Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Pippa Middleton Gets A Parking Ticket

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 01:30 PM PDT

Ooooh girl!

We live in LA. We know a thing or two about those!

Since we have suffered $68 a pop (the price of forgetting to move your car on a street cleaning day in LA regardless of whether or not the street sweeper actually shows up), let us give you some advice.

Do NOT wait to pay that thing. If London tickets are anything like ours, they will keep going up until you take care of them.

Nip that ish in the bud!

[Image via WENN.]

Juror Tries To Facebook FRIEND The Defendant In Court Case!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 01:15 PM PDT

Are you kidding? What would make ANYONE think this is remotely appropriate?

22-year-old pizza delivery man Jonathan Hudson was apparently serving jury duty in a car crash case in Texas, when he decided it would be a good idea to friend the DEFENDANT, Courtney Downing on FACEBOOK!

When she told her lawyer, Hudson was kicked off the jury and charged with contempt of court. He then pled guilty, and was sentenced to two days of community service.

Of course, this didn't stop the genius from once again messaging Downey over the social-networking site:

"I'm pretty upset over this…I guess you know what it feels like to be prosecuted too. Good luck with everything."

All right - WHAT?!

A) What would this guy have to gain from friending the person for whom he was serving JURY DUTY?! Is he stoopid?! You can't be friends when you're making a decision that will affect the court's ruling!

B) You contact her again? REALLY? As if she's at fault for his dumbass decision!

Absolutely RIDICULOUS!

You have no one to blame but yourself, buddy. Just be grateful the judge didn't come down any harder on you!

Mena Vs. Lindsay!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 12:45 PM PDT

So this is what Mena Suvari has been up to these days.

She along with fellow actress Dania Ramirez have made a spoof video titled A-s and Ti-ties and posted it on YouTube for all the world to see. And looks like NO ONE is off limits, especially Lindsay Lohan.

The ladies mock everyone from Lindsay to Nicki to Kim K!

And that's not all. When Lindsay caught a glimpse of the vid (that shows Mena stealing necklaces and stumbling around wearing an ankle monitor), she was none too happy. She even went so far to say that Mena and Dania are "pathetic" and are just using her to "stay relevant."

Way harsh, Linds!

Lighten up! It's all in good fun! Watch the video in question, above, and tell us what U think! Do U think Lindsay is overreacting??

Oprah Will Answer All Your Burning Questions In Upcoming Live Facebook Chat!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 12:30 PM PDT

Oprah, can you just accept our friend request already??

The Queen of Media wants to connect with you on Facebook! She'll be sitting down and chatting live with fans, answering all your burning questions on Sept. 8.

The streaming interview will coincide with Oprah's meet-up with industry bigwigs like Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Dick Costolo where she'll be discussing ways to boost traffic to her website, Oprah.com.

Even though her site gets an average 2.4 million visitors per month, she gets about 6.3 million fans coming to her Facebook! This will be Oprah's way to connect those Facebook fans to her website content.

If you wanna get in on the Oprah chat session, log on to FB at 1:30 PM PST on Sept. 8!

We wanna know how Oprah's been using her time since her show ended in May!

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" us on Facebook!

[Image via WENN.]

NASA Gets Their Panties In A Wad Over Apollo 18

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 12:20 PM PDT

Kind of like when the Church huffed and puffed over The Da Vinci Code, NASA wants the public to know the film Apollo 18 holds no ground in truth.

The film, which perpetuates the thought of government conspiracy and extraterrestrial nightmares, claims to hold footage leaked to the media revealing what really happened in 1972.

Apollo 18's trailer (watch above) reads:

In 1972, the United States sent two astronauts on a secret mission to the moon. Despite decades of denial by NASA and the Department of Defense, classified footage of the mission was leaked to the media.

But NASA's liaison for media, Bert Ulrich, sounds off:

Apollo 18 is not a documentary,. The film is a work of fiction, and we always knew that. We were minimally involved with this picture. We never even saw a rough cut. The idea of portraying the Apollo 18 mission as authentic is simply a marketing ploy. Perhaps a bit of a Blair Witch Project strategy to generate hype.

Okay, clearly the film isn't real, but films like these do raise certain questions.

Hmm, what do U think guys?

T.I.'s Wife Says The Tour Bus Issue Is A Bunch Of Bullshiz!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 12:10 PM PDT

If everything she's saying here is true, than we've gotta agree with her!

To recap, earlier today we learned that T.I. was taken back into federal custody after one day out of prison due to "confusion surrounding the method of transportation" he used to get to his halfway house.

Then, more details came out, and we heard that T.I. was taken back to prison because he said he'd be traveling to his halfway house in "some sort of van," and never informed prison officials that he'd ACTUALLY be getting transported on a massive tour bus with a 4-car motorcade.

Now, T.I.'s wife Tameka "tiny" Cottle has opened up about the tour bus issue, and she is NOT happy.

Here's what happened when T.I. entered the tour bus to leave prison, according to Tiny:

"[Prison officials] walked him over, took pics and told him good luck in life."

More from Tiny:

"This is a bunch of bulls**t...they should have said something before he got on the bus...T.I. would have politely gotten into a van."

"T.I. is one of the strongest individuals I know...and they just trying to break him in more ways than one and it's not gonna work! 'Cause what God got for him, can't no man take that away...period!"

Seems like this is starting to get messy! Wonder what prison officials will have to say in response to this!

Do U believe everything T.I.'s wife is saying? Do U think this is all a bunch of bullshiz???

[Images via AP Images & WENN.]

Even MORE Gossip Girl Spoilers! You Know You Love Us!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 12:00 PM PDT



Hello again Upper East Siders Perezcious readers!

We poured you some tasty juice yesterday with Gossip Girl spoilers, didn't we??

Well you're all in luck, because we have even more in store for you!!!

1. Bonjour Roxane Mesquida! The French actress graces the screen as the scheming sister of Prince Louis. And according to insiders, she is NOT happy with the upcoming nuptials between her brother and Blair so she's "hell-bent" on ruining the wedding. Uh oh! Better watch out, B!

2. The Big Bang Theory's Brian Smith will also be joining the cast. Brian is gonna cook up some drama as a chef in Hollywood with Serena. OOooOOOooo...

3. Want a little Catholicism in your gossip? Prince Louis has a priest friend known as Father Cavalia. Marc Menard plays the French-speaking religious figure in the role that execs say has option to become a series regular.

5. Yes, someone IS pregnant. No, it is NOT Darota! Though it would be super dramatic if it turned out to be S or B, our guess is B's mama!

6. Two of the GGers will stay in El Lay -- Serena, duh, and probz Chuck. We're thinking he needs something to get his mind off Blair, and he could totally expand his business on the West Coast.

7. Serena wants to get back into Dan's good graces, but it's not all about love.

8. CHARLIE IS BACK! And the Van der Woodsens need to watch the duck out! Oh and Nate, you too. Looks like she's attacking your tongue!

Questions we have left.... Is Georgina coming back? The end of Season Four sure as hell made it seem that way!

Also, will Leonardo DiCaprio ever cameo since S is spending so much time in Hollywood? Ha, probably not, but we can dream.

Siiigh, all these leaks definitely make up for the CW's lack of promos, right!?!

[Images via Ivan Nikolov/L.Gallo/David Bodrick/WENN.]

Shia LaBeouf And Marilyn Manson Are BFFs!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:50 AM PDT

Friends that cause controversy together stay together!

Shia LaBeouf reportedly had a public meltdown while hanging out with his GF Karolyn Pho and Marilyn Manson last Friday night, but that hasn't stopped Marilyn from becoming besties with Shia!

Check out the photo (above) of the two hanging out at a promotional event in El Lay for Manson's upcoming album A Born Villain.

Apparently Shia's directing a music video for Marilyn AND working on a documentary about the singer, so it makes sense that he might be inclined to put up with Mr. LaBeouf's behavior, at least for the time being.

Guess we'll see if these two are still BFFLs after their work relationship is over.

What do U think about Shia and Marilyn? Are these two a good team???

[Image via Fame Pictures.]

Mel Gibson: Ugh, Why Did I Spend So Much Money On Oksana's Singing Career?

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:40 AM PDT

Remember when Mel Gibson funded Oksana's pop dreams?

He paid to produce an album, a music video, and he even dropped the money for a production studio in her house.

But the truth has come out! He is "embarrassed" he promoted her "horrible" work.


Whatever, we're sure she's embarrassed she slept with a horrible man!

[Image via WENN.]

HawthoRNe Gets Canceled!

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:20 AM PDT

This hasn't been Jada Pinkett Smith's summer, has it?

Last month, she dealt with infidelity rumors (with co-star Marc Anthony, who hasn't exactly had the best summer himself) and now her show has been canceled!

What a bummer!

TNT canceled the medical drama HawthoRNe after three seasons. It's the second TNT series to get the axe, along with Men of a Certain Age. In a statement, the network said:

"TNT has decided not to order a fourth season of HawthoRNe. TNT truly appreciates the tremendous dedication of everyone involved in HawthoRNe. The series gave TNT the opportunity to work with many outstanding people, including Jada Pinkett Smith and the rest of the show's talented cast, crew, producers and writers. We wish everyone involved with HawthoRNe nothing but the best."

Chin up, Jada. This just means that it's time for new beginnings! Same to you, Marc!

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