Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

My Chemical Romance Drummer Expresses Regret For Stealing From The Band

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 01:00 PM PDT

Exactly what do you have to say for yourself, Michael?

On Sunday, we were VERY disappointed to hear that My Chemical Romance drummer Michael Pedicone was fired after he was caught stealing from the band following their Friday night show in Washington.

Now, the ex-drummer has opened up about stealing from the band, and he's saying that it was the "poorest decision of [his] life."

Here's what Pedicone had to say about his EXTREMELY poor decision:

"Almost as soon as I began touring with MCR I ran into problems with a member of the band's crew who I'll not name. The problems were many, big and small, but some of them were large enough that they began to greatly impact me and, by extension, my family."

"I'd reached my wits' end, and I made what was certainly the poorest decision of my life. I would have liked an opportunity to share my side of the story with MCR, an opportunity to express my remorse. I was never given one."

More from Pedicone:

"Rather than address the issues that I had with the crew member in an open and honest manner, I tried to make them look irresponsible. My intention was to make this person look incompetent. I had no intention of profiting whatsoever. Again, I cannot overstate how poor my judgment was in this situation; it was a tremendous mistake, and it's one I'll regret for years to come."

"I'd like to thank MCR's members, crew and supporters for giving me some of the best musical experiences of my life in the past several months. However brief our partnership, it was an honor and a dream come true to play with such a talented bunch of individuals."

We appreciate your candidness, Michael, but what you did was still unbelievably irresponsible and inexcusable. Hopefully you'll learn from your mistake and not make similar errors in judgment in the future.

What do U think about MCR's ex-drummer's words? Does he deserve forgiveness???

[Image via WENN.]

Nick Jonas Back On Broadway In 2012!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 12:45 PM PDT

It's a tween's dream show!

If any of you were privied enough to see this JoBro perform at the Hollywood Bowl this past summer, you know what the Al Hirschfeld Theatre is in for!

It was officially announced today that Nick Jonas will be taking over the lead role in How To Succeed In Business... on Broadway at the end of January. He'll be pinched as Mr. Finch shortly after Darren Criss takes over the role for Daniel Radcliffe at the start of the new year.

We so enjoyed him in Hairspray last month and we think this show will be a perfect fit for him. He has so much energy, so much drive and you certainly need both to pull off the Grand Old Ivy routine!

Congrats on the role, Nick! It's well deserved and we're sure you'll love it.

Hopefully, the stage manager is buying the staff earplugs as we speak!

[Image via WENN.]

Wepa! We Have Gloria Estefan's New Album Cover!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 12:30 PM PDT

WOW! You can just FEEL the culture in this!

The artistry! The colors! The singer!

Everything is PERFECT!

This is the cover to Gloria Estefan's new album Little Miss Havana. Gloria actually commissioned LEBO, a Miami based Cuban American pop artist, to create the packaging.

And such a wonderful job they did! Bueno! Bueno!

Between the music we've heard and now this fabulous cover, we couldn't be MORE excited to get our hands on the new album. WE WANT IT NOW!

Oscar Producer Brett Ratner Opens Up About Eddie Murphy As Next Year's Host

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 12:20 PM PDT

Yesterday, Eddie Murphy officially announced that he would host next year's Oscars, and we were thinking that this could be a great opportunity for the formerly-HIGHlarious actor to prove himself to the world once again!

Now, Oscar producer Brett Ratner has opened up about Eddie as the next host.

Here's Brett on how it all came together with Eddie:

"I got the job a few weeks ago, and I just started thinking about who would be great to host. I was told that 20 people would say 'no' to me before I would get a 'yes.' I mentioned it to Eddie, and he said, 'That's a great idea!' So for those who think I was planning this, it was not something that was planned. It just happened that I'm making a movie [November's Tower Heist] with him. We had a great time working together. We have a great relationship — he probably wouldn't have done [the Oscars] if we didn't have that relationship. From what I understand from Don, who does a lot of these live event shows, Eddie is constantly saying 'no.' He's very elusive, but I think he thought it was a great idea to do it together."

More from Brett on Eddie's eagerness to sign on as host:

"When it comes to hosting the Oscars, you cannot twist anybody's arm to do it. The first thing we as producers know is that if somebody steps out on that stage at the top of the show, they have to be completely comfortable. They have to want to be there. They got to be committed, and they got to feel good about it. And this is Eddie's world — performing not only in front of a live audience as he did on SNL, but in front of a crowd like he did with Raw and Delirious. No one's better at this than him."

Brett on Eddie's ability to be funny while keeping things PG-rated:

"I just did Tower Heist with him, and he was funny as hell and didn't say one bad word. Yes, he's a surprising talent, and he's going to surprise people and be irreverent. But he also knows how to not only entertain the crowd, but how to move people. He's a storyteller — that's what makes him so special as a comedian. It's a different type of comedy. If you watch his [stand-up] shows, regardless of the curse words, he told great stories."

And here's how Brett believes Eddie will bring "tremendous heart to the show":

"The heart comes from having a host who really has such love for not only their job, but for what they're there honoring. All [Eddie and I] talk about is movies. All we talk about is great moments in film. Eddie probably watches a few movies every single day. That makes it poignant when you have somebody who has such love and respect for something, instead of someone who's just going up to tell jokes. He was at my house for my birthday, and I had Al Pacino and Warren Beatty there, and he was so in awe of them. And I was like, 'But you're Eddie Murphy!'

All sounds very encouraging! We're truly making the effort to be optimistic about this one! We would LOVE IT if Eddie killed it as the host!

As we said before...put that game face on, Eddie!

What do U think about Brett Ratner's comments? Did they change your feelings on Eddie Murphy as Oscar host at all???

[Images via WENN.]

Arnold Schwarzenegger And Bruce Willis Sign On For MAJOR Roles In The Expendables 2!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 12:10 PM PDT

Deplorable scandals aside, let's take a moment to acknowledge that the childhood dream of basically every man who was a kid in the '90s has just come true!

It was slightly over a year ago that Sylvester Stallone opened up about his massive plans for The Expendables franchise, which included a director's cut AND a sequel.

Now, LOTS of progress is being made on The Expendables 2, and we've just learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis have signed on for substantial roles in the action flick!

Filming stars this October, which will take place around the same time that Arnold shoots Last Stand, and right before Bruce shoots Die Hard 5.

A bunch of the original cast members will also be returning, and other new additions MAY include Jean-Claude Van Damme and......drum roll....CHUCK NORRIS!

Chuck Norris doesn't sign on to The Expendables 2.............The Expendables 2 signs on to Chuck Norris.


How do U feel about this flick? Are U willing to give Arnold a second chance???

[Image via WENN.]

Check Out Matthew Perry's New Pad!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 11:50 AM PDT


Matthew Perry has reportedly bought one hell of a bachelor pad in the Hollywood Hills - a 4,000 square foot, 3 bed, 4 bathroom home, fitted with top-line appliances and even a private media room, all for the very reasonable price of $8.65 million!

Ch-ch-check out photos of the property (above and below)!


We guess someone's still got a chunk of change leftover from his Friends days!

EXCLUSIVE! Shannen Doherty's Home In Shambles After Roof Collapse!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 11:40 AM PDT

Poor Shannen Doherty!

PerezHilton.com has exclusively obtained an image of the Beverly Hills, 90210 star's Malbu home, which is in shambles after the roof collapsed, allegedly stemming from a leak after not being tarped properly when repairs were being done!

Ch-ch-check it out (above)!

Yeesh! What a disaster! We certainly hope she has good insurance!

Nobody should have to deal with that kind of damage because of someone else's mistake!

Hang in there, gurl!

What Celebs Are Saying About The Boy With Pink Hair!

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 11:36 AM PDT

The response to our new book has been overwhelming!

We were very nervous about how The Boy With Pink Hair would be received, but it's been so heartwarming to see that it embraced with welcoming hands (buying the book)!

And, we've gotten some amazing quotes from a very eclectic group of celebrities, who read the book and love it too!

Here's what they have to say:

"I wish, when I was young, I had a book as touching and beautiful as this to teach me about the journey of self-acceptance." - Lady GaGa

"When I was little my mother said to me, 'Cher, different is just another word for special.' My mother was right and so is Perez. This is an adorable tale full of whimsy and meaning!" - Cher

"A story that will resonate with any child who has ever felt weird or different. (It's a) wonderful way to tell our children it's important to celebrate each other's differences and the things that make each child unique and special." - Gloria Estefan

"...A beautiful story about dignity, self-esteem, and the importance of parents' unconditional love. The social healing process begins when we focus on these values when raising our children." - Ricky Martin

"... A precious little story about being special, being accepting, understanding, tolerant and above all saying it's okay to be different." - Dolly Parton

"Whether it's pink hair or a little individuality, everybody has the right to be who they are, no matter what others say. " - Selena Gomez

P.S. CLICK HERE for information on how you can get your copy autographed by Perez and personalized through the mail!

Kara DioGuardi Debuts On Broadway

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 11:30 AM PDT

We haven't read the reviews yet, but judging from the smile on her face, at least it looks like she had a great time with it.

Kara DioGuardi debuted on Broadway last night with her first performance as Roxie Hart in Chicago. Starring alongside Amra-Faye Wright, she tapped, sang and twirled her way onto the ever-growing list of Hollywood ladies to get a start on the Great White Way with a little Hart!

Check out the gallery (below) to see some pics from her opening night!

Congrats, Kara! Hope it was everything you wanted to be!

[Image via WENN.]

Rosie Gets Honest! Opens Up About Anger Issues And Divorce

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 11:20 AM PDT

Rosie's back and she's more honest than ever.

In the October issue of O magazine, not only did Ro open up about working on her new show for OWN, admitting that it's the first time she's been "excited" for something in a long time, but she also spoke honestly about getting over her anger issues and the downfall of her marriage with Kelli Carpenter. She revealed:

"You know, I think I had a lot more rage than I was aware of. But I've gotten back access to my other feelings. I'm not cut off from my emotions anymore … The rage has gone away … There's been a healing.

I had, like, zero estrogen. And since I got some, I've been able to function more normally. I've stopped being so angry."

Her new outlook on life is also why she calls this stage in her life "a new beginning." Back in 2007, her marriage fell apart when she and Kelli realized they were two different people. Rosie explains that it was "humbling and humiliating ... In the O'Donnell family, no one had ever divorced." As for why the two ended things, Rosie goes on to explain some of their differences:

"She wanted to play tennis at the country club, and I don't do country clubs. I tried. "They made an exception for a gay family, and we joined. It was a big thing: 'They let in a gay family – whoo!' So I show up to play with her, and somebody comes out and says, 'You can't play unless you have tennis whites.'"

Wait. Did they really argue over tennis? We hope there's a lot more to it than that! And we're sure there are.... Sorry you and Kelli couldn't work things out, but seems like you two now have a mature relationship for the sake of your kids. And things are on the up and up for you! Good luck to you and your show!

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