

Lagerfeld on the royals: “Bad proportions, ugly hats, short skirts on fat legs”

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 08:38 AM PDT


I kind of love how accessible Karl Lagerfeld has been recently. I feel like he's really beginning to enjoy the press aspect of his job, and he enjoys the response he's getting to his now-frequent interviews - which just proves that Karl surrounds himself with ass-kissing sycophants, because Karl's interviews are famously INSANE. Anyway, Lagerfeld gave a new interview to Style.com, and it is epic. I can't even cover all of the parts I love, but you can read the whole thing here. Here are some highlights:

On his collaboration with Macy's, and his thoughts on department stores: "I learned a lot of things, [but] the work of the American department store is something I knew quite well from the past. They made European designers in America, because [these designers] had no advertising. It was not like today. They made the shows, and really promoted them, and educated the American public about European design. That was another world, another time. But that does not diminish my sympathy for department stores… People don't shop the same way. There was no Internet. We live in another world. It's a new start. What I love best in life is new starts."

On people seeing behind the sunglasses: "You don't ask a marionette what a marionette really thinks. I'm totally myself. I became 100 percent my image, so maybe there's nothing else behind it. It's like talking heads."

High/low fashion, and middle-class fashion: "I loved to do H&M because it was an experience. People like me were supposed to be into exclusivity, unapproachable. That's what I hate most. I think it's very démodé. T-shirts for ten dollars are even more fashion today than expensive fashion. But the middle has more problems. That's a point we don't talk about. The middle has not so much class, in terms of fashion."

Does Lagerfeld "try" to create an image for himself? "I don't even try. From you to me, I don't know anything myself. I am flattered, because I don't understand. I don't sing, I'm not an actor, I have no scandals, I am a decent working-class person and people are interested in me, which I think is extremely flattering. I can say what I think. Maybe I should think deeper and open my mouth not as quickly."

On boredom: "I'm not scared. How can you be scared of being bored? Only boring people are bored. When they say they are bored, the only thing I can say is, "It's right, you're boring, too." Because there is so much to do, to read, to know, the idea of being scared of being bored doesn't even enter my mind, because the day only has 24 hours, my dear."

On TV: "I like if I'm on TV; watching it is not my specialty. I prefer what I see in my mind—I get second-rate images delivered there for free. But I'm not too bad on TV. I commented on the English [royal] wedding for the [French] state channel. Normally they don't have a huge audience, but with me doing it, we had nearly 50 percent and the others had only 30 and 20 percent. An event like that is fun to do because I can make jokes, and jokes of the lowest kind are not against my mentality. But I don't want to do it all the time, hmm?"

The fashion of no-fashion: "That is a fashion, too. The fashion of no-fashion is another fashion. I agree. But I think it's horrible that people have to be told. Don't smoke! Everybody knows it's bad for the health. But they have to forbid it. But I'm a bad example. I never smoke, I never take drugs, I'm never drunk, because I like only what I'm doing—work, reading, learning, sketching, taking photos. For the rest, my lack of passion or interest for this kind of thing makes it perhaps too easy for me to judge others. I'm surrounded by people who drink and take drugs. It doesn't bother me at all, even when I know it's bad for them. I'm not teaching them."

The royal wedding of Kate & William: "Sure, sure, sure. I do the things they ask me. But this was not a collection, this was the choices of this kind of woman for this kind of ceremony: the bad proportions, the ugly hats, the short skirts on fat legs. [When asked about the "fairy-tale" aspect of it]. But royalty is very trendy, no? Now it's in. It goes back to the very values you talked about before, you see? The old game coming back. People are excited by it. There is no political ideology for the moment, so they have to turn to something they can identify with."

On empires: "I don't want an empire. I work for several empires."

On Dominique Strauss-Kahn: "I love DSK. I love his wife. They are great people and when they came back to Paris I sent them flowers. But you know, for people in politics, it's very embarrassing. On the left they had hoped he wouldn't come back, because I think other people want his job. And on the other side…but even in America, Clinton survived his blow job."

On DSK and whether his actions were consensual: "They all do it in the political world. They get horny from politics, from power. And he had unbelievable charms. He is really charming. He's fun, he's great. He's a sweet guy—as long as you're not a woman. That's the problem."

[From Style.com]

My favorite comment is the one about the royal wedding - "the bad proportions, the ugly hats, the short skirts on fat legs." It seems like Karl hates the British royal family - but he's down with Monaco! He's friendly with Princess Charlene. The worst comment was all of the stuff about DSK, though. I hate when people gloss over sexual assault like it's the same thing as a consensual act, but maybe Karl was offering us a hint of DSK's character - "He's a sweet guy—as long as you're not a woman. That's the problem."



Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

Reese Witherspoon was hit by a car while jogging

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 08:22 AM PDT


Reese Witherspoon is a very dedicated runner — a fact that is evidenced by countless paparazzi shots that capture her in the act. Honestly, I don’t know how she puts up with that aspect because, when I’m working out, one of the last things that I’d ever want would be for someone to take a picture of my red, sweating face. At any rate, that’s an incredibly minor concern compared to what Reese experienced yesterday. While the photos above and below are certainly not a depiction of the events that occurred, they certainly set the scene, for Reese was out for her usual jog when she was struck by an automobile. Thankfully, she is okay now — probably pretty banged up — but okay enough to return to her home after undoubtedly getting checked out by a doctor:

Reese Witherspoon was hit by a vehicle on Wednesday afternoon.

The incident occurred during a jog in Santa Monica, Calif., a rep for the actress, 35, confirms to PEOPLE. The driver, an 84-year-old woman, was cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, say reports.

Explaining that she was not seriously injured, the rep says Witherspoon is “resting comfortably at home.”

Santa Monica police Sgt. Richard Lewis told the Associated Press that Witherspoon was jogging in an unmarked crosswalk when she was struck.

[From People]

What a scary incident, but unfortunately, it’s altogether a common experience. Most of the runners I know have been “clipped” more than once in their tenure, which is why I usually wimp out and run on a treadmill at the gym. Hopefully, Reese will be back in form soon enough and will be able to resume running, which is an activity that she clearly enjoys. I just hope she stays lucky and doesn’t have to worry about all of the less than careful drivers out there.



Photos courtesy of Fame

Is Lady Gaga bangin’ that hottie fin-humper Taylor Kinney?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 08:02 AM PDT


I don't think much of this report, but maybe that's because I want Taylor Kinney all for myself. According to Radar, when Lady Gaga removed her bedazzled meat monocle and saw Taylor Kinney at the music video shoot for "You & I", she liked what she saw and decided to make Taylor her lovah. I should also point out that there were similar reports about Gaga and Norman Reedus after he appeared in her video for "Judas". I didn't mind the Reedus reports, just because he kind of has a serial-killer face, and I wasn't into him. But Taylor Kinney? I found him so, so hot. Still do. So this is sad if it's true. Here's the "You & I" video again:

I think it's sexy when Kinney starts humping on her fins. He's so HOT. Which makes this so sketchy.

Let's hope this doesn't turn into a Bad Romance! Life imitates art yet again, as RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal that Lady Gaga has embarked on a hot new relationship with You and I video co-star, Taylor Kinney.

The two met in late July on the set of said video, and have been dating ever since.

"It was just casual at first, but things are getting pretty hot and heavy," a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com.

And indeed the handsome twosome were getting steamy when they popped into beachside bar, The Sneak Joint in Mission Viejo, California on Sunday September 4 for a few shots of Johnny Walker.

"I couldn't tell it was her at first," a Sneak Joint patron tells RadarOnline. "It just looked like some hot couple making out, but then I realized it was Lady Gaga! Everyone went nuts! She was so sweet too — she even signed some autographs."

Then, on Monday September 5 Gaga and Taylor were spotted walking hand in hand on Mission Viejo's main drag, Mission Boulevard.

"Her hair was a little messy. It definitely seemed like a 'morning after' situation," our eyewitness says. "They are obviously totally into each other!"

And on Tuesday September 6 they were spotted yet again — this time on the beach!

So just who is this mysterious hunk that has won the heart of pop's reigning princess?
30-year-old Kinney is an avid surfer who starred as Mason Lockwood on the hit series The Vampire Diaries. He hails from Pennsylvania and lives in Mission Viejo, a beach community in southern Orange County, famed for its sky scraping waves.

[From Radar]

I'd be willing to bet that Gaga is still with Luc Carl, now and forever. I'd also be willing to bet that Gaga hasn't had a man-made orgasm in years. I just don't think she can ever stop "performing" at this point, so how could she ever cut loose and enjoy herself with a man? But if Taylor is hitting it - and there seem to be lots of "sightings", right? - then I guess it's good for Gaga. She needs a MAN to do things to her and get her out of her crackhead.

Oh, and Gaga was just confirmed for Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2012 - she will perform in Times Square for the 40th anniversary of the show.




Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame.

Russell Armstrong’s sister claims he was murdered & it wasn’t suicide

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 07:56 AM PDT

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Russell Armstrong’s sister, 45 year-old Laurie Kelsoe, claims that there’s no way her brother could have killed himself. This comes in a new report on The Today Show, (above) in which Russell’s sister is interviewed and the narrator claims the family says he was murdered. To be fair it was the Today Show, not the sister who was interviewed, who threw out the term “murder.” They state that his sister “said there is no doubt he was murdered,” although she never exactly says that in the clips they show. It’s more like shock and disbelief on her part. The only thing she says to that effect is “From the minute I got the call, I knew it was not suicide.”

The coroner’s report claimed there were “no signs of foul play” however, and his death was ruled a suicide. Today also interviews a guy who owns the addiction and recovery website The Fix, and who was working with Russell on possibly investing in his site prior to his death. Russell’s sister Laurie used to be a meth addict five years ago when she was going through a divorce, and Russell paid for her to spend months in rehab. Russell approached The Fix about becoming a backer, and expressed a seemingly genuine interest in addiction issues. There’s a very good first person article there about their dealings with him prior to his death. In that article, Laurie is quoted but she doesn’t say anything about Russell possibly being murdered. The guy who runs The Fix also expresses doubt that Russell could have killed himself, but he never mentions foul play or anything. Here’s a little more, but I would recommend you read the full article if you’re interested, it’s very well written:

Since they first met at a party six years ago, both Taylor and Russell Armstrong assiduously cultivated a reputation as a high-flying power couple. But days after Russell’s suicide, their carefully crafted facade fell apart. According to Laurie Kelsoe, Taylor, an Oklahoma cheerleader whose original name was Shana Hughes, had changed her name to Taylor Ford and allegedly claimed to be claimed to be a member of the famous Ford family. "But we had a friend who knew the Fords in Detroit, and they didn't know anything about her. We knew she was a phony from the beginning, but Russell wouldn't hear of it," Laurie said.

After Armstrong's death, Taylor was pilloried as a venal social climber who tried in vain to keep up with her much wealthier fellow cast members. When Kelsoe first visited the couple's lavish new mansion, she remarked how beautiful it was. "It's nice," Taylor reportedly replied, "but it's not $40-million-dollars nice." Kelsoe claimed that Russell had reluctantly agreed to appear on the show to satisfy his wife’s social ambitions. “He spent all his savings to maintain Taylor’s illusion that they were wealthier than they were," she said, "He did anything to make sure she was happy, but nothing was ever enough."

Even so, after his death it was Russell who bore the brunt of the media's assault. Last Thursday, TMZ reported that Armstrong had beaten his wife so badly that she had stayed out of public view for weeks. The New York Post reported that he was a regular visitor to gay porn sites and had a proclivity for S&M. Back in Texas, Russell’s distraught sister, one year sober, read these revelations about her brother with horror. She had returned to the small town of Denton with her two sons to build a new life. But last week she broke her anonymity to speak out in Russell’s defense. “He’s not the man they’re saying he is,” she said, speaking from her ranch north of Dallas. She tearfully recalled her brother’s support at a time when other friends and family members had given her up for dead. “I was badly hooked on meth,” she said. “Russell visited me in rehab very week I was there. He paid for my care there and looked after my children. He called me every single day. He made sure I had everything I needed. I don’t recognize this man they’re talking about in the papers. I honestly would not be alive today if Russell had not been there for me.”

Disgusted with the media's lurid rumors about Armstrong, she's eager to set the record straight. "My brother is not gay. He's not into S&M. His biggest mistake was falling in love with Taylor," she said, adding with a note of irony: "Which is a form of masochism, I guess." She noted that neither Taylor nor Bravo have bothered to contact her or her family since Russell's death. "Not even a bouquet of flowers—only lawyers."

She then wnet on to make some stunning accusations about Taylor—claiming that she stole watches, car keys and thousands of dollars from Russell's bedroom soon after she discovered his body. Kelsoe said that her brother had been saving the cash to pay the college funds for his two teenage children from a previous marriage. "Taylor is a liar and a thief," says said. "Her entire life's ambition was to become a Housewife—you know, she was pregnant when they got married. She wanted a man, she wanted tons of money. and she wanted to be in the limelight. She’s just a gold-digger who reinvented herself and dragged my brother down in the process.” She was especially disgusted by the notorious $65,000 birthday party that Taylor threw for her five-year-old daughter at the former Harry Houdini estate: "That party was a complete embarrassment to everyone,” she says. “We don’t behave that way around here.”

Soon after Armstrong’s death, sources say, Bravo briefly considered canceling the top-rated show. But they quickly decided to carry on. The season premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is set to debut on September 5. The conflict between Russell and Taylor was to be a key storyline of the new season. Armstrong's family has demanded that Russell be excised completely from the show. "If they have a shred of decency, they won't make us live through this," Kelsoe said.

She alleges that Bravo execs, unhappy with early footage of the latest season, had informed Taylor that she would be fired if she didn't amp up the drama. "Well, they got what they wanted," she said. "Russell only did this to please his wife. Bravo never told him, ‘We are going to torment you, destroy your marriage, empty your life and rip you apart. Now will you please sign on the dotted line?’"

[From The Fix]

In that article, Laurie makes it sound like her brother was pushed to suicide, and it’s only now in that Today interview that she’s calling it suspicious. The most interesting part to me is the suggestion that Bravo is working to smear Russell after his death, and that they showed him as this wooden unlikable character that wasn’t anything close to his personality. Still, there were so many lawsuits against him, and so many verifiable charges of domestic abuse, that I tend to think at least some of it was true. Also, that stuff about Taylor snatching up all his watches and money immediately after discovering the body is pretty damning, but who knows if it’s true.

Incidentally, it wasn’t mentioned in this article or on The Today Show that Russell’s business partner committed suicide about a day after he did. To me that suggests foul play more than any arguments you could make about his state of mind. (Not that I’m saying it was, just that it should be been brought up by the sister.) Neither of the men left a note.

Russell Armstrong and Taylor Armstrong

Rosie O’Donnell blames her rage issues on ‘zero estrogen’

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 07:12 AM PDT

Rosie O’Donnell is the co-cover girl on Oprah’s O Magazine this month (because Oprah never lets anyone get the cover unless she standing right next to them as they lick her ass). Rosie is attempting to remake her image after seeming so pissed off at the world when she stood her ground against View co-hostess Elisabeth Hasselbeck, quit that job and then later mildly trashed her then-employer, Barbara Walters. (Who deserved it, but still.) She’s got a new show on the OWN network and Oprah has to present Rosie as reformed and back to her old ’90s koosh-throwing self. I think that ship has sailed, but admittedly I haven’t listened to Rosie on satellite radio lately. Many of you have commented that she’s got a great show despite the dumb sh*t she often says.

So here’s how Rosie explains away her breakup with her longterm girlfriend, and her anger issues. She tends to place blame on external factors instead of taking personal responsibility, but it sounds like she understands that she needs to change her image.

Rosie O’Donnell opens up to Oprah Winfrey in O, The Oprah Magazine about her split with Kelli Carpenter, how she calmed her rage, why she takes to being a mother-of-four, what led her to the OWN network and more in an in-depth Q&A between the talk show legends.

In the interview, O'Donnell opens up about her 2007 split from ex Kelli Carpenter, calling it “humbling” and “humiliating.”

“In the O'Donnell family, no one had ever been divorced,” the Exit To Eden star explained.

O'Donnell told a story about their conflicting lifestyles that ultimately led to their split.

“She wanted to play tennis at the country club, and I don't do country clubs. I tried,” O’Donnell said. “They made an exception for a gay family, and we joined. It was a big thing: ‘They let in a gay family – whoo!’

“So I show up to play with her, and somebody comes out and says, ‘You can't play unless you have tennis whites.’”

O’Donnell told Winfrey that receiving estrogen treatments has helped her stop seeing red all the time.

“I had, like, zero estrogen. And since I got some, I’ve been able to function more normally,” O'Donnell said. “I’ve stopped being so angry. You know, I think I had a lot more rage than I was aware of.

“But I’ve gotten back access to my other feelings. I’m not cut off from my emotions anymore.”

O’Donnell held little back in discussing her four children, admitting that she often connects better with the young’uns than she does adults.

“The truth is, I’m a little socially awkward — with adults, I still need Relationship 101. But I was always comfortable around kids and always wanted a family of my own.

"I would die for any of my children, and, more importantly, I would live for any of them."

O’Donnell returns to the air with the debut of The Rosie Show on OWN next month; Winfrey gave her prize acquisition huge words of praise, saying that "in 25 years of doing my show, only one competitor ever seriously challenged me in the ratings: Rosie O'Donnell.

“From the day Rosie took her place among the crowded field of talk show hosts, I knew she had the 'It' thing," Winfrey said.

O’Donnell returned the praise, admitting she passed on a network deal to hitch her wagon onto Oprah's brand.

"I was actually on the verge of signing a new deal with NBC, and — this probably sounds kiss-assy, but it's true — just before I was about to sign, I remember saying to my agent, 'Doesn't Oprah have her own channel? Can we call there?'

“If I was going back to entertaining, I wanted to work with you," O’Donnell said.

[From Radar Online]

I find it very hard to believe that Rosie was on the verge of signing a deal with NBC. She had a live variety show on NBC in the fall of 2008 that was absolutely unfunny, awful, and completely tanked in the ratings. Oprah kind of says it all when she explains that she’s never had competition from any other talk show hostess. Now she’s Rosie’s boss, and I’m sure she’s relishing that.

As for the estrogen stuff causing mood problems, I’ve heard that before. It must be really tough to go through menopause. US Weekly has some more quotes from the interview in which Rosie says that hormone shots changed her life.

There’s a promo clip for Rosie’s new shown on the OWN website. It’s kind of disjointed and annoying.

Oh and the cover is just so fug. Rosie is holding a stage curtain over her front, but it looks like she’s lifting up her dress to reveal fishnets and gold combat boots with her toes pointing inward. It’s awful and they made her all clownish while Oprah got to look glam. Typical.



Sofia Vergara’s Vanity Fair photo shoot: gorgeous or tacky?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 07:08 AM PDT


Sofia Vergara is profiled in the new issue of Vanity Fair, the one with Angelina Jolie as cover girl. Two of my forever biscuits in one magazine? It's like Christmas! Especially since Sofia's pictorial is absolutely gorgeous - prettier than Angelina's, in my opinion. I think I like the photos so much because Sofia looks so… glamorous and old Hollywood. Sofia does "down-market" very well, probably because she seems genuinely grounded, funny and accessible. She seems "real". Even when she's doing magazine photo shoots, they rarely make Sofia look so classy and not-of-this-world. To be fair to Sofia, she brings her bombshell quality to everything she does - she doesn't have to "try" to be sexy. She just is. But these photos… she's really one of the great beauties working today, isn't she?

A beauty with charm and impeccable comic timing, Sofía Vergara is just as much an international success story as she is an international sex bomb. Discovered in a G-string on a beach in her home country of Colombia, Vergara went on to wow Latin America and parts of the U.S. as a major presence on the Univision network.

The forward-thinking creators of the hit ABC sitcom Modern Family had the sense to write a part especially for the 39-year-old actress—that of the demanding, hilarious Latina princess Gloria Delgado-Pritchett, for which Vergara has earned a 2011 N.A.A.C.P. Image Award and a Screen Actors Guild award, not to mention Emmy and Golden Globe nominations.

She lives in Los Angeles with her 18-year-old son, Manolo (named for a key character in Scarface), who is a recent graduate of the Gunnery school in Connecticut. Next up, Vergara is set to appear in Gary Marshall's rom-com New Year's Eve and the Farrelly brothers' reboot of The Three Stooges.

In her spare time, when she is not tweeting (@SofiaVergara), she is raking it in as an entrepreneur of sorts, having struck deals with Diet Pepsi, CoverGirl, and Kmart.

[From Vanity Fair]

I wish they had done an interview with her - Sofia is usually funny in interviews. Sigh… I love her. Anyway, Sofia is also going to be one of the biggest names at the Emmys, two weekends from now. She's not only nominated (for Supporting Actress), but she's also been named as a presenter.



Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair.

Kate Gosselin on the cover of People Magazine again, ‘I’m really scared’

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 06:19 AM PDT

Kate Gosselin somehow scored the cover of People Magazine, yet again, to sell her lie of a “single mother, working for my kids” schtick that’s as hackneyed and easy to see through as Lindsay Lohan’s “I just want to focus on my work” mantra. This just goes to show how totally out of touch People Magazine is. Last year, this nasty bitch got at least four People covers. (That I can find.) You would think she would have sealed her fate with the American public by showing her true, petty colors on Dancing with The Stars, but she’s still in the good graces of someone at People and I hope they pay for it with pitifully low sales this week. Maybe they figure the cute kids will make up for Kate’s face.

peoplekategosselinKate Gosselin’s long-time TLC show Kate Plus 8 has been canceled, and she’s the first to admit that the transition from reality star to regular mom isn’t going to be an easy one.

“I’m freaking out. Big time,” she tells PEOPLE in the new issue.

Her kids, twins Cara and Mady, and sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel “weren’t ready,” to leave the show, which has been airing since 2005, she adds. “Nobody was. I’ve never quit a job in my life without having something else lined up. I don’t know what’s next.”

But Gosselin, 36, whose messy divorce from husband Jon played out in the tabloids – and on TV – in 2009, vows to work hard to keep the lifestyle she’s provided for her kids.

“I told them I will work my fingers to the bone to make sure that they can stay here and go to their school,” she says. “There are no guarantees in life for anyone, but they know that I’m giving it my best shot.”

The final episode of Kate Plus 8 airs Sept. 12 on TLC.

[From People]

Kate has no idea what it means to work her “fingers to the bone.” She’s been making “ends meet” by wagging her fingers, barking orders at people and spending more time on personal grooming than she’s ever bothered to spend with her kids. I have no sympathy for this wench whatsoever. She made a reported $500,000 on Dancing With The Stars. Her take last year was estimated to be around $1 million, but was probably much higher since she was reported to make $250,000 an episode for Kate Plus 8 and there were 17 episodes this season. With some careful planning, that money could last for years. Instead she’s been living the high life, acting like a spoiled teenager, and is now “scared” that her money won’t last. She should have thought of that a long time ago.


Ali Lohan gets an entirely new face and is scary thin

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:57 AM PDT

Note: These are not the photos we are referring to. These are from July. See the photos here

Several of you sent us this article on Yahoo! asking that we cover Ali Lohan’s new face. We don’t have access to the photos, but you can see them on D-Listed, where they have several more that show that this isn’t just a trick of the light or a bad camera angle.

This is the most striking photo comparison (from TheFabLife, where they also have more) and it’s frankly hard to know what to say about it. I mean, it’s obvious what to say: she got a nose job, her lips are plumped, she may have gotten cheek implants and it looks like she had an eye lift too. She also lost a lot of weight she didn’t need to lose and practically looks emaciated.

Ali is still 17 years old, so as FabLife points out, her mom had to sign off on all these surgeries for a girl who just barely stopped developing. This seems so much more abusive than the boob job that Ali’s sister Lindsay got at 17. (That’s just a rumor, but there’s plenty of photographic evidence. Lindsay also had a nose job and regularly gets lip fillers and now Botox.)

Ali has denied that she’s had a nose job. In 2008, Lindsay called a photographer a “pedophile” when he asked her about Ali’s possible boob job at the age of 15.

We heard in August that Ali had scored a multi-year modeling management contract. Back then Kaiser reported that she thought “Ali got a ton of plastic surgery so she could ‘model.‘” She was right, but we didn’t know the half of it. Ali looks ill she’s so thin and drawn, and the surgeries have given her a waxy, freakish look. I hope it settles for her and that she’s able to strike out on her own and escape her mother’s influence at some point. She always seemed to have it more together than her older sister, but then Lindsay seemed to be ok when she was 17 too. It’s just sad. She was so pretty before. At 17 she can do anything, preferably focus on her education. Instead, she’s become a “model” and has wrecked her features with surgeries. I blame Dina Lohan.

Toddlers & Tiaras features child in Pretty Woman “prostitot” costume (update)

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:42 AM PDT

It was just last week that everyone was up in arms over a mother shown on Toddlers & Tiaras who put a padded butt and boobs on a four year-old to dress her up as Dolly Parton for a child pageant. This week, we’re treated to a little girl named Paisley (I can’t find her age, but she has to be around four or five Update: she’s three!) dressed up as Julia Roberts’ prostitute character from Pretty Woman and strutting on stage in front of a backdrop painted to look like the Beverly Wiltshire hotel. Another pageant mother, with a little girl dressed more appropriately in curls and a cute dress (but still wearing makeup, natch) narrates that it’s stunts like that which give pageant moms a bad name. Try to watch the clip above without your having your mouth involuntarily hang open.

In tonight's episode of TLC's “Toddlers & Tiaras,” little Paisley trots out on stage in a pair of thigh-high vinyl boots, spandex miniskirt and wig, identical to what Julia Roberts' character, a low-rent Hollywood hooker, wore in 1990's "Pretty Woman."

The backdrop to the tiny streetwalker's sashay was a cardboard facade of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel–where Richard Gere's wealthy character kept his concubine for the flat rate of $3000 per week.

"I would never, ever do that to my little girl, ever," says the mother of one of the other contestants. "Us pageants moms already take a huge rap for what we're doing to our little girls, and it's outfits like that that give us a bad rap."

She's not kidding. The Parents Television Council not only condemned Paisley's mother, but the network airing "Toddlers & Tiaras."

“We have a serious problem when a network formerly known as The Learning Channel features a toddler, who probably hasn’t even learned to read, dressed as a prostitute showing off her sexy strut," The PTC said in a statement issued to TMZ.com. "There’s no question, TV executives are complicit in robbing these small kids of their childhood. For years we’ve seen adult sexuality being inappropriately and aggressively foisted on innocent young children, but children today are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. All available data suggests they will suffer for it later in life.”

[From FoxNews.com]

In what universe is this ok? I get that Pretty Woman an iconic movie from the 90s that this kid’s idiotic mom probably watched over and over when she was in grade school parked in front of the TV while her own mom was off getting drunk and sleeping around. It’s about a hooker, though, and she not only dressed her kid up as a hooker character, she had her walk around in front of a whole backdrop she painted, as if the child was working a streetcorner! It’s outrageous. This makes putting some fake T&A on a kid look like like a decent alternative.

Update: Several of you have commented that this little girl won the Ultimate Grande Supreme title. Also TMZ has an interview with the mom who did this to her daughter, and she claims this outfit isn’t that revealing and then she gets all defensive and says it’s better than forcing the kid into sports. Really.


Gwyneth Paltrow: Motherhood “gives your life real meaning”

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:12 AM PDT


These are new photos of Gwyneth Paltrow in London last night, attending an event for Coach. She’s the new face of Coach, and by attending this event (which was likely in her honor), she missed the NYC premiere of Contagion (where she would have had to share the spotlight). I don’t know who did the houndstooth coat, but the dress is Lanvin. What’s up with Goop and the orange dresses lately? Doesn’t she realize that orange doesn’t do anything for her? Also: I hate her shoes. Guess who else came to the Coach event? Chris Martin! Of course, they weren’t photographed together or anything - they arrived and left separately, and Chris was dressed down in a hoodie, like a jagoff.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about a new interview with Dame Goop. Gwyneth was speaking to E! News, probably just giving a simple confirmation that she wants to appear on Glee again when suddenly, out of the blue, she went Full Garner. Remember Jennifer Garner's interview, in which Jennifer claimed, "There's no deeper want for a woman" than to be a mother? Well, Dame Gwyneth sees Garner's anti-childfree sentiments, and raises her a statement that is dripping with patronizing sanctimony. And it's all about Beyonce, of course.

Seeing how Gwyneth Paltrow has made such a splash with her unforgettable appearances on Glee, it only makes sense that fans would want to see her return. That is, of course, she doesn’t even think about trying to hook up with Matthew Morrison.

So, what does the Oscar winner have to say about another possible encore performance?

“I would love to go back on,” Paltrow tells E! News. “You know, I’m not sure if I will or not, but we’ll see. It would be hard for me to say no. I have such a good time doing that show. So, we’ll see if they ask me back or not.”

Until then, the actress is keeping busy promoting her latest film, Contagion. The thriller, centering on the worldwide outbreak of a deadly virus, reunited the actress with her Talented Mr. Ripley costars Jude Law and Matt Damon, who plays her husband in the flick.

“It was so great to work with him again,” she says. “We’re different in a lot of ways with all our kids and so we talked a lot about our kids and showed pictures.”

Speaking of rugrats, Paltrow is so “happy” that her good friend Jay-Z and his wife Beyoncé are expecting and admits that becoming a parent really puts everything in perspective.

"It's wonderful to see her so happy right now," Gwyneth tells E! "And so looking forward to the experience. I'm very happy for them."

“I think motherhood is the biggest blessing of all time and it give your life real meaning,” she points out. “It’s always interesting when you’re a woman with success and you’ve achieved a lot, and then you have a baby and you realize everything you thought was an achievement really is nothing until you have a kid, and I think that will be [Beyoncé's] experience.”

Any advice for pal Jay-Z?

“I’d tell him directly,” says Paltrow, adding with a laugh: “But I wouldn’t say it on television.”

[From E! News]

Where to start? I guess I'll start with my simple admission that I'm not a mother, I've always thought I would be a terrible mom (to real children, not fur babies), and the way my life has gone thus far, I doubt motherhood will ever happen for me. I'm fine with it. I don't see my life as incomplete or "less than" because I don't have babies. It's my body, my life choices, and if you want to have babies, God bless. Don't judge me and my choices. I just get so tired and sad with women telling me that motherhood is the best, that your life only starts when you're a mother, that I will never know how great it is, implying that women without children are shells of women, without real, authentic experiences because they haven’t become moms.

Goop's statement - “I think motherhood is the biggest blessing of all time and it give your life real meaning. It’s always interesting when you’re a woman with success and you’ve achieved a lot, and then you have a baby and you realize everything you thought was an achievement really is nothing until you have a kid.” WTF? I understand what she's saying intellectually, that this was her experience, that she feels like she only grew as a person when she became a mother. That’s HER experience. But to dismiss any and all OTHER acheivements as "less than" becoming a mother? To associate ONLY motherhood with giving one's life "real meaning"? Ugh. God, I just hate Goop. Just keep in mind that her second biggest blessing of all time is her bedroom bathtub.





Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

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