

Did Angelina Jolie Steal Material For Her Upcoming Directorial Debut?

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 11:22 AM PDT

Angelina Jolie's first effort as a director, In the Land of Milk and Honey, will come out in December of this year. The film, shot in 2010 using regional actors, tells a love story set during the Bosnian War. The film sparked controversy during its filming, and now Bosnian-Croatian writer named James J. Braddock has accused Angelina of stealing source material from his own novel.

Braddock's book, The Soul Shattering, was published in three Balkan countries in 2007. Meant as a tribute to the women who suffered sexual abuse as a consequence of the war in Bosnia, the novel was written from Braddock's first-person perspective as a reporter on the front lines of the conflict. According to the writer, accounts from people involved in Angelina’s film make it clear that Soul Shattering (parts of which have been translated into English) served as the base for AJ’s script.

More detrimental that this alleged thievery are criticisms that Angelina has been generally ignorant of the history she’s invoking in her story. Several Bosnian-Herzegovinian women’s groups protested its filming back in 2010. James Braddock said of the situation:

“The story is absurd and shows Ms. Jolie's complete lack of knowledge of Bosnia-Herzegovina (and Croatia), particularly during the brutal Serbian aggression that started in 1990 and lasted for almost 6 years. In many ways Ms. Jolie is trying to ingratiate herself with the peoples living in Bosnia – people who never lived in ‘honey,’ but throughout the history remember ‘blood’ only.”

Angelina has stated that she wrote the script over a one-month period after finding herself flu-ridden and bored. Nowhere we’ve been able to track down has she explained where her knowledge of the conflict and characters came from.

The Soul Shattering is said to be coming out in English soon and Blood and Honey is only months away from release, so it will only become clearer how much of her script Angelina appropriated.

Post from: Crushable

Confirmed: The CW Will Make a TV Show Out of Sex and the City Prequel The Carrie Diaries

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 09:58 AM PDT

What a nice treat for Fashion Week: The CW has bought the rights to produce The Carrie Diaries, Candace Bushnell‘s YA prequel to Sex and the City. And the people helming the adaptation will be none other than Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, executive producers for Gossip Girl. So it’ll be tamer than HBO, but still probably have enough sexytimes to rile up the Parents Television Council.

The Carrie Diaries is actually a book series: The first novel was about Carrie Bradshaw’s senior year and first big love at a boarding school, while Summer and the City (which was just published in April) shows us when Carrie first meets Miranda Hobbes and Samantha Jones. We’re gunning for the writers to jump ahead to Summer, especially since the deal allows them to use material from the HBO series.

You see, Warner Bros. TV is the one who bought the script; they’re currently setting up a rights deal with HBO to incorporate “characters, traits and developments introduced on the Sex and the City series.” That opens up tons of possibilities for plotlines and drama:

  • Carrie’s abortion at 22, after a one-night-stand with a waiter
  • An even more preppy, prom queen Charlotte
  • Samantha’s partying at Studio 54
  • Carrie moving into her apartment about five years after she comes to NYC — assuming the series lasts five seasons, of course
  • Maybe a young Mr. Big, doing his thing around the city years and years before his car ever pulled up in front of Carrie
  • A much better version of this awful flashback from Sex and the City 2:

No word yet on who will play the ladies in their much younger forms, though we’re big fans of rumored stars Emma Roberts or Lizzie Olsen to play young Carrie.

Oh, and please steer clear of including Sarah Jessica Parker‘s musing narration!

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The Daily WTF: Wedding In A Vending Machine

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 09:54 AM PDT

This vending machine has everything you need to have a wonderful wedding: rings, marriage certificates, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Okay, not Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, but those would probably stain your pretty white dress anyway.

Although if you’re getting married out of a venting machine, you’re probably not the type who’s into cream-colored Vera Wang gowns? This machine sits at a novelty shop in Detroit, but they can also be made to order, filled with all the wedding items you request. Just for you on your special, special day.

Anyone got 85 cents I can borrow?


Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Ryan Gosling’s Fans Are Disappointed When They Meet Him

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 09:08 AM PDT

Ryan Gosling is just having an awful couple of days. First the actor got all embarrassed about breaking up that street fight in New York, even though we all thought it was great. Now he tells E! News that fans mistake him for fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds or even Paul Bettany, and then get pissy when they find out it’s him. (Clearly, these people are stupid.)

He runs Ben Lyons – who’s kind of being a dick re: his gym clothes, not gonna lie — through how his interactions with fans in New York usually go:

“‘Oh can I get my picture with you?’ And you’re like, sure, and they’re like, ‘I thought you were more muscley.’ No… ‘Have you gotten, like, more unattractive for a role?’ No. Just the role of my life.

“Sometimes they’ll take a picture with me and then they’ll look at it, and I’ll see their faces fall and they realize when they look at the picture, that’s not Ryan Reynolds.”

We obviously need to hit the streets of NYC and find Ryan for a much-needed self-esteem boost. Because a) we would never call him unattractive, and b) we wouldn’t confuse him with Paul Bettany. And whoever would give Ryan this face shouldn’t be let near any star.

Aww, buck up, kiddo!

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Video: The New X-Factor Promo Will Make You Cry

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 09:08 AM PDT

As you may know by now, Simon Cowell is bringing his singing contest “The X-Factor” to America. As far as I can tell, it’s a lot like American Idol, only with no age limits and more menacing action movie music. A new eight-minute promo goes over what each judge is risking to be there (well, what Simon and former Def Jam chair L.A. Reid are risking), before showing us some of the contestants. It’s way gripping!

First there’s “Xander Alexander,” who is unnecessarily bitchy to Simon. He responds to a totally reasonable question with an insult. He is crazy! We don’t get to hear him sing, but he sure is sassy (odds on him making it into the competition?) Then there are a lot of people who try to sing, but can’t, which is funny. Then there’s an adorable 13-year-old girl who can sing, and it’s amazing! And a 42-year-old single mother who can really sing, and also cries a lot, which makes you, the viewer, feel like crying also. I laughed, I cried, and then I laughed again. Basically, this commercial will make you feel totally bipolar. It’s almost enough to make me want to watch it when it premieres on September 1st, even though I know they’re not going to sing any songs I like, because they pretty much never do. Good job, promo-making people. Good job, ovaries.

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Video: Serena Williams Freaks Out, Calls Umpire a ‘Hater’ at U.S. Open

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 11:06 AM PDT

Tennis is obviously a high-pressure sport, but that was no excuse for Serena Williams to lose her shit at an umpire who docked her a point for yelling when her opponent’s ball went out at this weekend’s U.S. Open finals. The cameras got a perfect shot of her sitting during the changeover telling umpire Eva Asderaki, “If you see me walking down a hall, walk the other way” and “I’m attractive inside.” What?

In perfect timing, right after the commentators say, “I’m glad she’s restrained herself,” Serena lets loose on Eva. She calls her a hater, though it’s unclear what she thought Eva was attacking her for — for being black, female, or famous for grunting and screaming her way across the court?

Serena William is a star. That said, a lot of her look and antics seem counter-intuitive to traditional tennis standards: She wears short, bright outfits and (inexplicably) expensive dangly earrings. This is pretty similar to last week’s video of Madonna calling out a reporter for bringing her hydrangeas. There’s no question that both women are incredibly talented, but there’s a line where you suddenly think your privilege and success gives you the right to be a bitch.

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Megan Fox Weight Gain Story Spreads Misconceptions About Veganism

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 08:22 AM PDT

So there is a story going around the major celeb news sources that was probably planted there by Megan Fox‘s publicist to show how healthy, sane and low maintenance she is. The story goes like this: Megan Fox is vegan. Megan Fox gets scary skinny and simply cannot gain weight no matter how hard she tries. Megan Fox stops being vegan, gains a tiny bit of weight, is a hero of body image. The headlines read: “Megan Fox Ditches Vegan Diet For Curves,” “Megan Fox Shows Off Curves After Ditching Strict Vegan Diet,” etc.

Except the diet described in the article sounds less like veganism and more like, um, starving yourself. “For a year and a half, until about four months ago, I followed a strict vegan diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, no bread, sugar and coffee,” she told Amica Magazine (as excerpted by The Daily Mail). “But I had lost too much weight. So now I eat a bit of everything. And I train three times a week doing circuit training with my trainer Harley Pasternak.”

This does not sound like a “strict vegan diet” to me. What “a strict vegan diet” really means is “an actually vegan diet,” i.e. one that eschews all animal products. As a “strict vegan,” I eat a lot more than raw fruits and vegetables. In addition to fruits and veggies (which I sometimes cook), I eat beans, grains (including bread), nuts, legumes, tofu, seitan, soy products, and yes, even (vegan) sugar. I’m actually eating a chocolate chip cookie right now. For breakfast. Suck on that, Megan Fox.

What Megan Fox actually described to the press is a bullshit raw food diet. Bullshit raw food diets are primarily practiced by three groups of people: those who know they are bullshit but want to drop a few quick pounds for Fashion Week before they go back to eating people food; New Age-y “health nuts” who believe in an alternate reality of junk science; and people flirting with disordered eating. If she wanted to gain weight but stay vegan, she could’ve started eating healthy fats like nuts and avocados, drinking protein shakes, or heck, even having dessert once in a while. Not to mention bread. Bread is delicious, you should try it! Of course you are not going to be able to gain weight if you restrict yourself to a single food group. That’s just common sense.

But the word “vegan” gets way more pageviews and angry comments than the phrase “weirdly restrictive celebrity gauntness diet,” so they stuck it in the headlines anyway. And now she’s on some other snake oily sounding thing called The 5 Factor Diet. To which I say: whatever. Do whatever kooky diets you want, eat as many adorable animals as you want, but please do not make people associate your food weirdness with what is actually, for many, a very doable lifestyle. It’s totally possible to be both an animal-lover and a person who is not hangry all the time. I know this because I have achieved it. It’s time to stop perpetuating misconceptions.

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Hot Shot: Jason Momoa at the Beach

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 11:30 AM PDT

Conan stud Jason Momoa spent the weekend in his home state of Hawaii, where he went paddleboarding, worked out on the beach, and pranced around topless for all the world to see.

The actor, who also appears in Game of Thrones, can next be seen on the big screen in Bullet to the Head alongside Sylvester Stalone. Hopefully no shirts at all will be necessary.

(via Just Jared)

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Hey Canadian Readers! Become Our Facebook Fan, Enter To Win Two Tickets To See ‘Abduction’ Before It Premieres (And The Movie’s Soundtrack)

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 07:05 AM PDT

What would you do if you found out that you've been living a lie? Well, that's what happens to hunky Taylor Lautner in Abduction, an exciting thriller that hits theaters September 23. (The film’s name also reminds us of Taylor’s most amazing asset: his abs. Get it — AB-duction?)

Not only is this action-packed flick Taylor’s first starring vehicle, allowing him to leave his Twilight wolf behind while undoubtedly propelling him to Tom Cruise-like megastar heights, but it also stars Tay-tay’s real life girlfriend Lily Collins, among other high profile co-stars: Sigourney Weaver, Maria Bello and Alfred Molina. And you know every action movie needs a heart-pounding beat: this soundtrack features tracks by Train, Oh Land, Lenny Kravitz and Raphael Saadiq. Would you like to know what happens before everyone else? Well, if you love Crushable and live in Canada, you’re in luck. Two lucky Canadian fans of Crushable on Facebook will win an Abduction prize pack that includes two tickets to the premiere of Abduction (in various cities across the country) and twp copies of the movie’s soundtrack. All you have to do to enter to win is “Like” Crushable on Facebook.

This amazing opportunity isn't restricted to one city – there will be screenings in Toronto, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa and Halifax on September 21 and in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton on September 22. The winners will be able to choose whichever location is better for them.

To enter to win, all you have to do is be a fan of Crushable on Facebook. If you're already a fan, you've been entered to win. If not, you'll have until 5 p.m. EST on Friday, September 16, 2011 to click here and hit the "Like" button. You must be 18 or older to enter and live in the Canada to be eligible to win. (Full terms and conditions here.)

Not on Facebook? No worries. Leave a comment below telling us what your code name would be if you were a spy. Have fun with your comments! You'll have until 5 p.m. on Friday, September 16 to leave a comment and be entered to win. And, don't forget to use your real email address when commenting so we can reach out to you if you are picked to win.

For more info about Abduction, make sure to watch the movie trailer, and check out the soundtrack, too. And don't forget to become a fan of Crushable on Facebook to get access to more giveaways and deals like this in the future.

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