

George Clooney, Matt Damon & Daniel Craig cover Vanity Fair: who looks worse?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 08:44 AM PST

Seriously? I don't actively dislike any of these men – George Clooney, Daniel Craig and Matt Damon – but I think it's odd that Vanity Fair has put them on the February cover with the title, "The Leading Men" or whatever. Yes, George has been having a good year, and he's looking to get nominated for another Oscar for The Descendants. And yes, Daniel has had a big year, although his films haven't done that well financially. But Matt? I love Matt, but I haven't seen a new Matt Damon movie in years. If he's not Jason Bourne, most people don't care, you know? Plus, this Annie Leibovitz-shot cover is only a good photo of Matt, really. Daniel looks like a gargoyle, and George looks like he's about to tell me to get off his lawn. Not the best, really.

Another gut reaction – George is 50 years old. Daniel is 43 years old. Matt is 41 (and a boyish vampire). Would VF have put three over-40 actresses on the cover with the title "The Leading Women"?? Of course there's something to be said for "old faithful" leading men. But 2011 was dominated by actors like Michael Fassbender and Ryan Gosling. Some respect for them? I guess not. Anyway, here's a little excerpt from VF:

For the first time ever, Vanity Fair pits three of Hollywood's most fascinating leading men against one another for that signature illuminating interrogation of ours, the Proust Questionnaire—and the monthly back-page feature proves even more revelatory when offered in triplicate, from George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Daniel Craig.

If George Clooney could choose what to come back as, it would be his dog—as the actor states, "he lives better." The Descendants lead also admits to being displeased with his posture and considers patience the most overrated virtue.

Daniel Craig values patience in his friends above all, but doesn't like his knees, and you'll never guess what he considers his most treasured possession—but then, we can't really be sure. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo star admits that he lies when answering questionnaires.

Matt Damon, who played a widower twice this year, in Contagion and We Bought a Zoo, is focused on family off the camera—he says that he was happiest in bed making his four children and in the hospital watching them being born. He says that his greatest achievement is his marriage, that his real-life heroes are his parents, and that his favorite names are those of his wife and children. He and Clooney both wish they could play instruments, while the more practical Craig only wishes he had opposable toes.

[From Vanity Fair]

So, VF got Daniel, George and Matt together in one place, and they could only give them the Proust questionnaire? I want to know if Daniel kissed up to George. I want to know what stories George told about Matt, and vice versa (because those two are both terrible gossips). I want to know if Daniel dared to talk about politics around either George or Matt. I want to know if Daniel and Matt judge Clooney harshly for his Oscar-Date Barbie. And I'll never know! Because VF didn't ask the question.

Oh, and we should play F–k, Marry, Kill with this cover. I would marry Matt, f–k Daniel and kill Clooney.

Photos courtesy of VF, WENN.
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Ryan Gosling pretends that he’s too cool to be photographed by the paparazzi

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 08:06 AM PST

There's so much I don't understand about being a celebrity. Like, I understand the idea behind "candid" photo ops, and the industry of celebrity accessibility. Lord knows, I love candid shots of many celebrities, and lord knows, many celebrities want us to pay attention to them when they're "off the clock". But the cameras and the attention can be too much, of course. And I'm sure that in these photos, Ryan Gosling was probably being swarmed by photographers in a New York airport (JFK?). I'm sure the flashes were bothering him, and he simply didn't feel like being photographed as he returned from the holidays (or whatever).

But… but… but… why is Gosling so upset that he's been photographed? Especially considering he and Eva Mendes pretty much rolled out the red carpet and made out for the paparazzi while they were in Paris over Thanksgiving. And that's the part I don't get – why basically pose for a photo shoot with your girlfriend in Paris, and then a month later, act like you're too "private" to be photographed at the airport? Ryan and Eva made a "Funny or Die" video together, for the love of God. But we're still being sold the image that Gosling is "private" and that he's just not used to this kind of attention. BS. He's a Hollywood player at this point, and he knows how to manipulate his own media.

Of course, maybe he was just being followed by some really annoying photographers in these pics. Or maybe he should just put the magazine down and accept that if he's going to pose for photos with his girlfriend in Paris, anything goes.

Also – I love his leather bag. I want it. I don't want him, but I'll take the bag.

Photos courtesy of Fame.
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Exclusive, original blind items: who traded sexcapades for publicity?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 07:30 AM PST

Hello, all! We were contacted by a very well-informed, well-connected celebrity, and these blind items are the product of that celebrity’s gossip. Hope you enjoy!

1. Anonymous Christmas: This female celebrity spent Christmas at an AA meeting. Alcohol isn't even her biggest problem!

2. He's Not What You Think: Many assume that this celebrity couple are heavy into drugs. She's had a reputation as heavy drinker and a recreational user for more than a decade, although the gossip about her heavier inclinations are recent. Many think that he's a user too, perhaps even with harder drugs – it would befit his reputation. The dirty secret is that he's clean, though. He has been for years. And people are wondering if his tolerance for his girlfriend's extracurriculars isn't wearing thin.

3. The Big One: She's always had access to the good stuff. It's how she got her start in Hollywood – she was the dealer, the supplier, the connection. She would get anyone anything they needed, provided they could help her career, provided they were more famous then her. This happened back in the 1990s – she struggled for a long time (longer than her official age indicates). Her career didn't pick up until she started sleeping her way through her agency, though.

2011 was her best year ever. She had glowing, sycophantic press. She got magazine covers. She was hailed as the best, the brightest. She also got a shiny, new, super-connected boyfriend. But my chronology is wrong – the boyfriend came before the glowing press. The glowing press is what she got in return for what she provided him.

Before he dumped her, everything got crazy. She fed him everything he wanted, and then some. Threesomes, party girls, party boys, hookers and drugs of every variety (coke, Ketamine, poppers and more). There are rumors that he grew to like strap-ons. There are rumors that the orgies involved man-on-man action. Whatever he wanted, she gave him. What did she get in return? More connections. More publicity. She got to be "the girlfriend of". She finally got to be the diva. People are still talking about how rude and obnoxious she was to anyone "lower" than her. And he protected her. He promoted her. Whatever she asked for, he gave her.

When the end came, it happened suddenly. The people around him hated her and wanted to help him out of the dark hole he had found himself in. His health was suffering. There's talk of rehab, AGAIN, and his friends are already devising cover stories on his behalf. Meanwhile, she's trying to work her way back into his life. She's texting him constantly, promising him the same old vices, only more and better. So far, he hasn't given in. But now that she's had a taste of the kind of attention she can get as his girlfriend, she won't give up.

photo credit, in order: jmdphoto/photocase.com, view7/photocase.com, ninth/photocase.com. Frontpage image credit: *princessa*/photocase.com

Brandi Glanville’s not really married to her “BFF of 20 years” Darin Harvey

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 07:29 AM PST

As everyone reported yesterday, it seems like Brandi Glanville sort-of, kind-of got married on New Year's. She got "hitched" to her self-described "BFF" Darin Harvey, who… I actually find attractive. Us Weekly's source says Brandi isn't hittin' that, though. The source claims that Brandi and Darin have been tight for 20 years, but they're “like brother and sister. They’ve never hooked up. He came along with her to Vegas and they both got really drunk and thought it was a good idea at the time to get married… They kissed for the cameras and that was it. There's nothing romantically there.” Damn it, Brandi! Get on that. He has a job and he's not some 20-something fey boy. Hit it!

Anyway, as it turns out, there might not be a need for an annulment. Brandi told Us Weekly, "[We're] married! But to make it legal, I have to go to the courthouse today and I don’t think we’re gonna. Super fun though! We’re not gonna stay married. But it was a fun way to start out the new year!” She went into greater detail on her Twitter page, where she wrote stuff like, "We're just friends! I will get married for real when everyone in the world that wants to can!" and:

"we got carried away by getting married! I didn’t realize what we did wuld affect Others so seriously! in my head I was just having fun w/ my best friend who I adore & has been there for me during all my tuff times! I didnt mean to offend anyone! I beleive everyone shud be able to get married & maybe even embarass themselves in Vegas ;) . This yr has been Great for me in many ways! Im gr8ful for all the ppl I met thru RHOBV. Bare w/ me, Im gonna make mistakes, but I always learn from them! xob

[From Brandi's Twitter]

So, there you go. Brandi and Darin had a ceremony, but they didn't fill out all of the paperwork and such, so they're not legally hitched or anything, and it won't affect her child support or alimony, I guess. It was just a drunken extravaganza, with strippers and friends and lots and lots of alcohol.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Brandi's Twitter.
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Kyle Richards thinks cheaters should get one free pass & not tell their spouses

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 07:28 AM PST

The last time we covered RHOBH’s Kyle Richards, there was a lot of back and forth about whether she is a superficial bully (my belief) or whether she’s just using tough love to deal with a sister who is a drug addict. (She very well may be, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a bully IMO.) Kyle is promoting her new advice book, where she thinks we all want her relationship, her fake-looking hair, and her makeup tips on how to finely skirt the line between looking puffed up and overdone and looking like a drag queen.

Kyle was on Good Morning America yesterday, and host Robin Roberts asked her what she meant in her book by claiming that cheaters should get one free pass to step out on their spouses. Kyle claimed that of course she wasn’t writing about herself or her husband at all (yeah right) but that she knew a couple who had dealt with infidelity and survived and that it’s possible.

Good Morning America host Robin Roberts confronted the socialite about her beliefs on US breakfast TV this morning.

The presenter said she wanted to ask Kyle what she meant by saying: ‘If you cheat on your spouse once do not tell. You get a free pass…’

But the star was unapologetic.

Kyle said: ‘I know [sic] I was going to get some heat for that.’

She then went on to describe one scenario saying: ‘I’ve seen circumstances with people that I know are in love with their spouse and they made one mistake and I said – this is somebody that I know, nobody that anybody knows here,
“Listen, if this really was a one time mistake, and you did not put this person in jeopardy, I personally think you should deal with it with yourself and with God and not go and say: ‘Honey look what I did,’” because I knew that this would ruin their relationship and their life.

‘So I said: “It did not happen”.

‘And I can tell you that many, many, many years later they’re happy and together and she did make that mistake and she has to carry that and live with that…’

Mix and match: Kyle says she pairs expensive designer clothes with high street brands

Perhaps sensing that people would think she was the person in question, Kyle quickly said: ‘And it’s not me!’

Looking at her husband who was obviously on set, unseen by the cameras, she went on to say jokingly: ‘My husband is over there sweating bullets.

‘I know I get a lot of heat for that, but I do feel that and I know they’re still going strong.’

When it comes to her own marriage, Kyle said the secret of her success is appreciating her relationship.

Speaking about Mauricio – who is her second husband – she said they have been together for 17-and-a-half years because she appreciates him and what they have together.

Kyle said: ‘I’m very appreciative of my marriage and my husband…

‘I know what we have and I make sure to never forget that and make sure that he feels appreciated every day and he makes me feel appreciated every day.

‘He makes it easy to.’

[From The Daily Mail via ONTD]

So Kyle is describing a scenario where a woman cheated on a man once and didn’t tell him. This was allegedly a friend of hers whom she counseled not to tell the husband. That sounds like b.s. to me. That sounds like something she went through with Mr. Nice Guy Rico Suave Muaricio and forgave him for since he convinced her it was a one-off. “Baby, I’m so sorry, it was just the one time. She meant nothing to me.” Yeah, it was the one time he got busted and after that he was much more careful about it.

Should cheaters get a free pass? I think that should be their partner’s decision.

Photos are from 1/2/12. Photo credit: GG/FameFlynet Pictures

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Howard Stern & wife Beth Ostrosky drunk dialed Twitter followers on New Years

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 07:28 AM PST

I’m not a big Howard Stern fan, but I developed a new appreciation for him after reading his very thoughtful Rolling Stone interview earlier this year. I’m getting such a kick out of this story. Shock jock Howard and his wife, Beth Ostrosky, were getting their drink on for New Year’s Eve when they decided to call up a bunch of people who responded to their tweets asking for their phone numbers. The result was a huge thrill for the lucky recipients of Howard and Beth’s drunken phone calls and voicemail messages.

Howard Stern fans who follow the radio host on Twitter had a chance to get up close and personal with the King of All Media on New Year’s Eve.

Stern tweeted this message to his followers Saturday night: “Beth and I are drunk dialing. What’s your phone number?”

Stern and wife Beth apparently followed through on that promise for the next few hours, at least according to Stern’s Twitter feed, where he would tweet about who he spoke to. In numerous cases, he didn’t reach the person, but tweeted that he left them a voicemail message.

One fan tweeted that he adopted his two cats because of advice from Stern, and Stern tweeted “Just called to hear about the cats. Got voicemail.”

An equal opportunity pet lover, apparently, Stern also called two fans who mentioned their dogs, including one who said that he and his wife were staying home with a dog who’d just returned from the ICU.

To another, Stern tweeted “sorry to interrupt the video games,” and to another, he said “Drinking beer alone. What happened? You clammed up on me.”

Some of the fans then reported on their calls via Twitter. The aforementioned video gamer wrote “Howard Stern just called me! This new year rules already!”

Another lucky fan tweeted after her call: “OMG! It was like the best thing ever! I started crying after we hung up!”
When he was finished, Stern tweeted “Just made my last call. Going to bed. Wishing everyone a happy new year. If u get a call after this…it’s not me.”

[From MSNBC]

That’s kind of awesome. I totally understand that guy who clammed up. I get nervous sometimes talking on the phone, and I think I would be totally speechless and wouldn’t know what to say if a celebrity called me. That’s why Kaiser spoke to the celebrity who contacted us over New Year’s weekend. I would have probably just sat there with my mouth open until I stammered out something unintelligible.

Photos are from July, August and November 2011. Credit: WENN.com

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Lindsay Lohan wants to invest in more security, so she won’t have to pay her dealers

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 06:18 AM PST

Yesterday, TMZ reported that Lindsay Lohan had a shady "visitor" at her rented Venice Beach pad. The sketchball dude apparently knocked on LL's door, and tried to talk to her, but she didn't let him in. The cops were called and the visitor was arrested for trespassing. While I don't doubt that there are some really shady people out there, and that celebrities should be extra careful and stuff, I've always felt like LL is probably the kind of crackhead who doesn't pay her drug bills, and I often wonder if incidents like this are just incidences where her dealers are trying to get paid. Remember THIS STORY from Lohan's alleged former bodyguard? In 2007, she brought her bodyguard along to slap the sh-t out of her dealer. She also said, "I can dress like a princess and still fight like a whore." Because… why not?

Anyway, TMZ has a follow-up on the whole "shady visitor" story. LL now wants to ramp up her security. Because you never know when your dealer is going to come to collect:

Yesterday’s door-knocking incident was a huge wake up call for Lindsay Lohan — who’s now in the market to ramp up security at her L.A. home … with surveillance cameras … and even a new bodyguard.

Sources close to Lindsay tell TMZ, the actress loves her Venice Beach house … but with random scary people walking right up to her front door, she’s convinced it’s time to invest in some extra security upgrades for the property.

On top of adding additional security cameras — we’re told Lindsay wants to hire a full-time bodyguard to stay with her for a period of time … until she feels safe again.

As for the man arrested for trespassing outside her house on Sunday — Lonnie Short — we’re told he shares a bizarre connection with Lindsay’s alleged stalker David Cocordan.

According to sources, when Short knocked on Lindsay’s door yesterday, he announced he was friends with David and needed to explain some things.

Clearly, Lindsay wasn’t up for a chat — and minutes later, cops arrested Short for trespassing. He’s still in custody on $1,000 bail.

[From TMZ]

Look, if she wants a bodyguard, she should totally get one. I think it's a waste of money, though – she has sketchier people in her entourage, you know? You could throw the craziest stalker-type at the Cracken, and the combination of Lindsay, Pootie and Dina would still be balls-out crazier. I think the real story here is that LL's Playboy money is burning a hole in her pocket – it wouldn't surprise me at all if she blows through her (rumored) $900,000 payday within a few months, just because she thinks she has "expenses" like a "full-time bodyguard," etc.

Photos courtesy of Fame.
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Salma Hayek knighted by French government, basically for boning a Frenchman

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 05:46 AM PST

I mean no disrespect to Salma Hayek's career in this post. I've always liked her as actress, and God knows, I've seen Desperado like a million times. Salma is one of the few Mexican actresses to have been nominated for an Oscar, correct? I believe the group is very, very small, and Salma should be very proud of what she's achieved in two decades in Hollywood. But does Salma deserve to be knighted by the French government for her "career"? I mean, really? Let's just call this what it is… the French government giving Salma Hayek a knighthood for having a great rack and boning a Frenchman.

Salma Hayek: Knight?

The Puss In Boots actress was among those named by President Nicolas Sarkozy to receive the Légion d’Honneur Sunday. Hayek, 45, will enter the five-tiered honor academy with the grade of Chevalier or “Knight.”

Announced in the President’s official New Year’s list, Hayek will receive a formal induction, which involves a Presidential medal pinning. Her induction will likely occur at the Élysées Palace within the next two months, says a source.

Founded by Napoleon in 1802 as a merit award, the Legion of Honor is awarded to military personnel and civilians for service to France. It is not exclusively reserved for the French and is often awarded to figures of international standing.

Past recipients – who are entitled to wear a small rosette pin indicating their rank – include Jerry Lewis, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford and Robert De Niro.

In making the grade this year, Hayek’s honor was also something of a unique family affair: her father-in-law, retired business magnate Francois Pinault, was promoted in the same list to the Legion’s exalted rank of Grand Officer.

[From People]

Yes, Clint Eastwood, Robert DeNiro… and Salma. One of these things is not like the other? Usually, these tributes are given to artists late in their career. I guess the Palace was like, "Damn, we should give this to her while her boobs still look fantastic!" Once again, I like Salma as an actress. But this is a joke, right?

PS… Now that I’m really thinking about it, countries should give awards to sluts who concentrate their efforts among a certain nationality. Scotland should give me an award for the Scottish dudes I’ve boned. Do you think the Queen would give my vadge a CBE?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Demi Moore will play Gloria Steinem in ‘Lovelace’: believable or give me a break?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 04:31 AM PST

When I first read about this story, the first thought to spring to mind was that someone in Demi Moore’s camp had persuaded her to take Kaiser’s advice and position herself much differently for the post-Ashton era of life. You know, after Ashton made his wife look like a fool by sleeping around with randoms for almost the entirety of their six-year marriage. Kaiser’s point was that Demi didn’t need to be playing Ms. Sexy Young Thing by dancing for salivating men in bars and, instead, should forge a new image of confidence and maturity.

Well, Demi has just taken a step towards doing just that by signing onto play noted feminist Gloria Steinem in the much-maligned Linda Loveless biopic called Lovelace. Yes, it’s a movie about porn, but ever since the film’s producers dropped Lindsay Lohan in the leading role, all sorts of A-to-B-listers have signed onto the movie. Oddly enough, Amanda Seyfried is now playing Linda (although Malin Akerman was briefly rumored for the part as well), but I guess the least surprising casting news of all is the role of Hugh Hefner, who will be played by (who else?) James Franco, who will probably show his butt and then insist that someone get fired for not appreciating it enough. Hopefully, Demi will steer clear of that nonsense, right?

Coming off strong reviews for her supporting turns in Margin Call and Another Happy Day, Demi Moore is set to cameo as feminist activist Gloria Steinem in Lovelace, which has also added Adam Brody and Eric Roberts to its ensemble cast.

Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman are directing the indie drama, which stars Amanda Seyfried as Linda Boreman, who, as Linda Lovelace, became the world’s first erotic superstar due to the success of Deep Throat.

Peter Sarsgaard and Sharon Stone co-star alongside Juno Temple, Wes Bentley, Hank Azaria, Bobby Cannavale, Chris Noth, Robert Patrick, Romeo Brown and James Franco, who’s working out his schedule to accommodate a cameo as Playboy founder Hugh Hefner.

Steinem founded Ms. Magazine, which published the infamous article “The Real Linda Lovelace,” in which Steinem discussed Linda’s relationship with her abusive pornographer husband Chuck Traynor, who she blamed for creating the myth that Linda “loved to be sexually used and humiliated.” When Lovelace announced her first memoir Ordeal, she was joined at the press conference by Steinem and other supportive members of the feminist group Women Against Pornography. Steinem later wrote the introduction for Lovelace’s 1986 memoir, Out of Bondage.

Brody will play Linda’s Deep Throat co-star Harry Reems, while Roberts will play Nat Laurendi, the lie detector expert who administered a polygraph test to Linda at the request of her publisher.

[From Variety]

While I’m not entirely certain that this movie will be good news for the career of anyone involved, this is definitely a step in the right direction for Demi. It will probably also bode well for her to gain a few pounds in advance of filming so that she doesn’t constantly remind the film’s audience of a woman who used weight loss as a cry for help towards her cheating, (borderline?) misogynistic husband. Can Demi actually pull off the role though? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Here’s a photo of Gloria Steinem herself at the Women’s Media Awards on 11/30 of last year.

Photos courtesy of Fame

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Johnny Weir married his boyfriend of less than a year in NYC

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 04:31 AM PST

OMG! Johnny Weir got married, y'all! Last I heard about Johnny Weir's love life, he was dating some willowy blonde, right? But that's over, apparently. Weir began dating hottie Victor Voronov over the summer, and over the holidays, they got married! I'm really happy for Johnny. His husband is super-cute! And he's Russian. And Jewish! Such a catch. Victor has even changed his Twitter name to Victor Weir-Voronov.

He said “I do!”

Figure skater and reality star Johnny Weir married Victor Voronov on New Year’s Eve. “I’m married!” the 27-year-old tweeted Saturday.

Weir clarified that his “wedding [will be] in the summer, but all the official stuff is done now!”

“No more livin’ in sin,” he joked.

Weir told IceNetwork.com that Voronov is “kind of everything that I’ve ever looked for and aspired to be in a relationship with.”

“We’ve known each other for a long time and we reconnected over the summer, and it’s just been a whirlwind,” he told the site. “I’m very happy with my personal life and also my professional life, and I thank God I can be exactly where I’m at.”

[From Us Weekly]

I'm assuming Johnny and Victor were married in New York, where gay marriage is legal now (and where Johnny and Victor live). I was going through their Twitter pages, and it does seem like they were in New York on New Year's Eve, so I'm just saying… they got hitched in NYC.

Congrats to Johnny and Victor! I'm so happy for them. They look so cute together. Hope it lasts, boys!

Photos courtesy of Johnny and Victor's Twitter pages.
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