

Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt See You Watching Them At The White House

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:05 AM PST

So Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie recently visited the Obamas at the White House—ostensibly to discuss Angie’s directorial debut with In the Land of Blood and Honey. But considering the couple’s humanitarian work, it’s difficult to tell (as BuzzFeed pointed out) which duo was more starstruck.

There are quite a few stalkeresque photos snapped of the event. Probably not from the White House lawn, since the President has security to handle that kind of thing. But then how did you get these two great photos? On separate occasions, Brad and Angie each seemed to notice the paparazzi lurking outside and acknowledged them with a long-suffering smile from her and a steely glare from him. We sort of figured it’d be the opposite reactions. Then again, they could just be smiling/glaring pleasantly at whoever their conversation partners were and just staring past their heads because they don’t like eye contact. Who knows.

Actually, we’re surprised that the official White House Flickr account didn’t document the occasion.

Photos (L to R): Getty Images/Mandel Ngan and Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

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Blue Ivy Carter Is The Youngest Person Ever To Appear On The Billboard Charts

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:54 AM PST

Blue Ivy Carter is only five days old, but she already has a collection of possessions worth many times what most people make in a year. As if that wasn’t enough, now she’s received a gift from her father that money can’t buy: the distinction of being the youngest person ever to be credited on a song appearing on the Billboard charts. The only way things could get any better for her is if she knew what the fuck was going on.

As previously reported, Jay-Z released a heartwarming track called “Glory” about the birth of his new daughter when she was only two days old, crediting her for the coos and cries he sampled. Today, that track debuted at #74 on Billboard‘s R&B/Hip-Hop song chart, making “B.I.C.” the youngest person ever to “earn” such a distinction.

The previous record holder in this area was Stevie Wonder‘s daughter Aisha, whose baby noises could be heard on his 1975 song “Isn’t She Lovely.” But she was not officially credited on the track, and it didn’t hit the Billboard charts until a full two years later.

How crazy is it going to be for young Blue Ivy when she’s old enough to actually be aware that her little baby voice was heard by millions of people before she even understood the concept of “dropping a single”? So crazy. I imagine this could be really cool or really creepy for her, depending what kind of person she turns out to be.

(Via People)

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The British Prime Minister Finds Katy Perry ‘Appalling’ But Loves The Smiths

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:38 AM PST

Katy Perry, who was a no show last night at the People’s Choice Awards although she did clean up, has a very high-profile politician who thinks she isn’t all the rage. British Prime Minister David Cameron has called the cloyingly sweet popstar’s music “appalling.”

The Prime Minister went on to say that Perry and Bruno Mars are “beginning to infect my iPod,” thanks to his kids insisting he should be listening to these two. Clearly, Cameron does not approve. So who does the head of Britain like? The Smiths. And it’s just not like, it’s love. He even calls their lyrics “brilliant.”

Just last week the Prime Minister headed to Salford, Great Manchester to vist a youth project as part of his “social enterprise” mission. Although he was there for work purposes, the highlight of the trip for him was the Salford Lads Club where his beloved Smiths were photographed in 1986 for their album, The Queen Is Dead. I wonder how Morrissey feels about this.

Who else does the Prime Minister think is great?

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First Look: Steve Carell Is A Magician In Burt Wonderstone

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:18 AM PST

We are all for comedy stars making drastic transformations for new roles. Sacha Baron Cohen recently debuted his new personality for The Dictator, and now Steve Carell is channeling Siegfried & Roy.

Would you look at that hair!

Honestly, were it not for the doofy grin, we wouldn’t recognize the Crazy, Stupid, Love star in his new role: Playing the titular magician in Burt Wonderstone. Not to mention the shaved chest, a far cry from the famous hair-removal scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin years ago. The movie sounds pretty funny: Burt is a Las Vegas mainstay who gets elbowed out of the spotlight by a new upstart, played by Jim Carrey.

The cast also includes Alan Arkin, Olivia Wilde, James Gandolfini, and most importantly, Steve Buscemi.

I’m gonna say it now: Even though this sounds funny, it would take a really tight script and stellar improv for Steve and Jim to surpass 2011′s most unexpected movie magician: David Tennant in leather and guyliner to play a Criss Angel lookalike in the horror flick Fright Night.

[HuffPo via BuzzFeed]

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Are You There, Chelsea? Is As Bad As We Thought It Would Be

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:52 AM PST

Chelsea Handler‘s new sitcom based on her life Are You There, Chelsea? premiered on NBC last night, and I took one for the team and watched it. As with many of this season’s female helmed shows, it has some redeeming elements, but not enough to make up for the many, many ways in which it is criminally bad.

First, the star. Laura Prepon from That 70s Show has gone blonde to play the young Chelsea Handler, and she seems at face value like a good casting decision. She’s good at delivering sarcastic lines, and seems cool enough so as not to come off cartoonishly slutty, even when she’s doing slutty things. But the material she’s given to work with is uneven at best. It doesn’t help that the laugh track is present after everything she says, whether it’s actually funny or not. I’ll admit that I hate laugh tracks in general–I think they read as incredibly dated and unfunny, because if you have to signify that something’s funny, it makes it way less funny–but putting them after lines that are not actually laugh lines like “it was a total bloodbath” (in reference to birth, ha ha) makes it even worse.

Then there’s the distracting presence of the real Chelsea Handler, who’s dyed her hair brown to play her conservative older sister, Sloane. Whatever slim chance Laura Prepon stood of convincing us she’s Chelsea Handler is completely obliterated by this constant reminder of what the real Chelsea Handler is like. I know it’s her show and she wants to be on it, but someone should have told her no. Just no!

There were a few elements I appreciated, like the loopy 26-year-old virgin Dee Dee who becomes Chelsea’s new roommate. I also like that Chelsea’s Asian friend Olivia wants to be a journalist and not an engineer or something, because I’m so used to being offended by ethnic stereotypes on TV at this point that whenever a minority character comes along who is even vaguely an individual, it makes me happy. Small victories. (Is this canceled out by the cartoonish and threatening butch lesbian character? Perhaps.) I also appreciate that the slutty, blonde, drunk girl gets to be the protagonist of a show (and hence, the most well-rounded character on it), because those kinds of characters are usually portrayed as nincompoops and made the butts of jokes.

But are we going to identify with/like this character? She does things no sane person would do, like try to trim the pubes of a perfectly attractive ginger right before she has sex with him. Who does that?! I don’t know about you, but I felt bad for the ginger in that scene, not Chelsea. If they’re planning to have lots of bad things happen to Chelsea, it might help to build up her bad karma in this fashion, but how will she retain the viewers’ empathy? If the show wants to go full terrible person with her, they should commit to that choice (it worked for It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia), but as of now, what we have is a somewhat selfish drunk who makes a combination of chuckle-funny and groan-unfunny jokes, with whom we are supposed to identify, and that’s a doozy to try to hang a show on.

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A Look Inside The New Hunger Games Site Capitol Couture

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:51 AM PST

Yesterday, Crushable received a mysterious envelope from “The Capitol” in Victorville, CA. Inside was a single business card, for the new Hunger Games fansite Capitol Couture. The site went live on Monday, but it was password-protected. Fans drove themselves crazy typing in character names, catchphrases, and any possible code that could get them inside.

With the business cards, the answer was now in our hands. What looked to be just the Twitter hashtag #lookyourbest turned out to be the actual password to the Capitol Couture Tumblr. (Make sure you include the hash mark! That delayed a lot of us.)

Capitol Couture

Once inside the site, you see that it’s just in soft-launch; you can add your e-mail address to get notifications about Capitol Couture’s official launch soon. The site description reads,

Whether you’re a Capitol citizen or a style-crazed District citizen, there’s only one place to return for all the tips, tricks and trends you need to look your best.

Plus, this quote from Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci):

The Hunger Games is the most public, prestigious event of the year in Panem. Cleanliness, dress and comportment offer an opportunity to affirm District pride and Capitol loyalty.

I’m so glad that Lionsgate is jumping in with all the in-character tie-ins for fans! The Capitol is such a big part of the first movie that it was necessary to play up how crazy their beauty standards are when they’re dressing up tributes to send to their deaths in the Games.

As you might notice, I’ve cut off the page without showing the lovely new photo of Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks), but that’s because there’s this HQ still so you can further drool over her kimono-inspired dress.

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Have A Baby Like Beyonce: A Look Inside Her Maternity Suite

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:15 AM PST

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What You Didn’t Miss By Skipping The People’s Choice Awards

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:54 AM PST

The People’s Choice Awards were pretty much a bust last night. Between the questionable hairstyles on the ladies, a bald Robert Pattinson and a host who, well, we don’t even know how she landed this gig, it was boring. And that’s being kind. The only highlight, of course, was the few minutes they gave to everyone’s favorite award show host, the great Neil Patrick Harris.

On a side note, based on the winners, exactly what are the “people” who voted smoking? ‘Cause I’d like some.

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Khloe Kardashian And Kris Jenner Lash Out At ‘Khloe’s Not A Kardashian’ Rumors

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:32 AM PST

If you know anything about Khloe Kardashian, it’s that she doesn’t take outrageous rumors lying down. Yesterday, several of Robert Kardashian‘s ex-wives came forward and told some tabloid that Robert admitted to not fathering Khloe—an especially mean-spirited claim since Khloe has often been compared unfavorably to her smaller sisters.

But instead of wallowing in yet another attack from the media (the same type of people who call her “Kong Kardashian” on gossip sites), Khloe tweeted,

The audacity you have to mention my father's name like this! Should be ashamed of urself! I let a lot of things slide but this one is really low… YOU ARE DISGUSTING! (yes you know who YOU are)

The most ridiculous part of all this is that Khloe looks more like mom Kris Jenner than any of them! Kourtney and Rob have the more delicate features of their father, while Kim is just a mix of both parents. Indeed, Kris went on Good Morning America to kill the rumors — and yes, it was probably brand-motivated — and to address any outstanding questions.

Sure, they had an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians where Khloe did a DNA test, but the joke that she was adopted came out of the fact that was that she was born blonde. And yes, Kris did cheat on Robert Kardashian during their marriage, but that affair occurred after Khloe (the youngest of the three girls) was born.

At the end of the day, Kris said,”I mean I was there. I gave birth.  I know who the dad was.”

Interestingly, even though TMZ sort-of quoted Kim in saying that Khloe is her real sister, neither Kim nor Kourtney has addressed the rumors over Twitter yet.

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Video: Friends With Kids Looks Like A Better Version Of Bridesmaids, Kind Of

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:57 AM PST

The trailer for Friends With Kids came out today, and it looks like it has the potential to be every bit as good as you hoped Bridesmaids would be. It features a lot of the same beloved actors (Kristen Wiig, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph) plus some additional beloved actors (Adam Scott!!!) and it configures them in different ways, satisfying your urge to see Wiig and Hamm play opposite one another for real.

The film’s basic premise is this: two good friends (Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt) both want to have a baby, but neither has anyone with whom to have said baby, so they have the baby with each other, platonically. Not exactly new territory for a movie, but I’m hoping the script and stars are strong enough to carry it off. Things get weird when they throw Megan Fox into the mix as Scott’s love interest–I’m so used to seeing her as a bionic Frankenbabe that it’s hard to accept her playing a normal person–but maybe the movie will use this to its advantage.

Friends With Kids was written and directed by Jennifer Westfeldt (Hamm’s real life girlfriend), who has proven herself in the past with films like Kissing Jessica Stein and Ira & Abby, so I’m hopeful. Although, to be honest, you could stick these stars in a dumb rom-com with Katherine Heigl and I’d probably still see it.

(Via The Hairpin)

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