lindsay Lohan isn't above the law?" Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and PCN. |
Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender are ‘favorite’ choices for lead in ’50 Shades’ Posted: 16 Jul 2012 04:30 AM PDT I'm not even going to pretend that this story isn't anything other than fluff, filler, and just an opportunity to look at pretty pictures of Ryan Gosling and Michael Fassbender. So what do Gosling and Fassy have in common these days? Both are two of the most in-demand actors out there, flitting from project to project, often working back-to-back with some of the most acclaimed and interesting writers and directors out there. Both are considered just on the cusp of A-list – Gosling is probably more A-list than Fassy, actually, but Fassy is definitely getting there. Both have die-hard fanbases of mostly women who think dark and inappropriate thoughts involving Fassy and/or Gosling in various stages of undress, performing sexual acts that are wholly inappropriate. Which brings me to another thing Fassy and Gosling have in common: both are the "fan favorites" to play Christian Grey in the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey. People are actually betting on it, and Fassy and Gosling are the odds-on favorites, along with… Ian Somerhalder.
As I keep saying, Ian is the only actor who is probably in "serious" contention for the role, just because he's so obviously C-list (sorry VD fans) and because he's been so vocal about wanting the part. No actor with any kind of real profile and A-list career (Gosling, Fassbender) would touch this piece of junk film adaptation with a (their?) ten-foot pole. So while you're wanking to your image of Christian Grey-as-played-by-Michael-Fassbender, just know that there's no chance in hell that he would actually do it. The book is terrible, and the film is going to be terrible too – there's simply no way to avoid it. The heroine (Anastasia Steele) is just awful, and the best way to kill this film adaptation is by hiring a cast straight out of the CW, which is exactly what it deserves. Still, it's good to fantasize. I can't see Ryan Gosling spanking anyone… he seems like he would be "too cool" for that. But Fassy? That man has a spanker's face. Bless him. Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN, Interview Mag, GQ, etc. |
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