

Kim Kardashian shows butt X-ray on Letterman “that’s where all the fat goes”

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:59 AM PDT

Remember when Kim Kardashian had her ass x-rayed as “proof” that she didn’t have implants? As many of you pointed out, there’s a procedure called a “Brazilian butt lift” whereby fat is injected into the ass to make it larger, rounder and perkier. In that case, the cheeks are really filled with fat and nothing would show up on an x-ray. There’s some minor evidence that Kim has had this surgical intervention, (see the older photos on this story) but since she did it before she made the scene it’s not as glaring as the differences in her face. Anyway the Kardashian girls were on Letterman last night, and Kim dragged out that old x-ray to have something to talk about. That x-ray news came out in late June, over two months ago, but somehow it’s still relevant and is the best these twits can do to promote their products:

Is that painful to have your butt x-rayed
No, you just kind of lay there?

Like my honeymoon. A couple of years ago we caught an intern on the copier. Is it like that?
Kim: Just like that.

[Shows X-Ray]
Khloe: That’s just fat. [Kim gives her the side eye] That’s where all of her fat goes, just to her ass, that’s it. It doesn’t go anywhere else, it just sits and goes right there.

[To Kim] Is she right about that?
Kim: No.

Khloe: It’s so frustrating. All she does is eat junk food and all it does is go to her booty. Nowhere else.

Kim: No, I have to work out. Like NY kills me. I’m here for a couple of weeks and it just kills me. Those nuts on the street corner. [I] put on an extra ten pounds like every time.

I guess there are plenty of people in the world, those that pay attention to more important news, that haven’t yet seen the glory that is Kim Kardashian’s ass in see-through. For those of us that pay attention to the gossip, though, it’s just another reminder of how tired and repetitive they’ve gotten. That’s ripe that Kim is blaming homeless people for her weight gain.

On another note, their outfits, all from their new collection for Sears, were ridiculously ugly. Kourtney had on sparkly sequin high waisted pants from their new Sears collection and her outfit was the best of all three. (Which truly isn’t saying much.)

I watched the rest of the interview to make sure I wasn’t missing anything even remotely interesting or quotable, and I wasn’t. Khloe was funny at certain moments, though. (It starts at 20 minutes in on this video.) My favorite line was from Dave before they came on. He said “I have no idea what they do on that show. [The Kardashians] To make it worse I’ve appeared on that show.” You know, I’ve never seen a full episode either. I’ve just seen clips and part of one of those Take NY shows. It seems to be on E! constantly, though. They need to find better filler.

Dave also said he thought he knew all the Kardashians, but then they got a “new one” for Dancing With The Stars. “Where the hell did that Kardashian come from, for God’s sake? We only have three with us, but I bet there’s plenty more back at the hotel.” When Dave said goodbye to them, he called Kourtney “Khloe” by mistake.






Anne Hathaway’s new vampy ad campaign for Tod’s: lovely or silly?

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:37 AM PDT


I didn't know that Anne Hathaway was named the newest face of Tod's. Usually, the handbag and leather goods company tries to associate itself with blondes - recently, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sienna Miller were the faces of the company. I'm glad Tod's decided to give a brunette a test-drive, although Anne might not be the best brand-ambassador. Look, I like Anne. I think she's one of the best young actresses working today and I think she can be very, very pretty (when she's styled correctly). But Tod's a luxury leather goods label, and one of their most famous associations was with Princess Diana. Surely Anne is simply too dorky and not enough of a "bombshell" to make this work? Tod’s is trying to reach a different market, though:

It Girl, meet It Bag. Anne Hathaway works her magic in new ads for TOD's Signature Collection, a soon-to-launch line of bags and small leather goods hitting TOD's boutiques in October.

Shot in London by photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, the ads will also bow in October, appearing in fashion magazines worldwide. "The campaign for TOD's Signature reaches out to a new and younger clientele," creative director Fabien Baron said in a release, adding that Hathaway was the right woman for the job. "We see a stunningly exquisite Anne as a classic beauty with a modern Italian edge — feminine and strong."

Hathaway, for her part, is honored to be associated with the brand. "I have been a longtime fan of TOD's and was very excited to be a part of exploring a new side of their identity with the launch of their Signature Collection," she added. "The designs are classic and the materials are of the highest quality."

The handbags themselves — a shoulder bag, portfolio clutch, shopper, pochette and more — feature a pebble motif and come in colors like deep red, fuchsia, lavender and beige. Made in Italy, they're crafted from a variety of materials, including soft patent leather, a metalized leather, shiny calfskin and semi-opaque nappa leather.

[From People]

So… for the new ad campaign, Tod's got Anne to vamp it up with old Hollywood curls and glossy red lips. They stretched her out on a red sports car and placed their gorgeous purse in her hand. Are we supposed to think this is sexy? Are we supposed to think Anne looks amazing, and that we could look that amazing if only we bought that purse (which probably cost more than $2000)? Mostly, I just think Anne looks uncomfortable. She's contorted into a weird position, and her face says "OMG, MY BACK" more than "Sexy. Purse. Sexy. Young."

So… ad fail. But good effort. Maybe next time, go for a more natural, subdued campaign with Anne.




Ads courtesy of Tod's.

Duchess Kate is allegedly pregnant with twins, a boy & a girl

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:03 AM PDT


We are now more than four months out from Prince William and Duchess Kate's wedding. Four long months with no baby announcements! You might find the whole "Is she knocked up yet?" debate to be terribly gauche and peasanty when we're discussing actual royalty, but as I've said many times before: Kate is almost definitely going to get pregnant in the first year of marriage. It's what's expected of her, I think William is up for it, and God knows, she doesn't have anything else going on, royal-duty-wise. Her calendar is free for the next year and a half. So, is Kate already knocked up? Star Magazine says she is - and that she's expecting twins!


The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby boy AND a baby girl, royal insiders reveal! Kate Middleton, 29, is reportedly pregnant with a little prince and princess, her first children with Prince William!

"William almost collapsed with joy — and relief — when Kate called to tell him she was pregnant," sources tell Star magazine.

The babies would be the first twins ever born into the British royal family. According to tradition – the little boy would immediately become first in line to the throne — making him king when William dies.

The pregnancy news follows speculation the 29-year-old future Queen was too skinny to conceive.

The couple have also been under intense pressure to create an heir to the throne within the first year of married life!

Royal biographer Christopher Wilson confirms, "Kate was under enormous stress to produce an heir quickly. If she delivers healthy twins, it will be wonderful news — a royal first."

The couple were told the happy news by doctors exactly 100 days after they married in a spectacular ceremony, in front of the entire world, on April 29.

Since then they've been relaxing at their love-nest in rural Wales, where William works as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, and preparing for the big arrival!

[From Holly Baby]

A boy and a girl? How lucky would that be? An heir and a spare, in one convenient pregnancy. Yeah… it's not happening. The twin thing, I mean. I'm sure that Kate is either knocked up already, or she will be soon. But I seriously doubt twinsies. It's too cute by half, and the tabloids always claim people are having twins.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

Matt Damon explains his bald head: “it’s called ‘The Lauer’”

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:55 AM PDT

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Matt Damon was just on the Today Show brightening up my morning with his deep voice and new chrome dome. (That video is above.) He’s promoting Contagion, the killer virus movie by Steven Soderbergh. It’s out this Friday and fingers crossed that it will dominate the box office. I know I’ll be seeing it.

To start the interview, Matt Lauer wore a face mask and said that he uses Purell all the time and found the movie terrifying. Damon explained that it was based on real science and that he learned filming the movie that the people at the Center for Disease control are excellent scientists. He said they “are really a competent, capable, dedicated group of people. … I feel like there’s a great group of minds that are constantly vigilant about protecting us.”

As for the takeaway from the film, Damon said “Don’t panic.” Here’s more:

On remaining calm in the event of a potential real-life outbreak
“That’s the quandary that a lot of these people when they have this information are in. ‘How do we disseminate this information in a way that creates the least amount of panic?’

“When you think about anthrax, which killed two people and shut down an entire airline industry. So if we can’t kind of take a deep breath and count to ten and make a reasonable assessment of what we need to do… the media incidentally is a bit part of that.”

On if the media makes too much of these health scares.
“You’re under pressure to get people to tune in. Fear sells a lot better. In a real situation like that, I think the media would have to resist the temptation to sell the panic because that would actually be putting gasoline on the fire.”

On making six movies with Soderberg
“We’re shooting [the Liberace movie] next summer. I could talk your ear off about him. He’s just a brilliant director. This movie he used just two lenses. The camera’s at eye level the entire time, it moves only when the characters move… When I stand next him and he’s directing I just learn so much, and I’m always very proud of the movies we make.”

On his bald head
“It is [for a role] but it is called the Lauer. [The movie] is called Elysium it’s coming out in 2013.”

On his girls going back to school.
“Red alert [the nickname his wife gave him] is going to be there. Lot of drop offs tomorrow. We have a seventh grader starting a new school,I love it. I used to walk to school as a kid; I just love that part of it. We have a 7th grader starting a new school, and my kindergartener is really excited because she’s going back to school and seeing her friends…. [The 3 year-old] still doesn’t know she’s going to school!”

I know this guy says he’s not going to go into politics, but he would be a damn natural at it. Once he amasses his millions and another Oscar for acting this time, he needs to look into it. He’s gracious, funny, smart and continues to impress me as one of the most genuinely decent actors around. I know there are rumors about him (read the comments on this earlier post) but I don’t believe them at all. You can’t kill my crush, damnit!

Here’s the trailer for Contagion again.






Photos are from the Contagion premiere in Venice on 9/3/11 and of Matt arriving. Credit: Fame Pictures, WENN.com and Kika Press, PacificCoastNews.com

Tom Hardy in all-black: still hot, or doughy, gangstery and unappealing?

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:35 AM PDT


Last night, there was a screening for Warrior, that film that… (whispers) I kind of want to see. I know it's a boy movie, I know I'll probably hate all of the boxing/fighting crap. But it looks interesting. That being said, the star of the film, Tom Hardy, isn't really selling me in these photos from the premiere. I know his head is shaved for Bane. I know he looks so meaty and Shrek-y for Bane. I know it's just a temporary thing. But does he have to do the all-black gangster outfit too? He looks like a 50-something mobster with a prostate problem. Sigh… and I was back to liking him after that funny interview. Now I'm back to declaring him "The Anti-Biscuit Tingle". Look at this grossness:



So because I'm not hot for Tom anymore, I can pay some attention to his Warrior costar, Joel Edgerton. Hello, sailor.


And here's Jennifer Morrison (she plays Joel's wife in the film) in a pretty party dress. She looks nice, but I'd like to see her go darker with her hair.



And Nick Nolte, looking like the strange old bastard that he is.


Here's the trailer again:

Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

Miley Cyrus: “Every 18-year-old explores sexuality and experiments”

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:07 AM PDT


Miley Cyrus covers the new issue of Prestige Magazine, probably to promote some new film - that one she did with Demi Moore? Probably. Let's talk about the photo shoot! I don't hate it. It's an interesting choice for Miley, to put herself out there like an adult woman (she's 18) with an adult sexuality, rather than a infantilized teenage girl/pop princess. My only real complaint is the hair. You know, I've heard a lot of complaints and criticism about Miley, but I do think she's a pretty girl, and she doesn't NEED bangs. They don't really do anything for her face, in my opinion.

On to the interview, which is getting some comments. Miley continues to go off the Disney reservation by talking about her sexuality and stuff:

Her relationship with Liam Hemsworth: "I stay in the house pretty much every day," she said. "I don't go out. I've had same boyfriend for two years."

On her haters, and on her sexuality: "I'm a great role model, or I'm completely inappropriate for anyone under 13, and I am controversial. I don't know how I became this. I'm not some crazy lady who's gone off the deep end, because I definitely haven't. I just always try to be real. Every 18-year-old explores sexuality and experiments and tries things. For me there's no reason to change that. You have to be true to yourself."

Miley on her role model, Joan Jett: "She got locked down for talking about sexy and drugs or whatever. They were life, 'How dare a woman say that. How dare a girl come out admit those things,' when every other girl her age was doing the same thing. She just went on stage and sang about it."

On LA: "Who I am now is very different from who I was when I was 11. I had to grow up extremely quick. When you live in LA you see a lot. I'm not a big fan of LA, I've got to be honest. I like being able to work here, but any chance to go back home [to Tennessee], I love it. Everyone [in LA] is so busy and everyone is trying to be better than the other person, and everyone has got so much going on. Nashville life is just so laid back and people enjoy every second of life that they have."

On missing Hannah Montana: "I miss the family vibe, but I don't miss the routine at all. I was so bored doing the same thing every day. It's a lot easier not being on a show, to live my life a little bit and do some of the others thing that I want to do, I don't have to be back at a certain time."

The paparazzi: "I'm with my boyfriend, for instance, and we're walking around. We're sure that no-one is taking our picture. We are sure of it. No one has followed us. No one is here. And then, a few hours later, it's like, 'Miley Cyrus Alert.' 'She was seen with a fan in public; they were kissing and hugging,' and you're like, 'What the hell?'"

[From Hollywood Life & The Improper]

I continue to think that Miley has spent the past few years doing a lot of growing up, and most of it has been done out of the spotlight. I think Miley's experience and transition to adulthood has been different from, say, Britney Spears because Miley, for all of her faults, is a smart girl. I'm not saying Britney is stupid… okay, well, maybe I am. Britney is a sweet girl, and she surrounded herself with smart business types, but there's a difference I see with Miley - she's inquisitive and interested in the world beyond her fame, she actually thinks about issues beyond clothes and music, and she struggling to be honest and forthright with her fans. I do admire her for all of that.




Photos courtesy of Prestige.

Linnocent: “You are way off par on your inadequate & negative assumptions”

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 06:32 AM PDT


These are new photos of Linnocent out and about in LA yesterday. In most of these photos, she's coming out of a hair salon, after getting her crackie blonde extensions fixed (I'm assuming). In some of the other photos, she's just wandering around, doing whatever. I know a lot of you will be talking about Linnocent's double chin. But look beyond the double chin - look at her crack face. I think she was getting high off of the "fumes" at the hair salon (meaning that she was doing lines while getting her crack weave fixed). She looks wrong. Oh, and she's driving again. She's got a Porsche. Just FYI for LA drivers - if you see a Porsche being driven by a blonde crackhead, just pull over and let her pass. You don't need the trouble.

Anyway, remember how Radar reported yesterday that Linnocent had barely made a dent in her 360 hours of community service? I took that report as the gospel, but Linnocent decided to issue a statement about it. I hear a lot of cracked-out denials, but I don't hear a lot of community service:

Lindsay Lohan has her marching orders, but is she marching to the beat of her own drum? The starlet was warned in July that it was time to start taking care of business regarding the terms of her probation, or else she would wind up behind bars. That would probably mean no products to promote, no celebrity weddings to attend and no nights out (eek!), so Lohan signed up for counseling and ratcheted up the community service.

Or did she?!

A report today stated that Lohan is still way behind when it comes to the 480 hours of community service she was ordered to perform, and that could mean trouble when she goes before a judge again next month.

We’ve seen pics of Lohan headed to a women’s shelter to do some good, but…that was awhile ago, and we’ve seen more pics of her not doing that since.

Smile for your booking photos, kids, because this rumor is… So false!

“I’ve done tons of DWC community service,” Lohan told E! News. “You guys are way off par on your inadequate and negative assumptions.” (Hey, we were just checking on someone else’s negative assumptions!)

Lohan’s rep also assured us that all was on the up and up.

“Lindsay has been performing community service at the Downtown Women’s Center for months now,” the rep said. “There are dozens of paparazzi shots of her going in and out of the facility. How could anyone think she is not doing her community service?”

Well, great, but Lohan’s camp had best get her to the morgue on time, too.

In addition to 360 hours at the DWC, the actress must also work for 120 hours at the L.A. County Morgue—a frequently utilized deterrent when it comes to young folks on probation for drinking- and drug-related crimes.

Lohan’s latest sentence, which also included 35 days under house arrest, comes from repeatedly violating her probation stemming from dual DUI busts in 2007.

As of July 21, she had completed 33 hours of community service, which has to all be done by April 2012.

Her next progress report hearing is Oct. 19. Here’s hoping the judge makes some positive assumptions.

[From E! News]

Crackie crack crackhead, she speaketh. "You guys are way off par on your inadequate and negative assumptions." Wait, inadequate AND negative? Inadequate meaning "insufficient" or "lacking" - meaning that as bad as our assumptions are, she's even worse? But the real story is that somebody gave crackie a thesaurus.

Second thing, from her rep - "There are dozens of paparazzi shots of her going in and out of the facility. How could anyone think she is not doing her community service?" Because there haven't been paparazzi shots of her going into the Women's Center for months. I know that the judge said that the paparazzi should stay away, but if Linnocent has been fulfilling her hours, don't you think the odd paparazzo would have gotten at least one shot? And WHEN has Linnocent been doing her hours if she's just being crackie at hair salons, the Marmont, various concerts and music video shoots?






Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

Kate Hudson’s dad: “I love her but she has done stuff that is just awful”

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 06:30 AM PDT


This story is kind of pathetic, and I’m not entirely sure that there’s a winning side at all, but there is definitely a douchier side with which to reckon. Kate Hudson’s biological father, Bill Hudson, has “written” his memoirs; and from what Radar has learned, Bill has really dug down deep to drag his daughter and her mother, Goldie Hawn, through the mud. At first glance, one might think that this is some sort of Billy Ray Cyrus-styled emotional blackmail (in the vein of fame destroying a family) at work here, but I think it’s not quite that deep. Instead, I’m thinking that Bill Hudson is a major wanker trying to make a buck off his daughter, who he says has done “horrible things.” Surprisingly, he’s not even talking about all of the crappy romantic comedies that she’s made! Instead, this has to do with Kate being a bad daughter and granddaughter, and he accuses Goldie of creating the perfect storm of “parental alienation” (which is a legal term of art that can be classified as child abuse) against him. If you ask me (and you haven’t), Bill Hudson shouldn’t have waited to bringing this complaint up in a public venue like a published memoir; but rather, he should have done so in a court of law when Kate was much younger. Yeah, this is gonna get messy:

Goldie Hawn and daughter Kate Hudson are about to be exposed by someone who was once very close to them.

Goldie’s ex-husband and father of Kate, Bill Hudson, has written a tell-all that will be released this fall and RadarOnline.com has obtained the cover of the book titled 2 Versions: The Other Side of Fame and Family.

Bill, 61, married Goldie in 1976 and the couple had Kate and brother Oliver Hudson together before divorcing in 1980, and the children were ultimately raised by Goldie’s life partner, Kurt Russell, who she met shortly after her relationship with Bill ended.

Reports surfaced earlier this year that Bill was shopping his tell-all book, and RadarOnline.com has learned pre-orders are already being taken online and it will hit stands on November 1, 2011.

“Life in the spotlight is not without its consequences, and the Hudson family was no exception,” the book’s website touts. “While enjoying success as a part of the 1970s musical group The Hudson Brothers, Bill Hudson fell in love and married actress Goldie Hawn.

“After their divorce, Bill found himself in the middle of the controversial issue of parental alienation. His rights as a father to see his children were often played out in the media because Oliver and Kate became actors themselves.”

Devastating secrets and salacious details of both Goldie and Kate’s lives are expected to be revealed.

As RadarOnline.com was first to report, Bill accused Kate of not visiting or calling her dying grandma, who is battling Alzheimer’s disease.

“Kate doesn’t have to talk to me and she doesn’t have to give her a dime of her millions. All I want is for her to call and say, ‘Hi grandma’, before it’s too late,” Bill said.

“I love Kate, but… She has done stuff which is just awful. She is a spoiled brat in my eyes and at the end of the day, she should meet her little sister. I should meet my grandchild and she should help her grandmother.”

Along with Goldie, Bill also had a marriage to “Laverne & Shirley” star Cindy Williams, and promises to dish on stories about her as well.

“Now Bill is ready to share his fascinating Hollywood stories of life as a teen idol and husband to two famous women, Goldie Hawn and Cindy Williams,” the book’s site says.

“His book also talks about how parents can often become alienated from their children when they don’t have primary custody. Hopefully, at some point, this family will be able to have a healthy adult relationship before it’s too late.”

[From Radar]

As an aside, according to Amazon, the actual title of the book is So You Are A Star: Coming to Terms with Fame, Infatuation, and Family. This book is also one that no one would probably buy without Bill injecting as much controversy into it as humanly possible because — let’s face it — nobody has really cared about Bill Hudson in a number of decades. While I’m not saying that Kate Hudson isn’t an entitled brat (she probably is), she certainly doesn’t deserve for her bio dad to be using her name to make money. There’s probably a good reason (more like several) that Kate has always considered Kurt Russell to be more of a father than Bill Hudson, and I think the fact that Bill is airing his family’s dirty laundry in public is a good illustration of why.




Photos courtesy of Fame

Gwyneth Paltrow will not judge “flawed” people for having affairs (cough)

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 05:58 AM PDT


Gwyneth Paltrow is slowly coming to terms with her crappy marriage. In recent interviews, it sounds more and more like the veil of snottiness is being lifted, and you can feel Dame Goop begin to show something like… human (peasant) emotion. In last month’s Elle interview, Gwyneth spoke about her marriage in less than glowing terms - go here for the recap. And now in a new interview, Gwyneth is talking about affairs. Keep in mind one thing, though: the writer makes it sound like Gwyneth just started talking about affairs out of the blue, but I think she was discussing infidelity specifically because her character in Contagion, the film she's promoting, contracts the deadly virus while having an affair on Matt Damon's character.

Gwyneth on romance: “I am a great romantic - but I also think you can be a romantic and a realist."

On flaws and affairs: “Life is complicated and long and I know people that I respect and admire and look up to who have had extra-marital affairs. It’s like we’re flawed - we’re human beings and sometimes you make choices that other people are going to judge. That’s their problem but I really think that the more I live my life the more I learn not to judge people for what they do. I think we’re all trying our best but life is complicated.”

Playing an adulterous wife: “If death by virus was a punishment for extra-marital affairs there would only be three dudes left in this world right now."

On her family: “I’m lucky - I have a wonderful, blessed life. I have two fantastically delightful children and a very nice husband, so… ” Then she adds, laughing: “Knock on wood.”

More on how she's the best mother ever: “I think before you have children your focus is on yourself and you think, ‘Oh what am I going to be? Where am I going to live? What am I going to do?’ And then you have children and they and their happiness, safety and security become the focus of your life. I just feel very lucky that I have them because they have completely given me a real life. I still haven’t done a starring role in a movie since I had my daughter because it means too many days away. I can’t do it. So I do good supporting roles, basically.”

Goop is afraid of everything: “We live in an over-populated planet and the farming practices, the way we’re cutting down forests, we’re going to be seeing more of this kind of thing but you can worry or just not worry. You can be smart and if you’re going somewhere where your body is not used to those germs, there are things you can do but I’m not overly paranoid about it. I have lots of fears but I think it’s important to remember the reason we have fear is to keep us alive. But it can also very quickly become an irrational thing so I always try to minimize fear. President Roosevelt said it best - ‘There is nothing to fear but fear itself’ - and it’s true because fear can be so paralyzing and can make you make bad choices.”

On religion: “I don’t believe in religion at all but it’s spiritual. I believe in a divine power and I believe that everything happens for a reason and if it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go.”

The Tracy Anderson Method: “I’m very committed to my Tracy Anderson method. I do it every day - well, I do it five days a week. So I drop the kids at school and I come home, I exercise for an hour and 15 minutes every single day. There’s no fairy dust, there’s no trick - it’s like you do it and it works.”

[From The Daily Telegraph]

The affair part of Goop's interview could be read as just Gwyneth trying to stand up for her character, of course. But if we extrapolate a deeper meaning… "Life is complicated and long and I know people that I respect and admire and look up to who have had extra-marital affairs." Like her husband? Like many of her BFFs? Like Dame Goop herself? I wish Goop would have an affair. And with someone good. I feel like she really, really needs to get laid properly.

Then… "It’s like we’re flawed" - Dame Goop, philosopher. OMG, this is the closest she's come to admitting that she's flawed, and she can only do it while using the Royal "We". "We’re human beings and sometimes you make choices that other people are going to judge." Gwyneth judges. She judges all the time. And she will judge you for judging her. "That’s their problem but I really think that the more I live my life the more I learn not to judge people for what they do. I think we’re all trying our best but life is complicated." Wow, she's growing up! It's like a Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment: Goop realizes that life is complicated and not everyone can be as perfect as she is.

Oh, and wasn’t Country Strong a lead role? Guess Goop is trying to shove that one under the rug?



Photos courtesy of Fame.

Anderson Cooper mocks Kate Gosselin

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 05:54 AM PDT

I love Anderson Cooper. Like not as much as Micheal K at D-Listed, and I’m not an Anderson-loonie or anything, but I’m getting there. The more this guy deigns to comment on pop culture, the more he endears himself to me. We last saw his adorably giddy laugh as he mocked Gerard Depardieu for peeing on the plane. (I’m sure Cooper has said plenty of other witty stuff in the interim, but it’s not like I watch CNN regularly. If it doesn’t reach the gossip bubble and isn’t big news, I usually don’t hear about it.) This time, he held it together as he lambasted Kate Gosselin for bogarting the pizza on a family road trip that was shown on the second to last episode of Kate Plus 8. In his aptly-named “ridiculist” segment, he laid out how obnoxious Kate was.

Now we heard about Kate’s freakout yesterday, but this is the first time I’m seeing the entire clip and Kate’s behavior is even worse than I thought. She demanded the last piece of pizza for her lover the bodyguard Steve, then she lambasted the nanny for letting one of the kids hand over the slice without wrapping it in foil first, calling it “disgusting,” since the kids have “dirty hands.” When the nanny Ashley tried to make it up to her by asking if she could make some mac and cheese for Steve, Kate shrilled “No, he doesn’t eat macaroni and cheese or salad! That’s my whole point!

Cooper explained it well. “Yeah Ashley, stupid Ashley the babysitter, he doesn’t eat macaroni and cheese or salad, that’s the whole point. This is your job. Haven’t you learned anything about the kids’ mom’s bodyguard’s culinary piccadillos? What are you even getting paid for?”

Ashley yelled out the window of the RV “We will survive, pizza is not a freaking big deal. I am so sick of your dramatics.” Then Ashley quit and left. (It was unclear yesterday whether she had quit for good or just ditched the road trip, but she did quit.)

Coopers summary is so clever. I’m sure a team of people wrote it, but that doesn’t make it any less awesome. “It is a cautionary tale really, so many lessons for all of us to learn. Wash your hands, guard your food, and if you somehow, against all odds, find a woman who is willing to help you take eight kids on a cross country road trip, for goodness sakes let her divide the pizza any way she wants.”

Did TLC throw Kate Gosselin under the giant bus, as a few of you commented on yesterday’s story? Producers easily could have cut that segment, but they know good viral-worthy television when they see it. It’s more like Kate dug her own hole, and continues to scream and belittle everyone from it. They probably have way more stuff they haven’t shown where Kate acts like a witch and have been holding back until now so she will continue to do the show. It’s just sad that her kids are no longer going to have a camera crew to buffer them from their mom’s rages. I’m praying that there’s an even worse Kate meltdown in the final. Bitch should go out with a bang.

Here are some hot photos of Anderson Cooper, because we don’t need any more Kate Gosselin. Does this guy ever take a bad picture?





Photo credit: WENN.com

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