

Hot Shot: Richard Simmons In His Workout Clothes

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 10:56 AM PDT

Richard Simmons is pretty well known for the wacky ways he tries to “energize” people to get off their asses and exercise. Lately, those methods include wearing brightly colored tutus. Here he is arriving at a Beverly Hills gym to teach a class yesterday afternoon.

Those pearls, that hair, those shorts, that’s like Marcel Marceau, Wilma Flintstone and a Chia head had a baby. Shine on, you crazy diamond. Shine on.

Looking pretty good for 63! And here he is at LAX:

Richard Simmons can wear tights under his gym socks because Richard Simmons can do whatever he wants.

(Via ICYDK and Best Week Ever)

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Art Crush: Mastergram Runs Famous Photos Through Instagram

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 10:39 AM PDT

If you’ve been anywhere on the Internet over the past months, you’ve no doubt seen the fruits of Instagram – the app that allows users to run their cellphone photos through “artistic” filters and upload ‘em to the site. The application’s pretty controversial amongst photography enthusiasts who wonder, “Um, is choosing a Polaroid filter all it takes to take good pictures?”

Joining the conversation is the blog Mastergram, a tumblr that challenges the service by running famous photographs through Instagram filters. Their tagline is, “Remarkable photos made better (or worse) using Instagram.” It’s pretty fascinating stuff. Here are some examples — we put the original before the Instagrammed version for comparison.

Harold E. Edgerton - Bullet Through Apple,  1964

Post from: Crushable

Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Went To Disneyland Together

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 10:01 AM PDT

Ryan Gosling, of the Making-Dreams-Come-True Goslings, is apparently dating his The Place Behind The Pines co-star Eva Mendes. I guess I’m obligated to make some joke about how disappointed I am that he is not dating any/all of us here at Crushable, but our boyfriends would probably be sad if that happened, so perhaps it’s for the best.

The 30-year-old dreamboat recently romanced the sophisticated 37-year-old lady by taking her to a place where everyone feels like they’re 12 again: Disneyland. According to Us Weekly, the two kissed, hugged, held hands, skipped, rode all the rides, and fed each other cotton candy and churros. (Is Eva introducing him to exciting new Latin American snacks?) Basically, they did everything you did with Ryan Gosling in your dreams last night, minus the really weird part.

Here are some photos. Try not to get jealous.

Hey girl, I made you this magic hat that will render you invisible to the paparazzi. I’m still working out the kinks.

Hey girl, I like it when you kiss me on the base of my skull.

Hey girl, I’ve got my love cannon aimed straight at your heart.

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Interview: Frank Warren Hopes the PostSecret App Will Enhance, Not Replace, the Website’s Original Creativity

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 09:57 AM PDT

Five years ago, strangers began writing their darkest, most embarrassing, most intimate secrets on postcards and mailing them to Frank Warren, who would post them on an anonymous blog that became known as PostSecret. The phenomenon has touched our generation, because it allows them to admit to failings and fears without being found out — and the postcards themselves are wonderfully creative. Since the blog’s inception, Frank has published five collections and gone on speaking tours across college campuses. Now, he’s following the next logical step: Create an app.

The PostSecret app — available now for iPhones, and soon for Android phones — is a community project: Frank invited the over 80,000 members of the PostSecret community to suggest what features they’d most like to see. It allows you to search secrets posted in your hometown or even landmarks like a local school or business (although the users stay anonymous); to post secrets in media forms that don’t fit on a postcard; and to “like,” share, and respond to secrets with your own anonymous comments.

Of course, there are questions about how the app will jive with the original site: Will people use the more convenient app and spend less time decorating postcards by hand? Can the app be hacked to find out users’ identities? We spoke with Frank about the project and the ways in which it changes but still honors his original intention, as well as what it means to be keeper of all these secrets.

How does the app work, exactly?

You can look at a map and find a certain area. You could find all the secrets that were submitted by people in your school, city, office building, etc. When you submit a secret, it never actually posts where it comes from [i.e., your phone]. You're allowed to choose a location or place to tag it with—your city, school, the nearby Burger King. Whatever you think's appropriate that's nearby. It allows people to reach out and make a connection to someone who shares a connection that resonates with them.

So if someone shared a secret about sexual abuse, you can share advice or comfort.

And it’s connected to suicide hotlines, right?

Yes. We had the community help us create this suicide prevention resource that’s incorporated—that any app creator can use as well. At any point while using it, you can query the app and say, “Show me the closest suicide prevention hotline and chatlines near me.” Boom, you’ve got that inspiration at your fingertips.

How are secrets posted with the app different from the postcards mailed to you?

One secret created with the app was, the user took a photo of someone twirling fireballs, and wrote "I never fit in and I like it that way." The visual image really connected with the sentiment.

Who do you think the app will most appeal to?

I think young people really connect to the app; that's why I do the tour and speak on college campuses. Young people in their twenties aren't in that place in their life where they're not wedded to an identity; they really want to know the difference between truth and bullshit. They're more vulnerable and courageous.

Do you think this'll limit the number of postcards you receive?

My dad was visiting this week, and he thinks I'm going to get very few postcards. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works. I think secrets are infinite; it's not like they're a limited resource.

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Parenting Lessons from Teen Mom: RUN! IT’S THE POPO!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 09:21 AM PDT

This season has been an interesting one to watch for a relatively new reason: We already know a whole bunch of the things in store for the cast, because we were able to witness them unfolding in the papers and tabloids when they were actually happening. So, then: We already know the what. Now we get to see the when (relative to the rest of the season, that is) and the why. And this episode, the shit really starts hitting the fan…


I can't stress this enough. Cue the sirens, because AMBER GOT ARRESTED and charged with domestic battery. Bizarrely, MTV doesn't give us any context for this; we don't know whether there was an event that triggered it or anything. Weird. As Gary talks to his mom about the whole thing, we find out that Amber's been given a no-contact order– but for some reason, Gary's still going to go visit her in jail to talk about what all this means. Carol tries to reassure Gary that the court will have to take into account the fact that Amber has been doing everything Child Protective Services and whatnot told her to, but Gary's still scared. GEE, I WONDER WHY.

DO: Listen to the Rolling Stones.
Gary, however, wasn't allowed to see Amber when he went down to the jail to check things out. Back at home, he explains the no-contact order to his mom. It is what it says: Amber isn't allowed to have any contact whatsoever with Gary. However, this does NOT apply to Leah. How are they going to work it out? Through middle-men or something. Maybe messages in bottles? Paper airplanes? Pneumatic tubes? Naturally, when Gary isn't allowed to see Amber, he misses her the most. In the words of the great philosopher Jagger, Gary: You can't always get what you want.

DO: Ask for help when you need it.
When Amber gets out of jail, she's trailed home by journalists, of course. It's a good thing she's got her mom chauffeuring her around; after dropping Amber off at home, she heads over to Gary's to pick Leah up. Amber's mom and Gary chat about the importance of communication, which is somewhat ironic, given that Amber and Gary aren't allowed to talk to each other. When Amber's mom arrives back home with Leah, Amber reflects on her time in jail. She says that even though she was only locked up for 4 hours, it felt like days, and that she now has a much greater appreciation for everything she has. She then tells her mother that she needs her back in her life—she's "not done growing yet" and needs her help. Her mom promises she'll be there for her. Hugs. Tears. Do I believe Amber? Maybe. I'd like to. I really would. I'd like to think that she'll finally try to straighten herself out, if only for the sake of her child. Shame we already know that she's going to lose custody of Leah.

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The Daily WTF: This Dog Has the Longest Ears of Any Dog in the World

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 09:00 AM PDT

Harbor is an eight-year-old Coonhound from Boulder, Colorado who holds the Guinness record for having the longest ears of any dog in the world. Each of his ears is over a foot long! Can you believe it? According to his human Jennifer Wert, Harbor’s record-holding head is so nutty that when he was a puppy he would trip on those dumb, stupid, wonderful long ears. I would give anything in the world to see video of that. I love him. So much. Do you want to see more pictures of Harbor? Of course you do.

One ear is more than an inch longer than the other ear! Harbor, you remarkable goddamn genius, you.

So, road trip to Boulder, guys? We can just hang out at the dog park and wait for Harbor to show up. I don’t care how long it takes because, to reiterate, I love this creature with all of my heart.


Post from: Crushable

The Youngest Kardashian Will Walk In Avril Lavigne’s Fashion Show

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:56 AM PDT

14-year-old Kylie Jenner, the littlest member of the Kardashian-Jenner family, is getting ready to make her runway debut as part of Avril Lavigne‘s showing of her Abbey Dawn line at New York Fashion Week next Monday.  The queen of mall punk style might not be the first person you’d mentally associate with the Kardashians, but they are actually pretty good friends. You see, Avril Lavigne is now dating Brody Jenner, half-brother to Kylie and step-brother to Kim, and hung out with the Kardashian klique at Kim’s recent wedding.

Despite the people involved, this is marginally less annoying than the whole “Ali Lohan iz high fashun” thing, because Avril Lavigne is not using her to model couture. The hoodie-and-t-shirt heavy collection is designed to appeal to insouciant teens who hang out at Hot Topic, so it’s definitely age appropriate. Does young Kylie dress like that in real life? Probably not. But maybe this will activate some dormant neo-Goth-punk-emo urges in her, which would be fun. Can you imagine her showing up to the family dinner table with an eyebrow ring and one of those Myspace exit wound haircuts? Or hiding in her room listening to Good Charlotte? Or dating that creepy Trace Cyrus kid??? Please, please, please let this happen.

(Via Refinery 29)

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Gallery: The 16 Most Touchy-Feely Fan Photos from the Twilight Convention Tour

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:43 AM PDT

We just discovered the official Twilight convention tour, where the stars come to you for autographs, parties, and tidbits on Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2. Different actors visit different cities — you’ve got Booboo Stewart in Chicago, but Nikki Reed in Orlando — but what they all have in common is a collection of hilarious and only slightly uncomfortable photos of fans meeting their favorite Twilight actors. It must be something about the series, because in these shots the fans and stars are embracing (and biting) like old friends.

(all photos from the official site)

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Music Video: Wild Flag’s ‘Romance Us’

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 08:18 AM PDT

Wild Flag – Romance from Merge Records on Vimeo.

Wild Flag‘s an awesome rock ‘n’ roll supergroup I saw open for Superchunk and Bright Eyes a few months ago. Featuring lady luminaries Carrie Brownstein (Portlandia‘s own), Janet Weiss, Mary Timony and Rebecca Cole, the band was destined to be awesome and so far they’ve yet to disappoint.

The video for “Romance Us” places the band members in a office setting and then takes them out of it on a bizarre coffee break. Animal masks are included on account of it being 2011, which seems to be the year of the animal mask. Thumbs up, Wild Flag!

Post from: Crushable

You Can Thank Yoga for Gwyneth Paltrow Saving That Woman’s Life on 9/11

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:09 AM PDT

We already know about how Gwyneth Paltrow “saved” a stranger’s life by nearly hitting her with her SUV, which made the woman late for work… at the World Trade Center, on September 11, 2001! But apparently it takes Gwyn about three weeks to catch up with the Internet, because only now is she giving her “humble” response to this harrowing tale of bravery and chance. As you might’ve guessed, her response is pretty oblivious.

Basically, what happened was I had gone to a yoga class very early… I was on the way home and it was the morning of September 11 — not that I knew at the time what that meant — and a girl was jaywalking across the street and we kind of both stopped at the same time and waited a really long time.

Ten years later I got a letter from her saying that she had been late for work and we had that thing and she went down to the Christopher Street station to catch her train to go down to the World Trade Center where she worked on the 77th floor of the South Tower and the train was just pulling out.

So had we not had that interaction she feels like her life would’ve taken a much different course. She called it her “Sliding Doors moment.” It was an extraordinary story and all I could think about is all of the people who had experiences like that that day, but aren’t able to reach out because it wasn’t a recognizable person.

Oh, Gwyneth. We know that you’re trying to sound like a normal person, and you bring up a pretty reasonable point — that the story is more exciting because a superstar like you is directly involved — but it still sounds more self-congratulatory than contemplative.

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